Show win on alic after a lying visit to alic metropolis ajr foreign and new boik letters hare not been received aliis week there must bo a screw which needs lightning the abundant fruit crop of two years ago is likely to bo repeated without waiting icv n cara na bc f ro alic labor on alio llio first wal meeting II 11 uc winch was siu the datil of lime is being resumed a aiu alio coop co op storo has just received a line lot of glassware which adds really to their previous block of merchandise they have a picc lot of booda aad at tho post also aul alio fain 1113 silver spoof baking powder the silt lilo entered on ita tuesday list the lias our hast and we hope its success will continue th cro arc only wu three di inking fia r ons iu canido Ci nido the number we have think an of a better state ct morals five freight reeked on tho train bringing emigrants to utah list ccok t say neither any of tho or their bi bigah gAe injured tanca beins dull in in alic ciuc or building a nidai bar cf our mechanic and lav departed for otylior aud inure lucrative aal examine ahoo c elint dol mius and aach dusters at I 1 il co d our town clock ii now licking ly but we hii c vill aut follow suit as thereby both dalois and creditors would be bublo to ruin the liver and streams fast this should bo a hint to our agriculturists to take filips alio llio water for tho late crops wilh the of Purk cj was closed ir understated ia somewhat in his nuances dull aud glicr eliut lie is one of i of men that will risi aasin wo icahn from tho salt like papers that richard fowler alio limn shot by divid died ou wednesday list gallifant Galli faut who luil bacu acle ased on bail was 1 aiu taken into custody aud is now in jail P T Finis woith and john 0 arrived from the yesterday bringing iu with them licad of and intend taking them to ranche west of pino ciack ti day alio ns a whole loots mirchal alio mr cills at int only artt cass but and per verc alic entire time of alic four lays haing only H from mr J armstrong luring tho time the county court lild bild its jinta aal liy lut glisn all lill fcc al 1 wl ic alj mrnes til monday alc tlc 2 1 day of july when it will act as i board of equalization to hear written iu regard to the assessed val ua of birlow fargins Far mins norvol ii adl tint nuin s well and ahuja hint liis pat his ability aud adap lion ta tho ho Wo horoho 19 punctually aud euf ui outlY to bo hoped that our I 1 citizens trill neglect to register who have bot already attended to it tomorrow h abo last chance and vodo not know what cither parly may have to with but hold that all legal voters tho peoples party should veto for tho mn of their choice D esq at h n ecsi in ibis city oa ilia ail bait a northern chavas of over I 1 wo io of ln valus blo and approved sUun lard work anc history cf abc mormon ha reports having mcl with the dull acason year his hia been somewhat for tho but lio ii now feeling wll again by private letter from george W hales from sat balco to his brother 0 o acaru that building lias been going on rather slowly fur a time owing to a scarcity of brick but they have commenced coming in and broin alio quantity of hid in portions of tho city ho li of opinion that there will bo a building boom in tho near future for a full line of drugs go to fenemore C cu S tho audio 10 lo of T II 11 burkos goods closed last wednesday evening insulting in the disposal of tin entire lot for the sum of about 2100 abobo essences tho principle plo hiir near as wo could learn aco villiam monar an and dr J W chrich ia tho gentleman buying tho greater portion of alio liquid inca vo understand dr christian has rented a portion of tho north west room of alic court house in which to the drugs and medicines purchased of mr burac whilst tho icca of drugs being kept in such a place acuay cuay seem somewhat novel we the doctors head is level iu keeping liis medicines in a alco where the of people get sick elizabeth aiji 1 etli aej kotlic haricy abo left this cly abo loth of august last 0 enter the as norvial Stu dols on alie 21 t cd un the iafet we acaru that they maje excellent iti studies aej in a googly neui br cf anil important branches f anro well with aba kind treatment froin thi dr II 11 G park aal nil we welcome their to our little cuy the officers of the M I 1 assoni alcons acro somewhat remiss iu their duty last wednesday evening being iho time for tho conjoint meeting alio II 11 ill was tolerably well filled and the audic v aitch till 9 p m when no ono appearing to lake charge iho dispersed A few more occurrences of this kind will have n tendency to chill the of tho young people now sec to this in future A geirmon ley abi ul 9 juais of ago while on the U V 1 11 a few days ago fell out of abo car window while alie care acro running t tho rato of forty miles an hour alio train could not stop until it reached the next station from which an engine was sent bid expecting to find the of abo lad on the line but softer proceeding a short distance siw tho boy coming at full speed to catch alo |