Show - 44- - - wie-- - - A ' It - - I - 1 (41t - :oston araves Sweep !Yanks- Divide !Detroit Sweeps Twin' Bill Twin Bill leader With PMIs With Solons With napless Brownies i -- ono110 Hogan's14-Under- DETROIT JUNE 29 (LT)--Detrswept its four-gam- e series with the St Louis Browns by taking both ends of a doubleheader at Briggs stadium Sunday 7 to 5 and 6 to 1 before Volscile Scatters Five Hits-TCapture Nightcap 42 WASHINGTON June 29 New York and Washington split a 42292 fans doubleheader here Sunday the - Hal Newhouser and Paul (Dizzy) Yankees capturing the second Trout credit for the victhe Senators won tories received game although the latter was not the opener 1 before a crowd of I around at the finish of the second The Yankees lIncreased game Newhouser paced the Tigers lead to four and one-ha- lf at bat in the opener as well as games over the Boston Fted starring on the mound getting Sox who lost twice to Philadelphia three singles in four times at bat Washington grasped a 0 lead in He held the Browns to nine hits the second inning of the second to his eighth victory and register Mark Christman brought game when his season's average up to doubled Jerry Priddy home but the an even 500 Yankees scored twice in the fifth Trout the second game after doubled and Phil retiring quit Aaron Robinson Browns in the sixth the Rizzuto singled hirn across he complained of a when inning Rizzuto continued to second on sore arm The Tigers were the throw to the plate and Jqhnson 5 to 1 at the time end Altonahead Bensacrificed Rizzuto scoring after ton Trout's lead by pitchprotected fouled to StIrnwelss Buddy George three innings of hitless ball Lewis in right field ln the ninth ingFinn gam': 0 ABH0A1 DPirelt ABROA Rizzuto flied to Lewis with the Pt Lent3b am 4 2 2 2 4 3 3 2c LakE bases filled enabling George Celernn rf 4 1 2 0' Cualbno 111 3 0 13 0 21 4 0 2 0 a 2 2 If 3 Wertz to score 51tI4111 2 1 0 Mullin rt litatil Ifet 34 10 02 et Viret 01 0 0 2 et A H Lebner Elfra 'Kew Verb 0 3110 At Wasbinsta P13 5 2 0 0 4 1 2 2 Judnirh lb 4 1 5 01 Keil 311 oat 3b Ptirnare 2b 4 0 4 2 1 a 4 I 2 4 4 Hitebeht 2b 2 3 2b 0 4 4111syo rt ti 44 01 31 01 evris 4 2 'T 0 4 0 rnon lb 4 2 8 0 moss c Lindell If otwagner 2 4 3 0 4 1 0 0 Munerlof 4 3 0 et p eq p Nevtipf 1 DiNfaso 4 0 UM- -- -- I 1 BOSTON June Z9 GP—After the PhiIlles for were given an efIfective five-h- it 87 triumph the Boston Braves pitching performance by Bill Voiselle and a 4--2 double-heada for sweep Sunday before a 20788 crowd victory Bob rliott's double against the eenterfleld fence scored Johnny llopo with the deciding run In the the Tribesmen had eperter after exploded a two-ru- n rally for a 7 14 in the ganth During a managerial battle or 15111 to get his right-handbatters against the southpaws and vice used 19 'trill EIly Southworth Layers Including four pitchers first game The Phillies curing the NEW YORK June 29 (UP)—A had to call upon five flingers durn rally highlighted by home of action ing nearly three hours that included home runs by Al runs by Sid Cordon Johnny Mize La keman and Andy Seminick and Willard Marshall enabled the rrest New York Giants to defeat BrookH 0 AI 11 ratik401- - gam: A ABHOA 5 3 0 9 to 5 Sunday after the lkc rt baa 12 3 1!40 "Trine! Ppenre 0 lyn 14c4t el 4 3 3 0 4 0 01 McBride if eQuen I b 4 3 0 et 13cp 3 1 0 4 4 to 3 Jortnaoa 3b 2 1 3 203 Travis s 1 1 1 2' 141 31i 0 Dodgers won the opener Mier It 2 3 3 3 2 2b Per& 4 0 2 Pritidy O 2 tt4A it 3b I 3 before a crowd of Z2147 I e 4 0 4 I 1 1 2 EVItStita 4 ?vans 0 eClt Al 30 tairoteellbS1 0 - OtOt Y)ott 0 1 3 1 2 2 0 out tlrelve of 0 P first Wynn Brooklyn dropped 0 5 3 (tit 211 2 't 11 3 0 3 0 place halt a game behind the RosQueenso0000 persele 0 0 0 xEseown erve laI 0 3 4 eeirsa 212 1100 ton Braves who won two games 3 3 21 Cu:ier a steles le 3 0 0 2i afrioiroo Totals $1 5 24 141 Totals 3210 27 11 while the third-plac- e fell Giants rt 11000 sOrounetsd Out tor Drews la Stn 1000 o 2 1 1 0 0 a a ogeetime7 Ppetla off 14 games Seers by Inningl the pace t 1 0 stea 17ew 000 000 001- -1 1100 Torn Jackie Robinson slammed five Washington 1! cdnirtaois a a 000 021 02x- -5 1 2 0 eToetos la 2coal Vernon Ptirnweisx Evans Runs Errors: hit' the day straight throughout Barrett p 0000 In Vernon Travis in: Wynn Lewis 1 1 0 0 4 Care al s extending his batting streak av-to batted hits Spence Priddy Johnson Lentrement 0 0 0 0 16 frames Vsrrun: Home Besides his hits: ritruto raising ILAti a 0000 Itacrifires: Priddy Eases on balls: to 321 he stole three bases non erage 1 outs: Strike Dr 1: Queen Wynn 2: T--4 17 30 3 to II in 7 40 It 22 15' Total Ott Wynn 4 Hits: Off Drew bringgamhis total to 13 wit ottt wt ban ottani mg run cored krrouttoti 2 in 1 Long pitcher: DreIVIL rimt Un ter po a ts textsort ft HO At New Tort AB PI 0 A Secrnd gam: liesoiailo 6ut-battli- Chisox DOWIl Indians 4--3 1 5-- ng I 10-inni- ng ilie—i-r-lea- er I I I 1-- Giants Divide Two Games With Dodgers 7-- ed rt-ik- a et-11- 'V et b- -rt Pt)-a- st- - Ju-li- Two-bas- PNV II GI sat for Cullor eighth 2b 2 1 4 2! RIC'S? 21 3 0 1 1 Pions) a a tor J aft naPPS la ita tin Uti RODIIIIPM 10 4 1 10 Oi Kerr sa 4 2 2 2 ot tuts mg od log igra root s 3 1 3 4! Ckiarbart et 3 0 4 0 Pee I 'TT Catatka t o 'rut PA 2 3 Oi Mies lb et 5 rtirtilo 4 0112 0-2 -T 30 011 Walker tt 4 1 4 01 Iviarshli rt 4 0 0 0 loott 44:pe4 es 010 011 112 -4 e 11 W Cooper s 3 0 4 1 0 2 3 Bodges er-Lm? - &hoe Srao óz Runs lialgrian 1 1 0 01 Gordon U 3 1 2 0 avail a 3 Za c s 1 truttal nie bort ott 0 0 0 0 Presto e 0 0 0 01 slAtfaia 2 Corot' m cCoreack rd Lakotkti t 3 Jorgoen 11 lobrit lb11 52 01 01 01 lb 03 20 02 03 atateeA 2 To tors 'sou-ssLombardi Ermnagi Y- 1 ecoruair a biota It ItoteI a11 1 0 0 0! estkiattner 0 0 0 0 Throo-S-o oe ott 2 att 14 Mal Fin oisr aims 0 0 Oi I0(t p 3 1 1 3 - 1 samara bora 'Me k &tort f KV 117 0 0 0 8 Dau II La toms to V im be a01 1 0 0 0 s hoe to 2: s or Simms 1 tomtits arn 14 t 4 uts ma ots Totals 34 9 27 91 Totals 30 0 37 11 S ki totrottes 1 Ito ?vette t Lettoti tor Hodges is runts sengied ktisa tattraan 10 : Scotto a ARS n tor 00100171 in Wroth J seas 1 i 2 Pp& tut T to 1110A'Cited for Lohrit 11 WiG111 'Won 004 Poorot 1 to Is Sart aoa in astRes tor Lombardi In nintrarLar11 no so! tor 2 in to roe Doesttly Trines in for out aartgottled a 1 Vila t3 art& 1 ta I accrultit 1 1 On 000 0 1 Procia'vn Losa4 pitcher pt Leto o 1Likt York New 000 020 ram' It 1- it040011 Tnnkle0 - I t -- otert---- I 1 r- - I- ra not toorteo4 Plootos At Plotoolot 3 arirapat es 4 01 4 to oert et 3 to toe 1 4 0 So 4 1 3 1' 'Tabor 1a-ka-t 1 if taate of 4 0221 2 1 0 1 katt boa To I 1 2 21 2 0 1 0 To 3 ortet4 1 0 0 0' o44 ki Ca mo A 1 3 3 2 2 0 4! 2111 4140 2 1 0 8 4102 NA so Cur emsalle p 4 11 37 10 Totals 23 0 -3 to I cw-- on 010 002 10o-boa 04r-ts1- 1- AL Pot- 0 bib° 0 4 0 0 Poo LI If 3i 3 T ors tiro lb I P oes 211 ')Lep 1 'rota 3 raoa out les3412 rt fftoto osit e A I PI - 4 tto4 In— ow Lot o- e- Ptagrott P ass 1 3 J y a a- o too aomi Una t Itothe rtm it t CK 2 run—k volt- -ea ha aa art --oiwtk tiat 4' moo ' 1 lit nit out—kis Laos b 14 111140 2-- Ell 801461 ft Ulaaa 10 Is ups Ju441 1 So 1 Innrg Pasood Tlire-bil4- -L -A- abos stg fru 1dasts 97:tout Cards O'S Reds tot-li- t 17-'- 2 —Trio St "situ fl cot irs m of Cart na 1a btei t O&M UPI tao ita atilt m a boos to too IPaaaas bort bra a it in ft two Lbw? goat oro tour toe of too see boo to woos thtO Cubit Is tho NotIosol t motto atoo Clouse mar noir Es se tko Vivi is too ts T2 "tot Kos a 11-ttoy t t loom 00414 tiettrato ea too storood awl t tka Mit PP 4 I Oro is Iwo sortie from teto ?loot ConditoWP M a 1440411 410104411111 Al 0 01 Al Ito moo 0 0 2 Motto 210 b rf ors et Tot Ism ?to 4 2 2 2-1 M room 1 of tom 50 0 I04m4 1S 4 2 to 0 )4utrol lb 1 1 $e TO 1144 aortp0-aaatta- a alp pot-fari- Ng is tsoaoo 410111 3030 3110 as I350KrwRLt 3 2 0: Plauthtst it b2010 I 3 0 hi od et 3 2 1 0 oleo 0: &oleo to 401141 10201 3 Croft or so 1 0 0 0 0' setSertboro 1210 0 0 1 0000 0 0 Itles - c rif sas aro as Ate :or 4 Der Ittt p treto bore p le 1 '2 p 04 OT44-14- 1 0 0 t &set a Ise 0 0 2 p I(utior es Nos p S'Irstaart p 0 0 0 3 Ir)iarfl3p toot text:boo Good sic el 0000 1000 0003 1000 p 1 0 0 0 -- 1010 Cross to --- -4 36 27 Teta No 4O1327$ Totala --ittock tit for Pturtharl to 3r4 in SOU aaStrucli teat tor Stalinta Sth age—go!rg Alot tor Nimm10 uses---itie- dent nti irtztelneuett crçr tot tn SUL 2 110 001-4- LOOM 1 11011 it t- Ve: or 1- - 12 3110 000 2'rs 'Iv otnr-- a Irratt 304ta 3eta p 0 p p 2 1 0 0 P 1 1 0 1 t' 2010 32 ruio et - 1 2-- 5 PHILADICLPITIA 13 —lineman Stirnweiss Young To Match Strides ar NEW YORIC June 28 (A—The fleetest New York Yankee footballers and baseballers will comipete in a base circling jaunt in a pregame exhibition before the York game at Washington-NeYankee stadium next Wednesday w Smith Meets Amato Hockey Chief Quits n I NOOMMIOMMEEMED Wins Net Title MONTCLAIR (UP)--Top-seed- ed inmilmmumniaw r"---- -- 1 1 i ' - ' J t If I 1 t I k 77771 e ro CAIAP gg I 1:-s- 1-- TLIAILEt1P TH3 L j s:1:3 4 I s 1 1 - NEWand USED In Sizes From 1 to 10 Tons Most Popular Makes - - i We Have New 1 i I IGC5r'Esc-- 1 1 ' i t TRUCES I ti t 4 11 It Will Pay You to Soo Us First We Hay the Bost Cup t NOM A rt7 (71 11 ) lt‘ t ! 1 1 -) ' i ' 1 8-- - 4 - 3r June :1 Jane Clarke of Rollins college at rLFLawon the transplanted cotton states women's tennis title Sunday defeating her classmate Nancy Mors6-risco also of Rollins 4 6 66-68-- 66 rtr""7-7777!7r- I N In the State - 71 r-M- :71:'---- MTDININUTETWISS 10 l ' i4t a ! 1 : 1 11 ii 't tv w If 92061 PHONE -' ' I f'-- ' Ili! 1 2 I f - 03 p 1 T 1 LI tor-Jon- 1 rit L:: I! LI -' - 1 1 a - 4rs - 7 r--"- I I 1 y: (7 'JO :e4t' 1:' A 1r t7' 7I - ei 411 i :'':- ?:'f71'- Aowstelr4714 J 1 k N- '-- ‘'S - C --: 7 0 :' ?: I— '' pf4 ' I' g p1 ' i p0 0000 el' ii: I S - '-:' - ri ' i - - r 1111 ! : - - ZL1 it7 i lict 1- ( i) Li Ifl )7---'7'- 1 ril lif r-2 1 7 11 '' 'tt: 'L ' z I S- '5 II :- rt I- t 1 a i I - 1 : :: - 1 ' lbrap quality Spocial prices ! 1 41i LOVIOr cI um rLiT:2 1 I - 1 - !I oarinc4 113laiiiti - ' I es ' i I 4- -1 e :- I I F 111 ? z- 7 1 li 4 ' 1 so - -' - ' - ir1 5 -- - ctill 77 : :171 ' '- - iK "r - s fessional Golfers Assn tournament at Detroit last week Hogan made the final round In 70 following earlier rounds of He overtook Snead Hot Springs Va in the third round Snead finished second with 274 Vines Los Angeles was third with 275 Ferrier Chicago finished fourth with 276 In all 17 'golfers broke par for the 72 holes and Jim Demaret of Ojai Cal- and Bob Hamilton of Evansville Ind matched it at 284 Demaret Incidentally was the leading money winner until displaced Sunday by Hogan The victory Hogan's first since winning the Colonial Invitational in May and his third in seven years in Chicago tourneys Petted him $2000 and boosted his 1947 tournament earnings to $16567 putting him back in the top spot he held throughout 1946 Snead who sought his first tournament victory since the Miami open last December won $1400 Vines got $1000 John Revolta Evanston ILL and Fred Haas Jr New Orleans tied for fifth and Al Smith Danville Va was in seventh place Snead made a flashy start Thursday scoring a 63 to break the ng Jot-ins'- s Pre-Wr7-le---- 111011 R A trii 71) :1 m "it AI 6:11 4161141 ii33 !yr - ' 6t 1 - i Ni I I 1 I I f 11 I - ? : - ' '4— 1-- 2-- Seals Win Two Copper Club Races OAKLAND 29 2-- 3 standings liornIng samo-- e SIO 004 (01 --- 9 pan preocnwa C 0 - t 0 7 000 000 000-- -0 and 01444 Leonard (1) Bear krelet don and SalmtnulL 4 Second 111 T7LKNCO ECHA M PS Be glum pa n Irrasta4ce 000 010 021--- 4 10 1 Cis al rtt 001 000 200- -3 7 0 rt Tune Pierre Wimilie Cheertet' t 9 ) a nd Leonard Lien Idul of France Sunday won the Euro- co- n7 T Haft and lament) (1) Picot pean grand prig here bringing his Sacramento 7 2 000 020 040- -4 Alfa Rorneo in ahead of the field Lon planing 9 0 020 000 110-- 4 tkrrn en st St trtt11 14 ) Holcombe ( it) In the auto race' ) and Fernandez: rtutperald Lynn Leonernte I t Baker t 9) anti Italoes noeoral ana-- -0Sacramento 111 200 1 Loa anattled 000 020 -2-9 4 1 FOE THE BEST DEAL 114 Fletcher and Fitzgerald Pallas 4 ) and Crtliettple 4) o 11 First 5 11M41-- 44' TT t -4 110 003 211-15 3 stye 14 0 200 030 201--- 11 ban Inept Co411 17 ) and Ste El Suenno J Attlee 1 onnod Y 051914 ( 7 ) koirriltat ) RAMRIES and Kerr ittocoed VILMII-4- 4 ACaSSORIES Pea ttie 000 000 I3 20 San Diens 000 001 i- t-1 uoms Barre' t a Sea ta and Rio Kerr 7 t atr1 11o11 raced 020 020 4 00--- 11 15 301 100 00( -- 5 C 3 Port ia nd Krneauskaa Rufford 45) TaYllaa (I) SaiVeibOn and ne-- Cs marta Pierre (r) 114a ( oot (1 (9) and Silvara second it a Ca TIRE SERVICE S Fell wood I 1 000 -1 a 1 Portia 022 001 x- -5 35 L Olt &soil' Plume Witham and Cameron (5 °rpm' Usk& and It ura Lora said IT1410-- LfN--Jea- - 500-kllome- 0-- 7) !7b 1 RECAPPING 4 LARCH k Attract 4000 MAGNA—The Utah Copper Duck and Fish club sponsored a boat derby on its lake Sunday with more-tha- n 4000 spectators watching the events The results: Race won bY Warne 0111VOT race 2 33 family runabout" won by Tommy Wells: rues J raring runabout won by Phi! Adrty: race 5 wort by Dtck Bradford: rack 5 family Inboard won by Jack Hurtles race B 225 on by Georpre BerrYmn 335 roe' 7 race won by James Foreman ahydrohianet won by LaMar Little ratw Utah Cooper club ohnropionatilB won by Dick Bradford 1I 11 Woo t''''' Jlty 1' Western Divisional Pacific Coast Outboard Championships and Inboards - D ( c)) 17 t ti eow-- N tZi ts ) rm l'4 b 1 F- 1 V C71 'J 0 I 109 1 rl Li -11 p ''' lbw 2 t I ti tha 1' T G La r":)i 7::) ITT TIT) hf 1L1r I It ' It P I kaar100 amid itil f Pine View Lake Friday July 4th and Saturday July 5th Beautiful Ogden Canyon Near Iiuntsville $1 pies fez Children Sec plus tax Prices--Adel- te RACING A Utak DAILY AT 11 AM Li Confound Sports I (' ef r ' g ‘ -- '' r I " - ' l' ( — - - -- - - -- : -- - - - - w 11111 V lo t I ‘ t m t :1 ? 1 ( Drive in for 4 I - I I '''' i N ! :" S I - aF - i t appraisal of your 4 i ( - i I ---- t - 0 - i A - e:t' ' - 1 — F i ' ' ' - - I '''' I : - ' ' 1 — if '''' 4 CIIL'ArSEA 71:11YdIE -- Dial ' - r ' S - !111:22:10:--11222i- :: I et" ff11111" ir ( old tires Y: I f poOgioe et fI: I - i' ' - c Iffie Scientincally blended coin pounds with more natural rubber give better mileage t 510 South State t 1 for quick stops LIBERAL TRADE-I- N ALLOWANCES EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE 0:t- - ilk highest quality tire built especiälly to match the speed and power of today's modern cars All the new features a new tire should have ge14I4111—i i ie - pkidding 5760 road gripping edges r1771if 'It 1 "--- te- Longer life 8 deep circumferential ribs A I te Hatter Wider Tread for - po 1:17711 1- struction Dayton's specially procossd Rayon In sizips ' 650 and up : — :aytex fortnod tord cons 11- lit: - ' I vrt-1r! : ti 0 0-- 0-- 71e - j: ro 5-- Wins Grand Prix Mao- t 00 1011 11 I 14 3-- 3- Bosox 3-- 6 pith-bor- 0000 - cn-n- 2-- Losing hite----St- Big George Fisher the most sought after young baseball prospect In Utah for several years came to terms with the Brooklyn Dodgers Saturday night and will report to the Dodgers' Fort Worth club in the Texas league some time this week Brooklyn officials disclosed Sunday Only once before In Utah prep history have the major league scouts flocked around a player as Fisher Back in 1944 when they did Kent Peterman southpaw pitching star for the South high Cubs received his sheepskin several scouts made the Salt Lake portsider attractive bids with Pat Patterson and the Cincinnati Reds finally winning out in the end Bidding for Fisher were the New York Brooklyn Dodgers Yankees Cleveland Indians Philadelphia Athletics New York Giants St Louis Browns St Louis Cardinals and the Cincinnati Reds The Salt Lake City Bees were also interested in signing the Kaysville lad Fisher chosen as the top "kid" player in the intermountain area in 1945 participated in the annual all-stEsquire game at the Polo Grounds in New York City Terms of the contract were not released but It Is believed that the pitching star received in the neighborhood of $2000 for signing with the Brooklyn club Earlier reports had Fisher linked with the New York Yankees However at the last moment the Yankees were dropped from the picture and Brooklyn moved in to get Fisher's signature on the dotted line 1 George Schneiter of Ogden fired a last round 70 Sunday In the Victory open to give him A final score of 285 and a tie for the last money winning position with Skip Alexander of 'exilic ton N C Each won 050 Davis high Dodgers Fisher SIgns With Dodgers Innings In 5: Gronunc well 0 In ilarder 4Wild 1 In 1: Klirmnn 3 in 3 pitch—Les Winning pitcher—Gsbrian: losing pitcher Zs-rill- L with - with 133 and Hogan was pegged ' at 134 Snead then forged further ahead using 39 strokes on the riegotittara the same route he had In 30 two days before and wound up with a 75 Hogan spurted ahead with a 66 and then added a cornthr70 onto his ee-round total of 200 GEORGE HAS 285' 4P Tlar-bas- us-4- Illmetettior-4140-t- A's Jormoomi 4 WHO 3 L 412 pIeve---atphn- George Fisher signs hurler 010- -3 Cleteland 000 002 0014 Runs hatted In—KenError—APPling nedy Dickey AyWhs Seerey Wright Two-bas- e hits—York Began Boudreau Throe-bas-e Rome runs— nits—Kenriedy Stolen bases—Baker fleerey opting Sacrifices — Began Renner Dickey Double pleys—Koltner York and Fleming: on and Fleming Roses Fleming Boudreau halls—Oft Lee 4 Gebrian 3 Papleh 2 4 larder 2 Rittman 1 Strikeouts—las 1 Pardee 2 Gromek 2 Kiloman 1 Papist Illts--41t 2 in 5 13 innings: Ci1s CaldsBite—Off Leo 2 in 5 1 3 3030 ool: Pirates 10 o- t-- piteneri terson 2-- 1 t4 2-- 2-- 3 m 4 A CiPwithind 1100 1-- 3 It I n ever-recorde- 0 ldtkovich et ABHTA 4 0 Kdward if 4 0 4O 0 0 4 1 2 3 seer'' If 4 0 szsPeck 6 11Flerning lb 4 0 6 1 1 0 Gordon 2b 2 0 2 4 2 5 0 Koltner 3b 2 4 1 Began e 3 1 8 0 Conwaysi 1 1 01Boudreau as 2 1 Gebrian p 1 0 0 21Barder p 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 OlzBockman 1 0 0 0 Kllowy 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p Papien p 0 0 0 OlGromek Caldwell p 1 0 0 0 p 1 0 1 1 33 8 27 71 Totals ao 4 27 11 Totals sPingled for Michaels in inSthIS thup for Harder sPoppod zz—Grounded out for Gromeit In fith szettan for Scent) In ath 020 001 Chicago 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 3 4 se 2 Appling Wallaesa If 4 York lb 4 Kennedy e rf 4 4 Dickey Mullis 2b 3 gWright Le 2 P e m From Oakland 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 24 b ToA's'a 00 1 00 ABHE i 1 vie-stro- kes I 000 cin—San June l'rencisco took both ends of a double header from Oakland Sunday Jack Brewer hurling a seven-h- it 0 shutout in a morning game V II rmt ifaim— hv played in San Francisco and Al Imwormo to I4 OtaugnLien winning the second game here n rowIk1 to n t to bcnoondoe Ito -0 d wmot t - 4 to 3 The Seals took the series aiat to on5 Ito 2 rrstet I lietat 3 VireHi is 2 to move into 1 undisputed posb81 rtSreal4 S t 3 in seulon of secondplace in league o 4 It 3 118184 S ta 3 Looms tn 0010rrreite4040 09 timesto3b Tiakr Philiey et P iota 72-ho- le night June 29 (AP)—Tbs Stirnweiss George (Snuffy) mashed out tbros Phitadelphis Athistirs Dia Yam Infielder will be attired in Boston Rod Sol ham runs to defeat e to b twies onday 3 to 2 and NEW YORK June 29 (70—Or1g- baseball suit and spikes while homer with tho basesAn !many scheduled to fight Pat O'Con- Buddy Young new Yankee pro loatiad insidsthspark First Baseman Ferris Fain highby fiv&-ruST PAUL Minn June 29 (A')— & fifth inning for tho A ner Dick Smith of Oklahoma City gridder and former Illinois grid and in the l0000nd game while Pato Suctor's will Herman Peterson president of the tangleVicinstead with hard-punchi- track star will tour the sacks in United Orel circuit clout 'of th season won the States Hockey league said Amato Brooklyn a football uniform and track shoes Sam Chapman openar in Di sixth inning Moses and Ted middleweight nr the Au and Wally eight-roun- d in is :132 he had resigned and would I set the The record Evar Sunday by bemired Williama for the gos ilia during feature bout at Queensboro arena Swanson former Cincinnati out- become manager of the St Paul NM the afternoon First Limit! fielder several years ago Monday night hockey team ABROA Pt04100 3 1 1 8 4 2 1 0'3oost se Mosso rf 3 0 3 0 2AfeCtiskylf psity as It 33 01 2 ()IVO° 4 1 1 0 rf Williams 3 0 12 1 4 0 3 0 Fain lb Melt el 4 1 1 0 1 4 ef 1 l!Chapmn Bases on biol—off Gregg 5 Kos° Doerr 2b Karr -1 3 1 3 0 3: 0 1 Rosor r 3 3b IC 3i 3 v otilei Cuibran 2 tout 3 2 Ore 1 'truck r--113 2 4 4 r"--8 118udar 2b r"--0 litio---O3 Jonas lb ff Krino 5 in 5 7rinkie 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 1114atoski 1 3 Teom'its 11 in Trinale 4 in 3 Gregg 1 i 1 I I i i Li 1 1 rerrill P 31 0 0 01 Itrebldon p 4 0 1 1 3oritios 3 in 3 Winning pitebat— illussall Trinit is-- Losing pitcher—Gregg il 1 1 1 1 I l' c Totes 29 7 2? 14 31 a 24 91 Totals LI It I I t I sOrtiundd Into (Iambi play Cubs 1 a I In 9th L4 000100 100 Li-2 Poston CHICAGO Jun 29 Pow Fbliantiltbis LA La 00z011 001 -3 eitusrao hurler retaking bus t irst aew RUTIN batt1 In—lilosit Lrrors—Noos — Notaries of the Amason for the Chicago t:21apman bits Trbbetta liwilere Two-ba- a Cubs was touted in the fifth inning Sun- —lia3sait1 lititoost itudr as defeated the Pirates ths t'"'"r""'""""'""'" Pituiburgis day i? runs— Moes Chapman Iludier Cube 10 4 in gh rubber lame Of their Enm -rt ludor r71 Siva-ta- n Fealty lacriticsa — patois be Doubl 1141144 r-- " eudibr to to I MeCostry pla—1oortt The Pirate pounded Passean who unals on LI )'airi Ptatki to loner to rain 3Sagas derwent a box opsration in Irsbruary and balls—Ott Li i Li Ittrtico Forrilts 6 Marchildon Tti Meet tour ottioesesore tor 14 bits xow to Bassisau I wiui Wally outs—Pr Ferrts 1 diarcIttldos 3 Wild damaging to ninth -homer of the season pitch—Ferris - WesiJoite's r----Second Will! ::' with the bones loaded in the third inning Ploirtott ABITOA AB 11 0 JLI Pbtla a homer later off liAos i Balph Kiner "maenad 17th rt 5 22 04 5'11 looat es— 43 22 33 03 of the season i Paha totowy for Ahis i 1 5 tteCosIty It AB R 0 A Peaky as Al8 HO k't: Irtletstgle t 3 0 5 0 rt Veo ' a 2 0 at Chicago 2b 5 2 2 2 William If 3 13 01 Cox s ' '' - 0- ' 0- :f 4 re 0 2 00 01 Fain lb 1- --1 itir et Ruesell et 4 2 2 1 Lowrey 3b 4 1 1 4 ' E 1 1 0 01 ebsoma tt 3 1 3 0 0 2 0 stitrrriss Guetine 3b 3 3 2 0 Nchlen tiv 3 4 4 0 0 0 8b 0 1472 Plirrini Ourra Kinet lt2 5 2 1 0 rafito et 11 4 2 2 0 Do rr 3b 4 1 1 4 4 til F:16----edirsLtil4 3 2 2b t ' : 4 2 1 0 Pu? d plisandro roc' :"::'Grntirg lb 2 01 9 01 Rickert ' 1 1 2 1 3 1 v 0 1 3b 3b ' ' Majeaki 4 0130 Culorin : 5 lb f retchet lbt ow ' 1 12 0 Fowitir P 0 0 0 Watia rt 34 2 33 00 Reheating se 44 32 33 14 lotairs ff tr p 1 00 00 3 e r arte lb 422 00 03 21 farts 7i 9 Fturgeort ie 4 rA ' i1 1 i ':' t 177-Fox A-0 t : ' 0 0 0 zllbor P Barisal 2b 4 I 3 4 Passeau irr2r17 4:4-10 0 0 ' p 0 0 0 0 Coleman p a 1 1 !Ion p 0 0 0 1 Klinger : Llano V ifill-0 0 0' i 1 I 0 0 Morribv p 0 (2-1-jkil4 1 0 0 0 ' '"1) 0 0 0 1 sttuoitell P f : VA lai 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Dorian p 1 ' l '1: 0 0 I 0 : ' Johnson "1161!: 0 0 0 0 i P 1' i 1 auGtridgit 1 0 0 0 P 8 alai 0 0 0 Totals 33 24 151 Total 2 30 27 T I I 1 "1-- - I B iFIlett out for MMurphy in Ttzt ' 3 14 21 12' Totals i 21 13 21 13 1i:1:: i: Totes ' ' In i for — aDoublnd for Kush In btit xa8Ingle4 nut I or Johnson In UL !I airFlied A j I 7lb asil:t into double play for inBbroory t '' sWauted for Savag la 5111 asrGroilisdad out for Ley A eit w 100200 029 44 N Paton -5 004 012 012-4- 0 Pittsburgh t 000 050 10x- -6 ? an 010 000 021— 4 Fhuadoinhill lt entre ? Pune Errors — Pellarrint Culbersom I Runs batted I n Errors—Nunn -'' 2 MB Jones WilliamsTwo-basKilter 3 batted in—Doorr TiVstinke 4 Greenberg geon 1 ' ' ':-- N''''''' '' e 4 cCall Guerra Fain 4 Ferri — A Vieteher 2 Palk Seheffing Dallessandro i Home bit—Moans Fain runa—Williarns Two-bos- e Russell 2 Johnson hito—Kinar Thrii-basto to Fain Pak e It — Double leek Itallessandre Doerr to Jon Jon Joat to Palsy to Yowir Or herring klume runa—Watlaan Kilter 3 Zubr Fain Paha on halls—Off — (Just)s& toubl grherfkr g herr-Me4 5 Colittenn Klinator litrikonutg—By 2 Pasinagl and Greenberg 1 Klinger 1 Zuhr 3 Coleman 11idiswmaidazaa244 Veers Lawln Base ots bs1s—?ast ö Kuan t Rite—CIf Fowler 2 in 23 3 Los 1 3truell out—By Pasaeau 2 Bigbn t 3 3 Coltman 3 Savage Inning 3 in 0 out 4 la passage (non Kl4 1 11tport In 4 In la 4 Zuber 4 10 4 ingst 51111 In 2 Mears 'Chart 0 la 1 Boroery riot 4 in 1 1 3 atnrohy 0 In 13 Wild pitch e3 in 1 ton 1 In Johngon 0 In 2 S Winning pitcher—i-Ccil- e mPhisseatt Lotting pitebee—Psaiseau msg Looing pitehor—tiorieb 14 27 13 0 (4Nri 000- -- 2 LAW1 Ai 384 100 108-- 17 t tett Ilasc I410 floe brit-2 sm mewl 114411 ttenn Ft 34ustarPak w 3 IAt anima bebeondsonst 42 IK crow-et- c 2 C1 to cle it 3 Pi ?al a -- Os won a It cm 0 art t r o 21 Outlaw If 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Webb 'Cramer cf 1 01 0 Totals Totals 30 14 27 12 34 9 24 'Struck out for Moulder In ratan silan for gvers in seventh Bt Louis 200 100 020- -5 030 010 300- -7 Detroit Runs batted Errors—Coleman Warta 2 Judnri Huth Evers in—Stephens 2 Laks Trail Warner Nowtouser Mayo Two-basThree-bss- e hits—Heath Mullin baste—Stehits—Stephens Xvers Stolen Double Sacrtfice—Evera plays— phens Hitchcock to Stephens to itidnich Msyo to Lak to Cullenbine Newhouse' to Lake to Cullonbine Bases on balls—Off )4uncriet 2 Moulder 2 Neirh miser 2 strnek out--Pv Muncher 4 Moulder 1 flNewhouser 7 H'Its—Off Muncrief 14 in innines Moukler 0 in 1 3 Hit by pitcher—By Muncrier (Nversl Wild pitches—Muncriel Newhouse: Losing pitcher—Muncrief Senond game: Ott Louie AB H 0 A Detroit AB H 0 A 21 Lek gm— 4 2 3 3 Diiinir 3! 3 2 Coleman rt 4 1 3 01 Cuinbne lb 4 011 3 tateonna BA 3 0 0 11 Outlaw If 5 2 2 0 4 0 3 01 Mullin rit Heath It Lehner et 4 1 1 01 Cramer et 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 ei Keil 3n iutinich lb 4 1 4 1 2 3 Fitheek 2b 4 1 't at move 212 Of Fleritt e 4 2 2 0 Irarly b 2 0 1 1 4ntnrd p 0 0 0 01 Trout p 1 0 0 01 tlINaketleld 0 A 0 aCurrin 0 0 0 0 Brown p I0 00 00 21oWebb 0 0 0 0: wanton bncholta p YoIdaI p 0 ft ft 21 1 0 0 0! Totals 33 7 24 10i Tot Ms 30 9 21 17 arlyrounded Out for Bantord la third bWalkeci for Brown In seventh efirounded out for Zoldnit in ninth tiwalkeei !fir Trout in sixth Ran for Wakefield In sixth Pt non oin onO--1 Louis o5o 000 Derrott Autn batted Error—Lake 'man KellToro-bea-swift 2 Trout Lake r'hitiew ft Three-bas- e hit—Lekt Eiteriticoo—Cramer e to HitchBenton Double cock to Judnicti 1tayo to Cullenbino to Lsk 2 Bases Oft hail—Off Pontord 2 3 Sitmek out— prown It zokinit 1 Benton Zotrisk 1 Trout 1 Itits—Off &sword 4 in 3 innintre Brawls 2 in 4 lotia8 3 in 2 Trout 7 in 8 lionton 0 to 3 Win ritcbr---Trou- t !Ong Losing pt tense— Sanford 01 0 0 Y 000 100 44131 Slaug h ter Pt tan 041 t 44 to— sag Crag et 2tiotm Van4er at 2 Tau Caaa IL NI as gi 1iortaay noittztotpoto-bnite Yotb 2 goador se likat g titer ton-)-talto) titer items teitio--La gullet liner serif —Cruet tent tensterrett banes its bale—Vitnitet 1 Lock0oa Ctunstiort Stafforoargar Strike-Juni- dungy' 1 reit" 1 GreetsIdIcet tier 5 Ra f fen liner fc et I Pturzzart 1 T Greod lucid I 1 Vander SMPT non out In is th ) it t marrgue 1 to 0: l'Alf reneberget 0 lo 2: 3 In 3 2 3: 4 14 1 vk hart 2 i n 3: Itungor wty 4 tm 2 Grottiret go pm 1 worsurg ptt rf— V s ndet tei or laPIN g stteloor—Dbrighvag-oaa se rite - Ct itliteent AS H L WC Louie ABROA Itrareoras 4 2 1 rt 2S8 S1 3 4 Ole US r 0 0 Iti)hennt 1)uos 20 1 0 0 0 le otoial 200Inr 2 I 1 0 0 Adams 1C 1 0 0 11 0601r Th 1 0 4 1 1tat4goo lb 4 1 1 1' t'atIghlet US 2 2 1 14 nes et 0 1 0 N °rine"' rt Y1O eobser ef 1 1 2 0 Tense 1 b a SO S 1 2 3 $ 0 1 0 t'res 0 0 0 tf 3 3 0 lr twat 2 0 4 0 I nos as 0 0 0 OS 0 2 0 Ct' a e es 1 3 0 G11411-11 4 I bni so 2 1 S 0 Itr004 p 1 IA "ASPS 04- Buns batted Erroe—WarshalL Kell' 2 Jorganoen Robinsob Two-bee- s bite—vilaiitr Vaugriao !Rimini( y St °ion boar— Hons run—Kim? Roo noon R a ert ire—Area& Dou b le plays na I Ito lailsislat od ) Taylor to Rom to tole4ison Suss so balla-- 011 lot 7 ray1 Trirot Lvtt 3 Illtrleaoote—By lott 7 in 5 Taylor 2 Trtoltle 1 innings (none out in ntnthi Trine 1 in 1 by pitcher—By Taylor (W Cooper) Losing pitcher—Lott asoon4 gismo H 0 A11roiw 'York AB It 0 A larissalyn 2b 3 2 1 3 'clutters ab 3 1 4 Otani(' 21 Kre oil oto non lio b 4 8 as ite 3 1 3 2 Cioarnart az 8 3 2 o 4 113 1 et 4 1 3 01 else lb 0' 1144tilhal1 1'7 4 4 1 43 ti I 44 01 42 V Lombardi a 5 0 4 2 Jorgnen 30 41 11 02 001 Gordon It 33 11 01 04 Lobrits 3b lirnneet It 2 0 1 0 p btasii it 32 01 31 02' Kook 7rinals p Gregg p tioraitui p 0 0 0 01 1 0 0 0 annular 2477777701 Tinian 38 13'27 19 Total' in ninth itried Lam Dorkina 101 010 002-4- 5 Prooicy 210 000 Ofix—i) New York rotors-- 7P sone birmanski Jorgoriaen Lombardi Runs bititwd in—Roose 2 Goat 1ar1 2 liarenall '2 Watt nor Robinson Gordon X arr Mita 2 Stanity 2 Two-ba- a Rome rune— Jergnson taneV Gordon- - bi lac tailat jsrsbtU 2 Gordon Blattner 2 bagels—Robinson AB Ft 0 A ?rele 'Work All 11 0 AWitthins-to5 0 0 1 2b 4 0 2 41 Toot 30 Ptirnwee 4 0 1 1 Henrik-f-t rt 4 0 3 Ot Lewis rt 1 3 Vornon 1 4 lb 3 11 4A 00 Lindell U el riilot ago el 3 1 1 01 Ppence et Oi 2 0 Grace It YeQunn lb 3 1 1 4 0 1 3 WJonan 3b 4 1 0 3' Priddy 2b se 1 4e3 I 2 Crirtetmn Robinson 4 2 1 9 Houk 1 0 0 21 1 2 2 Masterson p Rizzuto Ss so 4 1 0 0 1 lirsrrirk P 0 113o4noin 0 0 A 0 0 0 2 0 'Travis ytvnoin p 0 0 0 0 0 0 szess lar4Y satRobertan 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 27 111 Totals 30 4 27 10 Rare for Robinson In 9th aWalkod for beaatioroon tit YU& zsRitri for Travis in 7th sozWalkod for Farrlak In tb Shore by innings New York ON) 020 Orr- 1-5 010 000 000- -1 Washinston Ini Chriat- Krrors: None Reins bntted s 27 bits: Stirnwetss Two-haa- Three-hasMan Rizzuto Christmas Robinson areiviest Vornon o baseseb hits: Gracia rioublis 9laysi Johnson aserifieos Lewis and Torroll7 W Johneort gtirnweiss Rizzuto Stirnweizia itnd and on balls: Raison Masterson blegninn 2 Itovnoicia 2 2: D Johnson 5 lei-rin-k rtriksi outs D Johnson 5 Masterion 2 Forrieki 1 Ileyroida 3 HMS: Off D Johnson 3 ISin 5 14: POArnold' 32 In 3 3 ihtirrick 1 in in Winning leatorson 1 Anot CMCAGO June 29 (UP)---Be- n Hogan Hershey Pa fired his fourth straight subpar round Sunday to win the Chicago 14 total of 270 open golf tournament with a d in the raatch under par and the lowest score Hogan played easily over the short Westward Ho course nosing course record by two atrokea He out Sam Snead the halfway leader added a 67 the next day for a 130 Ellsworth Vines former tennis- total and Jim Ferrier Auschampion tralian-bor- n At that point pro who won the Pro-George Payton Hampton Va was second 1 - IS Itmildef p 0 0 0 1 A CLEVELAND June 29 (UP)— The Chicago White Sox snapped a three-gam- e losing streak by defeating the Cleveland Indians 4 to 3 Sunday in the first game of a doubleheader before 40000 Rain caused postponement of the second game A pinch single in the ninth by Taft Wright scored George Dickey with the winning run The veterans Lefty Thornton Lee and Mel Harder wete the starting pitchers but neither finished Pete Gebrian second of four Sox throwers gained the victory and the defeat was charged to Ed Klieman Mc-Qui- nn six-ru- - Wins Victory Open oit o I i I - f 4wroo I:her:intl Cake rtribtrat '13 Monday June 30 1947 - 3-85- - 0 - 7I ( 22 Hoosrlinnr - AP3 -- t - I 0 0P0 |