Show Z cr ca NEW NEV YORK now new york IS 15 the cha lier of commerce lody today to dy day with ill b but it ono d dissenting at n g wice voice adopted lo op I 1 a resolution e bailo up approve i ws of the he 1 I nanta y abild of f the he reaty stratify 0 of f 11 as BI i if ton it is understood that stala trial will come oft off judge ingraham lias been asked to preside laborcai Labor cri on ilia new past office have commenced work on oil the eight hour bour the tl at t 11 antrel k BE tile li nn elmira 15 tho state re n convention met here to fro day ippol wai elected permanent president and edward chairman the tha platform pi embodies cm Lodics tho the principles of protection of american regard to acs of color I 1 payment odthe of the public dou debt in coio and add modern te taxation salvation for that purpose poso civil service reform 0 of the income ax franking frant king 1 ill all revenue taxes except escort on tobacco a and liquors tariff restoration ina ad of and harmony with ho south SOUL 11 the P 11 tion of any honorable police with ill foreign nations also resolutions olios prot estine against the surrender of tho the republican party declaring the cry of universal amnesty deceptive that no DO one was front from voting or holding property properly find and inviting wander era front from tile tho republican party part to return tho the last resolution declares it would be exceedingly unan as to 10 china change au able tried ind and sate chief for one untried and uncertain jhc following delegates at lire large were appointed appoint od to 1 ladelphia garritt smith wm win 0 o J I 1 N matthewa wn win huller itu flor 11 V B I 1 claflin and get aeo 8 moffatt acry mention or the name of G grant rant W waa 18 greeted mith enthusiastic cheers the star convention ai B hochst Hoch fT roche ter ij 15 tho democratic state convention to re assembled at 3 p ni in thos kinzella was elected president tho the on contested scata ironi from new Y york or k reported arted in in clr of tho the delaga delegation n hea headed ed by john jox A resolution in in favor of tho the appointment appointment of a committee ol of select aS cle gates to baltimore Balti moro created it I 1 long ong and a substitute providing tho the appointment of delegates by congressional district delegations was defeated aud and tile the original resolution adopted ador bcd clarkson Clark aon X potter chairman of the on resolutions reported i a resolution of which tho ilia following is tho ilia substance that we recognize tho the changes in in tho the nature and constitution of if tho the government which have taken place and with out fen cuing tho the questions of the ilia past oro aro ready now DOW to co onorato with whatever their previous party aliha I 1 a a government who seek to restrain CoD congress greas of absolute and general powers to prevent it entering on private legislation ion to restrain the ilia growth of vast carpo corporations po rations rations and tho the work of anvil benito sen ico reform that tile the recent declaration of political brioc by tho the convention at cincinnati is no I 1 irence of the progress of ablia public opinion toft arda ards sound and wholesome w MOWS of government that wo all patriotic p persons SORS may unite on off tile plit platform form fur tile the purpose of restoring an benefit honea administration of notional affa affair irlia gand ad enforcing 0 obligations 1 tile convention and our delegates to baltimore were instructed ted to tilo SAO til o a 3 cour course o lest calculated to ensure the triumph of these principles and t tho ll 11 selection or of any candidates representing i B them who meet the aj P rov roval of democrats in tho the national Nation convention A committee nas appointed it to 0 select delegates to BAlu moro and tho c convention adjourned till JO 10 a an m flail iii to 40 min efty bib new 1 york iii the following is ib the important portion of the alabama correspondence reb now before tho the sr senate nato that has not at boon been published on may wl ill secretary I 1 leill telegraphed to its as follows all ali piro proposition positions tf made by the british kov government involve co covert fi probably without design what this government cannot agree to namely nii noly a withdraw jil from the provi aloo of tile tho tribunal of what wo no believe to to lo entirely wilbia their competti nce our COD wing that tho the arbitrators be hao 0 tho the nb right ab to decide whether the abo claims to which G great mat brit britain bin objects are not adlissa b alc e and it aio oio ic united v states state a will be contented to led W abide their deat ision whether f favorable evon file or ile adverse to that class of cl claims ainis tho rr aioo dinho or the british government is upon the basis bais that the view which they havo have heretofore presented ball bo the principle of future and tl conduct that the view which wo we A have ve pren prenter ted id out not it principle but an opinion as to tile alio of a treaty and applicable indy on only to ono ban pond log lag difference on an incidental Intal and temporary and nd cannot be a ici P clr I 1 I 1 lur 2 future action this thia government holds directly the opposite views with regard to tho the earn corn potently of ilia withdrawal to conold conui ld hr 1 ilia validity or of dairies claims rind although alth ouli do dc of coming coining to on an honorable un on standing etan dingi it cannot abc adopt pt tho the british view or malo it tho bails of reciprocal engagement in my sol telegram 1 cuter illy f explained ahat tile h I 1 cal cot cannot and will dot withdraw any part of what want has been submitted within liia his construction of abo intent and spirit of ilia iatha british government IQ in their demand the icy for whatever what ever failure way may must rest with them and you will have ad alfed them of the the impossibility resulting adall s sell front tho ilia constitutional in gadt ability of tho the president to withdraw what aliis t this government is of opinion half hai been submitted within the intent rind and meaning acad of treaty as from liia ilia unwillingness to coal compromise tomiso tho the rights and dignity of tho the government by yielding to ift it amand not founded on right or 8 L aad by bj any valid of 0 jha ihfe tr treaty tt tile atio president hohm however that the bribach may see away a wy to maintain the treaty in the iho suggestion suo tion 0 of f a new w arti rt i c ato ia as 03 mentioned in alny by te le artie m ya u t 0 r ar I 1 should they not adopt thil the inference will he be lo that they havo have delibera deliberately determined to abrogate the treaty 11 however the they adopt tho the you say gay that I 1 I 1 at thy the probability babi lity is that congress will adjourn about tho the latter part of this thia month and timo time mar maybe lie saved clo liona on this point should be conducted hero ere rather than in london if they desiro such soch negotiations it way luny be bc advisable vi to save gave time that they give instruction st to ther here you will loop keep mo advised Is as to tho ilia probable action of tho the british government so eo that tho the aident may correspondence to congress on in tho the government intend in 11 to break thu ilia treaty signed sned Si fis FISH ill sc hoci on siut telegraphed rih ara that ho had presented his its letter and views to Grin drinville ville as contained in le ilia telegram of tho the still sah and that the british great real and table objections botho to tho adoption of the new art article icleon on the ground that the language lanu ac describing t 1 damages camus must it necessarily bo so broad that to 16 probably commit both governments governments beyond iq would cit dither er of them wish to be bound by they prefer ao an interchange of notes dotes because by that form they can cad narrow the agitation so as to relate only to the actual points or subjects of difference in reply to ka statement that the president without the went of the senate not go so far is As this proposition would lead granville Grau villo so sue laj lcj that tile president might bo be willing ff to submit the 00 notes to the senate fur their advice tho con chides ilia lust ast U words after moro than two hours coave conversation M were as follow 1 I carefully roid any anything ing lilo I 1 0 a mcewe on a out at in IQ conic quen quinco ortho of alio views an and information you avear presented onto tome yesterday and if to daiy diy 1 I 1 talo leant aa of the C chances a a of fany tiny settlement it 0 ent I 1 told him I 1 was I 1 c of the vs same c mind ind quant abent ii pith ossama lito dito alvines lish of tile tho willingness of granville Gran villo to modify his note pro I 1 tho 0 article art iclet an and on the iho loth heleg p a tho ilia proposition of gr tavio upon in a cabinet mechin an and which if it the be government government overn ment or of tho the united flatea tat es thinks fit to adopt will be accepted by tho le B fish overs BG ment anti and tho the full tox text tb of f W which 1 1 wit was telegraphed yo yesterday 7 T the he following is tho the Nies of the ali accompanying copies of tho the confer once to the senate of c athe the U S III 1 I transmit tho the which has recently taken alien place placa respect log ibo file differences of opinion which hall bavo 0 arisen between this government and that or great britain with regard to the power of ilio tribunal of at arbitration t ion created under tho the treaty signed at wa may blay 1371 I 1 respectfully inviter i attention or of till tho to the proposed ed artulo submitted ill b england Jog lind arit irith t the object ol 01 removing the diff crenco winch which seems to threaten tile tho prosecution of tho the arbitration i and an by the senate of their dapo in regard refard to ad ising and conent con ent ing to tho the formal adoption of an article such buch as aa is proposed by tho the british pov gov the senate is 13 that consultation with that body io in advance of entering into agreements with foreign states has as many precedents in the ho hiti tory of this republic gen washington asked a ltd its advice upon pending q nations with such powen tuo the wot mot important precedent is that of ill tho 0 oregon boundary treaty of 1846 th the importance of the results holding bearin ben rin upon the present issue of the t treaty r aty with gre a t britain leads mo me to f follow bie lo 10 these former precedent and I 1 tho the counsel of tho the senate in advance of agre agreeing cing to proposals apropo propos als ala from great Bri taiti signed U S a it tnt jennessee TENNESSEE I 1 tile nept bacon anaro convention at X elitife nashville IS 15 tho convention met today to day daltin anu elected J 1 r Ity erslon permanent president three hundred delegates were p reent re ent the convention was harmon barm onions to ns and enthusiastic bad i for grant there was waa no candidate fur fir governor nominated it being deemed the beat policy to male no coul cst 11 motions Mut ions were ado adopted pled declaring decla for tho the euion un i on of baates civil rights political CA for fill au maintenance ot 01 public arzt credit payment of debt a peaceful idd and honor able foreign policy irce ischo oLi and free homes stat thu gen grant wast waa abc babest best representative of these I 1 and nd to instruct the convention to urge and voto vote for his ru ro nomination nom Dilion nation A resolution rc was vaa passed complimentary to horace I 1 Il laynard an and d presenting his name for vice Ilo I 1 MEW HAMPSHIRE beth benth of r na 0 old are N jr K ii 15 jobiah harey well known in commercial and financial cir dea for tho the past half century died here this evening or paralysis 1 GEORGIA atlanta ga i 15 the state executive committee call a convention on june to elect del ratos rates to tho the cb of tile ali committee will williesue issue an advery abdrea in ili it few days dais pennsylvania PENNSYLVA MIA tile tha or I 1 ibo be scranton PA as tria rep 0 r is a of explosion or ga bitsi killing men to C in n b lie shaft anre untrue thero he has been no accad in ia any of the mines in io tin s region to ny ly mollus for washington ac in loth the senate butler a resolution of adjournment from the ad of june to the list 11 u u ra tiny ilay in november mst tatt ilia oba was waa to keep in force ortt ta the no act authorizing of habeas corpus which ci cipares pires at ilia oud end of ocllo the present pr ACOt st olon net ho tt 1 persistent nt at knipl to BUILD the T why a real should la be taken on ing to ilia state of offa naim irit in tho ilia lint lilt ilia speaker decided an am such fluch a range of debate was out of order on it ft resolution for adjournment and he bo was finally obliged to a stop OP and move the previous pre virnia question voicu which nob lie moved as a sub statute a resolution for adjournment diou alan die on juno june aj which was agreed to to 5 ST 7 I 1 cur CHICAGO CAGO trat ta the d remonstration emon of worlin pon on an wednesday w waa as a failure in point p int of numbers number a only IY persons persona being g in the procession about bow attended an all open air bore addresses were delivered by mayor and others about one abird of tho the workmen employed in tho the burnt district con tinned work as usual 1 I 1 ho he denion demonstration stra on was notably orderly and all obar and presented a line goo appearance the mayors Sla address a and frank statement is laws on tho the labor question iiii ue ile strongly conde condemned aued st ri 1 es aa i n j u i a alile h L e to employer a ond n d e employees wil lo 10 y c e s 1 it t w wib a s well recen received ed and is 6 to hat ha a 0 exerted excited a beneficial effect the workmen worl ioco |