Show THE convention AT CORIN NE auant to call the ibo delegates to the republican convention assembled at corinne yesterday to elect delaga delegates tes to the philadelphia convention at w which amidst much cathu shaam the ho Jul loning gentlemen were unanimously chosen choon cho on 0 J hollister and na A S gould could delegates and D J and oscar ocar G sawyer alternates atea lato late in ia the evening i alic I 1 a waa ived which cent ays eys ao an idea ortho or tho ral and the ibo spirit liag corinna Conn iio may IG 9 p to in salt SAIL laise hinr amment sud most mulat meet boy 1 to algat at tho open I 1 too I 1 for ats red i tion or tho the of delop delc gaU to uio the six hoo by dr jcu ilia J tooley A 6 bould un ft arid aws th tb were to 1 rote a I 1 fur for gruit aid a if first but and all tho the timo time lion bonfire fires ud and music this abla delegation is ono one of the ve very ry leat best that could have been chosen to represent tho the party at philadelphia bombini combining nf as 03 it does ability a thorough knowledge of politico and a whole soul edness hit hat will mil do so touch louch to create she the right impression at philadelphia it in in contradistinction to the church emissaries amit huiea already in the field |