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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ifTlS&f Washington Birthday Cherry Cake . Recipe Is Year 'Round Favorite Highly varied fSmily menus El) variety in meth- other fruit, Miss '"Extension Nutritionist rrqh State mnv , used as in'-.in cocktails, lor dSies. as garnishes, as des-- , relishes, and in each of Sadies they are equally good more :i$ offer, rf.,r "Hi., in . ' .a Agim. - mi - BEARS RATED FAVORITE As the grizzly team invades the local gym Friday night in one of the three remaining games ofRegion One play. A hard tussle is expected from the formidable Cache Valley foes, who pulled one of the biggest upsets in the state a week ago by downing the touted Warriors of Weber with a 3 score. The Logan team will arrive with the idea of knocking the Bears from their pedestal, but Coach Tripp's pace setters will be on the alert, and a victory is expected by fans and boosters. The other remaining games in the league schedule are with Weber and k e it Kbic fid suggests the use of a part of a balanced diet, is 1116 recipe which she ives: tS J y, 'iV t apples nuts cup chopped cheese t cottage cup i cup sugar J cup red cinnamon candies I i cup water dressing as desired. I Tt water, sugar, and cinnamon candies are dis-'tt- ed dies until the pare and core the apples, them in the syrup. Cover and f slowly, so that the apples f k very tender and not broken. Turn once or 8 r i J 42-4- t .t ft 1 disc-- 1 dis; set t W and serve. I OF THANKS the many that were shown us foll- sincerely appreciate jundnesses owing the death of our beloved wife and mother. For those who assisted in the services and for the beautiful floral offerings, we are deeply grateful. Wm. T. Bennett and family N February 22 all over the country a fraud ilrrsert the year round but espethere will be celebratioris in honor of cially appropriate durii-- the month of George Washington's birthday and February when all eyes ere on the u?8 these festive occasions will carry the of che'rirs in honor of the birta of colors of our nation. The favors will George Washington. be hatchets, hats or cherry lojis and the Dessert p Charry refreshments are sure to int! title the Mongoose, Snake Killer is India's The mongoose snake It destroys not only the eggs but kills venomous and young adult reptiles as well. However, the mongoose, if bitten, dies like any ether animal. Its secret lies in of eye. First agility and quickness it gets the snake to strike, dodges 'swiftly and, before the reptile can recover, sinks its own fangs into its 'opponent's neck. killer. ful scoring attack and defeat the highly rated Spartans from South and take undisputed Cache possession of first place in region 1,. The game was a thriller from the starting whistle to the final gun, with the lead changing several times during the contest. At the end of the first period the Bears led by a marwhile at the half time gin of South Cache forged in front d Soon after Coach Tripp's charges to again overtake the invaders, and managed to lead at the end of the third canto by a margin of This lead was never again relinquished by the Bears. Stan Castleton led the scoring parade with a total of thirteen points, but the individual star of the game was Bob Wassom. 32-2- 9, Tip-To- ever popular red cherrv. Whether these be sweet or sour cherries, canned, frozen, or the maraschino variety they will all remind us of the favorite story about the Father of our country Cherry pies have for years enjoyed great popularity not only at Washington's birthday time but the year 'round. There are also many other good uses for canned sour cherries and it is possible to enjoy cherries often yet never grow tired of them because of the variety of ways in which they may be served. The tart, snappy flavor of the sour, pitted cherries is stimulating to other mild flavored foods when combined with them. The bright red natural color of cherries is a pleasaivt contrast with other food combinations. cakes are not new yet there is a new twist to the cake recipe listed below. This recipe uses a sponge cake batter in place of butter cake or quick bread dough. The result is surprisingly different and attractive to the eye, the appetite and the pockctbook.. This recipe lends itself to different forms of preparation and may be used as a jelly i oil cake base and is delicious filled with sour cherries that have been prepared by sweetening and thickening the juice in which they are canned cr.d this on the cake as jelly is used c Tepi-in- s pilted red (herries (one No. 2 2 ri;ps eovt CsrA'": juu..? Cake 2 1 1 ) ' i tered I cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter T.Uh r : r V, ; 'rjirt"'.), (from ubicli io bottom rf tui i ; Mid do'. v.;".Ij 8-- 4, the barter. 18-1- 7. Maters ctri wci. ral-ie- Ui'.cn cup su.tar cup pantry ficur cr (1 cup ficur minus 2 tabie- - tc.upon j A capacity crowd gathered in the local high school gym to watch the Bear River Bears unleash a power- Canned, Frozen or Marascmnc rind Use in Many Recipes o! c!l Seasons of the Year. cherry-upside-do- 1 SCORING ATTACKS DEFEAT S. CACHE. " Vi, will and CARD f Ch emes- - -- Sweet, Sour, apples totog cooking Remove carefully rook uniformly. and let cool. Chill thor- Irom sirup fill centers with cheese TjMts mixed with salad dressing on crisp lettuce t0 moisten; arrange of bed a on or finely shredded leaves a spoonful of salad tabbage. Place side of the apple dressing near the i XX Lv so that the PROM DATE SHIFTED TO APRIL FIRST. Box Elder. ri baking ! 1 Ic.spcon crcia of tartar t teaapooc of sa!t 23-2- 1. j cup bot mi!!c H teaspoon lemon cxiract ! Ber t ".be C7?j un'.il lif.Iit yellow and creamy Add the tugur and continue beating. Sift tbf fionr, soda, cream of tartar and salt togethei ar.d add to the egn mixture mix well ana the add the bot milk and lemon extract. Pour over the cherries in the baking dish and bake until rake is l'eht to the touch and well browned. Bake at 350. This cake may be prepared in an automatic mixer the texture u improved by thorough beating. Tip the dessert bottom side up when removing from bakii'g di?h and serve either hot or cold with cua:n, v.hipped cream or cherry sauce mr.de by sweewnin;; and thickening the cherrv juice. Here is another delicious cherry rec- XX OPERA NEARS COMPLETION. ROMANTIC Eight leads and large cast work daily to prepare for February 23-2- 4 El- len Lund and Miss Rhoda Larson en- tertained the Tremonton - Garland MLsa and orders his daugnter to prepare Knitting Club at the home of MonRhoda at Larson East Garland, to marry an Arabian shlek who alThe nineteen guerts ready has 493 other wives. There is day evening. also a good seasoning of comedy fur- present enjoyed a delightful evening nished by the servants, who have a playing miscellaneous games. A Valtheme was carried out through, rather fetching way of making love. entine entire the program and a delicious Elaborate costumes will be rented, was enjoyed by alL luncheon buffet and everything seems to insure a delightful entertainment a week from Mrs. Howard Glenn was hostess to last Wednesday and Thursday. six couples at her home Saturday evxx ening. After a delicious hot dinner, OVER LOGAN BASKETEERS. 1S - Miss Margaret Woodside, Miss (By Bear River High School Journalism Department) V - Social News Bear River Highlights i progressive bridge was played. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barnard, of Dewey-villreceived high prize. e, The committees are working on Harbor Lights theme in preparation for what is predicted will be the best prom in many years. The change from March 25 was made because Box Elder high school had already scheduled its junior prom for that time. Many festive features will be added to the prom this year, committee men state. Committeemen are busy work-- I ing on the invitations, programs, and refreshments. Amy Christopherson and Reid Bish op are assistant chairmen, and 29 juniors are working on the committee. SNOWVILLE Rv Mls Ilurd I AnniA After church Sunday evening, a group of friends gave a surprise party for Kenneth Stevenson, to hip him celebrate bis birthday anniversary. The evening was spent playing" cams. Mrs. George Quinney entertained the Sewing Club at her home last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Earl Marble and Mrs. E. H. White were ial guests. spec- Reverend and Mrs. Goff acted as host and hostess at a lovely party at the Methodist church last Thursday evening. Costumes were worn by the guests, and miscellaneous games were played. ! The following were guests The M. I. A. gold and green ball was held Saturday night. Miss Harriet Larkin returned home last week from Salmon, Idaho, where she spent two months with her sister. Wm. Hurd, Jr. and family were in Twin Falls on busineses Saturday. Mrs. L. E. Allred is visiting her daughter at Wenatche, Washington. Mrs. Harvey Sorenson entertained in honor of her small daughter, birthday, Monday. A number of small friends were there and enjoyed the afternoon. Miss Vida Lucas was a week end guest of her sister, Veda. Bishop and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr., Doyle Cutler and Roy Williams were in Salt Lake City on business Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Arbon and sons, Herschel and Lyman, were Obden visitors Saturday. s Misses Anne Hurd and Lola were in Ogden Sunday. Lu-ella- 's at the birthday dinner of Elmer Petersoa last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Butler and daughter, Margaret, of Garland; Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Stenquist, Roy Ha land and Miss Dorothy Nichola. The Birthday Club had a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Drew last Tuesday evening-.The evening was spent pitying cards' and a delightful luncheon was serve Mrs. William Goldsberry entertain the Afternoon Bridge Club at her home Wednesday. Prizes were award ed to Mrs. Clifton Kerr and Mrs. Marvin Christensen. Mrs. Earl Marble was a special guest. Luncheon was served. ed production of this musical story containing as abundance of beauty, love, The Rebecca Lodge met last Monadventure and humor. day evening. After the regular lodgief. The setting is a beautiful garden ciicrricF, cup cream, whipped meeting Bunco was played and deFew drops lemon juice where lovely Persian girls dance, sing cup ccokod ric3 licious refreshments were served tdi times its C;c.r; t'ie rice 20 Bv.vaU in and with the help of some fortunate P'ii'.ca wfiter. rap. the members. American engineers, make love. tender, c'aiti end chill. Mix the fruit, rice. ;: fold m the and nion "In the eood :.i juire together, romances, in TL. As all i ' cream. More sujur may be needed. j.-yviup-c- i The Cluf ' of Happy Valley Sewing Garden of the Shah" has its dash IS QUICK and easy to prepare C.nd maKC3 CU. i:iorojf;;.!y before serving. Serves eight. held a kitchen shower for Miss Ermti dark intrigue. The Shah, in keeping Vance at her home last Friday aittisy MICKIE SAYS throws tne Persian with beliefs, entines day. The center piece of the noon. Refreshments were served ADS American love makers into a dungeon serving table (which was prettily dec) i ADVERTSWO' SHEETS) orated with red streamers, cupids and By Blrs. David Larson OR hearts) was' a large crystal punch tUOPPtJG SVPEG ARB bowl encircled with cups filled with Ad-' The marriage of Miss Maude FREE BEOJZ VOBOPV'O red fruit punch. Double crystal can Mrs. W. and Mr. of ams, daughter BUT THEY PAVF&Z A. Adams, to Garrett Pack, of Salt delabra at either end held red and WMJT TH HOME hAHb K Lake City, took place Monday in the white lighted tapers. A beautifully "Xiirs Arte Mill I dressed Valentine doll and the ValM s mmm m Salt Lake Temple. ..ivw.mmw w wnn.u" vi jimwh, .w.wMrnf-'eapqp-- j box were other decorative feaentine rrr to PAY fOR Maud is an accomplished pianist tures. Twenty one guests enjoyed the and a Bear River High School gradevening. uate. For a number of years she was The marriage of Miss Carmen a very faithful organist in the ward. Since making her home in Salt Lake Shaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shaffer, and Merlin Gleed, of City she has been Sunday School orMalad, took place Monday in Brig-hah ganist in the 1 City with family members in ward. Her many friends wish her a Carmen is the genial attendance. long and happy married life. clerk at the Garland Drug co. and Most of the A. C. Students were has a host of friends who wish for home for the banquet and dance Frithis young couple a happy and suc( are day evening. V married life. cessful out The Knitting: Club of the B. R. H. Darrell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S., sponsored by Miss Woodside, held Fred Petersen, was rushed to the Vala social Monday eve at the home of ley hospital Friday where he under Miss Rhoda Larson, with Miss Mar- went an operation for ruptured apgaret Woodside and Miss Ellen Lund pendix. At this writing he is recovassisting hostesses. The girls left ering nicely. their knitting: needles and crochet First Week's Winning Statement Weekend guests of Bishop and Mrs. hooks at home and enjoyed an even- L. M Holman were Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Our income is modnrafe. our children small. I'm ours, dietician, cook, laundryman. amstraai. ing of games and fun. The buffet- Nielsen and family from Idaho Falls. An electric rang would (alt th place ol a Range, Mixer, Toaster, Lcmp to Eq luncheon was in keeping with Valmuch needed (arrant, laving me etepi, time, Mrs. Fred Nye and Mrs. Bowcutt laundry, money awarded each week for next 11 weela of the Primary Stake Board visited Providing healthful foods with proper ritamini tor to and minerals. sew hours leisure Insuring association local the Tuesday. and play with my family. Mrs. John Oyler Jr. left Monday For Eest Statements of 50 Words or Less onf ESTELLA W. PETERSON for an indefinite visit with her daugh Sanlaquin, Utah I'M M J!Lt:a t ter, Mr3. Ray Cook, and sons, Glen 't ;z?rr tin Other First Week Prize Winners and Jesse Grover in California. MIXER Mrs. S. L Cate, Salt Lak City A splendid program was given in Mrs. Alta J. Faux, Provo, Utah TOASTER church service Sunday evening under the supervision of Dean Hall, of the Mrs. C. C. Stuart Evanston. Wyo. LAMP Seventies quorum. Two vocal solos p o "" pi; by Arch Richardson, accompanied by in nn.,;i,HIiplinii'i' Mrs. Faun Quinney; a splendid talk by Carl Cooke and vocal solo accompanied by Grant Anderson, were the special features. 1. Statement mutt be written en fn DON GROVER "l subject "Why I Would tike An EhKtria l,arnw to be and ipe, not only good for February but also peed for every mor.th of the year: Chony and Rice Whip 1 c 1 :p uir plit-- d cup pov.dcrrc! fjjar drained ! 1 Rob-bin- Wh:-- v."...'--!'- ' I .1 11 n j SHOP THROUGH THE FIRST LEADER EAST GARLAND . VOU, TOO, CAM rT m Twelvth-Thirteent- Kfj) me LJ yw j t ,n tl iy "Why I Would Like A New Electric Range" 1938 - . sirigerators Manges SEE Box 7! Elder Appliance Co. AT FRONK CHEVROLET CO. TREMONTON. UTAH rririss Is r.c 3 ':;. PHONE 20 tots i3 Unknown unknown in f 1 K" Thi hotpoint RANGE i th first prLz lor the week ol February 13th to 19th. ri Blanks From Our Store and Get Full Details of the 48 Electrical Prizes Offered! f Barb--a it meoca's TtiDC . any length np may Range." words. 2. Entries must be written c- - oMicial entry blanks available at or.y c'.i.i s. ing Electric Ranges listed below. You may enter as many statements as you r'tsirs) DURING EVEHY WEEK OF THE COK.EST. 3. Writ statements In plain, simple Technical iori or special language. scientific knowledge will NOT influence Judges. Elaborate presentations will IiOI count 4. Contest Is open fo everyone except! employes of Utah Power & Light Co.. their advertising agency. Electric Range dealers selling ranges listed below, and their families. 5. All entries submitted, whether or Bot they win awards, become th property el Electric Bangs dealers selling ranges listed below, in this territory, and nay be used by them in adverSsing. None will be returned la sender. (. The decision of the fudge will be final. Duplicate priTes will be awarded la cos ol ties. Electric 7. On Eloclrlc Rang, on Mixer, on Electric Toaster and on IX.S. Lamp will be awarded weekly for the best statements postmarked by midnight Saturday of each week. Entries should b mailed to "Electric Range Contest Judges. Boom 220 Continental Bank Ski? Salt Ink City. Utah." SO ent, ore must work, so work or starve. The t:"! Darbfdicns ore anx-r'n my kind of work that Get Your Application SS is SpouaL TloisL: a new Electric Bng soon, yea U you are planning to buy should do so during th contest for this reason! The pris Electric Hanges sell for approximately 1 50 each. However, if yon buy a new Electric flange during th contest and wia n of th prise ranges, you may keep the range you have purchased (regardless of its price) a the award. IF YOU tiESIHE. Whatever payments you have made on it will be refunded to you fa cash and you need pay nothing more. For example, if you buy a t300 range during the contest and win en of th SI SO models, you may keep the 1300 range. This would mean thai you would actually be winning a (300 aodeU Instead of th II SO style. Official Entry Blanks At Stores Selling Any of FoI!o;v!ng Ranges L&H, MONARCIf HOTPOINT FRIGIDAIRE O XELVLNATOR GENERAL ELECTRIC Q NORGE ELECTROMASTER WESTINGHOUSE |