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Show Washington By News-Lett- ROBERT er N. TAYLOR offered to give up Norway as one of its three members, if the Reds will drcp Russia. Somehow, we just can't" imagine General George Washington haggling with his enemy at Val-leForge, or anywhere else, for seven and a half months over whether or not to stop fighting. Even when, at Valley Forge delay might have been to his advantage, whereas, at Panmunjom, it is decidedly to the enemy's Electronic Takeoff vvN s v" HELPER THURSDAY, MARCH The " 6, y .Washington Correspondent. UNCLE SAM TO PUT ON HIS efficient transportation." ' Since the initial request for the CONDUCTOR'S CAP AGAIN? 13 rail"Nationalization of the per cent increase last Marc&, baa authorized roads", which would be "a direct the Commission step toward socialized govern some considerably smaller rate ment", is the real question faced boosts, totalling about six per by the Interstate Commerce com- cent in the West and South, and mission in deciding whether or nine per cent in the East. not to permit the roads to charge Protesting the "discrimination" rates that will support the kind against the western roads, Bar. of rail service the country re- ron said: "There Is no reason why the railroads of the West quires. This is the warning to the Com- should not ibe given as great an mission voiced by Harry c. Bar- increase as railroads in any other ron, of Chicago, counsel for the territory," While some western (western railroads, in the Wash- roads are better off than others, ington hearing of the carriers' he said, a number of them are plea for a 13 per cent Increase scraping the (bottom of the barin freight rates. rel", six of them failing last year "Starve the railroads and be a to earn fixed charges, interest and party to nationalization if you de- rentals. Without going into the intricasire," (Barron declared, "but you or will leave to posterity the know- cies of railroad curbstone opinions any that to failed heed the offering you ledge admonition of Congress to pre- on what's fair and what ain't, we scribe rates that will enable tne sincerely hope the IOC will think railroads to provide adequate and over that threat of government operation. In that case, we know darn well our rail transportation would cost more, whether it came out of freight rates or out of ' We do not share the presidens tial enthusiasm for General remarks, nor do we think he 'is in any position to scold the ' American people. tax money. . NO TIME TO SOUND OFF In a Washington's Birthday speech, for which he was specially commended by President Truman (who harj, just compared with himself, not unfavorably, Washington and Jefferson), General Matthew Ridgwar drew an analogy between Korea and VaJ, ley Forge. As this is written, the Korean truce talks which are well into their eighth month, are stalled again. The UN delegates are standing firm in tUair demand for the voluntary repatriation of prisoners, the Beds insisting more loudly than ever on the forced PROTECT! Df INSURANCE Of All Types it LIFE AUTO 4tff ' YOU FIRE Public Liability Equitable Insurance Agency f G. PatUflek return of alt prisoners. The IW delegates and the Reds are as far apart as ever on t&e issue of year ago. building airfields during a truce. As a ii Might be addThe UN still rejects Russia as a ed that the "collective" Bystem "neutral" member of the Truce has been "borrowed" bj the lead, Supervision Commission, but has ers of Red China, where in (Mafoot-not- M. TkKm e, nchuria and China proper, a total of 5 of these state" farms cover more tiian half a million acres, and have enslaved no telling how many Chinese. And if a Russian can suffer and still hope and plan and wait, so can a Chinaman. OFFICE SPACE CHOICE rocs .remt is unfortunate that providence didn't give us our neighbor's oiKlren, since these are the only ones we know how to raise. , H HELPER STATE BANK BLDG. Inquire at Bank ' Phone 5 Colored Pencil eete, all klnde old at the Helper Journal. Another Ford First! EJeiv DKra-Kflodei- iorj-Ricfiio- n na FOHD THDGK Engines ! Minna Miai ! hi 'SI FIVE 101-h.106-h.- f p. COST p. TRUCK tlO 13-fc- .p. leS-h.- US-h- .. ii e iti 14 on wjnwnvai II lllll t I Bf.! f ml III III H wn low COMPRESSION saves up to New for '52 great Ford Truck Engines ii """ II III! I m friction design' gas! Your running costs get trimmed still more, with new Ford Trucks for '52! Three completely new ultra-moder- clippu six n, overhead valve Ford Truck engines deliver more power per cubic inch! New short-strok- e can save you up to one design cute friction power-waste gallon of gas in Severn No other truck line in the field gives you so many power choices, aeries for series, in Jf ton to trucks! See the new Ford Trucks now! Low-Frictio- V- -t SIX CARGO KINO V- -l CAROO KINO V-- R low-pric- . tee eer tdtthhe W Jt fn K)ID vi todayl nSTIVAl-itar- rlaf Ford Trucks for '52 cost still less to run? itmt MltM, with rtldi MI rthfi, NIC-T-V Mhratt Diamanti Motor Co. 38 " . . . W YL MOTOR SALES & SERVICE Phone 283 North Main Helper CASTLE GATE Seven Jun- - ing some time at Salina. ior Gleaners from Castle Gate Alene Taylor, Sharon Phillip were honored at the North Car- -' and Weldon Thacker attended th bon 'Stake Gold and Green Ball speech meet at Ogden last week Saturday night at Helper civic end. auditorium, for tilling the require Mr. and Mrs. Martin Carlson ments to achieve an individual j were Salt Lake City visitors over e Award. Three achieved 100 week end. tendance at Sunday School, Sacrament meeting, and MIA They were Faye Miller, Joyce Snow and Joanne Houghton. The other girls were Louise Watson, Luan Stevens, Sheila Booth, and Geral-din- e Johnson. They participated in the floor show with the girls honored from the other wards. The Ladles Auxiliary enjoyed a social evening Wednesday at their HELPER regular meeting with President Anne Huff in chsrte. A dessert luncheon was served to members attendant. Mrs. Thomas Bendall visited last week at Grand Junction, Colorado, with her dauvhter and Mrs. George Mr. and family, Smith. Utah' eldest and largest "Mr. and (Mrs. Randan Tylor rubber stamp manufactur and children, Virginia. Claudia is r to serve you. waiting and Ra.ttd.y, are vacationing in Mrs, Taylor's home state, A quick telephone aM will at-'tb- i?s5 t A UUDDCr Stamp Service to comes M - Mm SYRACUSE, N. Y. Resembling- - a guided missile of the future about to be launched, this electronic rear hu a multitude of wir.gs, but it doesnt fly. Photo it an unusual view of a television antenna on a railroad Hatcar at General Electric' plant here, read for to Cuban station at Santiago de Cuba. ship-me- nt CMQ-T- V l6SAISr- Notice -j ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS Js'otice is herein given, that the Board of Education, Carbon County School District, Price, Utah, will receive 'bids for all the ltor and material required in connection with the construction ef ak teratlons and additions ta Wellington Elementary School loc4t ed at Wellington, Utah. Bids are to be submitted separately for the (1) General Work, which Includes everything the except plumbing and heating and the electric wiring; (2) Plumbing and Heating; and (3) Electric Wiring. Bids are to be submitted in cordance with the respective plans, specifications, and other contract documents now on file with the Board of Education of the Carbon County School District at Price, Utah, anQ at the office of Claude Shepherd Ashworth, Architect, upon receipt of $30.80 per set for the General Work, $1'5.00 per set for the Plumbing and Heating, and $15.00 per set for the Electric Wiring, which de posit will Ibe refunded providing the bid is submitted in proper form and upon receipt of such copies in good condition within ten (10) days after the bids are opened, otherwise, the contractor will forfeit his deposit. Each 'bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at the office of the Architect, and shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or bid bond for five (5) per cent of the amount of the bid, made payable to the order of the Board of Education, To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF TKK ESTATE OF: ROSAR1Q PJttJfCS also sometimes known as ROSS PRINCE. being one and the same person, Deceased. Creditors will present clams with vouchers t to the undereijned at the office of Thorn ftaitth. At- torney at Law, 153 South Main Street, Helper, Utah, on or before April 28th, 132, GBOROS STELLA fciatutoc of th Will ot ROsarlo Prince, alia gojuettae known a ftosU prince feeing one and toe same perton, Deceased. Thorit Hatch Attorney for Executor 153 South Main Street Helper, Utah. Date of first publication Feb. 21, 1952. Date of last publication Thure- day, March 13, 1952. PATTERN OF oi wrvUe fnm ' Rwbbw oncj mwki itmpi devices an speed . ing business and sava yui ytu . . TTrrVriTi 77--. r utf ff ucr-iM- ft KCXXTEPG st U.M itfaney . . . don't dafay, phone or come in today, PHONE 2t I00KS Your LmI ReprcscnUtivt tur ims UN t 7J fr eft The Helper Journal t 2 T INTEREST On Savings up to $10,000. xm MM immwiumi ' tOUl IMCAtIO EFFECTIVE JAN. 1, 1952 THE KEY TO HAPPINESS ta held Tiny tot'i is security. Each important step largely upon financial security. and be assured of the money for a family, a home. Let us help you hr sklrtt future. I I in your life depends Save regularly here education, marriage, prepare for a bright HELPER STATE BANK 1 1 I I I 1 1 Member of Federal Reserve Deposits Insured up to $10,000 I I I II I I II Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I Ml after being requested to do so toy the said Board within a period of fifteen (13) days. The said Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids or fir Compliment Your Friends With Its Finer Flavor waive any Informality in a bid. No bidder may withdraw hi bid for a ppriod of thlity (30) days after the date net for thf opening thereof. All work under this contract must be complete, on or i efore lerember 31. 1952. Dated: February 18. 1952, HOARD OF KDUCATION Carbon County School District C. W. Petersen, president Movell Jewkes. Clerk Date of firnt publication. Thursday, February 21, 19"2. Date of last publication, Thursday. Marc" 13. . SEVEN ? STAR 3 NO TRY IT MONEYI A man htirriptl into a bar ami eald to the bartender, "Give m a drink before the row itaru." SOON! He drank that up. "Anothpr drink before the row G&W tttart.'. He'd drunk that halfway when the bartender aftked: "What row?" "I haven't any money," said the man. " Welder the JOURNAL- -- MaMMMHMMBMHMaaHa. OOUFS0 yy Bfeft, bring Mrs. I E. Durrant was called to Brlgham City by the death ot her mother last week, Services were h14 Saturday whlolt Mr Durrant attended. Air. and aire. Mike Caiella and. lDflvon re gpefld 0,droyd THE WEEK out. Th tripl tiars of ruff Iti or rpatcl Carbon County School district, in th panli, to b warn ithr undar th shall be and and filed sealed patticoat or with a baribbontd bandeau with the Clerk of sal, Board at for a play ntambl. Advanct Partem 5963 the office of said Board in Price, iscuiintizs2io8 2S Utah, on or before March 20, 1952, at 7:30 p.m. at which time they TO ORDER ADVANCE PATTERNS Sand 25c will be opened and publicly read in coin (no stamp) for each pattern with aloud. (izt, nam I oddross, dftignating which The above mentioned check or partem you want by iti number. Send to ATLAS PATTERN, tond shall be given as a guarantee that the bidder will enter DEPT. H. J., 6455 Sunset Blvd., into the contract if awarded to Hollywood 2S, Calif,. Allow two him and will be declared forfeit- weeks for delivery. ed if the successful bidder refuses, to enter into said contract e, FJ).A-F- Com i d , irs th sum ., BY JOSEPHINE HOUGHTON RUSSIA will be remembered by the oldsters that the greatest difficulty encountered by the sainted Lenin in reorganizing what had been Czarist Russia into the Soviet of People's Republics, came from the Kulacs,' the farmers who owned their land. They were s who fought for their the land as no others in this vast chaos fought for their liberty, their property or even their lives. But the Kulacs were eventually subdued, or killed, and their land "coseized for the state-ownellective" farms. Produce of these farms is grown for the state, under a rigid quota system, - but each of the peasants working on a "collective" is allowed a tiny plot to grow his own food, a pig and some chickens, even to sell any excess he produces. And now, Pravda and the Moscow Radio admit, there's trouible again with the farmers. They are accused of "plundering Socialist property", which means they have been gradually enlarging their private gardens 6ut of "collective" land, worse still, it is hinted that the chiefs of the "collectives" are guilty of collaboration! Perhaps th'e Kulac spirit never quite perished. Perhaps devotion to the land, which every farmer understands, can never be killed; may yet spark another revolution In Russia, as we hoped so many rate-makin- everybody's Castle (Sate THERE ARE GHOSTS It - Friendly News Notes From Ridg-way'- IN JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN (Utah) 1952 COCOtRHAM t WORTS LTD., PEORIA, ILL w w w FULL 90 PROOF means Good Whiskey BLENDED WHISKEY. &! NEUTRAL SPIRITS DISTILLED FROM GRAIN. t |