Show r having recently disposed cf lay antiro in tho to mr ailua the former of alio I 1 now titter 11 st th inking its many patrons and r aders for the lind and it has received during its ex ncncy of bow nearly two years and u liala relinquish its ownership inta older and re hinds nuil i onro tho during ils brief career las I 1 am happy to sy rarned fr its salt i namo lon to bo roan in alio annals of beaver county and KB subscribers laivo bacomo quite numerous and aro daily increasing in and it bill properly con of which I 1 myself lavo riot alio llio least doubt it must achieve a permanent and longood muong alio country journals of this having been its editor continuously since its very inception it is not I 1 confess komo liello regret tint I 1 take loiva of my old nl abo that mora os and possibly anoro pro h ands will il faber greatly tho 10 rots that I 1 otherwise feel and andin atkin a parting bow to alie readers of the I 1 auld venture to express ft wish for its auturo futuro welfare and success trusting that its on ncr uny hato his anticipations of a brilliant future ro alizad vile yalo F K CLAYTON |