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Show MINER, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Chat to EWS) Shot to Death! Death!. . SATURDAY. rs Q@ sei Teme | ie m, 187 Baleof Silver—The Sutro Tonnel. s as fally prepared to pé efor highly improbable now that | he over will be. vate Se ae xcavation ~ will he comtpasted before the imang roved, One thousand 7 nomination wilill have to he made. That a Progress will will be bem ~ waltable selection is very difficult te decide *" gpon is evident from the fact that with few f feet te . ees J. ments similar to that offered b ins to- terday, and for any was allowed ae eens one st Baxter - we-require a Segre : ; favor. In our opinion no man is better able to perform the duties of that office more acceptably and able to handle them than Phillip H. Emerson, without now o raed is desired. “ the world 1000 points up and $500 dhe following result: Sobaeffer, 6 3 @rerage, 3334;. ra a1. Total, 44; average, 243%. minutes, Schaeffer’s average is un: The largest previous run made was 476. or ciently and high aboye reproach, and in spite press in consequence of |’ — hia fearless course in the Miles polygamy case, his judicial career has ever bean asub- y Oy : % ject of praise among conservative aad law- abiding citizens. Let us have Emerson |. for Chief Justice. Pardoned—The &t Shurtliff Case. av Laxg, CORBIN THE CARPET-BACCER dent Knows About Him-A Nice r for Utah’s Chief Jus Wastin ‘The aaatiee of the new Seen aa 4 Traiséd somewhat of a breeze in official circles ae dert fags at Washington, and itView of the adverse re- ee pices of port which the Senate Committes.of the Judi- | {ts tweuty-ftih anaiversary,, ciary have agreed to make should his name remain before them, it is almost certainthat oe eet eed ek eee us the Providence Meth- nom. OF a oe TELEGRAMS. NA a e Now we cnstim, The Secondly—It is asserted that in 1871 or 1872 : -s when Corbin was a member of the Senate of South Carolina, as well as United States Dis- » trict Attorney, he accepted a bribe of $10,000 ’ was au Uproar sare it was a retaining fee, not a bribe. stadents over mie holding a peesting the basis of the i rece ooh which it beliedSins nomination ie atte wil] is the. timony taken before the South Caro- ed from pay w He was oa e ected Uni tates S ao in acandidate, and withthe woaer: P. HARRISON. KRAUSE, DOMESTIC Has the largest and best selected line ef geedg South of Salt Lake City, consisting of [ CIGARS Variety Of-every and Fancy Coods. Doors, Sash and Blinds, Windows and ° Also a CIRCULATING LIBRARY.) cowicTHING ORT H KNOWING asd = demonstra- <—— bei pees our retail Silver Ree! Bakery action, and the. classes are consider os the, matter, J. HIBBERD, Brop’r. More Bosh Abent ; the Constitution, eee in an ad be Prof. Dwight, of Colum ia dress to the class of Jaw gradua 8 said the new code of California has been checkmated by a odified constiration,—a sort of Noah’s ark, filled with all sorts of creep: ng things and siimy creatures, and without any Noah to take cherge. Here you are plunged into the chsos, and the question is, ‘‘How will beh Sage oat of it?” The Times, comment Fran suicide and divorce cal ; ; Mirrors.” T. ‘ ' Pictures and Picture Framea, | pha the Wall Paper, by House, First west AINTING IN ALL Done with Dispatch ices. Ané everything pertaining te that Mee. ats | As ad instance of the effect of the late consti- | never buy anywhere else. ee oe would be ‘the of such a@ man’s: foe "aint ae y thienend Blue Bhd , Boots wan oe and eum s 4 aio Tae m a lithink it wouldb ing oatacebs frying pan isortne re ee in, if any-of pont. Silver way. Reef Ny ie id on peer sa and, ‘ Bes ail a haan cna i . . + oe a fa Go ro at the office of Messrs. ’ ’ comes regularly — manufactured in 8av Francisco, and alarge k of other Oustom Made Work, to which he sepeaatie invites the atrention of the public =v wardyetafiesbemn tascam For your is addre ing in or- MR A ” Ladies’ French Polish tor sale, ae Mtoe place hia 5seth hy the in , says he a 8. C- PERRIN, a ayewa s an tne Goliloreeervation, for | 6m Sees * awaits a 7. }, Mi dn Amys phed to for instruc- . wag aly - J — at behevdeaivea aba It aera e Boots | tery Schurz has gin hoes, ‘He has just received a lot of Fan- an poyone. be <o Se and was eh nn nts Stylish Sash | Screenwe Doors. | House. Stormont Boarding k * Patronage Generally Bolltted,~ All My Ola B Friends from ingham Invited to Call. and Kopt trot, caon mind and sed mail to artes teasno’ thing pertaining te. of Undertaker’s oods, : - Stgn of the Big | Sash, 7 | iySee Doors. Furniture omeMade :. and|. x J. ® J ° HALP IN . Main street. —s - Silver Reet, Repaired. Moses Lifts. Up His Voice. A Walla Walla dispatch mses A See) was | cenerally, ‘Custom Work ‘made to order from |JOB WORK ag of fark - Soran os Srerpaxsxs’ : a to my East of Jacobs & Sul’'an. x id. Tncaret ee 0. 12) vs Ps held at Wallula on the steamer Northwest be- | the choicest calf skins, Shop next door to OapofPethe asatch and Jordan V Moses and pther Indfane aud General | itol Chop House. ae sabeDagon ag vane vem dione Hevird snd Govern Ce Moses ee are et JAMES BYRNE. , A complete assortment ef ” P COFFINS CARPENTERS, amount Justice of the Territory, must b 1 seperens Nl al i crested. dh te ' ‘Pine street is amused sk the wegeomment ee GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. weil aware, has never yet tumbled out of a ine eS ne es 80) Cus a Shoes, ; among wofith thef Ir harap tekWwthatfe , he andnever headquarters here and.set up thelr | which I eyofareCuttom Made e BootBoots and a socmormembers wills I; but be | seandon, obi, ease te sw Yotaeda! the celebrated United Workingmen’s if —~JoB— aces Shoes GENERALLY DONB TO ORDER. TURRILL A . ; - , PAPER, Borders and Decorations st. BRANOH Es at Moderate ITS and Chamber and then slated the aaymont to bE a ettle” | tutional election on California bonds, it is atated| phate agent. Corbin does not deny the main before the eletion nid in the sucet at 1.05 and and pattern, WALL HUTCHISON, Pink gh en Srery.sibe consulting Piss and Cakes, the Best in the |p Beef, Putty and Glasa, Pure White, or in Delicate Tinté of Blue or Pink Little Shades, Paints, Oils, you os ‘HAVE YOUR ORILINGS a Without; injury to aber gc THE PUBLIC aoe PAST FAVORS solicit a continuan the same, asT am oe prepared to sell the eapest and the best quality of bread inthe k¢ef. Remember our bread is not res a = we are relling 1644 lbs for one dollar. when you buy. a loaf that it weighs a souhdas a half. Window { : wie ~ 74 rw Yor«, 16. description. Carpets, Mattresses & Bedding, Full supply of school Books, Etc., Etc. Finest ~ FURNITURE, | Strict fe sctte ane [putes icine ie Weer peor cstecete| HARROUN & COMPANY, about $18,000, | k or! AND. SATISFACTION CGUARANTEED- | standing that he was to pey See salaries of ¥or this he paid the legislators 3 W enter Confectionery, State Senator, and he eould produce proof of | tion at the: Since then the Faculty it. But friends of Corbin took Patterson in | have been saking ae Sevenligntion- ee 8 8 day in the cra aay) of twtwo. mem tow and the matter was dropped. Corbin ad-’ Seuior hb feeling is manifested by the mitted receiving the $10,000, but claimed that OF— One bleck weat of the Harrison Howse, Meerschaum and Other Pipes, Stationery, Hanover (N. H.,) 16. In con: ce of the rciusal of the Facu'ty of Dartmouth n Coll-ge to allow a public reading in the college church last Friday evening, the students assembied before the residences of (Corbin) had blackmailed him when he was a JONE Smoking and. Chewing Tobacco, | Bow at Dartmouth. to cease opposition toa railroad bill which John J. Patterson was endeavoring to get through the Legislature. Subsequently, when President Grant was about to reappoint Corbin United States District Attorney, Patterson came forward and openly charged that he p house eleanings Wholesale and Reétaif Dealer in IMPORTED,AND It cy understood that Gen, Fitz-John volers 5 friends have concluded not to get a bill to store him to the army through Gonutehes this session, but wait until December, when it is hoped and believed the President will recommend his case favurabiy to Oonpyress. The House Com mittee of Rules to-day authorized severol reports to be made to the Houee. Among these Measures was one asking for the appomtment of.a special committee to take charge of and report upon the subject of woman Ze. First—It is alleged that he corruptly procured the Chamberlain Legislature of South Carolina to elect him to the United Btates Senate. KINDS Main St., Silver Reef, Utah. og a infliction of his presence on the bench. charges preferred against your would-be Chief Justice are numerous and seriéus. Car eee Feson foe than thet thay ao pared tho |S ef fe ota stun at ese i = \ eee te that the"Boring > een By eerietha ue aS ee Ay has declared a divi the nomination will be withdrawn. If doe- |S ey they cotta notbiug could be HERMAN half the storios told of Corbin’s crookedness be true, the mining population of Utah have AG and MOLDING, 8. J. Friedman begs to notify-them that h has lately received a large assortment of cu tain net, so’ necessary to the tasteful orna mentation of windows. Also a full lineo Ladies’ linen dresses and dusters to which h invites their attention. Justice ef the Supreme Court of Utah has | nes wi aire «recite ae the cueeuties : | SASH are oceapying the attention of the ladies, Mr. Seren =aad titeey sonpontied when's riefriieecnen: xenon speeches The nomination of D. T. Corbin to be Chief ber \OORS, formerly a bitter opponent. Beeche has been treated with the utmost respect by: the citizens of cheered th oeCali- 0 dot eaeppeal,ee green ers of this city to-night by a eiieiaar sion and serenade to the -greenback members of . SHINGLES, Henry Ward se lectured at Memphis last ent 10 ayer aes deopts: e me fornias was celebrated by the workingmen snd a of one | y —ALL dend i| 4 ‘a. ’ orn T.um _ There were about the Eureka eee Washington: News. if Correspondence Mivsz.] Naw York, May 8, 1879. ; 4 The marksmen were concealed in building. balls entered his body none of whic his heart orF lange SHORT sebhay cha assauit onthe person ‘ofa man arr ee the Shurtliff case District Attorney Van ze commenced the opening argument ee day. It is expected the case will be given to the jury this evening. What Our New York Corresponticeship. tives. wooden Three touched it pRALEDS 12 with the same officials to-mor- | ‘The remains were taken. charge of by rela- sf Zohn Tee was Lpicionee aks hws© penitentiary ae a y the He tried Son ace 38 vernor. pic nae for _bighiway ’ : =e HENS. y Then he bade good-bye to the Marshal, Sher- by attending physicians. es + ‘ 66 government to their return from Indian ‘Terri- | t¥enty-five persons in the jail yard and abou tory to their recent homes. They will have an- | two huidred Gn the outside of the enclosure. the Hessian Give me a call. —_—-* but one person who swore falsely during the trial, and he hoped God would forgive him. he has performed his duty faithfully, effi- with the view of precuring aie yr em igaee tie = : iff and two others, and then took his seat on a chair. When shot he leaped forward a few feet, fexclaiming, ‘‘0, my God! ‘They have missed the mark?” and fell on his~face, in Washin 15 which position he breathed at intervals for The delegation of Cheyenne: ina! Indians rictoay had an interview with the Secretary of the In- | twenty-seven minutes before pronounced dead long residence in the Territory, during which DS oe The Cheyenne Delegation at Washington, First District Court. He has the benefit of serfs of thé Mormon axe stated that ‘he had no il! will towards any one ) ears Jud:e of the of some recent howlings from ee placed for him, he made a short speech, expressing thanks to all of the officials, and- Chief Justice ac- ae culiar and = aranteed. Dress Boots and Shoes a Spe~ | Cialty. AIRIN NE. 4 in Humboldt this Territory without having lived here sev- empower the Nee gers to convene & new gen- | county, Nevada. “Ihe Sheriff furnishsd him deh Heath: Lhsal. Secinen “anaddpd Sh Veceeee assembly Py eyes ee Np sit take its | some liquor at his earnest solicitation, and he "was partly under its influence up to the hour — the Territory forfutare » @xperience which residence among the people tant of execution, but when the’ hour game he affords,is not @ sufficient qualification. We y| measureably sobered up... When led out for execution, before taking his geat on tho chair aré & peoaliar people, our institutions are per quainted with thenature of these peculiarities : NEES ott and. Rhos Aue the. bee t Frenc} a Pane rece! Tein‘the a He talked to quite a and welgo another man STEPHENS, A ith hi districtsin case the | number of visitors during the forenoon, giv| ing an incoherent versionof the killing of ability to hold office. The fact: is, however, rm to that ordduty a8 re nired > ae Phar and that no man is fit to hold Federal position in | tion i in the districts thus ua created, ‘The bill o a2 —rPRACTIOAL™BOOT AND SHOE MAKER ee ae a Next Door to Cassidy’s Saloon, ' daring last night sad ae. to within half “hour of the execution. ‘The scene of separa- length of time he loses the qualifying | @0verner of Idaho to divide said Territory into | tion was very affecting. as to B. | Wallace Wilkerson was Provo here in the jail yard at 12 o’clock, noon, precisely! He evinced unflinching nerve, and sat facing aes _ == = about Site , feet, without any bandage on hiseyes, and his the country are confined tothe Eastera States | which came within one vote of adop ~ Sect and that after ’@ man has resided in the West request of Introduced a bil =. wd — - 1 ehingonBare lrareIbered enderthe | Slat veeysupeumunra agate | re widnopun, isis Fuad hve Yor | M : services may be required: ay CHOLS At Room 12, Harrison HHouse. Silver Reef, aS. 12, 1878. sl Paovo, May 16, wi Congressional, exceptions all Chief : Justices heretofore ap~ WasHrxcton, 5 15 In pointed to the Utah bench have been either | 474) reatures of Warner's silver bill met with | scoundrels or serubs. The. authorities at an rela,.< — ex. ma we Wash Kis al labored und vocates inage : a Tn. : ble sen Fee Sat depend ba how fone oF tae re bnat ns the Mark! wn another ) Biddle.of June, but it is expe ted ua the work | | es Sr emeentles win the Devtal line. treme Penalty of the Law. email quantity by the Bank of Caiiforms at —s Y ! ) DENTISTRY. > Corbin has not yetbeen confirmed by the Pee the sub drainof the Sutro tunnel epee for the first week’s full work Senate as Chief Justice of Utah and it is | for,% eemnaie ibe ath, Beeek | 0, My God! They, Have Missed The position is therefore vacant.and o | | | |The Bank nas Theold tender onehtnared Wilkerson Sutfers the Exmin Nevada Soe Le ef aoeinoue ths | Wallac Ce Tee OEE tar cmerf JUSTICESMIP, [oe : Miscellaneous. ai —— SILVER REEF “oe Iuporren kp DEALER I : : 9 War IT RON os : davvare we & S'T EE : rps i es Prov aN2h . D In Groceries» Provisions» | Cooking and Heating Stoves. x“ LUMBER and ; MANUFACTURER ‘GRAIN. Goods delivered free of chargé to evesy part! the district, ' L Liner Rein: Stan, dtiew Bony, s : ° OF \min, Steel, Iron & Copper Ware * a * |