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Show v?f Microti 0 MINING A AND DISTRICT RAILROAO NEWSPAPER HELPER. UTAH VOLUME 46 NUMBER 10 Price "Sitter" Found Guilty Of Tot's, Death Little League Sponsors Ready; Team Managers Needed Now THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1952 Days of .'49 Show Next Week Three Days of Fun and Frolic . A Fourth District Court Jury at Provo, early Wednesday morning found Belmont Lavon Davis, 24, Price, guilty of Voluntary man"Come one, come all! Bring the whole family. It will be first in cleared Little League baseball activity its Helper slaughter in the brutal beating hurdle this week when four organizations in Helper pledged Social Security death of oia Linda Kay three nights of fun and frolie for all. While you are enjoying ACTIVE GOLF SEASON Millar. yourselves, you are also contributing toward several worthy Man At Price sponsorship of teams in the new summer activity. who was originally Davis, is the chant heard on the highways PLANNED FOR BY of the stated new Ed Marehetti, president youth activity with first degree mur community projects," Tuesday, March 11 charged I of but too don't bus"Don't soon, Carbon and re on wm ,,,. stop the county this week. be sentenced byways Monday that one civic group, Helper Kiwanis, and three COUNTRY CLUB GROUP go too far," says Kesler T. COunt cf the Judge Saturday, 'It another is by' proclaiming iness firms, Mutual Furniture and Hardware, Helper Mercanell, manager of the Provo social William S. Ounford, annual show events sponpopular , At the last meeting 0f the direcC. Penney Mgr. tile, and Helper Furniture and Hardware company agreed to security office. The Jury, after over seven hours sored by the Helper Days of '49 of the Carbon country club tors is directed tojot deliberation returned its ver- committee. Mr. Powell's-pleOrganizations and bus- Attending Confab sponsor boy teams for the first season of play. the major consideration was the the bookkeeper who fills out diet Wednesday at 12:50 a.m. in Helper iness establishments San Francisco golf course management for the quarterly social security wage reSeventh Oistict Court Prose- have again cooperated in bringManager Needed Gale Nelson, local J. C. Penney 1952 season, according to Dr. ' for emamount one "With ports. Top the first requirement Grazing District cuting Attorney Duane' Frandsen, ing to the public of eastern Utah store manager, is in San Fran James Ruggeri, president. now taken care of, we now need Announces ployee in a year used to foe in his summation contended that a bigger and cisco, Calif., Course operation statistics , fpr attending the Golden f3,000. Under the new law, the the Millar child died of a rup(our good men to manage the 'better carnival Jubilee convention, of West coast the past season , were discussed Election Meeting ceiling is $3,600. teams, then we will be ready to tured liver after the defendant than in years store managers of the national and the general over-al- l increase There will 'be an election of "Some firms still seem to be kicked her July SO, 1951. while he apply to the national organizapast. course maintenance in all chain organization, in golf Members the for Board Advisory tion for a charter to participate reporting no more than $3000was supposedly tending the child "Prizes Galore He Jeft here Sunday evening sections of the country were stuSan Rafael Grazing District, Utah even when the worker is making at ni8 price home, in the nation-wid- e rrom door to on the Zephyr, and will be back died and program," Marwith opera, compared No. 7, on ; Saturday, March 22, more' than that," says "Mr. Pow' ehetti said. 18 an- - in wflri. door" mnrnine. Monriav course. the of tions . The local fill to 1952, in order the expiring ell. "That's 'bad a correction other slogan of. J. C. Penney, founder of the average maintenance cost per Sunday Meeting Slated ' must be made or the worker Lenten Schedule terms of the following: A special this year'8 "nw company and its board chairman hole for the meeting has been local course Donald" T. Cox, Sheep, NO. 1; doesn't get full social security! called for this . coming Sunday, St. At win oe a today, is slated as the kevnote for 1951 was approximately $1230. mat Anthony's No. Arthur 6;, cattle, Ekker, credit." wage March 9 at 11:30 a.m. in the city rRev, Edward F. Dowling, pastor big drawing card. The five top j at the convention. The . This figure compares very favNo. "Other firms report more than 0f St. Anthony's Catholic church prizes this year, are five $100.00 hall council room, to interview Pierre A. Moynier Jr., Sheep, his' talk was '"Do It orably with a summary released of 5 $3,600 in a year for one,. employee. nere announced this week flat n. S. "Defense Bonds. There are subject applicants for manager jobs, and Better". !W will t by "Golfdonv" the business journal Nominations and .T,f, polling In these cases, the firm, and per--' attendance at alf Lenten exer- - several other prize events includ-hap- s if the desired manager-materia- l address of Golf, wherein it was shown convention Principal the worker too. have paid icises has fceen very gratifying fjng a bicycle, prizes for those was is on hand,; selections will be take .place at the following places by A. W. hughes, presi there is a variation of from $965 given the more tnan tne selected for been which, have made. required social and he urges all parishioners to who display the proper amount dent , of the company, his topic to $4555 per hole, 6r a national convenience of the voters: --' wuici maKe tne niosi oi ine icemen 0f act.uiii.jr wiaj uui and Beard prizes tor being "A Look Ahead" Speaking on manager qualifies-tion- s, Court of $1885 per hole. average ' the in House, .Court Room old-a'"' and survivors insur- Season. "have 'been get area '. Marehetti said, "We know ; of residents those the male Junior Golf Qlinle penney conventions of ance wage credit only for $3,600 there is an- - ample supply of good Castle Dale, Utah; Downstairs Father Frank Pellegrino con- - wno were brave enough to weath-- hel. , , Pebruarv and the for a Junior golf clmic Plans in a year." men in ihe area qualified to ducted the Devotions on Tuesday er the wrath of Mom and the the Court Room in Vt&h; For additional information con eVening and preached on the sume this important work. and g0 right ahead and for. clty, Chicago and Ban Fran-- 1 Tony iMacaluso and P,es Summer- rnce, uun .... of with v,rt harfcfrronn "u get aiooui snaving. oi rcwuvC " with a total of six conven- - hivit and wHl he announced soon. JW' riseo. at will be Nominations' made house in Price on Tuesday, March World Peace. the manager ball "know-how- " Floors of Attractions Two ln the ' three cities. More f An attractive program is prom-Thi- s tions 1 p.m. and polling will be from 11, from 9 a.m. to, 3 p.m. to-bof high character' Lenten Schedule the attractions will, tnan 3.000 Penney managers, theirl ised for the ' Juniors this year. year 2 to 5 p.m: at each designated Ser- be somewhat divided and have the ability to manage Stations of the Cross up with tne wives and Central office associ. Membership Drive ' place. be general attractions that will be most the Benetllction out will and mon" young boys to get attended the six meetings. ates the Helper Kiwanis Club According to Dr. Ruggeri, plans of All qualified electors of them.' He stated the Little held Friday at 7:30 p.m. of primary interest to the family, were also discussed by the direcTalks By are heard on Sat,,u6 League program has a two-- f old Ban Confessions mother and kiddies all on the! A tors relative to a club memberxno. iu iu are pax i, uigeu uciyaic Oratorical Finalists purpose: (1) To afford an oppor, urday from 4 to 4:30 p.m. and main xiuor. ship drive 'to commence soon. this election. 13 Planned Two finalists in the American 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. On the top floor will be the tunity to youngsters under Mills was named chairman Henry a Catechism classes for the pub- adult attractions that will not be years of age baseball play,, on Legion annual oratorical contest,! Price Kiwanis this activity and will announce of were the feature speakers at the lie school children of Helper and 0f any interest to the youngsters competitive basis to teach them FUNERAL SERVICES The Price Kiwanis club this details of the drive shortly. and sports' technique playing Helper Kiwanis meeting last the Camps are conducted by tne This plan of arrangements was week announced Rates Listed plans for Its The topic of their talks Sisters of Charity every Saturday thought of as a remedy to some sixth manship, and (2) to lay the founnight. Talent schedule annual of Kiwanis is Following ' dations., of good citizenship. TOMORROW FOR was "Sovereignty of the People, at 9:30 a.m. of the overcrowding that has been Night to take place Thursday, rates approved for the 1952 " sea- " Men interested In the man. Then and, Now". Speakers were Sunday Masses are offered by "-experienced in, years past 2J jit the !PTice civic 3udi- -' BOn " March Miss' Plstor' at "7T 8?3(T "and 10:30 -" 'Booths and Concessions Thomas the Nedra of ager and (Helper posts should '.contact! 'DDfUirDIP&f Week days until 2 p.m., 50c; torium. Kay Bunnell, Price, is QV either Mr. Marehetti or Lke JVlArl T DIiUUlIiIUIV a.m. t Keith Jones of Spring Glen. Booths ana, concessions, num- chairman of this year's week days after 2 p.m., 75c; ail First Friday One new member, Rev. Edward Cormani, vice president, or see! bering over 20, will ibe set up on Invited hole replays, 50c; week ends Frank Dalpiaz, secretary, fee-- ! Mass will be celebrated F. Dowling, and one First Friday of the Month and the two floors 'Of the auditorium Bunnell state Mr. today that and holidays, $1.01 first round, Sunday's meeting. If this, morrow (Friday) at 10 a.m. in Roland Taylor, Castle Gate, were Holy Mass will Ibe offered at 7:30 alid offer a variety of fine mer- a call to all persons having tal- all replays, 75c. the St. church, Anthony's Catholic, is not possible, they are asked inducted into the club by Frank a.m. Breakfast will be served to chandise items, games of skill, ent in the various entertainment will again be Season tickets for Mrs. Mary Frkovic Dalpiaz. to be present at the meeting. (Helper, the children of the parish who and novelties. Hot dogs, ham categories is being made and available, and rate schedules will the Reverend 62, Broderick, by The team SDonsors will "foot" Guests of the club Wednesdayreceive Holy Communion follow- burgers, Coffee and cake will also that they should obtain entry be announced later, the major part of the cost of in- Edward F. Dowling. Mrs. Broderi- night were E. K. Sundquis ofing the Mass. be on sale in various parts of blanks and participate in the con- - j personnel for the 1952 season in the building by ladies' organiza-- ; teBt ducting the program in this area. ck died late Sunday evening fol- Vernal; J. J. Bergera, Helper, AH day Exposition of the Bless-anw imams, general i wm 'De Lee a. the IPrice hospital Each sponsor will pay about $250 CJyde Shurtleff, junior highed Sacrament will be held in the tions who have volunteered for All entries must be in by j manager; Tony Macaluso, club illness. a lowing members long of the the three-nigh- t to outfit his team with uniforms, church and stand. instructor. March 14, and tryouts of entrants professional, and A. P. Dimick, Mrs. Broderick had lived most e of the Sacred Heart and the meeting the balls, bats, bases, etc., and will Following will be conducted Monday, March greenskeeper. ' r are urged toy the leave the management of his team of her life in Carbon county. bers saw a film on Little Leagueparlshloners The Bingo attrac- - 17th, at 7 p.m. her here to she Prior and coming solely in the hands of the league baseball, and another film on thepastor to sign up for Adoration tton will again be in operation j cash prizes totaling $125 will ' available at the L. & A. Drug family had resided in California world series. officers and the managers. during the day. store and at the Helper journal be given to the winners. (Continued on Page Eight) and Salt Lake City. Director Election Pending Cal Jewkes was program chair- - Holy Hour will be conducted iblanks are office. 'In Helper entry the evening from 7:30 to 8:30 In the very near future another She was born November 1, 1889, man, and Stanley Litizzette con-ito a Gospic, Liekl, Yugoslavia, ducted the meeting. p.m. meeting of the Little League will CARBON COLLEGE of Joseph and Matija be called, with the representatives 'daughter Frkovic. of the various organizations in She was married to Chris KENNECOTT COPPER RESEARCH CENTER Helper asked to attend, and a SLATES TWO PRO erick in Bait Lake City in 1916. to offiassist of directors died 5, Her husband February cers will be suggested. A discus-- 1 Helper City water depart- - the whole town will again pre-mein TO BE BUILT ON OF UTAH CAMPUS WRESTING PROGRAMS The stated sion on the number needed, and ,1951, from injuries sustained this week that water vail. mine accident. willi'a from what organizations. The work of relocating the in the supply lines ser- member was Mrs. r. Broderick pressure Board a of Utah The which Student University election take mace, after Carbon Colleg North- - line will be rushed through, ac, He of Regents has approved a proSt. Patrick's Card of the directors will take place. some cording to Bruno so that it will HelPer' the Croation Fraternal Union of r hndr fntpin a ontrt' posal under which Kennecott Cop- Party March 25; fcefore water ,g compIeted bj America. P-T-A Meets per Corporation woild. construct Helper of lines needed at the cemetery and other cause of a switch-ove- r her are two daugh- a research center on the Univer- Altar Society Surviving few year , Monday Night At The annual St. Patrick's card Spring sity campus. ters, Mrs. Ann Jackson, y-The building and ago, to bring two professional' uu""5 w " - j W An iiuit School Miss Glen Central Frances Myers, equipment are estimated to cost party sponsored by the St. and iif Bldg. nujii inj," " wrestling programs to Price. The construction Road Gangs Busy in Helper. The Helper PTA will hold its Berkeley, Calif.; three sons, Jo $1,250,000. thony Catholic church Altar So matches will be held in the a At the present time a skeleton Dom (Bruno, water master, statnext seph Myers, Helper; John Myers, will be held Tuesday, March regular monthly meeting Ovmnnsiiim nn March 13 and Plans for the structure are ciety feeder line crew of workers is working here the main that ed 25, at 7 p.m. in the Helper civic M Monday night, March 10, at 7:30 Los Angeles, Calif., and Mike Myh practically completed and it Is auditorium, it was announced this using two heavy duty "cats" and ' 1 p.m. in the Central school house ers, Burbank, Calif., and a sister Mr. Dern assures us that these can that construction expected of Mrs. Mrs.; jack Busio, park City. win Haw iu ire cm one power shovel to fill in the week Iby Mrs. Carl Schoenberger. are not exhibition Is the announcement inn uei but matches, get under way in the near future. on A hot dinner will be served in It,. Thelma Flaim, president. Holy Rosary will toe recited About a ranh rr.atr.Vi will out temporarily while road crews approach to the new bridge be dequired to " will year sescut for the new Poplar street, and to make the . make a with the card Guest speaker for the evening tonight at 8 p.m. in the Mitchell conjunction complete the building. site. This operation ac- - initial cut through the Hill street sion and tickets are now on sale all or j will be Dr. P. M. Gonzales, phy- Funeral Chapel at Price. o e hour limitation. cenby research of rnarl n fit-i- f or I! mil takfi1 mnnntil h rl onxriinrr the in (Building obat $1.25 each. These may be Burial will be ln the Mt. View sician and surgeon, Helper. He Some of the world's greatest, v.t have many tained from r,,...,i any of the following wrestlers will be participating. will speak on "Rheumatic Fever". Cemetery, under the direction of ter on the campus will ac for y the ot Springville are the con-the university level new advantages Mrs. has reached, ladies: Mrs. George Grlvet, road the Mitchell Funeral Home. An entertaining program al- 13 have matches The I March V. ... fr Ata hiffhwDlf 1.. nw ..111 Ua cording to Louis Buchman, Vice John iMabrito, Mrs. Frank Jer-an- t vu uo dcl uic new i notiwio c xnw ivi ai rtnAr.. . rra V1j linn jiw " e w leen arranged by Mrs. Fred j nI HAvrvifll of InmrAl an1 Kennecott President C! rtfacollpn MiRS Copper Broadbent, and Robert through Helper. Kay Buchanan. French .Angel vs reading by and Mrs. entertainment chairman, Jerry Woods; enhance Chairmen Named will include selections by the All parents are urged to attend Corporation and should and vs Joe Pat Vinca O'Connor; of the university's The various chairmen of the Central school string orchestra; this meeting; meet the teachers, the prestige Roughhouse Floyd Hanson vs. dun numbers hv students 'of and take part in the furthering College of Mines and Mineral in- committees in charge of the Mexican Pete Rivers. FUND Hostandi a i of educational facilities in Helper. dustries. Kennecott's research per- party arrangements are: MrsL Elaine Eaquinta, At a later date Tom George, sonnel will be available for stu- esses, Mrs. Victor Litizzette; matchdent seminars on technical sub- Tables, Mrs. A. S. Wahl; Wait- the Bulgarian theLion, will be IFI the at man ed best jects. Company officials added resses, Mrs. John Columbo; Kit- firstagainst i program. will a of be structure that the chen, Mrs. John Driscoli; Prizes, Preliminary to each wrestling! The American Red Cross fund cjety, lelper Women of the type that will be in' keeping with Mrs. Frank Dalpiai and Mr- - WilBPW Club, Woman's program, there will be a lew anve in uarnon coumy is unue' Moose, "CLEAN-SHAVE- N" the beauty and dignity of the liam Kloepfer. some way now, it was announced this Club, Rio Grande Women's Auxamateur rounds of boxing by campus. The next meeting of the Altar of Carbon week by Albert Veltri, operator iliary, and the American Legion County's best youth, Sheriff Snow flurries last Saturday af- Sergeant Nick Thomas, When fully staffed, the research Society is slated to take place 13 of the L. & A. Drug store, chair- - Auxiliary, Cartoon Post No. 21. March the at The audience and Chief Joe of police Holman. ternoon did little to dampen the center will employ approximately Wednesday, March 12 at 8 p.m. man of the County Red Cross drive chairprogram will have a say as to enthusiasm of thirty young "Vig- "Red" Knoblbs. 50 people and it is expected that and will be in the form of a sofor will be made II what matches on the This attack eiper area man. Joe Hammond Jr., Price, surfrontal made a ilantes" when they cial. New members and prospec- the March 27 drive, and will stated this week that this year's males of Helper was most of the staff will be Utahns. program. n main on Helper's attack prise The new research center will tive members will be entertained. Joe Vinca is the idol of Europe. include in the quota for the county has been a street, armed with cap gung, planned by Fred Bosone and in studies basic, relating not set at $6500, and that every efJll-le- t) engage campaign The French Angel (Maurice committee of Helper merchants attred in chaP. Methodist of to mineral recovery problems of solicitation Community certified 150,000 a and for to the Beard raise funds posts fort will be made to achieve this and cowboy boots MinCROSS Kennecott's of all Western RED houses business Vinca any check feaNews to Church one the against pit of mark. Costume contest, cornerea and hats, Divisions. In addition to the but will Include The Community Methodist wrestler in the world. tures of the Helper Days of '49 ing Mr. Hammond last week conall adult males on inthese Utah of the resicanvass Division, Copper a the thorough bewhiskered, will trext celebrate held be of Price Church O'Connor, show will pat here that who mine offices and officers tacted the sreets clude operations in Nevada, Ari- the "Week of Dedication" begin 220 week, March 13, 14, and 15, at pound gentleman, is among dential arcasof th city. the United Mine Worker lower not wearing of New (Mexico. It Is also and zona Mrs, Hene Phillips, Helper, the civic auditorium. ning Sunday, March 9, with a the American great in wrestling, and they will cooperate in beards. and sold cals that a regular part of of the city drive stated Mr. (Bosone reported the "take" expected special service at 11 a.m. Tn addi- tn fact the six men who are them "No Beard" carrying on the donation campaign -- rf'iV the laboratory's work will be in tion to the the the that for following women's or- In the various evening Mrs, first was and another scheduled sermon, that pastor's very good, nermlts mining communibe made by the vestigation 'Of the treatment of Bess Jones will give a short talk. In Price are sure to give the ganizations will participate in the ties. They entered the city m!d the campaign might needed from ores and minerals many In the evening at 7:30, the Men's fans a real treat with their pow- drive to raise the nyich their trans-nortatio- group this week end. scream of sirens In charge of the drive in Spring parts of the world la connection Club, postponed from last week er, skill, and energy which will funds: were of The , student scene attack Vigilantes the to So- - Glen is Mrs. Ann Jackson. Altar Church St. Anthony's because of conflicts, will be held. be displayed. (Continued on Eight) wm furnished by Highway patrol of the Helper Central School. ttt , Pow-.dlIc- e, J. - At , f M lipTlP 1 gpe,. . , ge J . 1 as-,1- Along. nou, tass.,. will-hav- 8ub-!kid- njw, w ! e Hears rrQif i Night By - a' ; ill ! show.-Talen- e d city-count- y mem-leagu- ever-popula- n WATER LINE CHANGES WILL Brod-boar- DROP PRESSURE FEW WEEKS T nt Hosts S W lZellrZLZ - uv hu Col-W- " '7 ' ot WW sup-lpan- Do-son- i RED CilOSS l VIGILANTE GROUP SCOtlES HOW UNDERWAY "HIT" HALES Oil clean-shave- - n P( DRIVE IS HELPER |