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Show ' HE L PER (Utah) JOURNAL MARCH The PAGE FOUR A HIGHWAY SAFETY "MUST Is Now Underway II Par Price growers could be corrected if Utah were placed in a common area with Idaho for purposes of ' potato ceiling prices, Senator Bennetts letter said in part. ; I Asked For Utah By Senator Bennett For Spring Quarter 1952 6, THURSDAY, Potato College Registration Students are now registering P. Bennett Senator "Wallace for the Spring Quarter at Carbon (R. Utah) Thursday asked new College. They have bef6re tbem price boss, Ellis G. Arnall. to put rounding . . ...." ... J"" SeiX m Jng " "5 UVpt - a . te Pvt. Morris McNary " Assigned Training At Camp Roberts " 3 OR 8? Pvt. Morris E. McNary of Helphas ibeen assigned to Camp 'Rcfrerts, California, to begin his er .. In the half century that the automobile has been on the COmmercial and ag- about of increased America life in has the cene, average span 21 years. For this we can largely thank medical and .surigical It is expected that registration in a letter to the Office of thatacHMU rewired nderth" will Ite the end of tha"t cll.cumstances acldi ab advances, not the reckless drivers of automobilesIndeed, the this weekcompletedthatby classes will Price Stabilization director, 'the in- . utahn major tf. such be jn Steh average .pan of hfe today would be even h.gher the Bee-beginnlng drivers had not killed 1,000,000 persons since the turn of the day. March 10. President Aaron hive state's potatoes at the low- - J comparable situa Btate8 , E- - Jnes ls anxlous have lhe est level of any of the western tions .. 300,000 of them in the decade between 1941 and century ' I adults of the communities in Car- states. Senator Bennett was . advised l 0 DOn County look over, the list of, . senator Bennett said that an . th op, h Last year more than 300,000 years of life Were wiped out subjects that are offered in the investigation of Utah's potato utah potatoes woufd hav little between daytime to see if there aretoe not problem had revealed that most of appreciable effect in traffic accidents that claimed over 6,500 victims retail p of the difference some subjects yhich would . existing between the ages of 15 and 2u alone. Ihese are the years in which edu- - lnterest to them, whether adults the price of potatoes and,P Utah in cations are finished, careers started, marriages made and fam- - have completed high school or other western states stemmed' Ursins Mr. Arnall to consider the P"Poeal as soon as possible, enroll over uiese young .:uves uu- - not. they areor welcome ofto classes from h ,iion. tn tha other Senator 'Bennett 8 Ietter conciud- lues iuumucu. x . a reins nau wuiiriieu number in any class states of the "disaster , , , , , ., . , nave re- iu eyes, once miea wun pnue ana nope, ueeame giazea witn up t0 a total of 18 hours of credit adjustment", under this adjust-- eu: ine Proceaure KtnnniiH nnl'iolipf avIioh urnivl fmA nf tliA tvairii plifl ' 'Whv during this quorter. President ment the OPS raised some ceiling commended of placing the small , ,. Ijones points out that if adults Drices in order to offset loss ofportion ot then nussei-tsunmii,.,.,.i,,i Umiu tne Mto area !wlll c0me int0 8ch0Ol and take quality or yield due to' growing Why, indeed T An average of between 44 and 52 years of from 5 t0 io hours a. quarter, it conditions which affected crops. ifor potato ceilins PurPoses would this corrective action. graduated Figures were submitted to DPS Accomplish promising and potentially fruitful life were destroyed in each will he possible in otner instances your believe course the College in the by the .Department of Agriculture!1 few of these 6,500 young victims were from instance, members have mad ceili u the an year8 Courses in voca - i jedestrians, probably because they had been trained in grade tional work, as well . as in oca- - ops broke the figures down onjprices aPPlicable on the realities e basis. Having no school in the of pedestrian safety. Nearly all were killed clemic subjects, are open to ail a ' On Utah, the QPS ' oMcW data I . in accident-boun- d automobiles. The, while driving riding . (lines and I trust that you can do h nt retrlarr9tInn u accidents were largely due to the inexpert, careless driving one can take 5 hours credit forj8jbl.y mignt not have reflected,80 fa,rly in this "stnce." 6 hours for the real needs of The flrst controversial OPS $12.50 a quarter; habits of youth. potato growers 'order affecting potato ceiling was 7 hours for $17.50, and so jn Utah's $15.00; potato Driver education, which trains young men and women on until one carries as much as growing area. Senator Bennett issued by former price stabilizer to be safe drivers before they take the wheel of the family io hours of credit at which point 8aid Michael DiSalle on January 21, 'ear. is offered todav bv onlv 38 ner cent of the nation's hiffh the student would become a full "I 'believe that the obvious in- and "we've - had trouble ever time student and pay the regular equities imposed on Utah potato since," the Senator said. schools. These courses are taken every year by about 600,000 i8t tion tultion lee8. Spe. high school students, or 44 per cent of those eligible to enroll, j cial students (those taking lessen the night classes which are heing offered at the College. A. "Through such courses a determined effort is being made to'tnan 10 nour8 wOU,d not be to ices iiai oi lucae ijaosca my ue w pay any quirea activity improve the tragie accident record of drivers between the or registration fees. There are tained from LeRoy West at Car- ages of 16 and 25, which is nearly t wice as bad as it should many mothers whose children are ibon College or from the office at ln 8ch001 d"nn tne aaytlme hor(tne iiege. inose w.sn ng io he in rclatiou to the group's percentage of all drivers. should do so not later whose families are grown, hen students learn to become safe drivers in high might well spend one. two or than Monday, March 10, and may school, their chances of avoiding serious accidents are usually more hours a day at Carbon Col-- j do so by coming to the College OMIATtSTCOAlfikM I X edu- at anytime previous to that date, three times JUetter than those of youths who have not had lege in pursuit of a college office be the will There cation. help at such training. The cost of driver education is small and its Those who cannot come during to assist those who wish to reg- March 13, 14, 15 rewards are great. It can make a great contribution to high- the daytime should be interested ister. ' if all school students receive it. TlZJ IS IT military training. ipvt. McNary rwhose wife, wan-nie- , resides at 5305 F St.. Sacramento, Calif., has been assigned to Btry. C Armd. FA Bn. at Camp Roberts. The huge military installation, one of the largest Replacement Training Centers during World MT tl'XSS ti;-,- War , ..... lt I ., ,7:U fea i to-b- e llatively J Ter state-by-stat- ' "WT I Russet-Burban- k -- , i Surprising how many people mistake a 3 for an 8 when playing cards. That's one of the penalties or advancing years. But it's easily corrected. Women, especially, often refuse to recognize the fact that when they reach the years of impairment of clear, near vision they must squint, develop "crow's feet," frown and move about awkwardly because of inability to see clearly. Everyone who lives lone enough must experience what physicians call "presbyopia" or middle age farsightedness. It is not a disease. It is merely a natural change in the eye muscles which makes it difficult to do close work such as reading or sewing. J Presbyopia is simple to remedy. disease presWhen there is no eye ent, ophthalmologists and other eye specialists recommend reading glasses for middle age farsightedness. These simple reading glasses can be purchased without a prescription and at low cost from the counters of almost any good variety or dims store. Millions of them are worn by people in this and many foreign countries with great relief and comfort. readv-to-we- as Military United Training Program of States. Coin envelopes available one of the best one can wear in William Thackeray MITCH ELL FUNERAL HOME Dick Mitchell Embalmer A Funeral Director PHONE 300 : PRICE THORIT HATCH LAWYER 153 8. Main Helper, Utah Loyal Order Tuesday, 7:M pun. HELPER '. A. Women Bowlers Monday League LODGE The greatest fault of a penewit is to go beyond the mark. trating N.J.Tut1lus Secretary Rochefoucauld one of mm IIS; Helper Soldier Is Air Focre Base Indoctrination Student iMonday night found a change Pvt. "Robert T. Fryer, son of ties as iHamms Beer lost three points to Johnnys, High Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Rose, 527 for the winners was Kris Kontas Canyon St., Helper, is completing with High for the losers his AP basic airmen indoctrina. tion course at Lackland Air Force was Renaun Brackett - with Base. the "Gateway to the Air I designs the worlds most beautiful car 155-46- 163-41- 3. , handed three to the to Pill Rollers in a tie for top Cleaners dropped Moose women Lupo Force." Lackland, situated near San Antonio, is the world's largest air force base, site of Air Force basic training, lor men and women, headquarters of the Human Resource Research Center, and home of AF's Officer Candidate School. His basic training is preparing-hifor entrance ' into Air Force technical training and for assignment in specialized work. The course includes a scientific evaluation of his aptitude and inclination for following a particular vocation and career. points keep thera apot. Service anchor on the taking three points. for Service with High was Marian 155-2- 5. LEAGUE STANDINGS Pill Rollers Johnnys ....... Ha m ma ........ Service .'... 14 Olivetos 11 14 12 12 Moo.se Phone News ywyyf'M'.iinii! t! Items to Journal- - II....IIJ.......J....I.MII.I.,, i(n ii., , H i M w w. wmmwwM ... muni 2 mm For Rent FOR SALE BARGAIN'S OX ROOM SETS All good buys. & Hardware, USED LIVING BARGAINS FOR RENT Furnished apart ments and rooms. Also houseMutual Furniture1 keeping rooms. B.lO.usc HILLCREST HOTEL & APT8. Helper. ON DISPLAY MARCH ree SALE-Tu- Railroad 4-- Ave, houses See Helper. Lee Diamantl. , F"- Rio Htel- - R,E'T - r0,0m9- i 112'-US- i i.c o"j-v- - 1 SALE '2G Ford i So. . FOR RENT Furnished Ricci Apartments. apartment, Has 52 inspection Tag. See W. 3 61tc Call Helper 23-Donaldson, Standardville. WILL RENT my apartment in FOR SALE modern Y.M.CvA. building to responsihome. Full basement. mile married ble, couple without 1 North of Helper on Main High-children. Two large rooms, tile way. Call Price shower bath and kitchenette, fully furnished. Including elec- 3 bedroom' FOR SALE trie range anj frig. Reasonable house with furnace, stoker,! or parties can work for rent, hardwood floor room, laundry , cash. R. B. Bassler, rent plus in living room, new covering j Phone lCO-J- , 2tc Helper. in other rooms. 2 years fire 179-J- . Call insurance paid. GARAGE SITE FOR RENT Good p Helper. - I central location. See John White FOR SALE' horol Phono SfiLR. llPlner coal range, good condition. Call Helper FOR S 1 1 mmy uu HelPer-o- 31 14- - ft I FOR HALL. Petersen in team Olivetos of Moose high Communities that fail at least to offer it overlook the obvious "musts" of real highway safety. ' Phone 275 Governor Francis i ; 018-OR1- 3(J-2t- . 363-N- farm on j FOR SALE Help Wanted Miller Creek. (50 acres under District cultivation) good soil, bent j' MAN OR WOMAN manager will RelPct a reliable water rights in county, elecperson from this area to ser-- j tricity, priced at only $3,230.on. ciiKh U1.500 clown payment. ' vice vending machines part or full time. No selling. Applicant Terms on balance. Phone Price iiuiRt have $600 cash (which Is R10W. secured) and an honest desire to devote a few hours per week Miscellaneous to a position that will net a weekly Income. For in,reRular RUG ft CARPET CLEANERS terview give all In application (Oriental and Domestic). Carpet Including phone. Write CALVES' : Serg-in?Laying, Rug Bending and CORPORATION. 2C24 W. 6th Upholstery and Rug ShamSt., Los Angeles. Calif. 3 6 1 tp nJ Electrolux Sales pooing; Service, w. R. Ererett (44 N. 2ni East, phone 955-J- , Price, Envelopes, all sizes, sold at tht Tlt-as- e Vtah. Helper Journal. it (Construction 17 THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL CARS AT OUR SHOWROOM 80-ac- M, J Krayinc Phone 21 mitn Rfilotor-Compan- 23 So. Carbon Ave. Price, at the PROFESSIONALS Good humor is of dress society. Army. Journal. Meet Every articles again been the stepped ar J way safety up the has once a part if II, opened I Utah |