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Show THE ZEPHYRMAY 1991 pay the loan back. But the county, having so much money, decided they didnt need It, and set the cash In another, special, hospital fund for a rainy day, week, or decade. Here In Grand County, the same company Is brought In and they again Immediately began spending money to Improve. But leaders here, waiting until the money was spent but before the economic turnaround, promptly threw them out, potentially wasting all the money, Including what they will most likely have to pay In a settlement to that company for Ignoring a contract So San Juan has a healthy, growing health care system, and Grand Is looking for ways to take money from the schools to balance the hospital budget Take the Interagency visitors center. San Juan wanted one. So they looked around, and found that they had a lot of room In their courthouse. So they moved the center In there. No building expense, no property purchase, no extra costs. Grand County, on the other hand, looks around and sees lots of empty buildings In town. But are they good enough? No. We have to build a brand new one. Cost? Initial estimates PAGE 19 CASTLE CANYON NURSERY HAPPY TREES FRIENDLY BUSHES KEN and ALICE DROGIN 1 Box 2106, CVSR, Moab, Utah 84532 ' Creators of Fine Landscapes 259-827- 4 ANYTIME of $800,000. Take education. In some San Juan schools, test scores were very low, especially In the the most southern areas with heavy Navajo student populations, who often speak English as a second language and take at least a few years to catch up. Thats easy to understand. If I took a trigonometry class taught In Bulgarian I would tend to fall behind also. So what do they do? They work to get the state to provide more bilingual programs and special training. A number of Navajo activists believe not enough Is being done, but at least some effort Is being made. Here In Grand County test scores are also low. Basic skills are lacking. So what do we do? We sign up with Channel One, a program that presents news and commercials In an MTV format Hey, If the kids want to watch tv, why not? Take the Keystone Pit San Juan sells It at a tax sale. Grand wants to buy It Take higher education. In San Juan, a major effort has been made to Increase the programs at the Blandlng Campus of the College of Eastern Utah. A major effort has been made to get outside funding for vocational training. Here In Grand County, the CEU satellite Is virtually Ignored, the Utah State Extension Is barely recognized. Because we have the Fine Arts Center of the University of Utah. Just because there are virtually no programs, no faculty, a director who lives In Salt Lake City, thats no reason not to crow about the University of Utah. In San Juan County, they build roads from where people live to where people have to get In Grand County we build roads that even the people who support them cant really say why they are needed. And we In Moab have a lot to offer our neighbors In Monticello and Blandlng and Bluff and Mexican Hat We have not one, not two, not three, but four different kinds of beer brewed fresh right here In the city, and a state liquor store that stays open until 9 In the summer. We have a dally display of the latest In lycra fashion. San Juan may have the Edge of the Cedars, but we have Wandas Doll Museum. We have lots more real estate agents. We have Subway, Pizza Hut, and a McDonald's outlet We have an 18 hole golf course. We have Tom Stocks. . And we are the International center of the thrilling though medically questionable laddering craze. San Juan has lots of money and a generous spirit Moab has little money and a burning desire to get over. It's a match made In heaven. Some people will say this plan Is unrealistic, that It Is predicated on exaggerated and outright falsified data, that the basic philosophy behind It Is cheap, shallow, devoid of moral fiber and decency. Granted. But I say, ask not what your county can do for you, but what another one can. Licensed Landscape Contractor PLANTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS DRIP IRRIGATION H.Q. Castle Valley Inn state-of-the-- art 'TW IS Relax in sophisticated comfort admidst some of the Canyonlands most splendid scenery. Seven rooms, WHeee fine dining for most with private bath ($42-75)- , registered guests, eleven acres of orchard, lawns and fields. Grandview hot tub ... Full breakfast included in room rates. KCKY SKAGGS COMES JW-KUFOR FR&H L. FINEST FAMILY RESTAURANT OPEN 6 am. 259-835- "Perhaps the only thing better than watching the moonrise over the dramatic red spire of Castle Rock is to watch it while soaking in the hot tub at the Castle Valley Inn. An excellent operation... " Americas Wonderful Little Hotels & Inns 2 Innkeepers: Eric and Lynn Forbes Thomson. CVSR Box 2602, Moab, Utah 84532. COME IN FOR THE BEST HOME COOKED MEALS 801-259-60- 12 1075 So. Hwy 191 the canyons edge is now showing nightly 8:15 PM $3 ADMISSION (children under 12 free) DISCOUNT RATES ARE AVAILABLE TO GROUPS ON REQUEST Hollywood Stuntmens Inquire about other CFI programs Hall of Fame 100 E. 100 N. FIELD INSTITUTE CANYON LANDS Utah 84532 Post Office Box 68 Moab, 0 1320 SO. HIGHWAY 191 |