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Show J BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1936 easttremontoni By Mary Fridal Mrs. Hazel Van Leuven of Downey, and Mrs. Alice Buxton of Evans, were of Mr. and Mrs. Elton New- ten Sunday and Monday. The sewing club met Saturday at the borne of Faye Garfield. The time was spent in completing: their projects. Delicious refreshments were served to Faye Garfield, Bemice Brough, Roma Peterson, Af ton White, Vera Kay, Mrs. P. E. Ault and Mrs. guest Ira Fridal. Mrs. Elton Newton spent Tuesday Holt left for California Tuesday with the Future Farmers' Association. City. n O. L. Brough spent Saturday and Miss Sylvia Bourne visited in Sunday. Sunday in Salt Lake City on busi ness. A splendid program was rendered Mrs. O. L. Brough and family ac- - by the M. L A. in conjoint meeting companied by Orpha Heppler and Ber I Sunday night consisting of: A vocal nice Stokes of Tremonton, spent Sun solo by Misa Parry, accompanied by Mrs. Ruby Jones. Brother Bueland day in Salt Lake. Mr?. Ada Garfield spent the week Severson was the first speaker, and end visiting friends and relatives at spoke on "The Challenge to the American Fork. Church;" following was a song by 5 A large number of people from here of the eighth grade girls, entitled, attended the conference at Salt Lake "Praise Ye the Father". The chorus consisted of Maurine Welling, Beth City over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woodruff were I Johnson, Beth Richards and Donna Salt Lake City visitors over the week I Wood. Brother Lewis Cannon was the I second end. . speaker, and chose the theme, The J. A. bridge club met Friday I "Genealogical Work' at the home of Mrs. Lee Woodruff. I Howell Cannon and wife of Cedar Delicious refreshments were served to I City spent several days in Fielding I thirteen members. having been called here on account Mr. and Mrs. John O. Garfield vis-- 1 of the illnes and death of Mr. Can ited friends in Draper and Salt Lake I npn's. mother. Another son, Howell Cannon of Panguitch was also called City this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill and chil home. dren spent Saturday at Salt Lake. Austin Seager of Logan, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. FAG15THRE3 at Salt Lake 'as usual its penneVsfoo the Og-de- 9 .00 Q 1 rtUflA na OS Off TO I ASWEUAS R)f4TllRIITYGBOWN;URSt coe If II V 08 V mm , RECONDITIONED the following re- We have conditioned and late model cars for sale: FORD DELUXE FORDOR. 1935 DeLuxe Plymouth 1934 t Heater Sedan ly Tubes. Puncture-Proo-f 1930 tires DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN. 1930 CHE V. SEDAN. 1930 FORD COACH. 1934 CHEV. SEDAN. 1929 HUPMOBILE SEDAN. 1929 DODGE SEDAN. 3 CHRYSLER SEDANS 1928 STUDEBAKER SEDAN. PONTIAC 1927 SEDAN. OLDS COUPE. WYLLIS KNIGHT SEDAN. 1930 1928 1933 CHEV. Vi, 157 W. B. TRUCK. 1931 FORD V2, 157 W. B. TRUCK. 1929 FORD PANEL. 1929 FORD PICKUP. 1935 CHEV. PICKUP. TWO Good Truch Chassis for Wagons. L UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. Tremonton, Utah '""iSfv . 5.- - V. .II11UM Bear River O. A. Seager. Mrs. Thomas Tippets and Thomas Waldron of Morgan, were Sunday vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott. Miss Katheryn Abbott of Logan, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager spent Friday at Logan. HIGH LIGHTS Editor: RAYOLA ROE SENIOR PLAY CAST REHEARSING DAILY The cast of the Senior play "New Fires," is holding daily rehearsals af ter school. The Seniors give a play every year to get funds to leave a gift to the school. Miss Nelson is in charge of the production and the By Enid Welling class elected Raulston Zundel as the Mrs. Frank Cannon went "to Salt I business manager and Hilda Miller. Lake City last Monday to visit her LaVern Garfield, Nelda Pederson and daugnter, Mrs. Krause. Mr. cannon I Bert Anderson are in charere of ad went to Salt Lake Thursday to spend! yertising. The date of the play has a lew nays. been set for April 24 miss reari uopKins or iresion, Ida. I The cast includes Ravola Roe. June is staying witn miss virgie wood., for Hansen, Floyd John, Stanley Abbott, an indefinite time. I farina TfnnraV Farrftl Mnnn.Q Alt easier k. i. coie oi ssait Lane uity Grover. Maxine Joseohson. Beth Pal is visiting at the home of his uncle, meri Leah Cannon, Howard Shurtz, Mr. David Wood, Sr. Ara Anderson. Leslie Wiirht. Nelda Pe jar. ana Mrs. u. m. sm or Layton derson and Deaun Henrie. spent tne weeKend witn Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Hansen is Stephen, inherits veme DOUrne. a farm in thP Azarlr mniintflins We ana uonna tureen cecnst Lowell brine--o- - his familv who refuse to stav . I . " . " , r f ui spent aunaay ana Monaay but are forced to when they get Scar-wit- h Mr. and Mrs. Horace Richards i6t fever. The entire Dlav is filled ana iamiiy. with delightful situations. Rosalee Peck of Ogden is spending a week visiting with her aunt, Mrs. MUSIC FESTIVAL Horace Peck TO BE HELD TONIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sanders and son, The second annual district music of Layton spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr.-- and Mrs. Vern festival will come to a close tonight Bourne. Virgil Coombs, Jay Udy and Von FIELDING . rwm i n jh f de Wf I RECENT are-mut-e. I Spring Needs FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy, and the many kind acts performed for us during the sickness and following the death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Louis Germer and Family. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER Come In and See Our Complete J. I. CASE LINE (Spring Time) (Planting Time) GARDEN SEEDS (in bulk) get your supply while our stock is complete DR. DON C. JAMES BUILDING MATERIALS OPTOMETRIST Will Be In My Store MONDAY, APRIL 13 Everything for the Farm and Home Make Your Appointment Now Farmers' Cash Union Robert Cimonsen 1 V Ji&Jeler "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" Wi f V .Wo". From the British colony of Kenya BIRTHS a denial of the old assumption that giraffes The Kenya Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Austin of Game Warden, in his annual report 4. declares that when a young giraffe is Garland, a daughter, born April of Honey-vill- e, Mrs. Mr. and Yamashita, separated from its mother it bawls a boy, born April 7. and lows pathetically. Current His Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peterson or tory. Ogden, a boy, born April 7. comes F3rdD ?5l & when all those who won in the preliminaries yesterday will meet at the high school to give a program. There will be a selected number and a required number, played by the high school band, the junior band, a clarinet soloist and a trombone soloist, also numbers by the boys glee club, the girls glee club, a mixed chorus, and a girls double trio. At the dance following the program three band sponsores will be elected. The officers of the band are: Man ager, Ralph Castleton; secretary, Don na Boss; quartermaster, Daniel Brad- shaw and librarian, Shirley Nielson. - vN ' '' ' I 'v ' J, and Gairs new cmkmoiive, quality, fob - feiiiiiiiiiliiii a barrel of quality in every bottle! Old Quaker sticks to every rule of fine distilling, in spite of Its friendly price . :r . . so long as you getOld straight whiskey, you're going to get whiskey jnade according to every rule of fine distilling! You just can't get Old Quaker richness in whiskey made any other way. Evidently you agree, judging by the way you are all buying Old Quaker YES. to. W (RYE) .! before has there been Backing these specifications is to used car buyers the written, money-bacguarantee as definite protection as is now of your Ford Dealer. This guaroffered by Ford Dealers in R&G antee says: cars and trucks. R&G means RENEWED and MECHANICAL GUARANTEE NEVER GUARANTEED RENEWED to meet the definite specifications shown on the R&G tag reproduced here, and GUARANTEED, in writing, by your Ford Dealer. The R&G specifications cover every important detail. Study them carefully you will agree that any car or truck meeting these specifications is an out sta&ding value. Yet the R&G car or truck of ycur choice will cost you no more than an ordinary "used can" PINT NO.MM0UM0N) QUART (RYE) H.3(0URS0I0 full to moor. fiTBarmiT AyM pnH, In KOUSlOfl r RY1 k wmsmr mand It fc.r.tfc.KMINUY MMKf MHIf SOLD ONLY " We agree to correct at our expense any condition in this car or truck which is not in accordance with the abore specifications, provided that we are notified by the purchaser of this condition within ten days from this date, and further provided that such condition is not the result of accident, neglect, or abuse of the car or truck after delivery to the customer, and that the car or truck has not been repaired or altered outside of our shop during the guarantee period." MOMIY.RACK GUARANTEE MWe further agree that we will refund such part of the purchase price of the car or truck as has been paia purchaser, including any used truck aoolied as part payment or, at nnr notion, the allowance price thereof in cash, thereby canceling the sale if the purchaser so requests; provided that this request is made by the pur. o'clock on chaser at or before , 19...., and the car or fmrlc then returned to us in the same condition as whea delivered." DEALER (SIGNED) YOUR FORD tY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS I I .A 1 I III I 5 CTolEC 1 IT--o I 1 I " HUUif'Vtfc I I values in R&G cars Inspea the outstandingFord Dealer's today! and trucks at your in wide offered are variety on the They fairest basis ever put into practice. burn tout Ford Dealw hat SQUARE DEAL VALUIS-o- od used can and tracks at lew prices, protected br k a written guarantee. For xfra-lhiif- iy money-bac- CALLISTER MOTOR Co., Tremonton, Utah jM'a. f |