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Show ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS i i AL AND INTEKNATION-A- i t-.- X EN S EP AKAELE 7 7!bl Jirt tery Cir; a every ejtt la13 ti'iilicionly carry os lie tie in cf o-i-Wc.ea wlo Ure tal let; trptr.es of as tus-tr.e- fc to cioof titttea -IX'Le taould be -i tir For ill of iusiard 2 dry and Uguid irre-dieta tablespoon acd a itraitt cue a ksi.'e or Meter for "lereiinf o?" For Mixing: A Urpe open Sour tS.'.er i:a a Cae tcreea (tii- u; ipa-ttl- kind Hour "aerates" tie properly); test of cliing to a Is; t' ier roary er; 1 acd 1 Cit ware Lip; a wooden apooa with long handle for creaaiag and stirring aucet; a rubber j j e. Meaurii-?- a et : iriooii; 1 cfrstaie'iJJ is g atd 1 of cetal. for r trefnen&Kis for aereral sail. ktcw that It's tree cus-lity,- ar3 j-r- po litre cf storase by s 4 by pan E';"5fixed 6 or 7 by 12 pan (2 r fo-- f - . t nt mA v- - 1 8 or one jSe i 2 St. inch; a cu?:ard cjns; a fceavy wirea cake cool;ng rack; portable ore a on aa oven tray. : Top tetoie Cb'XJt-pans with smooth surfaces. Cat bottoiiis, rounded corners, and comfortable handles. Satisfactory materials are teavy enamel-waralutninuo, heavily tinned steel, stainless steel, copper, teat resistant glass, cast iron. Yoa need at least 4 saucepans with close fitting covers one ia 2 qt. siae, two or more 1 pt. to 1 Qt.. tWO heavy frying pans with covers. One 9 to 10 inches In diamone $ to 7 eter inches. A coffee pot, tea pot, double boiler, large kettle with steamer to fit, deep frying basket, thermometers for deep fat und roaster; tter-mamet- ' " - '.ti is fj " ' ve rtp-ritati- night the v fc i -- . jJ tte:. cake was given awav hold the luckv tvv.V T. Vi I f dance was furrished h orchestra. A large crowd this worthy enterprise arfl 2'" had a very enjoyable eveair? Mr. and Mrs. W. m. Monday in Ogden on busW Mjs. Laura Wilson, of Des y, Iowa, has been vis'Mr t, , v,ith her two Mrs. and Mrs. Nathaniel Gan- iW MrA Mrs- Frank DmfW(, tained a group of twenty.fi Pinochle party -i their home in Fielding. LuacW: sen-eat 8 p. m.. after wfe j were played. High score wen' v . and Bert Eurns, consoi .Mr. and Mis. W. c. Bourne. fc. Mrs. J. J. Newman of Tretr." "K vere out of town guests. t. N table-t?'n- s, fork e, frzttii fork, TO spatula, opener, wire strainer, food grinder, biscuit and cookie cutters, pancake turner, lemon squeezer, large end small funnels, clock, pastry brush, wwv taxes uav? is 25' J lets get away) ViLE We HAVE (, mec-c-s- M - , col-land- er, AJC-fJ- I - 1 ; ; M-s- subjects). $2,000 a year. Full Lnformation may be ofcti from the Secretary of the restates Civil Sen-icBoard of fc' toers at the post office or fear-mm- d e tea-kettl- e, e, ti Mutux.1 theMi.y sponsored entertainment consiyj-t"''- " iact plays, a program i The net proceeds of tvt, rwr.t is be- -g turt toJf 1 It has long be?! an argument of j gcraper for cieaoiag: Administration spokesmen that the tatter frora tiirirg bowl; a rolling pia bulk of tie opposition to New Deal inolis, corkscrew, tread or pastry and business from comes j bottle opener, grater, big policies cot-eboard with clota masher, potato f fra is, a group ismrill Li number but j (a cLiM"s white wooden chopUrge in wealth and influence. These stoclslEif with ribbed ping bowl and chopapokesmen Lave contended that the foot cut off will apple corer and per, American small business . do for the pin and a Hi. . I J holders. :.: - ,Um '-- nwt rt Uim rm thrttarh ttX If IBfllfl tMTT. i I was and is soiity aligned behind tie piece of can raa for The above list is our years. iTiie lAe estimated uias of ths mctnf carU enfy 92O0, the board) and a AdminMraUon and its social and designed to equip a motor taxe tost the average driver $50 m rear! Of the fc0, soon that a paltry blender for for kitchen economic objectives. Up to now, anyfamily $30 rrpremnts eott of duplicating federtd wU suds taxlo m mmftn cutting shortening inof 2 or 3. For a one could dispute that contention, hu aboU drher may 40 dxrr, of travel. The ttmsmmedin to flour. more larger family I but it was impossible to disprove it on in taxes year igrcestment through For Baking: Baking pans particularly ia The contention tf little business men the larger sixes will should be of a pans indicattoward ha gone a long way be needed. Take stock good heavy material CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS ir.g positions: la your own kitchen that will bold the ing that their opposition is equally Customs examiner's aid, $2,300 a some ot the for a strong . beat and distribute it Service Civil TLc United Statsa year, U. S. Customs Service, Treas- articles you find missevenl;' heavy alumThe convention was made up of Corr. mission has announced open com- ury Departmeiii. inum or tin, heating may easily be the men who are representative of small ones which will make Junior engineer various optional proof glass, enamel-warbusiness sentiment in this country petitive examinations for the follow-- 1 work Two bisetc. infinitely, your the delegates tamo from all sections cuit sheets; two Storing r bread box, easier and give your ef the country, and represented con-Inch la)er pans. Two cookie Jar, cake box, cooking that expert earns grossing anywhere from $10,000 layer pans. set ot refrigerator touch that distinOne a year to J 1,000,000. By and large, square dishes. Jars or cans guishes perfection inches deep. for staples; salt and from "passing; food., pan 3 the convention's final reports con-- 1 I tained direct and aggressive criticism of the New TJeal. Furthermore, the by the Potomac. his 70th birthday. Supper was servec New Deal policies they criticized most Robert Jackson, recentlv promoted ana the evening was spent in soaa. asUouBly are precisely the poUcies f MsisiAGt Attorney GtRera! mj visit. tnat nave oecn conaemnea vy wge, Sunday evening MLss Phyllis Sum- division to (j th(f Iwslneia. Examples: Ithe Solicitor Generalship left vacant mers entertained a number cf tet y The corn-e- tion demanded the Sunl Pd.g ek,vation to the Su- friends at a Valentine party. Toe of the undistnbutird profits taxj j QM of Uje cJosest enir.g was spent playing: games, radical modification of the cap-- . Presidcn tiaJ He avisoi. opened thejter which refreshments were served, two taxes wluch. j ital gains tax-t- he Miss Maurine Anderson spent the cum;nt anti.mOKOpo!y g Gea according to big business, are largely j BfMi9t(incr vl fav(mt hitrhW a5,. weekend visitinjr in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chris tenser. See the business slump. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christensen and extension of governmental control, It demanded the repeal or rigid and a expolicy of swift reprisal against returned Monday evening after an amendment of the Wagner Act (Na- those who the ends of the Ad- - tended visit in California. While then oppose tional Labor Act) and pas- rninistretion. they visited friends and relatives. sage of a law to force labor urior.s to Donaid PJchberg, once head of the They report having had a very en STILL EMBODIES THE OUTSTANDING ajtaume equal resw.'wil'iUty with to joyable trip. is another man ck-sdefunct NRA, EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THAT HAS in carrying out agreements Tuesday evening at the M. I. A. the President. Mr. Richberg ij now MADE IT THE BEST AND FASTEST PER" " " vj a prominent Washington lawver. with meeting, May Mann, who writes "GoLN TILE WASHING MACHINE tsn. l v.P V JV JJiCiJfU. FORMER S41iiJ.(AS ing Hollywood" and who spends much ma.ii by big steel, automobile und FIELD. of in time her and about j of conciliation and cooperation Hollywood, oth?r cncn:s. talk la. nresented a verv rs ' re-;v- char!. Durir. tv. broad e, j f a 1 AC kitchen scissors, can Ox-Ving- Jk'i trai', a.Trt .. irtcer case regular w-.t- "--'- Caw' eccn-oc- y two-tin- long-handl- v. -i couple of wetks m home of tis pa.rtr.tsi Ezra Richards. ceiving naval for some tin...- wca lie eail. oeexyy tie teaspoons,e with er William v.a-rr.i- baaket, garbage can and sink strainer. two MisreUaneoos: paring knives, one long bread knife, several straight knives, es-dia- xa ; tto-i- d is ijet:y :a. ; after hav:r.? brush, vegetable waste tntifcj); with cj; inch and one a -- v P.:ci.-l- s pel per jiakers; dishS pans and drainer; Cih c'othi; S dUh towels; soap dish, seal! scrub brush, Ose deep tube center pas 19 inctes ia diameter. One cllon? pan siet inches. Loaf wl'Ji u".e eic-.r:i- J axallett pom: aac Lit: CiA ! ! ctnaia tocla for ; r. ver cemds e "i-tti- Cf -- -i Mr. and ";, 0W 25 rtt tti--J- , The trie cocvvr.tios of at WtshingVjs called of tie presiier-t- , it the request "he wanted tie views who said that industrial- of oofcr-ar"began in turmoil axd firisned the amway." a tie Portland Ore--j on goeian put it Proceedings on the the; low of tie cor.ver.tion took tatore of a riot, with scores of men, 3 trymg to epeak at tie arr.e time, j AM a result, newspaper headlines very j BAtara!?y tre&Ud the meeting as aomethicg of a joke. Tils wai unfor-- : heads; tunat for. afv-- tie as- -i hza'jr the delegates managed to guxne a rseasure of coctrol over the j rbters, ar.,d lie convention was ci-- j to deal withj vilwl into contnytt some reports wtrej specific question, produced and apj roved that are of I at W E 'i Lir-viiu- . LOCAL RELFAEL tt7" fm mvmm Expert i i Lizr t that txoeeiir!y . :. It:y Crccter. Orr &it' tr i I tf !:e i fcer jurt wiere ei.il rr .' 1 Vj ' oftereet fell fie !10 i'tt4V. t'--e I c? ti- - c tr.frer tr. trd tar: . te roatu. Bi;t tia or pies, NATION- EVEI1Y LNDnTDUAL. PROBLEMS Ar.,r.': ! ! fir U A HAFFEMNGS THAT AJTTXT HIE VIS SIM PAILS. DIVIDEND CHECKS AND TAX BILLS OF FEOM Joneses! Taxes Catch Up With The THOSE KITCHEN "MUSTS" I UkU tht Battle,' Proper Eorjri-- f jiuuatr ui any ! uiy t"1- - cusv. wniCtt Qag I m ur secona c'as from the United States Oviit... Commission. Washington, D.f j lo-in- 1 ! TfiE j J j n re-b- NEEr) IS HERE! ev-pe- ai -' af-an- d Don't Buy Any Washer Until You These New Models im-playe- rs I inie-rcstir,f-r terence with busing j be ended, and ition and yfnm more from within wthouL f re that large business has been asking for four years. These were the meatiest demand? made by the convention, a.ide from prorKJsals of a less general nature (such as the government make loans to small businesses). Further, spetches made on the floor of the convention were often strongly critical of the Administration, and in some cases, of an outright denunciatory character. In brief, if, as it is supposed to be, this convention was honestly representative of American industry on its lower economic levels, the New is definitely unpopular. The convention's reports have gone to the White House. What effect they will produce on the Presidential mind is one big question of the moment. low-intcrt- st Jal oOo "Jackson vs. Richbe rg in a fight to a finish. The Dattle of the Century." You'll probably never see that in headlines but it accurately depicts an epic conflict that is going on today in the beautifully planned city Dr.Wm. Eli Hawkins? Chiropractor and Masseur X OFFICE PHONE 138 Over Dear Kiver State IJankt al the White House, both 1 have easy access to the Executive ear. Will the President finally accept Jackson's views, or take instead, or compromise between the two? Whatever answer is made to that question will profoundly affect the course of government in this countryPJch-berg- 's - BOTHWELL Summers and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson had as there dinner guests Sunday, Mrs. Sophia Anderson and daughter, Mrs. Hazel Miller, of Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Basil Adams of Tremonton, and Mr. and Mrs. Everet Roche of Thatcher. Frank Hawkins spent last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins of Malad. Don Patterson and Miss Meta Speiae of Salt Lake City, were dinner guests of Dean Firth, Sunday. Mrs. Beit Peterson, of Eingham, is spending a few clays isiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stark. Frank Hawkins and Gene Holliday were in Salt Lake City Tuesday on business. Thursday evening, Rasmus Anderson was pleasantly surprised by members of his family. The occasion being Mr. We Will Call for and PAY CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES & COWS Just Ring: Logan Enterprise 30 This U Our Private Lonjj Distance Number the Operator Already Understands That We Pay for the Call. COLORADO ANIMAL We Also Buy BY-PRODUC- TS CO HIDES - PELTS WOOL About South of Logan East of the Sugar Factory e I w,.!1.fti .1 ,1 - t a large crowd was in attendance and the evening was enjoyed by everyone present. Tuesday evening the Bee Hive and Explorers classes enjoyed a party which was held at the home cf Payne. The evening was spent playing games afterwhich refresh- rnents were served. nciay evening, a very successful dance was held at the ward hall. A large crowd wa3 in attendance and the evening was enjoyed by all. Mrs. C. W. Summers and daughter, Phyllis, were in Salt Lake City Friday it could be done but Speed have further improved their Queen engineers washer with a new wringer, more beauty and mechanical refinements. We didn't think Ro-zel- la By Phyllis NOTICE TO FARMERS -V i Leader Ads Get Results t rc ,wfw"'M v'ls." ' ; i ;. " '3.- t. ;' - .. Wi m EXCLUSIVE STREAMLLNED FEATURES 7jp?y777 SAFETY ROLL WRINGER SHAPED TUB INCREASES WASHING EFFICIENCY 25 PER CENT. BOWL HIGH VANE, TANGLE-PROOTYPE AGITATOR. SUBMERGED F ALL GEARS ARE MACHINE CUT; WRINGER GEARS ARE COLD ROLLED STEEL AND HARDENED v 'f iik mm FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY! To introduce these new model washers we are offering to each Speed Queen buyer a thirteen dollar and forty cent laundry outfit at no extra charge. DOUBLE DRAIN TUBS I WITH ENAMELED TABLE TOP Dr. Miles NERVINE 'Did the work'' says Miss Glivar WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT? ,. After more than three months of suffering from a nervous ailment, Miss Glivar used Dr. Miles Nervine which gave her such splendid results that she wrote us an enthusiastic letter. If you suffer from "Nerve." If you, lie awake nights, fart at sudden noises, tire easily, are cranky, blue and fidgety, your nerves art probably out 0 order. Juict and relax them with th snne medicine that "did the work" for this Colorado girL Whether your "Nerves" hav troubled you for hours or for years, you'll find this time-test- ed remedy effective. US At Drug Stores 25c and $1.00. it 24 Packages rv r t. VKiTE "V -3- a SOAP It Saves the Irk Color I I ns Washer a "NEVER STOOP" CLOTHES BASKE - f JSarne Ki?lG t L:...: i 36 SPRING CLOTHES PINS t rvn ltrCllTU TIIT XIlli DLVntT IVH,VlUlVIi Itminti KlCti Ur ALONE AND YOU GET THE ABOVE ITEMS INCLUDED ATT. VATT DAV vrj sn.i TC jlo T- - Mil PURCHASE ON OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN 11 UJllHliiifl "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET "WHERE BARGAINS AWAIT YOU" |