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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL Hansen, also with her sister! Miss Zula Hansen. Kieth Johnson, eon of Mr.and Mrs. Ry Mis. C. W, Brails!otd Melvin Johnson, who has been serAlvin Burch are . - the ; iously ill with pneumonia, is now on JVi. auu Ura a of baby boy, born the road to recovery. proud parents Mrs. Marie Rasmussen is confined am f and her bed .suffering with an attack to Christensen A. Mr. O trie ward vis- of cronical pneumonia.' ily spent Sunday in ChristenMrs. Annie R. Hansen of Salt Lake iting M and Mrs. James City, is visiting in this city with her sen and family. mm Rinma. Ohman and Miss Ba mother, Mrs. Marie Rasmussen. in. Mrs. Gene Simpson returned to her ther Oliman spent the weekend attended home in Salt Lake Friday after visS- t Le :e City where they iting for a week with her parents, Mr the conference. attend-in- ? and Mrs. Heber Hailing. is who Miss Af ton Hansen, Bishop and Mrs. Charley Checketts achiol at the B. Y. U. in Provo, this Salt Lake City visitors over the in are weekend city the Utah, spent J. week, where they attended confer- Hyrum her father, with visiting J- - BEAR RIVER CITY Hair - I I ( DELIVERED Fully Equipped 1 V M & 4 '" -- By Phyllis Mrs. Earl Newman returned Mon day from Montana where she attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Ida Payne Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholler and Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson were in Ogden Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Summers and daughters, Norma, Vera, and Zelda and Miss Ruth Nielsen spent Satur- day and Sunday in Salt Lake City conference. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Wallace. Mrs. T. V. Summers and sons, Merlin and Clifford, spent the weekend in Salt Lake City with Mrs. SunV mers daughter, Mrs. Mathew Wallace. Word was received Monday that at Values J Compare furniture f on quality and home furnishings in our store, before buying and save entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Johnson of the Fielding ward, was present at the gen ealogical meeting held at the residence of Don R. Lamb Thursday even ing of last week. Mr. Johnson and his wife are members of the stake board and visited our ward to try and encourage the holding of regular weekly meetings in our ward. Another well attended meeting was held at the home of Bishop Dewaine Lamb Monday evening in which the regular lesson was considered. The work on the project of piping the water into town is getting underway and preparations for the building of the reservoir will soon be in progress and the long talked of water in our homes will soon be a reality. Verl Anderson who exhibited a steer at the San Francisco Live Stock Show won fourth place. Other prizes were won by boys in the Southern part of Utah. Keneth Anderson of Bothwell and Miss Fern Cook of Tremonton were married Friday at Brigham City. Mrs. Rosa Hunsaker of the Relief Society Stake Board attended the Bothwell Relief Society Tuesday. Sunday evening the Bee Hive Girls presented the Mutual conjoint program. A short talk by Helen Mills, "Why I am a Bee Hive Girl" ; a song by LaVaun Tolman; a reading by a Delia Stark; a trumpet solo by 3 All contestants for the free FairPhyllis Summers; a reading by Wanda Anderson and a piano solo, by banks Morse conservador should file Athline Mills. The girls were then with me their answer to the question, presented awards. A large crowd at- "Why the Fairbanks Morse Conservatended the meeting and report hav- dor Was Awarded First Prize by the National Inventors of America." ing enjoyer the program.- Additional prize money for the five Monday evening the Thatcher ward M. I. A. presented a play at best answers. Information, call 52.a-- l, the Bothwell ward hall. A large ap- Leland J. Hansen, local dealer. preciative crowd was in attendance. Thursday evening a dance, sponsor-ere- d by the Primary association, was held in the ward hall. A good crowd By Miss Annie Hurd was in attendance and report having Mrs. E. A. Peterson returned home enjoyeki the evening. Friday after spending some time with her daughters in Salt Lake City, The Black Pine ward presented the play, "Truth Takes; a Holiday," here j Lamb Don Mrs. R. By: Thursday jiight. . . fc g Geo. A. Hess is making improveBp. and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. ments on hia residence. The sacrament meeting held here Wm. Hurd, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Nephi Sunday evening was attended by mem Larkin, Miss Harriet Larkin,attended bers of the stake presidency. Bishop Larkin and Jos. J. Cutler Clark Rudd with his counsellors! Or-v- il conference at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Larkin, Jos. J. J. Nish and Oleen Josephson were released from acting as bishopric of Larkin, Nephi Larkin and Mrs. Har; the Plymouth ward with a vote of vey Sorenson motored to Logan Friday night to see the pageant. thanks for their faithful services. Wm. Hurd, Archie Hurd and Miss Lamb was sustained as the bishop with Orvil J. Nish as first counsellor and Olean S. Josephson as second counsellor. Add a ;sjfcWJfc!iSaBswM niMifM" nwiimnn aitx The Hill Holder is the newest convenience and safety de- vice on any car and it's exclusive with Studebaker. It is entirely automatic. Nothing new to learn about driving. and the No gadgets to operate. Just stop on any stands still until forward move car again. you are ready to beHolder See a Studebaker drive one try the Hill fore you buy any car, at any price. up-gra- Studtbaker'i New 6 Plan Offers Utah Auto I V7ttWi ffrl SETT" -- 1:1 ' de New "Low" in Cost to tbt Tim Buyei t & mi iki NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE a NEW RUG - or some furnishing to brighten your home when doing your spring cleaning. I HEALTH and COMFORT '"' Imp. Co. 'J w " ..... depend most of all on plumbing good plumbing. Modern plumbing is good. It provides added comfort through perfected convenience and dependability; it assures better health by supplying clean water and by disposing of all sewage safely and completely. . ii SNOWVILLE mi ii m i.niHU'W'ifiUHt'M n in n mil NOTICES i 5 The mutuals, under the leadership Anne Hurd visited in Ogden Sunday. iting her mother, Mrs. L. M. Vander-M- r of President Mark Jackman and Mrs. Grace Shaw of Ogden, is vU--1 y&aA spn Ax1 Olean Josephson, sponsored fa very nicely arranged program in honor of h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi t the outgoing bishop Clark Rudd and the new bishop, Dewaine Lamb. The program consisted of songs and readings with talks from members of the bishopric and members of the stake presidency. Wayne Mason of Mound Springs, gave an addreai on the appreciation of service of the outgoing bishopric. A tray luncheon was served to all present and all had an enwas the time. A party dancing joyable outcome of the end of the evening's 1 BOTH WELL Sammers . the only car with automatic 9. 1836 PLYMOUTH We Loan Up to $1700.00 on Your Home on F. H. L. on New or Remodel Work. .Call In and Get Details Tremonton Plumbing & Heating Co. PHONE 11 Det-wai- ' JJutJlm. jLl ofiunited,! IMMOBILE AM -- get every fine car thrill . . . every fine car feature --afatovscosf TAKE the wheel of an Oldsmobile for a Make the $663 and on.. . EUhtm $810 Olft ittmdird mquipmmt all around. Spmcml troop ntrm. Cmr llhiairated it tho Uaf. A Qenffal Motors Valut. $830 Sadan, Touring NIW 6 0. M. A. C. TIMI PAYMINT FIAN ic "Turret-Top- " el Center-Contr- ol $665 Szes jbu Jtha. dtoma v .... 3) IFirdDimlk (Clhie Trcsxontoa, Utah 810 StfUy ccorj smhmmbmmm fti. Car luii luu I Test! Un Brakes, Solid-SteBody by Fisher, Steering and Safety Glass standard all around ... all yours in Oldsmobile at a price but a little above the lowest I Knee-Actio- ' H this quick, handy device to check Oldsmobile's features and values .. . to compare other cars of similar price with Oldsmobile. Come in and get your copy, free, or write Olds Motor Works, Lansing Mich. THI SIX THI flOHT Super-Hydraul- Bahqahu COMPAR-O-GRAP- conception of smooth, unlabored . . lively response . . . brilliant . power performance! Note the comfort and safen Wheels, ty advantages of ertjiAUtq 3 wtntok toe Phone 20 i |