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Show 17. 1938 BEAK RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY PACE TWO PIAK RTVXR VALLEY LEADEH Entered at the Postoffle at Utah as Second Class Matter. Aaronic Priesthood Activity Column WHO ARE YOU? Tre-Mwto- o, The Romance of Your Name Published at Tremonton, Utah, on ffearsday of each week. . By RUBY HASKINS ELLIS Subscription Kates A Randolph? J2.00 One Year (in advance) first Randolphs were residents $100 TIIE Hanis. in the County of Essex, Blx Months (in advance) 50 There lived Robert RanEnree Months (in advance) England. dolph, from whom was descended the father of the American family of the aunef William. William wag born in 1651. In VirTJ.e only place So the U. S. where ealelogi .n J ginia he purchased an immense tract an line or huameat dvert!inr matter covet-iland on the River James. He was of obtained Frae ana Without be can or prodivt Library a man of many Important offices, being Obligation ia the American Industrial Write for Buaineaa Aivertiin Matter you aro a member of the House of Burgesses, inter eared in; aame will be promptly forwarded. of the house, attorney generspeaker AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIB3AIY al and a member of the Royal Council. KmalneerLa JJ nilAia a. CJco. IlliM i --- n ffe$ rn uZ o. ... EDITORIAL tithe-paye- ASSOCIATION r. main-sprin- g tithe-paye- ..v.v. iur. nnt 0i,.. j o It Oleen Shuman, a deacon, to faith nromotinf infirtt':. r b rMruenr. m tif s f of one of his anrect.,, ..Wv,jW1;Ji Mr. and Mrs. Tr. .Tamps .TfriMn', Thursday of last week. J'i rs ! 8S well . NBC-Re- d To Your Town as to your Country Saturday, one-legg- He married Mary Ishatu, daughter of Henry and Catherine Isham of who were descended from the' Scotch Earls of Murray and other personages in England. The Randolphs of America are found In arnny states, hut the first home was In Virginia. They have intermarried sum 10 Vir--ginl- a, ' 11 AYS I with the Peytons, Rollings, BurwM!s, Pages and other families. NBC-Re- Blands, 'l.nv--Oka- well-know- n rerrcfisioruvoniCj ifitmtu am 1 4-- H u A 3 half-a-mllli- ' 4-- j v; a Oi a P.nc'ry r.cad "D:s wovi'J." said Cade Ebn a Jr.ce where ycu is suppasrf tvu;y ion reave::, but de ?ar.3 Il'i-aus- : iii-.- Fre-i-.'- THE ADVENTURES OF OZZIE f V--- SO YOU'RE OZZIE.EM! WELL.SO VE FINALLY CAUbMT yO WITM I r-- YOU. UNTIL NOW I'VE BEEN PRETTY LENIENT ( I (. ... w aosv 1 I icBOOK v"ii .i. n cvcnv . i - rnntr wwisfcw im THE PEDESTRIAN . DiSWtoARDD A? WELL AS MtT) rORlST AMD TVfT U OVERLOOKED IT ALL. BUT, THIS IS THE LAbT blAW-- -iwr--'- HEROES OF AMERICAN HISTORY THE-PATHHNDE- (- I " ii J f 't Kidddies'SandP'ri j 3 Csrte Gate 1 it's CLEAN in the fire tool the Perfect STOKER Cl ... Christopher phone your KIT'CARSON C Fremont, who was organizing a company to explore the West Carson's fame as an Indian fighter had preceded him and Fremont invited him to loin the company. This was the beginning oi a friendship between the two frontiersmen. lohn ln 1853, Carson was appointed Indian Agent for New Mexico -- and except for a brief , period , ' uiuuiy J : .1u.o v.ivu ... war wnen ne attained the rank of Brigadier General, he held this position for the rest of his life. He prevented many Indicn uprisings and was the founder of the resorva- uuiim on wiicn in. in. dims now live. g Xi -- CJ DUSPRUF DUSTLESS Absolutely 5 CASTLE Utah Fuel GATE Co. DEAIEI salt lake cm FARMERS' CASH . Tremonton's '11 Exclusive "Castle Gate" Dealer jj PHONE 35 Your Advertising In the Leader Will Get Results a, New it Beaitv miBknesi aM mm LONGER HOOD BIG BUILT-I- N LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT-RI- CU Owners report 22 to 27 miles per gallon '11 NEW INTERIM and it's a cti drive with pm NEW THRIFTY"6!" C0MlN16v S. WHY JUST NOW AROUND THAT CORNER I YOU HIT FIFTY! f--S -- -- 1 1 fTWERE rm ANY OF HURT ) S cxf HELP1, j IS MUCHCgVar DELIVERED IN TREMONTON 1 w fell - JO , State Sales Taxes Extra EQUIPMENT INCLUDED Price la for the M H. P. Tudor Sedan Illustrated and Includes equipment, transportation charge and taxea. a 7 : tc it harar Schco! Ch'idron Pici; q.Tcj Vacation time in t!:e Lea l trict schools in llav. aii co;r.2Sfii: fall, because the cii.ii.cn a.ent: ed to pick ecHoo. a" d tei every j co" to qv.v a. ' r y! Reme-mbeiin- ; . m?" t NBC-Re- Loonard Miller, Future Farmer, of Tremcnton; Georgianne Florcs, clubber from Torrington, Wyoming; and David Thatcher, club boy from Absarokee, Montana, were named win ners in the second annual internioun-tai- n junior fat stock show poster contest, by the three Salt Lake advertising men - Louis W. Larson, C. M. Carter, and Roy W. Marsh who, judged the contest. Fifteen dollars in prizes was given to the winners. The posters were designed to advertise the stock show which the Salt Lake City The Utah State Agricultural college Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring its extension service will each and next June for youthful livestock celebrate anniversaries this year, Director Williom rc teisrn of the extension service announces. The extension service is celebrating its tvventy- Emergency crop and feed loans for 1938 will be available to farmers im- fifth anniversary this year, and the mediately, according to a statement coi.fge commemorates nan a ceniury progress. Programs are planned for made recently by S. P. Lindsey, Jr., director of the Emergency Crop and ' iao "ege s r ounuer s uay, Marcn Feed Loan Section of the Farm Cred- - 8 and or thc June commencement It Association. The 1938 loans, as in ww ulww,r reierson said the past, will be made only to farmers who cannot obtain credit else..n C v c'ril i'ur..':. lament for Greek Poet where, Director Lindsey says. The T.;r :'?;! nv.r.niatj of the word lie wrote a satire on maximum amount which any one O.t' :..r.l'e i a (usually rt.l.vtn' II Philadelphia, the Greek farmer may barrow from the emer- eif U of wor ve??el3. In V ? French po:t Solaces was shut up in a leaden it rrea's s.x a.rp.cnes. it ;s ch;nt gency loan body Is $400 this year, he thrown into the sea in h word for squociro:-.- . the Third century B. C. points out, and loans will be made, tl.o I d l.ii-in- mm S. w. r ,!,.-(n- During the year 1936, more young club work people were entered in than for any year in the history of cooperative extension service work. One million one hundred forty five hundred eight young people were entered in 68,311 clubs, and club work reached more than 44 per cent of all rural young folk, an extension ser-- 1 vice bulletin released recently points vut. l ni; mu.-- impuirti Lyiit-- ui y TT 1,,V, jmfn WVIf 1UUU3 cUHi JVLO fIU1 'fli nutrition groups, in which almost girls and more than 5,000 boys were entered. Next in pop ularitv were the hort.lenltiire mnwvrc in which more than 300.000 rural young folk were registered. More th.:n twice as many girls as boys par activities in 193G, the patcd in final report showed. 4-- H 12th ( as formerly, through field representatives assisted by local crop loan committees in the various counties. A branch of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan division is located at Salt Lake City, Mr. Lindsey reports. mm a :. February Some of his children and dren called on him 7ioh,i.! mTn happy returns of the day. oieenXl man, wno since unnstmas has ed to play the clarinet, played numbers for him, "When You Were Young, Maggie," and a na. On Monday Mr. Miller left to a few days in Salt Lake City andr cinity. Mrs. Griffin and Frank Peck the Stake M. I. A. were in atte at Mutual Tuesday of last wet one-legg- PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS .. sojourn in Mesa, Arizona port spending a love'y win',. glad to be home altho thev in about the worst storm tai W all season. and Mrs. Bishop D. Mern r spent the weekend in guests of their daughter &i Y,,U Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craner "'th with their son, Jess, also Mr. and Mrs. CranfnLt and daughter, Judith Mtrier. the weekend visiting here. ' A. L. Cook and H. D ThClr Tremonton, and Edmun Shur the missionary unit of the stake aiwiiuaure ae me sacianicnt mg tounaay evening. Each ... Free to Public VJNATIONAL Mr. and Mrs. Perrv r 'children and Mrs v. .TT ou-il-l turned Saturday fiora a h'Cr j Mothers, fathers and frienc'3 cf; The Week's Wireless Wisecracks, Etlieric these boys, please, read, clip and pre-- j serve these items and urge them up1 on your boys for t'.'.oL" ccr.Eidcir.tlcn Epigrams and Aerial Aphorisms and action. Young ram do not read, Teacher kept you after Jack Benny: What's your husband lately. school night last month, every papers much, therefore the necessity; doing in the kitchen? Yes. dad, i Butterworth: Chas. of your thought and attention. This wooden leg Actress: He's got his but that's your fault know committee is appointed to help you In the stove; we're outa coaL What?--M- y Walter O'Keefe: train your future leaders for respon-- l Jack Benny: Oh, you're outa coal. fault that you stayed after school Actor: OUCHI sibilities in the church that will fill! teacher with every night? Lemf matter. the Actress: What the whole earth and become the gov-- ! Chas. Butterworth: Sure on my too. wood. outa We're Actor: erning power of all the earth. Your allowance, where else could we go? own boy is called for this veTy pur look pretty you Say. Jack Benny: You eighty-twChas. Butterworth: Ah, my loyely pose. Shall we unite to train him tpry for a man and ? erect old organ . . . with its seventy-fou- r this for stand so straight great assignment it makes me sad to think Parents and Key Men in every Andy Devine: Shucks, my arteries notes over. it. bend about can't I . hard so are con for permanent ward, six items Jane Rhodes: Wny does it make to be drilled upon daily, sideraticn, Jack Benny: Tell me, Kenny, you sad, Pa? weekly and monthly: Chas. Butterworth: One of the how's your Maw and Paw? 1 Every boy a full Kenny Baker: Not so good. Buck, notes comes due tomorrow. of spiritual This is the they were playing tennis yesterday and Paw got his beard caught in the Lanny Ross: Don't worry, Walter action, our church records call for in pretty bad shape. . . . I happen to know that Charlie He's racket as boys this item. Full publicity. Jack Benny: Why, what hap- is getting you a lot of great become so as men. "Obey the law and Chas. Butterworth: Yes sir . . . pened? the law shall make you free." Kenny Baker: He swung at the look at this terrific plug I got you in Winchell's column. and broke his neck. ball 2 A project for every quorum in Walter O'Keefe: Read it Network & Co., Jack Benny for this Our church. the period goal Chas. Butterworth: AH right, here Sundays, 7:00 p.m., EST. shall be $2 by each deacon, $3, each it is . . . Quote . . . "What radio was seen where with teacher and $4 for each priest. This Fred Allen: It's nice of you to performer in which restaurant, when?" means $24, $72, and $272, for each Charlie. who, on me, check and up atop Charlie: Yassuh. If you all hear . . . Unquote. quorum of deacons teachers and Walter O'Keefe: That's about me, man who's takin' of a priests, or $368 to the Church Secur me? eh? him to send will you hockey tip and ity each year. If 3 years' service in Chas. Butterworth: Yes hockey Fred Allen: A in 200 each step of this priesthood is done, it's what's syndicated more, player? Why? every boy, when he is ordained an Charlie: I know where he can find newspapers. elder will have a stock of $27,000 in a cheap skate. So long! Hollywood Mardi Gras, Network, Tuesdays, 9:30 p.m., EST. a security that will never fail. Life Fred Allen: A social club of 3000 insurance is not in this class of se will do wonders Bottle: Make-u- p all named Fred Smith, hold? men, all at curity Baker. Mr. for New II tei Lipstick will the at you an annual banquet 3 Fast offering collection. Let us Yorker. Let's start with their roli firing out your lips one good eyebrow pencil will bring out your eyes call. make thi3 uniform in all wards the ourand rouge will bring out your ctll Zell: Well Von of be each month. Let's Harry first Friday f checks. off left, selves starting so regular at this service that the Phil Baker: That's right, Bottle, leaders will never need to mention Chorus of voices: Fred Si'iitli. but what about my teeth. What will it. Habits of prompt and regular Fred Smith, Fred Smith, r.i-- bring out my teeth? i'.eetle: One good sneezel service train men for higher service Smith Our people will form the habit of Voice: Myer Wetpluni. Bottle: Beetle, you massage, you Harry Von Zell: Hey. Wait a ih'w saving this fund, knowing you will slime, you Turkish Bath. are What Brother. .". minute, be on time to receive it. Let's have Phil Baker: Bottlel Why Turkish in this Fred Smith Club? as our goal 10c per capita monthly, iiatii ? Voice: Quiet I'm a stowawuBottle: Oh. Mr. Baker, that's this will amount to $1.20 per capita where the rub comes in. or a vast help to make our Church Fred Allen: So you left the t.i to go into the dry cleaning Security what the world says of it it:. tie: I understand Louie thf and take out spots. Miss Co .;er? and which it must do to do what we Yes. ::' iust muscled in on the Miss Cooper: must do take every family off Govbusiness and is getting ten cents Fred Allen: The paths of tl ernment relief. ,r cverv plate of soup that is sold.' ead but to the gravy! in yu imagine, fifty million 4 Appoint ushers to be regularly Town Hall Tonight, eying soup? Wednesdays, 9:00 p.m., tSi. at the door of our chapels to greet Beetle: Boy, what a racketl and seat all, and to welcome stranWalter O'Keefe: Son, you've eviTh Great American Trouper, gers and returning saints. This serCBS. Sundays, 7:30 p.m., EST. dently been doing poorly at school, vice will quicken the wits, increase courtesy and drill our boys in good speech RoUte thig duty tQ M the in turn hov; f 5 Faithful service in homes, on farms and in shops, helping parents the family pay the natess and supply , t t i j ce anu snouia " Acuviiy on your records. 11 s nowup for public favors all such faith bl -7 fulness. '4 6 Let's pay closer attention to Service. Sacrament clean hands, clean habits, clean speech "Kit" Carson storied life a W" A. 4 Jk4&f 'Tf and live all the week preparing for r ' 1'V'' an apprentice to a saddle ..'''flv"; " C V- this sacred service. White shirts and maker, but soon tired of this fjfc 6 unexci'ing occupation and y Jct34 dark pants and black ties make good . V" of hunters i party uniforms. Our outside church friends bound for Caliiornia. He do this, which is not a bad but a gocd spent years exploring the Rockjr Mountain trails, practice, it marks out the bearer of and became famous as this authority and tends to make him F a guide and pioneer. and all, proud of his calling. Let's try to carry out the church-o- f Carson married an Vidian girl. When his litwlde movement to studv the Rook tle daughter was old , 0f Mormon, 1938 is Book of Mormon enough, he went east to Let's year. begin and never cease til! St. Louis to put her in the Savior comes. school. Here he met l --- --- PENROSE r 1 |