Show - : VIi00i44P I- ' 0 the 14 1zke Zeibutte eSalt Monday June 30 1947 YOUTHS AWAIT PRESCHOOL HEALTH TEST Volunteer Firemen Honored Four S L Communities s An estimated 35 to 50 youngsters of preschool age Tuesday to 20 modern battle that FLANAGAN DAN engines By morning will be called upon to Men ---- o leave the office the 33 fires each year All these volunteer departments open mouths and say "Ahhhh" dinner table or an outing when the school 608 S cooperate closely with the Salt at rtiverside-Rile- y fire n sounds to don the heavy Lake and fire county as West of childepartment series 8th the helmets and waterproof coats-o-f a when a blaze is too to be dren's health clinics will be' conlarge volunteer fire crew have become handled by the men and equipment Dr Roy A Darke among the most beloved and re- of a volunteer service the county tinued by and vice summoned—or Is physician psychiatrist Salt communities department spected citizens of Lake city schools versa fire volunteer dependent upon Sponsored by the city board of service education in cooperation with Parent-Teachas a Assn Four communities in Salt Lake FOR JULY measure for youngprotective county—Bingham Murray Sandy sters who will enter school for and Midvale—rely on the services the first time next fall the fire cif such volunteers at every clinics also will be held at RivIn their &ream erside on July 8 They will continue in various schools throughBingham Department Oldest out July and August Einghtun's No- 1 department1 Examinations will be held at organized in 1904 is the oldest school 627 S 1st West Grant such service still operating in the and July 10 and at Thursday county A year after its organizaschool 928 E 21st South Forest SANDY—Latest candidate for July 7 14 and 21 Dr Darke said tion the No 2 company was fotmded in Bingham Sandy July 4th queen is Geneal and 23 men'of Swenson daughter of Mr and Mrs The pump-truc- k each company headed by C L Clyde Swenson Sandy Other Stliman thief of No L and Mel- queen aspirants who entered the vin Christnpherson No 2 fire chief royal race earlier are Maxine Lee —attend 'every alarm in Bingham Nadine Ferguson and Lartaine Auld are alerted to a fire by three Morrow According to Delos Beckstead 'arena Mur- chairman the celebration will Thirty men constitute theheaded be-iThe slightly defeated look which with a parade at 10:30 am ray volunteer department 11:45 am and may be apparent on the faces of at by Grover E Brown This service followed by races was origirutted in 1906 and the entertainment- - program at Sandy Utah's Arnerican Legion members Soft- Is probably due to the fact that high school grounds department now 'has a modern junior and a combination Iball games are scheduled for 3 Idaho defeated Utah in the mempump-truc- k Final ambulance and chief car with & pm and a fireworks display at bership percentage drive tabulations for the drive which Devir pumper to be delivered some 9 pm will conclude the day's actwo started last February and ended time during July The alarm is tivities The queen and her cerelast Wednesday were announced ootruied by a single siren on the attendants will be crowned at 1 Win-9 at monies Sunday Idaho chalked up 17000 pm Thursday lkfurray city hall new members to Utah's 11000 For the past six years John G ners will be awarded prizes Utah's legion now must give of the Eoaiger has been chief the Idaho group 100 lb of crisp department — organized Sandy back in 1908 Equipment in the FEATURES FETE succulent Utahatcelery in payment of a bet made one the beginning of includes Sandy department MIDVALE—A patriotic prothe contest: had Utah won Idaho a chemical unit and pp-truc- k by the Salt Lake would have 'paid off" with 100 a airen on the Firemen's hall to gram sponsored County Recreational Assn will lbs of No 1 "spuds" the 30 volunteers be held Wednesday at 2 pm at Kingsley E Clawson 'Utah Midvale junior high school offiCooperate With County commander Harry department C L Canning Midvale fire chief cials said Sunday Hickman national executive secThe will a for 27 years has become known musicalprogram and feature retary for Utah and A S Horsley presentaprogram as a man whose hobby is fighting state department adjutant will go men are in the tion of awards to youngsters to the Idaho state legion convenfires Thirty-fiv- e Midvale department wkich was — tion July 21 at Pocatello to "take founded trt 1910 It now has two It on the chin" and pity off the bet lir Clawson said Ladles' Group Installs "Well go up there to ride the MIDVALE—Mrs Joel P Jenv sen Midvale was installed as rail if necessary or present our bodies for whatever punishment i president of the Midvale Ladies' is devised" Mr Clawson added ifl---f ' ''' ' Community club at ceremonies and "We Di wrong year to just picked a was luncheon meeting last week one of the Idaho it Officers who will assist in club challenge states in country-wid- e the top affairs include Mrs Marx C Blackett first vice president Mn membership drive" Walter Anderson second vice president Mrs Harold Ashmazt third vice president Mn Henry In Sandy Eyes Royalty Idaho Legion Defeats Utah 1 ' c 1 I - ' ‘ s - ''41140: ! r SkN'120:!-kire- 1 Ward Members Honored EAST MIDVALE — Former members of East Midvale ward' Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints who have served for the past 25 years in the ward were honored at special services Sunday night in the ward chapel Former bishops were principal I III suppir tho cash 'for ta Lia' - : 44:7' 1 4 ORILE TRIPS KAMA° AD FARE AIRMAN E TICKETS BUS TICKETS ROTEL BILLS 16 CLOTHES FOOD DITERTALINNEDiT VT0114 3IEETIdS Meetings scheduled for i Solo II CO o C Ronk Contineotal Lako-- 411 Pb Other ineetingis—Preshrteriazio wasatch Presbyterian church 1701-11t- nvim lost First North Provo- -4 East SOMEM-rER- t PQEFETZ iTAAT GENTLEMEN -F""-7- -ouTcooR TYPE OF ' GAL V4-4tS S‘itLPUL ALL SPORTS 7''' '7 lio - j 0 IN aa VP - z7 4 J ' 5oe &CT Si-r-- I NIUSC LE eoUQNILN6 -- r - :144 ae-r- 4r) s - - 1 4 ' - k‘--A (Iii 1 P A' i4 ' 1 i -- ' - 07 t '1''''- "' 11 rim ‘ - :i-:::- -- - lempi FIATLIIIS l' PCTp DLUE DUGAN r —' - - " Att YES SIP de STACS To -E Ph4 71-4- E OsaY Du-ne- s Vnt-nr- E eaTsCEC) CPPT-- $AMS AS i- f 14E - ErFoRs? 44 4” )0 f t I ' i 1 011 4 vOk : I 111P ' ' t '3 ir i 14 11 ' - e- :-4A- -- ' 1 11 i t 4 Is ': 00 otiork: iit I 44'14 bilicui4L115AlsyEttvEzcotrt - I lk 4 1'it'i' - - -N - : ''''''a ' N cp ill If " ' ' ' t otr"211 '0 e- ‘1 '' ' I4 " I LA 1 it 1 i 1 Ntor "4 cl t Ha liv04 "11111111111MN 11V i 411 o'1Z -- I 1 z: ETEA ' fyli 1 &soh' IL fe 4IF iliti(1 1 ( 41k e ' lk k - i ' ' 4 '"- '1'‘'''' Or — ak tv 44 i ' ft k 9r 4 v-- it t -4 : 'Zzl s N ---- - z s ''' - IN N t 4 i ifilli F c: t ‘( 001: — a 1Aelm'' I 1 I - t ME - I etto ' 0 P 'S 1' V - :- t1 t 411 1 -- --- wAm-‘--:- I pApER11 LarrALOTTA HAS STANI? CARLOTTA - ' Tw - - ' WHERiTF12 A - -- '''- - 1221111 1 1 al ilt:!-- : ( :- 7 RII'l 6 - THE BELL ' - IN-- t ‘- kt ii v' 41 — 41 AR it ak 1p01 -- " st : 1 ' 4- - Ii ' 1 All Itiarr I 4 I rt ' - 1 N 1'7:f - -zi -' ‘ 1 To °tor NEWPAPE12- 516INE'5' 4 ta T RICIt ''- - 7 1 1 I k ' aurf - (A) 1 'ff I - 1 - t -- Sr - - -- 41 1cb- -- 7 A e'-- - o il f i Oir e til f l' "' lit' Si I V Cll) fif en - :' 'I r ) ' ' — Its "0w - IP - "r'''''' -- 014 ON 'd9 41 : Z ChicYoung 1 I I T ' ' A rri TM AT SETTLES i PAINT T v HOUSE rE 4:2 - : r 1- -- - Another SWEET - - -- ') I DI e 1 ' i I t 0 t I " - i 1 imiP 1 :- 1 I - no PEPPER THAT SAXE eet iw Puta VoltONO ''''"'IPS 4e 1 Tke '''' ' f -z 6 I "411" -- t :4 i i r 4 AM 1 k---- -- - — - t ' — ( - 0 ' IL- -- -1 JI 00 i i ‘Ii ‘ i -- I -: I Zeil--- -- -- t'— a 1 E i 1 ' ''77 : ' (0 e f I -- - - - l I Picnics - jc:) itj ' 1 I Entertainments a 9c 14 ' I r rarties ror n 1 V ita V lol illaiie:dObf14 1 - t t I i I - 1 1 ''''''') 1 SWEET CANDY COMPANY i t t O ---- ---- - ------ - - - - I krre l'rfirA:J ' - e a aliii:141AN ' t - N 04 WE FINISH EATINO I PSST AtA a YOU'R! Airnma t 'tlt ii 4 ' - :7": t 79zir: - '4' 11'' - - - i ' 1 - : i! t : I t :11 HAPTA 1 ' - if 12 - G --- ti It' - 1!-- - 90' treat - vl- ' i l'" GermeoN itrAtk : I v WE'RE ' e ri ef di 1 - b - t — v ---- cs - ! REDSPOCS) -- ''' : t m GOirL2 TO -- '''''''I':'' 1 - 1 ('''re'' --- 9- ''' ' 244 0 ' ': a '''- - - - r--- I :'' 1 A 'N ' 1!19Ps 1 : - - -c BIG - ‘ 1 ' i'-- - 1 - ' CI 1 si I - - - 4 ' No N 7- 1 AN'CU0014 If t'' - - ' ' I J - - ' - ' - I I 40- 0' i e- 1 candy ' ‘ ' aRTAAL5 "'Y ioP! 1 - --' ' 1 P:: EAT I Senb- em' trat MI 7 frm a fate)91 rti I I t )1f7) f a 17) ar iba es oi sa ki kw"' Itb Sta env ' ' A t " - ' LET NIM ALONE KNcesy He WS ovAe LET'S GO i - I tree 0: t THRONEO IL:fr ' 0 HORSE :: --- I (yr AN' SRAas MST Time Hr 5 EVEK kda ' ' 1 WAf 1r THEN 47 16:'N-- 4 A it Arli -- v If" Me 'NAT NOW TH ' PUNK FALLS EVERY ERONC RJOER GETS ThRLDviN GTTA EXPECT BEEN 714RONED1 1 A i lit 111 evtg b '''-''- (A 1 ''' 5soizr DARK - rigr""'" t ' I CC : (i E TM' NUSBAND FA 15EkfriPIA 14PIZ ES-5-- n-le rNI Icr4 LOOK ALIKE k 4 ! 1 f -- Ate txrCOWE - SAY HOW WOULP )0t1 fAlee I I 1 1 7 ut es Si 71' ags:-- 1 4 i - 1 1 J k I A 4 0'- - 01-- WELLR- A11171)-filpstorus- woe-- '' 0 ot I - 1 ! - 1 0 : OM L 1 A ! r 1 3 270ere By 1 rZ7r-ON- : 0 i! I BEG YOUR 1: PARDON BUT allitlit - f i r 1 ''''141 i: ' I - r - - :' ''' - :: Vik ' "--t" - - --- 2'1 N ff:toiHEifek wHAT A ROE i THAIS TN F0t5T PANE I RiGNIKEADONYOUR i''' '‘ 1 i 'li t 4444$4114" WALLY' '' e - 1 jJ -- - r --- r - ! l'' 12: :11 -- : k '17— L--d- ) s I itt- i By Ham FisLter I )0J LANCED UD2RY -- ' r 4 7: p —- 4 -- Gan ANY 6PECIAL - t I 11 1' i t -- -- i - ” ' I L: t -- - f t ! ! fillr---7- ' - ‘‘ i - - - : 1 "i 1- e - i - act Jet a ' i : - - - 14t i' - WELL I'M GONG TO 151ri A YACHT A 131G CONVEZTI E5LE AN A l iZPLAN ANIO C7ET MG A HUSBAND - - xk 4 --i g 11 By Zack Mosley ‘ 6 - s i' - YOU'RE FItcthHAT HOW PO yod SPEW" PLAN : i - I AND NOW YOU'RE dUST AN CLD ONE ''''':''' ia I t I 1111111 - - bt - i ff ' "(Ilk 1 I- By Gus Edson 4 1 JOE PALOOKA ALL c Atli l 11r- - k PEAPLINE OH s --- -1 vou I 0- VI" t't (Pf' A t CArowMCAURrEN 7 mz : 's if 1 46 ' IOC 1 r t - ''A NOW -- -- It 'tousSel -- - 'i 'iN NJ IkiCill i (70T A 't I' 0- -- i&4 i'''111 tr ' i f ! 1 11 - A x t 1 i i Yoo-Ho- o ' f -4- i " -- A-- I - V' -- p "1': - I ' Ili 'L f - ii c iiI:: t 7 4'e1-2- YOU A4101zyNT WE it Ili -' 9 11'II II ' - —101gAc6—r: ru141)--- c-- POCC?Ca YOU s at ---' 40-4:-4- a ib — 1Ai rt IIIL t- - THE Gray: - : : : - (ir -1 N A f - WHEN CM ALONE AN 7 a - ' k PCtt''') A rw :""m611 JUST ---- i ! In f YOUNGlr: '7z Itt COLINSABLEt 1 TwakeBAGE F AV di ' ' ' it Jr 4 l t 014so iiia! " 4P 7 is li h i PEPARTEL7 c: - i ' AHERr VgAS A ' - I g lim ' si 1 - -- 1 " IN MalmyRpNEINAglyCl is - -7 0' Ii 1 2:7"1t1L-- - - ' t- N c:4-------- -- CaESS 1 v 1172A'11- 41 e 1 t1 NI ::E 1r1: ' 1 4"0 i r ti r Za 0 i- - 44 dd on 2 onto :pa - 1: Mil INHNC t k ow 10010P i i -- !: NcEENViE1111 4- - I' '''' 1 son ' FORTVNEI - :: - E5E OU- T-I POWNTAIR9LOOKiNG FOR-- HER:' COME INJ-7-- 0 I ilia pi ? 11' ''''s10 I t ! ::::'''::ti'l“ ' OUT OF HER 41 SIAPPE Rs EH F! t - aE -I- — 7 - SIPPING i - MA7uTETRcAoeltACT - LINC2ER- 4 '' kl Azdv - r v"C - I :N ii 4 17 7 e: r ! -- 1"A tgolGaTr0: -vrs 4 IV r CHAMPAGNE ) SEXTET HOW WELL 1 REMEMBER - lkk 44 4 cIIT'MvFNE-10iw- : Noecoe li e EAtcus ( Fr GANO PERFORMER : is N I ' - (c- ':: - 14:t'" i : ' 1'L ' oF THE TO ONE 614 LT Ai r- — i ---- SHE WAS UNDERSTUCH -- : (T By Harold I 1 - 1" w e 0 --- ri V '411'lk LA a '' - - z FLOCZADORA "''''--- -- i i -- --- ---1 WAS A FAMOUS MUSICAL COMEDY ACTRESS - t "11 APE TIE MOC?E PPiENDS YOU tiglIE- -' rTHAT tS IP voirtze JUT 11-e rCOELY-tzo--PlOoQ LIKE ? n- i I sHe 4 !0 THLAPY5 - t k -- tme-- t ' - 1 -140 0 1 f SMILING JACK X 44 r -- '1! s'I''')CII-- ' I TRUEC1-410- tfr-tr7- : ':-- P 4- i ! I :'!A 1St NN ree' 7--4- - FEWER FRIEriCrS THEY I NeEARG I 04ie - -n- I it1 d D - - - i ark I 1 THR'OUGH THE - ' )1 1 Ura N L'i : - — riA 1 - '''' ' e-01- - THAT ALL THE RUBBISH I WE HAULEP otrr OF HEP5 WAS HER PRESS CLIPPINGS ' If"' WHO - ' e1 r' I THE GUMPS I 7'66 L ' s 1 4E13 ) le- J '' N '01111! -i ( :"?i I i b - 1 IS HE :1i I w ot qua il 140' Irt1 rHa7FULIAIAG°1:7° 14 ! - t 1111PNIMMIngnir '4 — - 0111mtoc4zet t TRIXtel-JkIST1OL- t -- 11 L Ne) : -s fA te' ro ea gzicH? 111°4" LI LI - '' t ''t i' : :' t 0 'I 1 AWFUL NOT -- 1 11L1 - 1141 21 ' 1 i i :1:vedEALoos : 1 SURe-SIIRE- -- fivzIturt4aLb LET 15ECRE1ARIAL END OF ' THINGS—I'M RIGHT IN ' orpe MIDDLE OF AL4OT OF DICTATION- -f -- it 4 :: I 1 0 0 - 40 owl A '11 4 I PLrr WOULDN'T IT B LITTLE 4741 '' 4117i1 ' k I $ c t- fr" ! A ale :ir' " v 44 i - '( : r ' ''‘ P' 6 - t t 4 'Itr-A( ' -- q - J1j' 7 t f - - t : -' i EA)0704 -7- e-- - '''''1 4r ONCSS ULI 1) - r f1 tipi g King N 1tCY WITH A - I -- myNka--6t' 4 3 41 - 2 ' i 4 ' '' t' E WE-P- -s 1 T AV IPIE ' N i '':-- 4eFrank- I I - --:- ' 4 t ' el s ' i i - --- --- ' WENT 'AWAY I t I --- : BEFORE ka TO CalECJE I - II le ) Y FoutsFaucsm17 -- -5--1' — 1 1‘ sb I' s171 VA 3 - ' or tat-tcy- frqckt-c-i- 'ZI37--- By McEvoy and Striebel A 1 r YOU) ) ( OH c2!rti X e re To ' 4 ' S LIMN 3 - - - JCS FOZ NAT 4 r: 'r ' 1 1 1 I 411 r-p-- ElfAwscooPlIsisliA:á BUFFALO i5 r(0 ''' ' 1 -- - ' : 'i-- : : ' " SE I "ckS Zzr)(11P4R4T ' Nr - - t 01) :1 z- 7-- til -- - 1 - I I 11:)L) 11:13 1111601 ::(i)1 HE WHO - c -- i ' 1 I WOULD RING ---- xtrioNt 6-- 6S0 s IMMO NI - 7 Gaze -- THAT! ‘I t I' '' '7 - ' Igk- -- - ''1--1 -- -- ' NAXINTEE ZED NEVL- rvE 1 - 1)1"- a -- 1111 1 s APE ropey PICH POIRS-- - NICE 7 BRANE NEVR A TRUPAPET- - 1101 i eilic r 3 3 ) Th k‘s - kE THEN ) '''t - ''''!" -- ' I' 1 rt i I- - l' I -1F i - I3 y il By I oo -t " '' 7t - f f ' Z i F ie ' t - "11111Zt77-141111'-- ' 't I 7:1 -- oo WALT 1 4 Itlk: 4" - 4 1:1 ”' " - ‘' '1 ' --- 4 ''''''g' CO ro 1 t::c: omdunikow BLONDIE - : - 1 1 t I -- NO I4N? 11-- E ' -- :tLN ' 1 MOW "' e deo' 4 -- IS INSCRIBED - - 1610 A i '1 ' 1 z - -"' 'f-? LLICKY---T- olt 6-- j 44 N - 71-- :--- - 1 i 1 - r—'"-"-'"----'" - r - NNA-N- --- 1141c '1 11' 111' ple-7-7------L1- 1 9 ' -: : 1 kil kACt 7 : ::::: N lotx A zt- - ' -- ::::1 e4 J i I : :—T 7 1 need help '' wV e ono IMMO 111 eilz-- c ‘ AC7i 1 I 1 I 1111"' - di 14 14r4'4)e 74:1111: -::-jg::-:: i -- - Zzu ' '3 4 1:0 5 -- tf 111 1 0 et ‘4 41 WANT 77--- - - 1 4)"' This is the Friendly Aid Company Do you -- - - 1 1 7 wA olHiwctsAowiTAv 0 10 '!'" 41 staIler (11 ' ''' — Atiejl:it' 4 -r- ill------ 7 ' THAT &ErZT--O- WM 7( : :42 - 0 wig t -- - c cirri I IlionotroA-too- l i mor 0"- -) 1 I i i '' ' tk- R 4 1 !" WUNLI 6114141: 14 " d' 14 - 01 1 t('-(P20-) 1) V ) ''''' " 0 0 '''''' LET ME SINK' a filpitc 7 007 -- Popo atai:'''' I :En PO41' YDO DARE IT- -- 6LIESSECt 1 b16:3 jø orir Li amillP II t i - vl J 4 6E0P6Et WU 13 - - vIs -- 13CYS r:LOCk ASZOUNDI YOCJ ''' - ALL OF 4447 r ' L-- " - Doi NVO40 e 0 a 0 ?tS ti 4 r- --- V 0 : —eft ' ' '''''S 7 ' - - it17) Al96 tea 114S494 )- - tii-- ! 1 )- - ' -- - So Li SHE READ E - 'iv t Illr PIP YOU CORgY TO PHYLL-16- 1111000110mo 0 0) : 1 - ' N it:x00-- - ia ME -- - - t I do I "A AMPS! Jr - 1 !: on-the-j- ob 01 - - T fIIlrl 1 z: '' 1 "' - ENS I- MT By Jinni:1y Haqo - - ':V''' '141 !' ‘ entitled to educational or unemployment benefits of il i la y ! r -- ? le- ' --- - ' : ‘k 4 L' ii - YOU PUNKS! I clikte 1r s 1 1 MON ' :yie 1 I ' r 4 6ZAS SLILLEP-IIOL- E FETE rEFORE HE CIETS 70 DELTA ole ILL 0430P YOU lc PIN --- N !1T i 47 I f ii 404 ORPHAN ANNIE 10-1- 40 :' - 00Y LA1-- SARMY —Boasting a perfect covering Utah Idaho Wyoming and Montana will be held at scholarship record throughout the Wall ave Baptist church 27th on 100 electronic training-- — at ' and Wall ave in Ogden Seaman examination every lic 3 Dan R Slaughter on of Mr and July Built on the theme "Teamwork Mrs Steve Slaughter Sandy rethe session will feature cently was graduated from the Works" Rev Fountain VV Penick pastor navy's electronic school Great of the Institutional Baptist church Lakes Mr Slaughter now Is attending Seattle Wash as guest speaker electrical engineering school at Rev William A Lucas pastor of Calvary Baptist church in Salt Great Lakes He is a Jordan high school grad- Lake City will be moderator uate and enlisted in the navy July 7 1946 He has been stationed at 'Pi' RUN IT EVERY TIME 1111EY'LL DO 'f": ''''-4w- Nt and Smelter Workers' (C I 0) representatives will meet with mine operators of Tintic and Park City Monday at 2 pm in Silver King Coalition Mines Co office Kearns building to discuss wage issues Exa"-utiv- es : v : - 4 - ' Tsi the G I bill Discuss Mine Wages am: International Mine Mill 'b k in Salt 1777e7-- :' 1441v: 1 1 A bill has been approved by the senate labor and public welfare committee to set Sept 1 as the official "end of the war" as far as the G I bill is concerned The corresponding house committee also has approved the measure which would mean that men entering service after Sept 1 would not Great Lakes during the entire period of his navy service Monday Lak City loeiude: Hotel ttan—Tbomas Cook an't Fon tour 8:30 am: Intermountain Eira Unnoon Cril DO Co dipiay derierrers : Northweat Mum ni pmNearboase Assn7 Tire Ditlr a 9:30 note—Utah m : U 8 Parrn Labor Assn 10 Coal 10 a In Co Salt Lake Burbidge noon Amin Praternal Order of Eagle's 7:30 pm: 1TtAti COO Dal Of a Den" ocrat!c Women lt Hotel Terripie Square--Sa- pm take Apartment House Assn- - noon South balt Lake Klweris club 7 pm 0 r''P P I:3 TODAY "" i- 46' '' Baptists' Parley A UtahNavy Student Slated in Ogden Thirteenth annual session of the r Wins Top Rating Rocky 'Mountain Baptist Assn Inc Beckstead recording secretary Mrs Norval Vincent corresponding secretary and Mrs Charles H Cary treasurer :: i( '- 't ' t ) tor 1 ' ' e - - 1 ' NI '- - s - v" - 0 1 '' fl t: t - :'F1r'--' ' '' 'End of War' i 40 - 1 V '14:44 2 be "'--- - '' p FTRE55EI 100 NAZP! trz FAKEweAut— - !'l 3 ur co MY CZWITOK5 '" I t 7 1 111LitNima post-offic- es - Ft i 1 ---- li f:':t IMCOott YOUZ FATI4E2 NAVE HIM IN THEig EXCITEMENT OVEZ THE WELL COMINO IN! IF)" TgLISE GASOLINE ALLEY Are burial flags available only from postmasters for the purpose of draping veterans' caskets? NVhat are the requirements to get such a flag? N EA Until recently such flags were obtained only through or a V A regional office They now are available at any contact office of V A The government furnishes the flag to drape the casket of an honorably discharged veteran of any war and of persons who served at least one enlistment The flag la issued to the deceased veterans next of kin or to such other person as V A deems r - i i 17 ) N - :f3I Al6GEP c trPELA i INE MEN WI10 WEE ASOUT ID TOR TLIZE TNE 1401)5INC11 -1 cLcT LOOSE ATANK DO Alit EASTEZ f 11 1:( - MEAMPLE — INSIDE r WHAT CID )00 ll -- 4 7 ilt Q Al 41 ri: I AT YOUR SERVICE uron I ' i 'AC rt7-t(- 1 ii‘1t Canifi By Milton gEllin ' I titz"cp At (441r c ft 4104 t ' il 474""'441PRMIklhl fl'‘ ri 1: ' ! i t 41 n A it I N'l FLOM - '4 WE SII0111-- 0 NAVE VEEN C'ETTIN6 AN OPTION INSTEAD OF 04A51146 5TEVE CANNON! OLD OIL WELL RAS COME IN I erans with nonservice-connecte- d disabilities may be admitted to veterans hospitals for treatment became a distinct probability last week following a hectic conference between Maj Gen Paul R Hawley Veterans Administration medical director and the house committee on veterans' affairs Hawley admitted that nonservice-connected cases are not getting regular V A treatment and said he'd need 28000 additional personnel and $100000000 additional appropriation to take care of the matter Committee members after recovering from the director's estimate raised the question of why Hawley hadn't made his request at budget hearings Observers said Hawley's stand practically assured passage of the requested appropriation The incident it was maintained reflects the respect congressmen have for veterans and their needs New Aspirant - MIIIIIIIIIIIIIr $ProoK!7A7: ' By HEBER HART Possibility that some 20000 vet- er I - Group Hears N A Plea On Hospitals 1113-17- 4TII SaTEVE CANYON - VETS' AFFAIRS cp 1 - |