Show EW YORK CARRIES OfF Mn THE HONORS Philadelphia Pa May IIa 22 2 ew York oarsmen carried off the lie bulk buIlt of or tiie WIC honors at tim tho seventh annual ie TC galta gata ot the American Rowing asso association here this afternoon Of or the lie twelve events that hunt made up lip the lie program ho the Now York entries won seven Philadelphia two liar Har Harvard I vard ar one Cornell one and Baltimore Bal one A steady rain fell tell Due Dill principally to tIle the strong north northwest northwest west wind at Ute flue backs of or the oars oarsmen men anti and thc hue swift current new noW rec roe records records wore established hi In five events the tIm first singles second singles singlea lc first Ort double scull first oared Olred shell mind mill the ho I Junior collegiate eights Cornell won tho ho feature event oE or ortho the lie day which was tho the race for fill junior collegiate eights open only to lo crews crows whoso whoM members never rowed r In a boat ai at PouGhkeepsie or New No London linden There were wore three crews In tills his s race Cornell Harvard and antI Penn Pennsylvania Pennsyl sylvania syl Tho time of the Cornell eight was WM l 26 15 l wb IC i 1 beat the tho record of oft t 27 made malle by b Yale last year cm The Tho Pennsylvania crew crow wu as two lengths behind Harvard made mado some sonic amends for j her er defeat in the tho junior college colIe o race ruc by winning from the he Malta boat Ilont of oC this city in the he race r co for fol first eights ci Miller and his brother brot tor J JA JI JA A Miller Wiler third both bolh of tho the New York Y rk Athletic club dub won the races for lor tho ho I first ami anul seconds sculls respectively ami each broke broko tho the record |