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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta, Utah. Thurs., March 5, 19S3 Leamington MRS. MABEL HARDER A six pound baby girl was burn early Sunday morning, March 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nielson, in the Provo Hospital. Mother and baby are doing fine and expect to be home soon. Little Jill Nielson is staying in Salt Lake City with her aunt, Mrs. John Prachko, while her mother is in the hospital. Josiah Nielson is home for a few days from the Veterans hospital. hosp-ital. Original plans 'for his going to Tooele were changed in favor of bringing him here. Clint Nielson received severe leg and shoulder Injuries last Thursday Thurs-day when the horse he was riding rid-ing fell. Although no bones were broken the pain was intense and has necessitated several days in bed. Glen Harder went to Salt Lake City Monday to take the examination examina-tion for motor car operator on the railroad. The cake decorating class last Thursday was attended by 28 enthusiastic en-thusiastic ladies. Learning to make roses was the lesson last Thursday This Thursday the time will be devoted to making a merry-go-round cake. The Relief Society annual conference con-ference was held Sunday evening President Ruth Finlinson was in chargef, with speaking by Wilma Lovell, Norma Nielson, Lydia Evans, Ev-ans, and Lorraine Nielson. The lad ies chorus sang two numbers. In attendance was Mrs. Snow of the Stake Relief Society, The M.I.A. opening assembly Tuesday Tues-day was under the direction of Mrs. Rosabelle Finlinson of the imusic department. A barber shop quartette, In full costume, con-sisiting con-sisiting of Jay Nelson, Ben Steph- ANNOUNCEMENT... We wish to thank our patrons for the support sup-port we have received during the past two years as distributor for Phillips 66 products. in the near future we will be established as an independent distnEutor, and will accept all credit cards and handle many brands of motor oil. LAW BROTHERS Jv flYWW orJd 8 Il W Xlv my .combin- ONE UNIT ONE CONTINUOUS OPERATION DRIES AS WELL AS WASHES YOUR CLOTHES THE BENDIX DUOMATIC WASHER - DRYER DON'T BUY ANY SEPARATE VASHER OR DRYER UNTIL YOU SEE THE DUOMATIC TERMS CAN BE 7js Mr. John Egan returned to Delta Tuesday iroiii u m&uth's visit in California with his children there. Earlier he had visited in Provo, Salt Lake City and Monroe, with sons and daughters there. Mr and Mrs. John Swalberg were in Salt Lake City Tuesday to attend at-tend the ballet that night at the Capitol Theatre, starring Mia Sla-venska Sla-venska and Frediric Frankin. enson, Ray Johnson and Jerald Lovell sang two numbers. A lod-' ies trio with Klee Finlinson, Wan- j da Nielson and Thelma Nielson sang one number. The closing of the square danc-i ing classes was celebrated with a dinner followed by the dance Saturday evening. Honored guests ( were Mr. ana Mrs. uien itawnn-so.n, itawnn-so.n, of Sutherland, and Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, of Fillmore. Mr. Rawlinson has, instructed the classes, and Mr. Anderson is adult education supervisor. Mr. and Mrs. Hair ,of Kamas. Utah visited last week with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Johnson and family. On Friday, Mrs. Johnson accompanied her parents to the Manti Temple. The M.I.A. play "Aunt Susie Shoots the Works," will be present ed Saturday evening, March 14, at 8 p.m. Dress rehearsal Friday evening will be for given for children and anyone not able to attend Saturday. Featured in the cast are Freda Hansen as Aunt Susie, a typical old maid, capably cap-ably supporting her are: Virginia Harder, Rich Finlinson, as the young people; Dick Nielson and Louise Nielson, as two funny negroes, ne-groes, Burton Hanson and Verdie Nielson add the mystery; Golda Roper as an efficient lawyer, Clint Nielson, a confirmed Bachelor, Eva Dutson, a charming matron, and Edith Harder a, "Not so dumb maid". HAD UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY ,. ...... ... i M.t'st. JD l j "Or ' u rV-Xw,-AV- I Descfet MRS. ARPRILLA SCOW Glen Coleman lrom California spent a few days at Deseret visiting visit-ing with triends and relatives. He stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Elack. M. and Mrs. Lincoln Eliason and boys spent the weekend at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warner are the proud parents of a baby boy born Feb. 26. We congratulate them. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Bennett spent Saturday at Provo visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dee Bennett Ben-nett and family. Anna Lou Dewsnup, Gerald Dam ron and Richard Dewsnup were home for the weekend. They are all attending college. Grant Western and Weldon Theobald, who are working at Dugway spent the weekend at Deseret with their families. Vernal Johnson from Tooele vis ited Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Maud Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Larsen and son. Rex, returned ot their home at Spanish Fork Monday after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Eliason. Leigh Allred and son, LaVoy of Provo visited Saturday at Deseret with relatives and friends. They also attended the ball game at Delta Saturday evening. Fern Crafts was hostess on Thursday evening to the Deseret One-High Rook Club. Luncheon was served then Rook was played. Members present were Bessie Webb, Beth Moody, Delores Ogden, t Beulah Rowley, Ila Stanworth, Evah Conk, Arprilla Scow and Fern Crafts. The Deseret Sunday School organization or-ganization was reorganized Sunday, Sun-day, March 1 at Sacrament meeting. meet-ing. The officers were all released with a vote of thanks for the good work they had done. The new officers are: Sunday School: Orin Allred, superintendent, superintend-ent, Newell Knight and Loren Rowley, councilors. New officers in the Primary are: Lucille Sampson, president, Althea Dewsnup and Martha Mace, councilors. coun-cilors. The new assistant ward clerk is Dean Black. Ralph Curtis and sister, Barbara, have spent the past week in Salt Lake. While there Barbara had surgery on her shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Black spent a few days in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Evah Conk and son, William Wil-liam X, and Mrs. Amanda Conk spent Tuesday at Nephi. Miss Joan Davis, who has em ployment at Salt Lake City, spent the weekend visiting with j her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verdon Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson left Wednesday morning for Henderson, Hen-derson, Nevada, where they will spend a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mecham and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Brush and family. 3 Greet Friends , KecejOIl 'ihursday evening, Feu. 26, a re- ceptiuxi Li Deua 'i.nrU ward hall , fio.KiiiJ !. and Mrs. Fred Niei-J sun, who were married Feb. 18 in ; St. George Temple. j The bnde is the former Darlene j McCullough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton McCullough, and ! Mr. N'eilson is a son of Mr. and j Mrs. Antone Neilson, of Washington, Washing-ton, Utah. Their parents received with the newlyweds. The bride was beautifully attired at-tired in white satin, with brocaded brocad-ed top with full train. Her wedding wed-ding veil was net with lace edging and held toy a crown of pearls. Her bouquet was a camellia with pink and white carnations. Sister of the bride, Mrs. LuAna Jensen, was matron of honor, and wore an orchid gown. Bridesmaids were Miss Lila Mae Sampson, Mar ilyn Callister and Miss Gwen And-russ, And-russ, in pastel formals and carrying carr-ying baskets of flowers. Mothers of the young couple wore black formals with camellia corsages. Mr. Neilson's twin brother, Fred Neilson, stood as best man. Miss JuVene Church took care of the guest book Miss Helen Miller, Mill-er, Miss Cona Alldredge, Helen Anderson, Shirley Christensen, Kat-herine Kat-herine Callister and Joyce McCullough Mc-Cullough were in charge of the gift room. Refreshments were in charge of Mrs. Elva Stone, Mrs. Fern Sampson, Samp-son, Mrs. Clara Bennett, Mrs. Mer-garet Mer-garet Callister, with serving by Kae Sampson, Karen Sanderson, Chloe Gardner, Chloeen Callister, and Ronda Taylor. Merlin Christensen was master of ceremonies. The program was a solo, "Because," by Carl Oliver, accompanied by Carolyn Lee, a duet "Wonderful One," by Merlin and Lucy Christensen, with Ernia Roper as accompanist. The Harmonettes, Lila Mae Sampson, Sam-pson, Bonnie Robison and Cherle Shields, sang " I Love You Truly," and "If I Live To Be a Hundred". Norman Gibbons sang "Anniver sary Waltz," with Carolyn Lee as accompanist. Lila Mae Sampson sang "All the Things You Are," accompanied by Ruth Tolbert. Mrs. Ora Mae May played a xylophone solo, "Think ing of You," Carolyn Lee and Nor man Gibbins sang a duet, "My Hero". Mrs. Elaine Dekker gave a toast to the young couple. Some out-of-town guests at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. Al-vey Al-vey McCullough and daughters, Kay and Andrea and son Lynn, of Farmington, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Rosenbaum and Mr. and Mrs. Van Rosenbaum, of Spanish Fork, Mrs. Caroyln Lee, of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Neilson, of Salt Lake City, Norman Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Sampson and three children, from St. Geogre, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bennett, of Holden, Miss Fern Savage from Antimony, Miss Idonna Eager, from Leeds, and Miss Gwen Andrus, from St. George. Mr. and Mrs. J. Avery Bishop went to Salt Lake City Sunday to visit their children, Mr. and Mrs. Gam Brown, and Mr. Bishop was to bless their Infant daughter, and name her Alice Aileen. Mrs. Bishop remained In Salt Lake for a week's visit, and Mr Bishop went on Sunday evening to his job at Dugway. JUST LIKE THE GOOD. OLD DAYS ! GREAT STRAIGHT BOURBON THIS WHISKEY IS 4 TEARS OLD STRAIGHT ECURHOS WHISKEY 85 PROOF NATICXAl CISTIUERS PECO. CCRP, N. X. &Si yy Bourbon JS Buyofthc l Z"-sr GcntarJ Sen LcavOS For Overseas Mr. and Mrs. Hebcr Bishop of Hinckley received word that thei.-son, thei.-son, Clarence Ii., leit Fort Lewis, Wash., last Saturday for overseas duty. Clare entered the service Sept. 22, 1932, He spent one week j at Fort Qrd, Cal., and from there ' he was sent to Fort Bliss Texas, i The first eight weeks he receiv- J ed his basic training and was then transferred to the radar spe- i cialist school, where he received . training as an air warning specia- j list. i While at Fort Bliss he played j basketball for the Latter-day Saints team in the all-church lea gue at the armed forces YMCA. He spent ten days at home be fore flying to Fort Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Bishop and son Brent, of Logan, and Mr. and Mis. Richard Rich-ard Knott, of Odgen, visited with him at the Bishop home. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop also receiv ed word that their son-in-law, Arnold Ar-nold Hecker, who was operated on for cancer In the Sioux Falls veterans' hospital had returned to his home in Dallas, South Dakota. BY MARY JOHNSON Tuesday evening the special in terest group held a talent scout program. A 'good crowd was present pres-ent and much new talent discovered. discov-ered. Lee Shipley acted as master of ceremonies and first prize was awarded to Mrs. Ruth Abegglen, second to J. A. Banks, with third going to Louis Overson. All readings. read-ings. Cherry pie, ice cream and punch were served. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Greathouse are here with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greathouse. Ronald has recently received his release from the army after spending the past three years in Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shipley spent Thursday In Provo shopping. Mrs. Arvilla Coleman of Salt Lake City visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell were here over the weekend at the Fred Greathouse home. Friday evening the Gold and Green ball was held. A large crowd attended and the hall was beautifully decorated with "Wishing" "Wish-ing" as the theme. At eleven o,-clock o,-clock a floor show was given. Mrs. Delia Johnson, 1 president of the stake YLMIA represented the stake. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson visited visit-ed at the Lile Johnson home over Sunday. Saturday a group of Primary children were accompanied to the Manti temple by Mrs. Alpha Niel son, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Abeg glen and Howard Nielson. Mrs. Louise Clark was taken to the Juab county hospital Saturday suffering from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson took her there and then drove on to Provo where they visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Simpson. They returned home Sunday evening and Mrs. Simpson came with them. They all visited Mrs. Clark Monday again at the nospitai ana ner condition was improved. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and daughters are home after two week in Houston, Texas, with their daughter, Mrs. Marlene Savage and little son. Miss Velda Sheriff and her room mate, Miss Beth Soffe, were down from Salt Lake City over Saturday Satur-day and Sunday with the Guy Sheriff family. Mrs. Sheriff returned return-ed home from Lehi Thursday after a ten-day stay with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Little and baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Oborn and Mr. and Mrs. Lesle Walker were down Saturday from Payson visiting visit-ing Bishop and Mrs. Earl Great-house. Great-house. Fireside Chat was held at the home of Miss Shirley Sheriff following fol-lowing church Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Abegglen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy and family in Delta Sunday. Sunday evening the Relief Society So-ciety had eharee of the program in church. President Rhea What-cott What-cott took charge. Talks were given giv-en by Mrs. Lucille Nielson, Mrs. Eunice Nielson. Mrs. Beverly Dutson, Dut-son, Mrs. Marv Freer and Mrs. Lucille Johnson. A choral reading was given by Mrs. Lucille Overson, Mrs. Mareie Greathouse and Mrs. Mary Edwards, accompanied by- Mrs. Mina Overson. The Sir cine Mothers sang "Let the Mountain Shout for Joy," and ' Thpnks Be to God," accompanied by JoAnn Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bishop Bish-op were representatives of the stake board and their remarks were timely. John Whatcott was home from school over the weekend. Mr. Rachel Strange is visitlne Delta with her sisters, Mem id Lizzie Kel'ev, rid helping care for Lizzie,- who recently returned from the hospital. She has had an eye operation and a fall that broke her arm. Newcomers to Delta this week are Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dunn and son and daughter. They are mov. ino horo frnm Salt Ike CtV to make their home, and Mr. Dunn is distributer for Phillip 66 SUTllimjLAiND ... Mr. and Mrs. iaui Pratt visited i.: i.ie limine ui ..ars. ..lauge Cunst- ensen bunuay, uie occas.ua ucuig bin 'j.i .nuuy u. cofol timU tier id-iuci- caine uown lo be w.l.i nei w.,eii s.ic' u aaplii eel. ieil Ogdeii, oi Salt Lake, spent ection of chloe Alldredge, leaaer, the weeKend at the home oi lvo and betn mu.so.ti, oigtuuSt. iu.hj OgJea. : were give a by ires. isnemV, auo. A number oi Sutherland men Alldredge, poem by name.. attended the meeting in Spanish linson, a musical reading by Mar-Fork Mar-Fork Wednesday on raising beets. 1 geret Roper and Helen Anderson. Those going were Oz Johnson Ber-j Oak City Explorers were invutd nard Jackson, Earl Johnson .George I to Scipio to Ai.aard stake tourna-Corry, tourna-Corry, lvo Ogden, Ken and Rod j ment last Tuesday, Wednesday, & Porter Sherman and Blaine Jones, Friday. The Oak City boys were and Lamor.d Bunker. RaNae was the name Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Jones gave their new daughter Sunday. William Kim was the name Mr. and Mrs? Glen Rawlinson Raw-linson gave their new son. Patty Robison, small raughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robison, had the misfortune oi breaking her arm. Kenneth Adams was home from the BYU for a few days and re ports that his mother is still with Ella in Pleasant Grove, and slowly slow-ly recovering Mrs. Delilah Ogden visited in Fill more for a few days. Bud Bassett had the misfor tune of getting the end of his finger taken off in a hay grinder. AC Reed Bunker, stationed at Bainbridge, Ga., visited with Terry Johnson recently at Jacksonville, Fla. Dr. C. W. Lauritzen, of Logan, visited a few hours at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oz Johnson. Dr. Lauritzen and Oz were school friends. Dr. Lauritzen is an irriga tion engineer with the department of soil conservation and was in Delta to a meeting pertaining to drainage problems. It is reported on station KDYL Monday on television that Eugene Julesnik said they had had so many requests 'for the Del-Tones again, that they were trying to contact them to get them on an other TV program. We are happy to hear this, as one of them is our own Elaine Sorenson, daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Sorenson. Betty Bunker spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr.- and Mrs William Bunker. Mrs. Calvin Jones fell recently, hurting her hip badly. We wish her a speedy recovery. Country Chili Is Entertained Mrs. Ruby Vodak was hostess to the Country Club on Monday at dinner and cards. Present were Verna Shepard, Elinor Eli-nor Roberts, June Reid.'Fern Mort-ensen, Mort-ensen, Dora Monster, Lois Maxfield Dorothy Steele, Rayda Knight, Elaine Knight and Beaulah Bassett members. Guests were Dorothy Killpack and Peggy Smith. At cards high score was held by Mrs. Bassett, with Mrs. Reid second, and Mrs. Killpack low. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Larson, who have spent the winter at Mesa, Arizona returned to their home at Sutherland Tuesday. NEW SPRING STOCKS LANE CEDAR CHESTS fte Jim B r 'AW-,.' Stunning modern chest in populir blond oak. Big 48" ue offers Ion of fiorif spice. rs - r DOWN THE DELIVERS CP TS ADVMTISCD M LIFE L3 M9 Her on ideal gift for th yoing home-maker! All the moth end dust-proof storage space she'll need in a beautiful piece of functional furniture for her new home. ONE GARMENT SAVED i 4 V ( DC LTO'S ' I - Oak it - - Mae H. Shipley The Relier Society nad charge oi a nice program bunuay evc- ' lug ai I'erence in cftaige. ine mrmsiicu the (Especial numbers, under Uie Jir- I happy to win second place. Glenn ! Christensen is their coach. Many Oak City people and parents attended at-tended this tournament. Tuesday evening and Wednesday Wednes-day all day was a very' successful conference held in Oak City, sponsored spon-sored by Millard county board of education, Supt. Maughan, state Department of Vocational Education Educa-tion and the community of Oak City. After this conference the people of Oak City are anxious to improve all of Oak City's possibilities possib-ilities as soon as possible Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Anderson spent several days in Salt Lake last week, visiting and attending a Book of Mormon pageant and concert. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Elder had their daughter Audrey and husband hus-band visit them. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Finlinson and Lyman Finlinson were at Spanish Fork Sunday, helping with the blessing of their new grandson The parents are PvL' and Mrs. Richard Finlinson. Mrs. Finlinson was the former LaVon Williams. Richard is in Austria, with the armed services. Mrs. Angle Lyman, from Rex-burg, Rex-burg, Idaho, spent the past week here' visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Finlinson. Mr and Mrs. Grant Finlinson and two youngest children have been at Cedar City the past week. Grant went for surgery. They are expected to return- this week. Bryce Bunker, on leave from the U. S. Navy at San Diego, visited visit-ed in Delta with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunker. AUTO WRECKING USED PARTS CAR WINDOW GLASS WINDSHIELD GLASS BRAKE LINING STEERING PARTS WINDSHIELD WIPERS HORNS TAIL LIGHTS SWITCHES TIRES TUBES-WHEELS TUBES-WHEELS REFLECTORS FLARES ETC FOR INSPECTION WE HAVE LOTS OF THESE ITEMS FOR NEARLY ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS CALL OR WRITE DELTA HIDE & SALVAGE Delta, Utah Phone 2971 - to - fa Scm: WANT A LANE CEDAR CHEST " GIFT THAT STARTS THE HOME mem tirtvr imcnor tnr for Hurtle of sttxjil t'tmu PAYS FOR A IANE! 1 . x . . J ... .... l'h Cemur sfWmfr in ruh |