Show twenty a sufferer n V II 11 D burtalo N Y dear sir twenty ago I 1 won on tho ocean and tho cold and ex couil a largo to form on leg kept continually discharging alter up ending a 0 dollars with no I 1 tried your goldan medical discovery and etow in less than tareo after taking abo arst bottle I 1 am thankful to say I 1 am completely cured and for alio elret time in ton years can put my loft atil to the ground 1 am voura vau 67 st Bui ralo NY eams to worry omo greatly tho thing enough A domant douch is HIB now cook on baklas day pittsburgh of women bloss the day on which ur waa enado known to theiu in all do l causing backache down and do it ii a remedy its sooth ing and healing properties render it of tho to ladies sul forin from in lover congestion or dy druggists r ow TUAT arthur is wo expect no anoro works from him for the good book tells ui that when the chineth co ineth no man can work transcript ir your horson hivo soro butk or open of auy kind powder of humanity who have their manly visor and by youthful follini and pernicious practices inducing nervous impaired memory menial weak bock antl kindred weaknesses should walh tario lottor poking for lareo tr natio unfailing means c cure evoi LOs dair N Y who think themselves smart go about asking lons alko this can a ropo walk wo flay 5 es hon it Is tout ani francisco evcic letter from orwell PA called my attention to elys balm as a remedy for catarrh liny fever tc ilo was to earnest in it to lu i tivo curo cured by it that I 1 purchased a katock tho balm hai a number 0 here 1 V H 1 N J till grochon now pork oresco without pork mint be elmost in bad nil pork without brcak Br cac A core of clr D II 11 of owego N Y anys aki wn with n cold which terminated willi all tho bast epand said abo could not alvo but n few hou M a boit she w n in ich condition when a friend recommended vi ti clalla dalsant roil TUB husos and advised her to try it alio accepted it in a last amort and ang lo 10 land that it a or alio llio better and by in its use a cure was A MAN in Koc bester ani such a alint ho says without bis word JV Y rosi balbi completo cure all annoying kidney diseases irritation 1 alio dosien of tho lank burglar aar for disen sei caused by water vegetation etc i iron hitters WHAT did tho paper weight for acio ii probably for Us ink coni jajor ONCE try Chro lithion collars and dins anil you will wear no other kind they nt so well and feel so nicely ALL recommend wieoa ablo gream skinny men wells health cn lic altti and cures A california CALIF ORSIA man choked to death with a tape measure the coroners Coron erd verdict was that ho died by incho ace press nan N C hav G W dinoy bays 1 havo taken browns iron bitters and consider it ono of tho best known mother swans worm syrup for bov restlessness worms tasteless anis will lio a year when harvest wont contain any colic abo main thing will lo 10 to act alio apples detroit free aress in the shortest time arito for free 0 pao pamphlet on rheumatism to 11 K druggist D C that is in kow york borso so balky that ho wont draw hl own breath hough on flats clears out rots mic flies roaches boil bugs ants ane like the cook makos hla broad out of his do boston KOCK HILL S C ilef JS says 1 I used browns iron for it restored mo to and vigor COULD tho pitcher of n bno ball lo 10 spoken of as tho power I 1 chin J the thrown lift tl cunn sulphur soap if simply without parallel for wholesome nass and in its AND FORE quickly by troches lyons WISES ablo greaso novar gums wells on corns 1 ic ask for it complete permanent cure corns bunjo Dt SOIL i CURES neuralgia sciatica Lum biga Bicki clit more ontoh fill inot boulay atlis AD itlie ballej draur finy cou acal la 11 lc THI all itu A CO flit ant v C B inam C H vinelt be 0 by nr bonu nl homr port 0 of ml t tax lri for allt J C L in sample worth st 0 10 WOMANS troubled lid or bouny yein with ludiry lluc la iny alc nd idy inkle t time acry badly I r 0 o go 10 ibe tor all oa tha of friend but only of temporary amirr nad I 1 bid elvan gp nr until my baj to bic item arty hy A elrod thil hid cc 0 end tron I 1 i bottle ad imd not anc of lbs tonic to if no pilo la b bicle ail 1 to to down ad my loosli better or I 1 lul bil TOO terr much it mirilla combined walh alio llio other tal I 1 linao kod im ablo ta do my vork arl dolac boro hia been burden to mf BI I 1 cn only for IM health arul I 1 now enjoy aal it a erett and duly to kite my many in ail icib cudini ry anil can only nay in bo lit I 1 will thai llanet a woren nt ton re t liberty to etc ebli for K ya lOc byoM toun mn wi hotel street A mastins muse HB it binet burec on all road 1 I ba duall fihs ihs kinry a elvit in my ormo nihl by ficor in wl ohi offu corl of kidney nl I 1 flod it lul u ily adil hit imp iw lart I 1 ladona it at medicine v attl merit ad I 1 bald not be without it 10 then hu a in tm conj all frbruno bm all d to ard ca compliant whytt token duly in A protection earnt ma birli llund rrth dt 11 II ha an 1 now c ehlt ionic for chill ral fofar u well J dy arli fadd atoot tl cilona airl M i till 1 I for by 11 ll aad alch era gocr tUy tho old well tried wonderful health Ron awing STRONGS PILLS liter complaint atia bowl tha bloch irum A clu or acl tad PECTORAL PILLS tt on 0 tha bowe A anra remda lor coldi anal jv rc lon looi to nd annl tiffy he tuby 14 br r r almain i binl nil ta bruu l Y li BALM f when b n v tha into abono trill be cul tt the BO rr fl r haec of coio acin ri A 1 I NV 1111 ot of 7 I 1 hi t nil from ndell loo oso bl coldi i f ti hl ir mid ris iwa arl d all aro liy a fw A hlll cure tut cou la aref CM ix nil 1 r r r or faver v rack im by miu or alk drug git ELYS BALM CO owego N Y PATENT evaporators ac automatic cul off High speed IH izgur CATALOG arx madio co ns IS ALWAYS froin in orone lo 10 nd to THE ml airn nd nl trouble 7 ij bior tsuin any bromir riplon DILT 1 paean by inell acif n or 0 O in per it pa ici 1 l I 1 W L new tork city AGENTS cheari A DAY tuo jwj w due li ti i balor K lt rul OM nil ahier UJ lurt JU out locono lO AT ll 11 l l CO st boalt mo THE BEST S CHEAPEST tt lall I 1 ta eluo irav A r bany ny n cilia c nl c 1 ijuin city s inu lytus A kinrd by karla arn ann kyfor al by acu ednd lor tt tl knolt ii in idl loftt 1111 burcl duj si krail lj bajnon abla 72 A WEEK 13 a flay nt home caiby inada anc H paper in rii adt ji cl kiy nill bluj win t Price aoun enrio baw LEARN 16 ever 1 fur rno bol na vf 1 l U and damro ri lurl toc town 0 0 U ta adar and HI chuff he in irita la chrt any writa ba till lk ae hilll filom USE TO TWELVE nry bf la gunj if lacal ibler artl tr tl for cunil iolli lur DO ditl rajil cliM uie lani in ihrer lf iolj or nl s A CO boston enog an open alio fact iscel that lie EX ac A N is ly ir tho lical for or acis lC is ilio Iti ison eliy becomes nn anit lusgins lus dins lesli to lio cry bone nil disenso no alint liidi finont ducs this benco nono oilier is ja urcy used or docs siu h worlds or good tri bay and K ll alir trani r st arta 1 I atter nil illi alv ali molt DOliAH Lt ij i J in i ha market sarla 10 wy oa r cipnic aileo 01 ol ID Clerc liDl A 1 I it varr ul euhl I 1 laef CLEVELAND 0 pa tetory ku via sy ua waite run nn ei fr illi aej fait J id tt ali rl i BROS barar ohio busts ahm AH rut mis fah him hi m cobil Coi il fyrol lj X KT jr 0 afi I 1 llynial lly nil 0 U E asim ja u lisiy A N K n 03 8 TO a ou alio llio la till known lin li n nul chero their arc auf lac |