Show 0 ' t : — - II 1 Tstbane At first a prior will be in charge of the group until an abbot has been assigned it was indicated The montatery is the fourth pist establishment of the type to be found in the United States Accompanying the newcomers will be the Right Rev Frederick If Dunne OCSO abbot of the Trappist monastery in Kentucky The group itself will comprise priests lay brothers and students setking priesthood in the Cisterclan order Dairying and general agriculture will be among the activities IVhitineyer & Sons of Ogden but of the monastery which is to be these al:1 not be completed prior! near Huntsville --4 : made bere Sunday that 33 monks ef the Trappist monastery in Ken- tucky wrM arrive in Ogden valley during July to conduct labors pre- to establishing the order en 1600 acres of farmland pur-chased there three ÁS temporary housing ens-stor- y war surplus buildings Lave been transported to the alte accordlng to the Right REV Msgr Patrick IL Kennedy pastor of St ' oseph's Catholic church Meanwhile four quonset huts are under constructicm by George I I I 1 -- Trap1---irla- ry - 4 15'3 9 (1 w A 1 rit il H 0 fA 1 - 1 1 4 - 111151-1R- iii 1 1 SPECIALS Y Four-See-io- 1 '' : 1 r 4 ' 1 ' ' 1 Stores Tants ' ouk It4 ! VacaConist Ova APPLIANCE CEPARTMENT: - w r( c: in it r7---- z 4-87- rk ' ' 1 Two Big ' ' fly c ' - Ne'r i : ! LI I ' i t - 1 So State and 1114 So State It -- I 24 South ii 0 i sr - - -- -- ! ''' - ''?'"-1''' :e - - e 4( i ' ' -- -----'-- ' ' i f--- ! ' ''5 ' 2' t !i ' ' ''''' - : e'f-- ---- : g' - 9- '' :447'-'- 2' 7''''' e ' ::- - -- ' - 1 e' -00 : ''" I L00 i ' - ''' -- - - - ! ‘ -- 44 - ' 1 C'e ': i k ' ! : i ' ''''4 'Lst' ' :ce i) g - ( : Lr: - 1 '' ' '‘ 0 ' ::-- -- 4 '''- - - I ' - IIt"'z' f i ) F I -- ea : 1 10 ) - - ''''' '4' ' !'') ' - V '' ' 7 ' ' -!- e s' ' '' ''' -- - -- - r ' ' ' eil)0!"-- - W- ( ' - 1 ‘wisovamsa :zi i"itt - :AV- - 4 '' 'ILL- - - ' — - 0t - 4 -z : ' 1010 ' ' " -r - 'V 4 'S ' - '''- — - - '' -- ' - )-- A ' ' e'7:-'''- ' - ' A I 'N I 4e 6 0 46' - Cornfort Air-Condiaon- ed a f t1470ti i CCitIC on the - ' Vocation? Trip to beach mountain or National Park? Business trip? Wherever and whenever you plan to go there is a fast modern comfortable train to take you Union Pacific serves more western scenk regions than any other railroad These include California Colorado Yellowstone Pacific Northwest and the National Parks of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona Of TRAINS DAIL- YCH1CADO AND 'Oil EAST TMEEI 10 °NARA Soh Lois City Lit - "i OPT of feet i WO Aglip14110 Dosly Soreosehaasair Ledgo bee Amiselee Pivot Imaaresa--Pos- : 11130 - 630 ems 5120 pea al Of on 1 Cat i I Pony Lowell t Ilineens Lv Sett Lake CPT 520 pea 5102 sma iopial Betio Spoof"( Nortieweet Sp000t 4 I I '' 'i ' I 0409C1 Of Pout TEAMS DAILY- ' komit Seresmormet ' a lose Amoeba Ligalood easifim Pear i 723 pee 745 pea 10143 pot SAS ose Simpesse Per ' egt - Sionsola t ' noliodeles elsomplimoe Owito 646se MolkA Soda Wks Cloy- - good soliber Weropportio04 Sego Tfoomple 7644068ele 315444 114144 ismroirs sod Maio kw - - ' - pee -- air-cool- 5-- Sok Lake Oly to:45 pot DINETTE SETS I - Chrome Pc AS LOW AS I 4950 SI - Headquarters 41 Il eatilvY Eq uip men! 1111 ' GAS COAL 71 S er - 11fle EAST iel - N-- i - f " V:''7 i S - i - 4 I u" teeww-------- -- t t 1 rt 4i' : - t ' 1 IFf el OffCOAT IIALL : 1 - )1- i 1 t ' I ' t L i ' r ' F1711511 - - i 9:!''r I A:001- WESCO WATERPAINTS INC B Inkster Los Anseino Portland Seattle ' ! t BUY FROM 1701112 LOCAL PAINT DEALEM ( f I i ' ----) s - ! - cei 143 'la T - Floor Furnaces stlets ' '' Conversion Units Gas ou wiNK"R "4 ' St okers - - --- Free - ' et t g4 - - ' -- - - - r : r- ' 1' -' ' 7 4 r:- - '' I: - ' - -- - - — - ' - ' - — :: :' f iolf ' c I t 1 j p i 1 4 t IN 1 i - - - s ) be - ) r - - - ' ' 0- - - ' ' ' -- i t il --- - --- s "----1 -- tr9- -- - t I --- - I i b r L 1 I 1-- ' - 1 - I Your car breezes along too on SHELL PREMIUM GASOLINE t- In Shell Premium ? you get more than high octane :::::trirrlir ®11D7IRTERITD' 1 JUNE 20 YOu t ' t 'i get ' 1 I" ' ) I k :: 1 BEDROOM SUITE LIVING ROOM Complete with springs SUITES — 4 springfilled mattress A wide of yalletT Laconstrrguectimloz roiewalnut stripesallivd color s - - r-- 1: i i I i i 1 I t' - 1 Rase 6 wil) 1 Norge Appliances—Gas and Electric 1 ‘ I - ( i 4 20str ii1Pa aelV491 SSRPCE i ' k t ' ( i 4Ir 1 llDDAI: 1 I - 2 "?-- 8 b A 4 i - 1: i eill$ i ‘ 1 I - 11 ': t -- research-engineere- t ' I performance qualities made available by Shell Research For this is a gasoline of many different power component —a group selected finely balanced and rigidly controlled by Shell scientists to give your engine exactly what it needs for today's driving and pickup You can measure the results'In on steep steady climbs or along smooth straightaway travel Shell Premium Gasoline you'll find is one of the d products that Shell Dealers have laz i your better driving everywhere quick-startin- g i - 1 - ' - 4 - 7 " '' I - - - I 1 -- -- $ e r ' I - ---- 6 1 a N '''' ' - S - I i 1 -- - ILECTRIC R i i - Elbert R Curtis Mgr t 2205 HighlandDelve 73977 P S ': 4 I I : I ' I 1 ' 1 - 1 i :4r t ' - Te - '1 : - CURTIS BUILDERS SUPPLY CO SUGARHOUSE : ''si ' CO Heilbot ' ' - - - - - t-- - - - -- s OIL 1845AS- 1 )0401 i kb REFRIGERATORS RANGES a 41 - 4 - - ' sr'' GAS f 1 - - k ' :: t - - A't ' ''' - - - Z Furnace Cleaning Survey 1 - N1411Nik t '''' - --r- Expert ' Heating 1 -t Water floaters ELECTRIC ' CA'7"---Ns- 'to GAS t k - Shear-Pi- n) 1101 : 0 ""e- - - Blowers Air Conditioners c ty'(i:i 1( 4 i r - ext: -lb ' 1 i ito te'l r7 264 is (ce 0 4°14') oft I I 0Irl S' ' : - OIL - :ss S t tr-- 4: ' - ' EllU rl Mitt i C FURNITURE AND CARPET 2120 Wir' I -- - Iv : N g T 470 " 2::- 111? for Quality service Ir1111 TE ofq & 1"e len t-- -- I Phonocord Rages—Refrigerators—Packard-Bel- l a means It is nothing BELIEVE! w itokiquality! Then comes v Come in attoctrd Lowest Town Prices in Buy Quality at the WE esissi‘ i - ' SPECIAL VALUES! FOR: t it71111-- I 4::::::21! - Desks—Lamps—Tables—Beds—Springs—Mattresses ' t4 -- - - I' 7 ef) 1:C - A wonderful selection of Modern Sectional Furniture HEADQUARTERS Union Pacific ed IN 2 YEARS TIME WE HAVE TRIPLED OUR SIZE THERE MUST BE A REASON! WE SAY IT'S BECAUSE t Vitt bay a slecora desire to gly customers ballast values ' tt 9 ‘ tb ' VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSE MONDAY EVENING FROM 710 PM We cordially !write the public to inspect our enlarged and modernized store No sales will be made- - Just visit and enjoy the entertainment It s ' - $ - ) f (J? kr 4 1 - - ' ri and toenails TO SA04 FRANCISCO CoodbectioaSas Frorocisco Overloo4 Untiooil Lome Solt Lek Cify 100 pee be cpecific a e? ne - 1 - e 1 I eslireves i' I N4 A111:04 - '' ' -' 4 - Ownership I- - if au?nny state senator representing Emery r t 7) i HUNTINGTON Emery County —Byron A Howard 60 former Tile er ar utput Slated for IDEAL FURNITURE et CARPET CO 2120 South Ilth East In Sugarhouse Under bianagelent and of P 8 Halibut and R S Telford saw I f - f 3 - i-- Tones for 0 e'sti ‘'IrL) p4rtr11!7 ' ' ! - - PRIZES! r( new-typ- e is Tribune Special - i:'41 tl' k both durable and cleanable No painty odor 12 beautiful New x-Legisl- ator ! ' with Leaves a hard 'resinous finish that i i 711 paint goes on fast and easy with a brush or roller Dries in an hour t 0 --:- I MATiONAL PARKS so s ' f - t resin-bas- e Mishap Hurts vice president' and a re-decor- ate "Velduro" This Grand and San Juan counties was In critical condition in Price City hospital Sunday as a result of injuries received in an automobile accident in Huntington canyon at about 12:30 am Sunday According to investigating officers Mr Howard was driving up the canyon and had traveled for about five miles when he evidently control of his pickup truck OI lost C and rolled off the road and down a grade 48t It was reported that he was unconscious lateSunday suffering The hew Tucker automobile will from a brain concussion be in mass production of nearly 1000 cars 'daily early in 1948 predicted J A (Tex) Stevenson Pacific coast regional manager who visited Sunday in Salt Lake City cso 'Features of the new car he said rear-engiare a tee F fil Lor which eliminates 800 parts in con' I a third ventional automobiles 2 : :' i 7 t i 7 headlight which turns to light the !ft i road when the wheels are turned aluminum brakes which 4( halt the car in 63 of the space required by conventional brakes ' ' 4 precision balance with the steering kingpin in the center front—and ' 17' about 35 miles per gallon of fuel ' 7'''' at moderate speeds While in Salt Lake City he visited with J V Bolinder bead of CI 0 the newly incorporated Deseret Motor Co 311 Atlas bldg which will be Tucker distributor in 'Utah Idaho and parts of Wyoming Oregon and Nevada con- TONIGHT I NATIONAL PAWS to Solt Lake Osly UNION PACIFIC nAlLnoAD '! ' Soft talcs Cloy 800 pea 12:13 owe I:00 SPesa1 5°4 became cashier in 1928 and held those positions since that time A charter member o Gunnison Lions club he served iLs district governor of the Lions organization in 'Utah during 1941-4- 2 He also was a 32nd degree Mason a Shriner and was past president of the Southern Utah Bankers Assn At the time of his death he was president of both the 'Utah Turkey Federation and the Utah Independent Turkey In addition he was secretarY: treasurer of both the Doyen Irrigation Co and the Sanpete Drainage district director of the Fish Lake Cabin Owners AILSrl " and - IL LLD Gilt' - ! t Lir Weil Pork He to SICIPli room in a single day 1 depot commanding officer 'Although the quota of cleriCal and administrative positions at the depot is filled there is need for additional laborers ammunition handlers and blockers spray painters and sand blast- ers CoL Heintz reported In view of federal economy and budget adjustment CoL Heintz concluded it is reasonable to believe that the employment ceiling at the installation will remain at the present leveL s SpOliI i i TETON So Lake Oily Asseelee--o ' Tribune Rpeetal - s - 0 sod 'PO UTAWARIZONA Lo Co y of DeLeo YELLOWSTONE YAOWIP101110 - TO LOS ANGELIS 1213 CHOICE OF Two TRAMS DAILY TO rocArtuo SUM 70 - '' r— - - CHOICE Of TWO TRAINS DAILY-- 10 101S1 PORTLAND SLAMS SPOKANI to Soh Lotto CIty 530 pot logolooes TWO TEAMS DAPLY MAW'S titartfKAN SAS 011010CE RO ' : - - csotat -- TOOVLE —Reassurance that employment agencies would be informed of the qualifications of employes of Tooele Ordnance sabdepot affected by recent man power reductions has been made 'by Col Leo H Heintz ' -- '- ' - - 0' '‘ 1 7 i A TOOELE DEPOT POSTS OPEN :'' :i'''''''' :--7'! -- ' -- - -- :i:1 - de --- - c fi 4 4 Travol in -'- 11 "0 1---- ''' m07 - --- - 4 4' se - ' - A- - --- :- -t--- 4 1"" - i t- 1 - - ‘ t ' Iti - t 1 Luke Other Pappas Price Post 2379 department senior vice commander J Alan Pike Ogden Post 1481 junior vice commander Harold Slaeter Salt Lake City Post 409 Brady quartermasterRaymond Salt Lake City Post409 Judge advocate: Clarence A Anderson Ogden Post 1481 department surgeon - Allen B Rowbotham Salt Lake City 'Post 409 chaplain: Arthur B Igou Clearfield Post 8307 inspector George Griswold Salt Lake City Post 3586 chief of staff Russell R Neilen Salt Lake City Post 4355 adjutant and Jack Park Salt Lake City Post 4355 department marble chairman ' LcnAnt— ----- ' New Officers officers include: -- "Cr ' ' services - - ‘ 00":? -- ' 1 i i t - - --- - 4S" - (' 00' : N ''' --- - v 4 7-- - - - - ' ! o 1 ii r) : a :r f N't' i 1 0 -- ) I '""11" t i 'i-:- t e- 41 ': -- t 6 - ' iii t---- s'-'- t -- '' ' ttg Ntip '''' a '''i s s g l'rlfc) - I 9 I e 4 41r - Nri '' 7 : ame spoiolik )(100) I I'i a --- ' -'!' 1 : ) I rm - ' '- - Nt t It Z 4 '' t- ‘4e--f-r-g- t t ‘-"' -' s '' 1 0 - ' 11i f 4 N x - :‘‘ -- ) - s'- ' ' 43 ' A I 4') 0 1 0 t 4 Fon wEsTEntl HOMS 777-- 7 I '0( ii)jx9ii SUNNY NEW TONES - - ducted at 11 am at Pioneer park with Howard S McDonald president of Brigham Young university principal speaker dead Mr In a tribute to war McDonald said: "Throughout history man has repeated himself and brave men have died for their nations We must prevent the death of more? Allen B Rowbotham department chaplain presided at the 14211146: c'N 1 t - - 1- ' ' - ' JO tt -- ' - 4 tt--- s "7 Nor Afr - - - 07:1:--- S c7 7 t I : -- - It ' I) 7 :-- ''s ''' 07 I Memorial Rites Memorial services were 1 v "A-- t4) '14 r":: ' or40710 : o"--'' 0177' '4 'v 7 ''"" - a 41 Sc ' 41"11414 II I 1- oe Is 4 04 I - f' -- - Main-4-6- 551 '4' al: ' fg'' i- - ' '110 It ' 't' t'- - -- - 1 0- 0- -'1- ---- - ' - - -- f - T-- - - - ''- 1 : - - -- '' - - : 1 4 :: - I I E' near Driggs i !e''')(irP0e- -- 0 ' - -' - 1 -- ' Write VIDA FOX CLAWSON TOURS i 41 1 ' ' - i 71 ' City Omaha Winter Quartional chaplain and principal inters and North Platte stallation ceremonies speaker to visit members all post urged will all of $15450 pay ' in veterans disabled hospitals your expenses Among oth- "These men want to know how er things you will see hisworld" he are in the going things torical programs portrayed said "and seeing appreciate they by the Sons of Utah Pio- the men they fought with during neers the war" ! r- ' HISTORIC TRAIN 1 - ' - ' I Gas Appriancas Eloct'rc On a host of etiflpt household equipment- ' ‘‘'" ) Stores: 225 --3 I 207 off itado‘ and s-- - 5 i Camper sty's! ' I 7- t Sanpete County— agent for the American Railway banker Express Co in Gunnison He was Ira Overfelt and civic leader also an active sportsman turkey grower ' died 12:45 at pm In his 'Surviving are his widow two Sunday sons and two daughters Eugene home here of a heart attack He was born April 8 1883 in Overfelt and Frank Overfelt GunHolliday Mo a son of Mr and nison Mrs Lois Alktre Santa Mrs Stephen Overfelt He married Ana CaL Helen Overfelt Los Anhis mother Mrs Sarah F Willie G Howell in Missouri She geles Borckman Hannibal Mo: a brothdied in October 1937 and he mar- er and three sistera William Over-fe- lt McGill Nev Mrs Ted Okelried Vay Carlisle on July 10 1940 Goshen Mrs Jess McCrary berry In Salt Lake City j Kansas City Mo Mrs Haddie Gunnison to t 1907 as in Coming Hannibal and one Campbell an agent for the Denver and Rio grandchild Funeral arrangements will be Grande Western Railroad Co Mr announced by the Valley mortuary 1 Overfelt held that poSition until Provo 1926 when he became lassociated ' with the' Gunnison Valley bank 1 - i $140 5165 5795 $295 verything for md t- - t i $225)S150 rd Water Haetors Maiastc and suppls i - $895 60-ya- ) 1 ' 1- I - 7 ' Zeibmtt t:iltc - t 64 Gunnison State Chief at Provo Parley r $1995 $595 ot St 4 ' Sleeping Eags—(Reg 53995) Special $2495 Sieeping Bags—(Reg $2995) Special n Steel RODS Telescope (limited quantity) '' Tubular Steel Dos Ljxe Casting RODS (Regular $1095)$695 Casfrrvaster De Luxe Split Bamboo Casting RODS (Regular $1295) of Nylon Casting Lino (Regular Wet and Dry Hand Tied Fancy Grade Ries Doz 2 for 25c (Regular 20c eac)1) ' Kuet-tRegular $230 Fop Gears (Kelly or -AG M Camp Stoves (single) Regular 1095 Knives to (Regular Hunting $1295) haw inirnadiato a fteci for via cialvory: Martury nal Champon Outboard Motors: Cesterseasie Beats Dunphy Boos: Gsoline Lanterns end l I DRIGGS Ida— Mrs VeIoy 29 Hillman Brigham Campbell City Utah died Sunday morning of head and shoulder injuries suffered Saturday evenincwhen she was struck by a revolving airplane on Driggs airfield propeller ' Mr and Mrs Hillman's children had come to Driggs a week ago to visit their grandparents and were to have returned to 'Utah with their parents Mrs Hillman WaS born May 27 - rnlit Wilt Monddy June 30 1947 GUNNISON - vFw Selects : ! Juno 30th to July 3rd 1- Tribune Leased Wtro at Tetonla -- Vir t I f i ': She moved to Ogden seven years r s-4 to from and moved Ogden ago Named Glen E Thompson Brigham City two years ago new commander of Utah V F W Besides her husband and daughters her mother Mrs Bryan Campbell Driggs survives also 10 brothers and sisters Mrs Olive Ward Richfield Utah Mrs Edna Mrs Arden Smalie Hopkins Garth ' Liree Jaress Lorraine Wendell Luwena and Campbell Tetonia and Ruel Campbell in the army and stationed in Washington state PROVO — Glen E Thompson Hansen mortuary St Anthony- Salt Lake City was elected commellnitzannounce funeral arrange- mander of Utah department Vet- trans of Foreign Wars at the final session of the 14th annual encampment Sunday in Provo high school auditorium former' Mr depart Thompson No 2 leaves Salt Lake ment senior vice commander and KanDenver foe 10th July member of Salt Lake VFW post sas City Independence Chi- 4355 succeeds Dr Don C James NALIV00 Garden cago Rev Gerald M Dougherty na- cJ - - i Gunnison Bank Official 64 Succumbsito Heart Attack - 1 0 1919 I tg '- be- Lediopit lotirs '' i I Kentucky Monks to Establish 'Prop' Injuries Claim Utah Monastery Near Ogden to the arrival of the monks Wonian's Life OGDEN — Announcement was cause of materials ) ' - - 4 s r - - Is I - 1 - - $ ea Most every day some folks lase their way drive in here to find it We like glum It rives sr a chance to show how muck we know about the streets and roads around here dind ifs a chance to trot out our swellmaps You need one forwhere you're goingfTkey're free—they're one of our services that can save you a heap of trouble Service is our busineirl o c 11s4 - nye - p--- iv I v - 1 t - '11 -- wfig 2 ' - i i ' 4 I ' I Telford - ii I - 4 i j I i - - - - a -- - A la t it - 4 '4 S - - - ' - - - ' |