Show I i SUSANVILLE WINS GRAND TOTAL OF EIGHTY POINTS Reno Nov Nev Nc May a 22 California High school athletes over ocr overwhelmed whelmed all nil competitors In an nit Inter Interstate interstate state athletic meet on Mackay Mackar Field today winning whetting the meet by IJ a grand total of or so 80 points The Tho nearest com cent competitor was Reno Itono with a total or of o 21 l points About 2000 OUO people veople saw tho the various events The Tho occasion also alBO I marked markell the dedicating of Mackay I u Field for athletic events I From tho the very vety start Susan lIJo I loomed booted up tup as an easy winner capturing capturing ing firsts in iii nearly every ever event Only four athletes represented the winning high school The Tho following wore sore orl tho tue points gained 1 by h each or the thc contest contestI I SO Reno Heno 21 u Win VIn In I S 7 1 i l I Carson eit 0 Ely 11 0 U and anO andi Sparks 0 O I i |