Show t 4 DEMOCRACY TARIFF AND PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLEs For half a century with but slight the tho Republican party par has hag hagIn fj hen In control of tho the executive and branches of government in le ini ler r i I his nation and at no time In fu that J ong ons period of domination has the 1 I predatory wealthy class been made madeo madeJ J I o yield submission to tho the laws of or orI ji Ii I I rights The resources of the country have baye been monopolized and ands j s ill tho the machinery of or government has een seen applied in fu defense of or mono monOr rI until the tho evil has Im become so soH rb f H as ns to be designated byi by bythe b bI the I he title of l i A knowledge of this fact is ono one of reasons why so many young men ment t n casting their first votes declare 1 allegiance b byI to tho the Democratic party 1 yI t 1 party parLy which sinco the Civil War boas coas offered but bul small political Induce inducements ments in the tho North by way of holding to Lo those who might see seo litto lit tit to Ho sacrifice Ii political opportunities and 5 aven affluence for principle 1 1 All AH tho the goodness and virtue of this to Lo be he sure are aro not to be found within the party of o Jefferson and Jackson son but the trend of the tho lenders leaders Democracy has been moro more stead steal i for or tho the right than that of their 1 opponents opponent and there thero Is a reason for Jor fort t this which Is not to bo ho found Cound in tho Individual makeup of tho the parties The Tile t Republican doctrine of protection has 1 on to tho the Republican party parly who were disposed to throw tho the of Influence on the th side t which I extends to them special leges and as ns a result most of or tho the bl Industrial Interests are arc In the tho Republican leadership Find and nearly ne rh all the monopolistic forces j are securely entrenched within tho the Republican party j I When the tho Dingley schedules were up a scandal grew out of the disclosure that many of the manufacturing turing luring Interests of tho the country were allowed l through their representatives ItO j to write their own schedules and now there Is evidence that a q like col dl I prevails and that instead of the th people eOPle through a representative form Corm II of government offering the trusts in r control of f our principal industries a 41 tariff the trusts have havo written the tile Bill Dill and are arc about to tender lender it through Congress to the American consumers c J 1 It Il Is this dominance of or tho the especIal Ily b favored few through the 1 can party that thaL has haD kept a pro protest protest j test lest which finds Its voice in tho the Demo erotic cratic party larty j Though Democracy is handicapped I Ib by b an nn absence of or large arse financial Inter j tests ts to sustain Its Us campaigns of cation i i s and amI though tho the party has few to Lo offer and but m o encouragement to extend In thc tut direction of or gratification of groat groll political ambi ambitions lions mill year yeal after year there thoro Is I rolled up a Il mighty vote volo which hears bears la In a ratio of al six to 10 seven of oC the tho total vote oto of the tho United States and at times Is s a majority A party of that thal vitality under the tho most adverse influences of the tho power of or money mone Is la worthy of any an mans proud allegiance and carries carlieR I with it proof that it is possessed ed of o Inherent strength and purity There Thore aro are some who grieve that thai Democracy Is not victorious In Na National elections The mere sense Ronse of defeat is 1 unworthy a n second thought Democracy can cnn well afford to go on forever fore vcr without holding the office of president If tho the doctrines of the party I I but force themselves upon the party I in power or the protests of a n great body of or tho the people released from party bondage find Ond expression In a constantly changing attitude for the bettor bolter In tle councils of the party In power Dower and in the legislative lo enact enactments enactments enactments ments A R BOWMAN |