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Show . mee - | 7 } Sig ao MS ¥ * A, ¥ - . . Bo: > Te os ~ Nee F ie & a . ar my . ae 4 rie e et ait; Oe ~ > e,. aera Poe 3 ¢ SILVER REEF MINER. MINING NOTES. ) PERSONAL. THE CHRISTY COMPANY'S cia yi map aor eon peeecine SATURDAY...........-..0.--MAY LOCAL 1M, 1879 INTELLIGENCE. ieréra] new strikes have been reported Tately—but only of fellows that struck out or gotstruck on the ear. _ Our telegrams to-day will be found -Msually interesting. It is contemplated to increace the eer F fifteen stamps, THE KINNER Continues to hoist good ore, and wink is se pected to proceed uninterruptedly, to the advan- benefit of the full dispatches. Their enormous business no doubt has compelied’them to return. The grasshoppers The different workings continue are appearing in force at full a the Postoffice and the News Depot a The high standard of this journal and its wide circulation among prominent business. men and capitalists will go far towards placing our mining interests before the outside world. Tom Hood, we believe, is the author of the “Song of the Shirt.” If Tom could have witmessed a little scene which took place in the Reef Thursday he might have added another verse to his poem which would have rendered it famous for ever. In fact, it was a shirtrending scene. Together had they lived and leved for three long months, when one déter- _ mined to strike out for fresh fields and pastures new. In her hasty toilet to catch the she inadvertently donned some linen ‘which belonged to her companion. ‘She of the Hibernian nomen discovered.the fraud and ‘was quick to remonstrate. Arguments proved futile and war was quickly declared. It was as pretty a little set-to as ever took place in the Reef and was under splendid headway when a well-directed biff in the nose made one cry for quarter. Pesce was restored and the garment returned, and Irish Nell is now happy in the possession of that article which in warm weather is‘said to stick closer than a friend. ‘ Calico prosecuted. They ate hoisting sufficient ore to run their mill to its full pan capacity, but continue to work a limited amount of custom ores, THE SARBEE. The workings continue to produce an «bundance of fair grade ore. Sufficient only is hoisted to supply their five stamps. Everything issnug and convenient, and tte ore dumped from the mine on to the mill floor, an advantage of transportation whoily in their favor. THE LUNA, Being under bond, has not been worked for the past few months. This ought not to be so, asa large body of fair grade ore is in sight, and should be made to increase our already magnificent bullion yield. This will apply with equal force to numerous other valuable properties now lying idle. THE BUTTE, ‘Work has been resumed on a ‘portion of this ground, and the outlouk is favorable for profitable shipments. ; THE DUFFIN The lessees are working this ground principally with varying fortune, but generally with Ball. A Grand Calico Ball will be given st the City Beer Gardens, Thursday evening, May 22d. BO A full brass band will in be attendance during the evening. A general invitation is extended. No improper characters allowed. Good floor management. Tickets $1.50. P. eee Prop'r. oe di Dry Goods, Millinery’ Misses and Children’s . J. FRIEDMAN, —Which Boots Fiery THousanp Freer of mining timber for et per M. feet at HecxaTHorn & Oo,'s. a P fy Spring, Gentle Tasteful patterns and textures, not too heavy, will now be in great demand, and as Friedman is the only merchant in the Reef dealing exclusively in dry gods, andas his long make selections best expdrience has fitted him to sdapted to the wants of the trade, the ladies would do well to give him « call, for not only are his goods choice, elegant and durable, but cheap ‘beyond competition. His Linen Suits, his vast assortment of Hats, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Calico, Lawn and other Dress Patterns, Trimmings and Millinery of all kinds he sells at sacrificing Prices, and is bound to satisfy all who honor prices, can be purchased for cash at Friedman's. ‘ll goods delivered free of obarge. |. Mein Stree, eppoete Harviom Mowe, ones Gents, Shoes have also opeied a very DRESS FOR a MAIN STREET, Clothing and Gents’ Ore assayed and Bullion melted on shen notice and at reasonable rates., FURNISHING GOODS, saratl stock MaIN STREET, SILVER REEF. the ‘| pLacksMITHING,( ) of CROUKERY and In solicit ‘our anew, we that one trial will convince our friends that e mean what we say, and are satisfied that we ae able to furnish better goods at cheaper prices than can be found anywhere, without exception. : bilver Reef.» Forwarding B,—All on ere om us will be vered proraptly, charge, to of this place and vicinity, ae *HVLA WgsgT® liv “LSINOWO19 ‘gloves, also silk’ mits, at ~ Horse: sshovina v Forwarding —~aND— “all the same.” McPHEE Slack Sm omith WAGON. SIIOP, Main Ke Street, Leeds. P constant! ven raedmon hai Bang 6a ood supply e _ HORSE 8SHOEKING A dace Bal tee Transacts BANKING a Ceneral BUSINESS. Furnishes Exchange on Salt San Fraacisco, and all parts of the alt Lake, Sn Fen. pe, SOHN SPENCER & JAQUES, MERCHANTS. <i. Carpenters, ¢ContracWill Contract for and > Work - WE. ARE DOING THR PRINCIPAL Forwarding, from that point, and are a ony Company that can furnish te: back JOading. which'secures to us the best vena fits n.the road, and enables us to guaran the delivery of all classes of im ions on the shortest possible time. hs increase of business aaa us to forard goods at one-half our former rates. put up Bulldings of every desription on A FULL LINE OF -Utah Terminus Utah Southern Railroad. a. tors & Builders. Principal place of business, short notice at the lowest sible figure.. General MERCHANDISE, <a OUGHT PR LY na THI Bx Mare Rat er that the a won Prices. e have everz shine t at requires and allour g n . EERE Brand the same as oar nowfiake Flour. tion |: ESEL RAD & POUJADE, guaranteed. 8 F wae be bought anywhere south of Lake, Ds pay wagon and Rained treight on, consigned to our “wil it aie 8 rates of ‘eight ti all _— man pimiimanicasioon answered promptly. | Address : R, WARNOCK & co. Salt} Says, hs lee 3 YORK, Utah, * \ t ‘ a stock of lumber ae as a as west, Corner of Main = aud Boya pa. Gramm m0 ft PEOPLE'S MARKET best —_—————_—_—_——. SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X ‘FLAKE. SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X—FLAKE 2 All work done with dispatch ‘and satisfac -. a keep on hand shingles, which they SILVER BEEF, UTAH. Shipping | Tob and Cte i and’ Selling Ores and Bullion a Specialty. — > and Sampling, pos- done, ‘Louis Handling, Per thousand feet is the amount saved by buyMcManus & Reap. ing your lumber of HroxaTsonn & Oo. have the largest stock of lumber in towu. RICE, Cashi Friedman’s New Store. Eight Dollars —- H Commission ——___ .--- > & CO., ‘W °4 SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE R. WARNOCK & CO. New ooo ‘aaTU UAATIS UB - [RMOMeNIO pus Us ‘osnOH H. M’CORKINDALE Work, ei mt = . "400138 “WSiNivd Oils and The choicest lot of Ladies’ evening and dress | RETALLICK, Merchants. B, WARNOOK. AND : Of'all shapes done on short notice. aan eee Sixty acres oh. land nd -with water—twenty acres under fence, fourteen acres.in lucerne and the balance suitable for or eae . Also one stene buildin ing ot uitable fora . and eight bu hiding ee opposite it; and d. lumber building, 24x24, in a desirable part of Silver Reef, with good water at tha eor. For further particularscall on < Wagon JACOBS & SULTAN. ‘o} pepaens <pdmord “ ie Silver Reef! Blacksmith Shop, a reat = N. BUBB, Ever displayed in the Reef. Property. B. C. BOREN, Office, 1, A. BULL, Assayer. : Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's, SALE! Valuable ASSAYED. REEF Also thé largest stock of— IN ALLITS BRANCHES. Fine suits made to order. Anassortment of Fime, Imported ENGLISH CLOTHS, slwayson band. 4@ Shop, Corner of Centre and First West Streets, A. WEXQUIS7, 023 Tailor: A BULLION Assay handsome GoopDs and ‘SILVER “— J, J..Halpin, purchasing all his Stoves, Hardware, &c, in the East him with their patronage... Let.the.ladiéa .re- ern Market, has facilities for selling waember that everything necosgary to a perfect all goods in his line cheaper than can ‘wardrobe, of the beat quality and at the lowest and an line of Hardwa i acompote TAILORING. aa The only full and complete stock of Dry Goods and Fancy Goods at Woolf & Jordan’s. Spring! Now'that the summer is approaching, the ladies will naturally desire to replenish their wardrobes with light, cool and airy sppare suitable for, warm weather. Paints, Prices. And all kinds of Fancy Articles in this line. a of OFFICE we are offering at— Ever seen in Utah. WE -<—)<- J. 3. Harrm has just received from cea!. AMSAY¥ ALSO, the mast c complete line of Ladies and Chil Loox Our! For “great bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clething, Etc. Our new stock will be opened next week and sold at prices never before offered in the market: All goods brought direct from New York. Woorr & Jorpan. handsome lamp in use at the present time. York « large assortment Painters * Materials, Jas Oncuam. bs Steal as ts and cardboarde found at ~ Frrepmay’s. ment have uncovered. When the. present ' Slave your money by buying Lumber of Meowners purchased the mine less than s year Manus & Read, Cheapest and best in the market ag» they found it in a bad condition for work, Wholesale and retail orders promptly filled. requiring several months to put it in shape. 1 lee The timbering has been a very expensive and ea- The largest assortment of Family and difficult part of the wotk, and the superinFancy Groceries at lower prices than anytendent, Mr. W. S. Godbe,. being determined where else at Woolf & Jordan’s. to put everything ip proper shape before commencing to extract ore, much more time has been consumed in preliminary operations than would etherwise have been required. Tarez hundred pounds of Choice, Fresh, The mine i is reported new to bé in a condition Panguitch Butter just received by for active operations, with a body of orein McManus & Reap. sight that bids fair to rival the Horn Si Iver ooo bonanza itself. The ore is-of a decomposed character, with ar Call at Rogers & Rickards for a good a iron croppings but earrying very little article of Fresh Kanch Butter. Always kept on Jead, and has been suocéssfully worked by the hand, ‘iP mill process. We understand, however, that ———_—_~ oe it is the design of Mr. Godbe to smelt it and works for this purpose, are to be erected at or New Store and New Coods. near the mine. Cwing to the high per cent. A fine stock suited to the season and wants of gold which the Cave ores carry, of everybody. “A large assortment all in shape are most valuable and must at an early day to beseen. Admission free. Call and see at raise the' precious metal product of Beaver Johnson's. and will do much towards the speedy extenBion of the railroad. zie Reeo: Hoa —— Hapin is selling the latest improved library lamp for eight dollars. It is the most county and Southern Utah ¢o a high standard ° fresh on the GROCERIES), CHANDLER. and “CRONAN, The Cave Bonanras . tract attention on account of the extensive _ and rich bodies of ore which the new manage- Ul orders carefully filled and prom Ute fon of a received an i Reduced THE TOQUERVILLE, This mine is also being worked by lessees, and has been, and is now, producing exceilent ore. Numerous other properties at or near the river are being spasmodically worked. Several mines in the vicinity of the Buckeye Reef have recently started up. - BULLION SHIPMENT. The bullion shipment through Wells, Fargo & Co,’s Express from Silver Reef, for the week ending May 17th, amounts to $25,000.67. The noted Cave mire in Beaver county, after lying idle three or four years incumbered by mortgages, is again beginning to at- and Mutton Always on FAMILY 6x6, 4x8 and 4x6, all lengths, which they are sell*"|° ing at $35 per M. oo Ecoxomy is wealth. Bight dollars per thousand feet can be saved by buying lumber of MoManus.& Reap. Bonanza shafts,and explorations are vigorously Tho Choloest Outs of Beef, Pork ur reputation asthe leading mercantile firm, to its fulleat capacity en their own ores. nevertheless work custom ores at stated times. | _ HEOKATHORN& Co, havea large lot of 6x8, THE LEEDS COMPANY 3 Have developed nothing new during the past week. Work continues in both the main and C. wistaves co &00.; Prop’e: IN INFO ae ns gad che community at of fthis place. and by reason of our ad ous connections inp asiug our supplies, we can and will wadaaeel all our competitors. is for cash will sell for cash only. arantee that my prices will satisfy all. re invited to call and examine goods and a profit, Crand Store , all of the latest styles and best make | “prices beyond competition. Buying successfully on the tramway st the foot of the York. Goods ‘apie and Fancy ; and Ladies, 44 main shaft.’ This places the Uhance at the front ; for convenience in improvements, as well ag. ‘al 4 profitable producer. already destroyed.’ * THE CALIFORNIA. An enterprising Celestial haa’ opened a barThe pump placed at the north shaft has been ber-shop in the lower part of town, alle same {found to be inadequate, and will be replaced by” Pielican man. Where, 0, where is Kearney 1 one of greater capacity. This change, bowerety Let us rally om Bonanza Flat and have a new will not interfere w.th the working. cs constitution for Silver Reef. THE STORMONT Continues to look well in all the workings. *We understand that our enterprising. mine Their mill, situated at the river, is kept rannij Owners a3 well as some of our prominent mer- ginoering and Mining Journal of New Dry fill keep constantly on hand a fall line Parowan and Cedar in Iron county. The crops ef a number of farmers are reported chants are contributing towards having. our city and surroundings illustrated in the En- PLEASURE ast we ve en tirely given pe our inie of retiring en Dae | and} that we have started anew with eke ities. and we are now p ‘maintain undersigned begs leave to announce te blic of Silver Reef that he has opened favorable, tons daily, and their floors are ony ‘THE LAST CHANCE, The track is in place, and the cars are Wie TAKE re Their mill is crushing ore at the rate of twenty The New York Clothing Combination will not visit the Reef. YromBeaver last evening. a Empire Market, ANNOUNCEMENT! ‘Store, New Firm, New Goods tage of the community generally. We hope to be able to chronicle the same of the Neutral at aS un- an early day. THE BUCKEYE, Our readers now get the j &. Putnam, U. 9. Ocllector, and Fred. 8fof the firm of Selig & Simom, arrived on. evety twenty-four hours, with only five siamps. & So says the Sentinel. = , Salt Lake. . Oo. "smith, fepeesenting the house of McVeigh & Oo., Chicago, arrived from th Wednesday.” a ance of ore of the usual good quality. Their }, mill, which should be called the “Champion,” is reducing oreat the rate of forty-three tove Mechanics will do well to give Eureka s wide berth. a) eee s Bamberger is in town in the interest of s : aie & eee HAVING PURCHASED Dae dove ed market take this method of adviatg the public tht ey Keep consiantg | Gu band every variety of Ri eke _ vies Meat and Sausage, ng, saperionoe tn the basin ous warrant our rie Seog penn Fe Orders pro meer ‘ulled, | Meat denvensh tb Guy: | part of th |e ast our en a tas og Mt |