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Show i 9 Mining Interests of Southern Utah. qoeeliien NO, \GTON 60. —!8SUED . Wednesday ale’s sii EYERY-— and j PIKE & DUNHAM, AND PROPRIETORS. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION; AER ae Rickards. + PG.Grouch ‘S. B. Lin y- .B. Our agente are authorized to onilect moneys due this office, take orders for advertising aud attend to all other business devolying upon them as the representatives of the publishers. POST Office ie OFFICE” aundase, ‘teh lto2p.m. tution of that State has placed it in direct flict with the national government in rect -to the ri. hts and toleration of the Chibo. The situation ‘thas created must soon age the serious attention of the Cabinet 1 Congross. California has daringly thrown wn the gauntlet and it should be as mptly’taken up. ‘he Times presents a lengthy communica 1 signed “Old California,” attributing the Lawyers. P Attoruey-at-Law REEF, te UTAH, 2opee Ree SILVER o do A. 8. POTTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i. ae ‘seeded Mining (8. and Mechanical 2 RRS Se LE wey Co., Engineers, RAWINGS, ESTIMATES AND SPECKFICations m dé in all branches of mecbanical engineering and especially in the construction ef steam envines for hoisting, pnmping a a mill works, The appiication of compressed air jo pumping our specialty. Depositions made of the st-ngth cf material ig structures of iron and wood, Contractorg for the erection of cuarin mills. Steam engines tested by Indiertor and reports wade of their economase capacity and general performances, Vaives and valve motions set and adjusted to give their highest attainable results, Agents for H. W John’s Asbestos steam boiler and pips coverings. Address P. 0. Box 19, Silver Reef. .«-A FINE LOT hy } jaa We OF .c0s be had in Town Also a good FAMILY He FRESH BUITER Supply of & BGG EGGS AT ALL and Shoe ELE-HORN Main’ SALOON. ior TIMES, Lower Main St., Silver Rees, Utah -—~AT * i,3 WHOLESALE PRICES. J, BIRCH & CO, CAPITOL. Main 8t,, Silver Keef, past three “hem arrest _murder of ir bond has Wines, Liquors & years warrants have been out for complicity in the mysterDr. Robinson in the year 1863., been fixed at $10,000. THE ale *< Baus ici ' the hands of Marshal Shaughnessy. Por Leeds BEST CIGARS, Obtainable in the - Utab. - ~AGENTS MOUNT. FOR— * TRUMBULL UNITED STATES. 9.3. CASSIDY. INEST AND CLEAREST IN UTAH.:« 6 are prepared to fill any bill of size on short notice and as cheap as any) mon lumber from other yards. Siinal ao i First-Class Liquors! Workingmen’s are F YOU. WANT SOMETHING REALLY Good and unadulterated, pay us a vis{t. We sell cheap to Families and Dealers. neekeop constautly oz hand a supply of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Billiara Eiall One of j te CABINET SALOON, Opposite Harrison House, —< vera WINES, 4) Lae mK, ei eet Ate oe ; J ao ; * ‘ any part of ‘CLARK& MOREHOUS, One deor north of Reef. LIQUORS AND. CIGARS Only passed over tho Bar. WM. RAPIEBTY. % v8 ua 7 wiA Silver TN FIRST-CLASS STYLE of pa iene alike to Bilver Reef, Leeds or the camp. 1 ‘ 1 ; ; Wells, redex aly de PREMISESREFITTED ‘Everything First-Class. Wines eo yal ey » ; 1 delivered Always on hand, ‘ i bé BIRCH & CO.» Fine Club Room in the rear. HICKOX & CO. 4 ; as us te appeal ' will Grain; and Flour Which Liquors and Cigars which will mostly be saved. The fire is supposed to have originated in the amut room J through friction in machinery. Loss, $8,000. : Billlard Tables First Class ROVO, 15. This morning at 4:20 o'clock the grist mill of the Provo Manufacturing Company was burned down; also the bin adjoining the mill, containing sbout four thousand bushels-of..wheat, went the finest im the Territory, Fire at Frovo, Son J. M. LYNCH 259 Kremlin Saloon QUILLAN & MAHONT. ey con- Themselves Up. n27 Feed and Livery Stable, 4 and Tobaccos re just come out of prison, where he was unjustly sent by Recorder Hackett and a stufféd jury. Resolutions were adopted endorsing California events, denouncing all subsidizing of railroad or steamship companies, denouncing Chinese importation and lauding Denis Kearney, gar-Romember this place sells cheaper than any other house. insbcnaael GA |. FORDONSKI. ers, after denounéing eyerybody, said he had keene always, the best Wines, Liquors and GEORGE OF Groceries, Liquors, wines, Cigare, New Yor, 15. aamass meeting called for to-night in Union Square of workingmien, to rejoice over the recent victory of, workingmien in California, not a hundred persons attended, and the whole thing wasatzzle. David Conroy, one of the épeak- Street, er Children’s “shone, oe agitated in ' (New Yor, 15. The Wrold’s Washington special thinks there is scarcely any doubt tvst the appropriatior bills will now be pajsed without the political riders, and the adjournment of Congress will follow at once, Taen the Democracy will appeal to the country on that issue, Noxt door to the Drug Store, ae LINE & oa Night. | ize Indian Territory |ntoa State, and providing for its admission intd the Union, Maker. Jt . And Merehandise in General. ETC., ETO, * Robinson's Alleged Murderers Give Elegance, Durability and..Comfort ey \ Guaranteed. At GROCERIES. is Going Ont of the Clothing Business and is selling his stock below cost. * Private Club Rooms, by the men who have finally |’ in foisting the ‘communistic A FULL ‘Uaaies Misses Wasutneroy, 14. In the Senate to-day Vest gave notice of his intention to introduce a bill proposing to organ- os at a Bit a Drink. BILLIARD TABLES. and Shoes, — Main, Slreet, Two doors velow Postofice. THE,..... been contantly Boots First Class Lunch Stand. Day ana ** Govoas GENT’S FURNISHING cons, meee Liquors & Cigars Open dfeows tiedep ey enere Washington News. J. L. MELLGREN. Boot CIGARS BEST LIQUORS: Te Week. N.. CHRISTENSEN, Borders. ---AND BOARDING HOUSE, a —AND— HAVANA has San FRancrsco, 14. The Calitornis Blood Horse Association held races to-day. Mollie MoCarthy ran a mile and a quarter dash in 2:084¢,,.with a strong pull, the second best time_on record. Clara D. won the two and a quarter mile dash easily, in 4:033,. A Marysville dispatch hays that the wife and s five-year old daughter of Martin Sulsburger, of Sutter county, were found this ufternoon’ suspended by their necks in an outbuilding on his ranch, about three miles north of Yuba City. es “ii, DONGVAN. ‘there are * sleeping apartments connected with the eyeing where thoce desiting it can obtain Lodging f you want nice, HOT DINNERS §, call at the Buckeye Re-taurant, which is second tn adhouseinthecamp. ‘The proprietor is ais ah best to please his customers, Give us a GREENBAUM Wall Paper OEY. WINES, the real state of the es ie Ae ——The best of — California Recos—Suicide. fir) Ce Per —BY— Piting - MAIN STREET. First door South of Post- -offce : Haut Lake, 15. %Bast evening about 8:15 Dan ‘Seegmiller Howard Spencer surrendered themselves tr? i CO: VENIENTLY SITUATED TO Wins arious mines being worked on Buckéye Pi and furnishes good board at JUST RECEIVED! ca chi -Aed by a compurisétf Ur tas conautlet oF Ne rich and the poor, fi oonE, O. E. ( Francisco.) 8. Shubra.& etl © ever called has drawn its most cogent & iments from the enormovs ton Cree, A. J. 8) Buvsra, M. E. @Late of Virginia City.) a! 9 e 2a, and remain’ i ‘tion upon the State, and that this faction jbrysierys Will practice in all courts in Southern Utah. } Bepecial attention given to collections. of bw anything of public feeling in- California *t country Public, u tad, EXCHANGE SALOON, But it must be confessed by all who pious ways SILVER REBF, UTAH, Jos. apprehend Se i grees “|t ever since the railroad was completed ‘AND Notary not ete sal the present discontent upon the people, oR Nt Will attend to any legal business entrusted to his care. Reet Buy your Canned Goods, Butter and lies of MoManvs & Reap. sters.’? The Times says we have all sorts heories from California and from ex*Calinians to account for the recent revolution hat State. One ofthese which we publish ley excuses the alleged tyrannies of large porations of the State and lays the blame Att’y for Utah.) Fain ‘Silver one week; *>ption of the constitation to the‘work of WHEDON, PFE ati mt must remodel its treaties out of regard ‘the authority of California. he new con- The Mail arrives from ft George daily at 13 m. and departs at 2:39 p. m. The mail arrjves from Salt Lake and Pioche at 6 p. mm, and departs for the same places S 9a, m. Mail closes for the oe ai 8:30 a. ; ie Piven. Fostmaster. D. pose: PIONEER STO} eae eee ty is rae ; ffort rporate capital tosupply the Se: th with presely the kind of people the ‘Times prefers, it somehow or other. the effort has foiled. 1¢ Fulletin has also a sharp criticism on the Ulifieation attitudeof California under the w constitution. Either California must igre certain provisions of the recently adopted ustitution out Of respect for the authority the United States, or the Federal Govern- from 9 a.m to 2bo p.m, and from ~ ; Satr Laxs, 15. Last Sunday a Chinaman named Ah Ching was ordained to the office of deacon in the Episcopal charch, San Francisco, the ordination being performed by Bishop. Kip, assisted by Dr. Beers and the rectora‘of other churches in the diocese. He took. the: name of Walter 0. Young, and passed a close examination vith great suecess, By & telegram from New York we sia that the Atlantic cable announces the arrival to-day at Queenstown of the steamship Wyoming, with twenty-three Mormon missionaries on soard. A society was organized in the Counoil Honse inst evening to be knowa a# Zioa’s Musical Bo- | cie‘y, with John ‘Taylor a8 president aud the ns been made wih private extorprisé and Panel 3:30t (Late assistant U.S. , a class are dispose firtrial. Since ue war eh — pia a“ 17, 1879, The ew Orleans Times says: The Chinese le not the kind of people that are wanted in huidiana ‘and are of no more value to the earet eens i “so many mules. ‘herenponin t0* | ly’s Kulletin here pesca The planters. ity at 25 cts per week. , Constitution New ) ox, 14. Sorter interviewed Hale of! night. Ilalesaid: “I have nd on the wing for the past ave seen enough to convince 3 that upon tip issues which the Democrats * years. - MAY Salt Lake Dispatches. e making<4 epublican party is getting to better fig ting trim than it has been in giz Months, eae wapehe oknncescesee . 4 60 Three Months,.............sesene cess 2 25 Monthlyath coo. cccpecssccee pes esc vsen teesrene 15 Delivered im Silver r heeft. and “{mamediate vicin- Mtiver Boat, Tian, Friséo, SATURDAY, Bosh tf the Now Yorkk Papers. Saturday. BY PUBLISHERS UTAH, ELEGRAPHIC NEWS, SILVER REEF MINER j COUNTY, & Cioars |