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Show C-16 The Park Record Saturday, January 27, 2001 Summit County is accepting bids for cleaning services for the New Summit County Services Building located at 6505 North Landmark Drive (Kimball Junction), Park City. Bids shall include references, cost per month and contact person. Bids must be received by 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 7, 2001 . Please mail bids to Summit County Facilities, P.O. Box 128, Coalville, UT. 84017. For further information contact 336-3221, 783-4351 Ext. 3221, or 61 5-3221. Researchers map child gene mutations Scientists discover mutation that causes rapid heartbeat leading to sudden death Italian researchers have mapped a gene mutation that causes a rapid heartbeat that can lead to sudden death in children. The manuscript will be published in the Jan. 16 issue of Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. It appeared recently online at as a "Rapid Track 'publication. Rapid Track articles have been designated by the journal editor as breakthrough break-through information. The researchers found that a mutation in the cardiac ryanodine ryan-odine receptor gene, which controls con-trols the levels of calcium inside heart cells, may predispose the heart to develop abnormal rhythms that could lead to sudden sud-den cardiac death. This condition, condi-tion, known as catacholamineric polymorphic ventricular tachycardia tachy-cardia (CPVT), often strikes chil dren during physical exertion or while experiencing strong emotions. emo-tions. "Finding the gene may help identify individuals at risk," says study author Silvia Priori, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Pavia, Italy. Once CPVT is detected, devices such as implantable defibrillators that correct the heartbeat or drugs such as beta-blockers beta-blockers can be used to prevent the rapid heartbeat called tachycardia tachy-cardia and help prevent sudden death. Researchers studied the genes of 12 individuals who had CPVT. Their analysis revealed that individuals indi-viduals with the condition had mutations in the ryanodine receptor gene. The gene regulates regu-lates how the heart muscle uses calcium, which is involved in helping the heart keep a normal rhythm. The condition is hard to diagnose often the first symp tom is fainting. Unlike individuals individu-als with other heart conditions that cause sudden death, such as Long QT Syndrome or Brugada Syndrome, CPVT patients have normal results on an electrocardiogram, electrocar-diogram, a test that measures the heart's electrical activity. Furthermore, the condition does not cause structural abnormalities. abnormali-ties. Thus, echocardiograms, commonly used to view heart structure and identify problems such as an enlarged heart, are not helpful. Priori says the best tools to identify CPVT are an exercise stress test and a Holter recording, record-ing, which graphically records electric currents generated by the heart. Prion's team found that most of the individuals with the gene mutation had a family history of fainting and sudden death. Five of the 12 study participants had a family history of fainting or juvenile juve-nile sudden cardiac death. In one family studied, two children died a 3-year old who had a history of fainting spells and a seven-year seven-year old who died while running. Tke CkateauXJece: ines the term fully-g q U p p e J. From tke nandcrafted work of talented craftsmen to tke finest finishes on tke market today, tke Ckateaux at Silver Lake in Deer Valley redefines tke term, "fully equipped." Tkrougkout tke 2, 3 and 4 kedroom condominiums, Tke Ckateaux exudes an understated elegance. Witk custom stone fireplaces, jetted tuks and even keated towel racks, you'll feel wrapped in luxury in a place you'll call kome. Come ky soon and discover wky Tke Ckateaux is known as "Tke Best on tke Mountain." Our sales office and models are open seven days a week. ) Exclusive li.tintf agent: Tom WaU, Jen ReiJ Real Estate 435.649-3000 or 800.562.3736 UP. 7815 Royal Street, Box 2201, Park City, Utah 84060 e-mail: salestkeckateaux.com In a second family, two sisters died suddenly one at age 14 while being "interrogated" at school and the other at age 16 while climbing stairs. "Patients with CPVT, as a consequence con-sequence of the mutation in the ryanodine gene, have an increased sensitivity to calcium. Therefore, intense stimulation due to emotional stress or increased physical activity may lead to calcium overload and precipitate pre-cipitate severe arrhythmias." Circulation accepts manuscripts manu-scripts for review on a "Rapid Track" for publication for the most important clinical research trials and for carefully selected major clinical and basic science discoveries related to cardiovascular cardiovas-cular medicine. Federal help available for energy bills Financial Assistance Network in Washington, D.C., has published pub-lished a booklet, "How to get up to $25,000 of Government Money to Help Reduce Your Energy Bills." The booklet gives information on how and where homeowners can get government help to reduce their heating bills. "The federal government has made available over two billion dollars in assistance to help people peo-ple reduce their energy bills. This assistance is for home improvement loans for energy efficient heating, air conditioning, condition-ing, water heaters, windows, insulation, roofing and siding. Many people do not know that this assistance is available or how to get it," said Edmund Billings, a researcher at Financial Assistance Network. "We've published a booklet that explains the program and tells homeowners where to apply for assistance in their area. The booklet also has a special section to help people who are struggling strug-gling to pay their soaring heating bills regardless of whether or not they own a home." Consumers can receive a copy by sending $5 to cover the cost of printing, postage and handling to: Financial Assistance Network, Government Help Booklet Offer 25GH-0116, P.O. Box 60848, Washington, D.C. 20039-0848. Consumers can also get information by calling (202) 595-1028 or by visiting Financial Assistance Network's Internet web site, www.financialassis-tancenetwork.org. Have you met this agent? D You should meet him, get to know him. He has the answers for your insurance problems -Auto, Life, Business, Home. He may save you money, too. Call him soon. Rick Perry Perry Insurance Agency 1745 Sidewinder Dr. Suite 101 649-0152 NewApoper Recycle! The Park City Recycling Center ie located at 1951 Woodbine Way |