Show LOCAL MATTERS first national bank suit salt lalo lake city may 1 17 L gold buying selling PANORAMA of 0 the grul great WAR alu wul exhibit at Libri taft ill boora open at t Alii GO 60 cents children i 25 oceta an iun 20 2 for a DOMED CO Y DINNER every ada y mil and it at I 1 RO go to 0 JACKS S C chop h foasis and nd 0 licous reads bull b af in mair ff TUE borsi Yeste raly ws we made I a cill call lit at this now new hotel to see ECO how tho that work was sing an and I 1 found mr ir D N engaged in placing the wires wines for an electrical hotel and also an fire arc alarm ly by means of which the temperature of any aay room in in be house rises aboto a given point an alarm is u sounded ID in the ollice office the decator is manufactured by gray carton barton of chicago and is the same as 23 io in use fit at the salt lake and townsend houses and for which mr bir hurlbut 6 u agent for the pacific coast this gentleman also albo supplies from the baglo works of chicago a 6 11 P horizontal cag engine i ine to r also the elevator to also alo the laundry machinery find pumps which ore are to supply every room luthe iu tho house with hot and cold water the WS ing company of chicago supplies a number of team radiator radia lori to lent heat lint portion of the building not otherwise provided profi dod for pinions can form foria some idea or of the file comfort the rooms in til abis 1 is beutle will afford when we state that each ono one will be supplied with gas hot but 1 and cold water communication with tho the L I 1 office omec and a firo bro alarm in addition to which we belin a a bath bathroom room is pro tided for on every hoor floor the work on 1 tho the building is being prosecuted with 1 toch such vigor that its early occupation may be looked for 4 A ta t A of the thealma alva I 1 socially bill be hold i 9 odero tj leri hall no ban bunday may at 3 2 p m all mem mear lierl kro to ticul attend by order of LIAR ito 1 P I 1 8 at E SM tary i how ARE yov you johnv bortt grffit t uw law knit iut of the iho 1 I tho webster 11 or J C of famo ame bems vc nr tho the ITO hon n or of internal Iii tomal Itaya jino to vit it TW hut on tho the ath day iett ol of MAP ula idl that lint or OP moor man inu A on co were wet not whimpers WhIM LERS hat only D U 41 IT aloir 0 kro ben TO yoa a J jaho 0 it 0 don kimt get we lake lt kindly although I 1 ir aro oni inon N ka ar E alen A at EIT salt all 0 city for the only un I 1 uwe J S F cutter I 1 myllie J title lai N CA CASI L e this easo case was yesterday brought before rafter judge stel vIlana lit at Ch chambon ambert and after a lengthy and maj ablo able by j V 1 was continued i tied to to day smith 4 t earl U acted 1 by gov GOT wooda are 10 the counsel for plaintiffs plain tiffi and gilchrist Gilch riat I 1 I 1 robertson 0 saratt espritt and do de wolfe wolfa i bukin for the defense As al the staff is ii consi derea one fine ol of kt tho beet wines 31 1 he country con the do 01 c 1 nion of the court sn in the present up ap mal bo rc regarded gard edwith with englc u Uli ti gation io the mat 70 1 it i tor ter mil DAILY top hero here but there is ii a pros prom rn pod 01 1 VMS going much lurch farther the W ar I 1 present application is ia designed to stop if the ore by the oom cum ot PADY holding possession CLAM vl I 1 dagmy DIY mcf 1 13 12 go to K ft j JA olion flaw mj and mua main inglott 1 A Di anuno lemom ono vile 10 lo T laae dues ft a by d 1 having ft a paulatta pau latte foellner for tob RI j u who do dot our wal A sf 1 B doc for this lii loon lesson but hope they will I 1 ra kindly atul A ui in UMI holic o at balili Bg lili 0 V cr 00 21 A co ca ik li aar blacic JACK chii new i mining locality in ig situated a if tho the head I 1 of canyon in wesl ill etain atin some bowe of the principal r mines which hive leaeu deo lopel tr fire the black jck jack osceola lucky boy 1111 AD tod a old times time ono tr tar lod load or of ore taken ironi from the oceola and lucy lucky boy ali the berd locations loci doua prove to ll be but aoe go 41 voila acm was u worth JO parties part ic are rc preparing to erect a ton roil mi h att ike tho the junction of black jack and but cuti berfield ter field ca rions and nj bavil lavt already duade j r it good food road iruin the maa to the aito J athe r the surface w work ork from ono one location 0 i p i mide lut last bpck in black jack assayed I 1 itil per cool cent wil 37 SO 50 direr and i S am 1 50 gold OM the oro ore generally ii suits nuitt for tn Va illine illing I 1 yi I 1 a i T alnar one of locals Is acquaintances q a young gentleman ol of great gre at courage gives him hii views thuon the tha dolly Var pardons dons Yeat yesterday erda y be bein 0 o find the lh suo un sli Dinc in inife all ita its effulgent TVs rays I 1 food on the street corner to fhe iho kirla gilel a ana AS they were or going to ill tho matinee ma tinco A lady ses ealon cn cued in the latest agony a 1 dolly aly varden it was waa a very pretty one a light figured foulard silk d with oar liar row sky ily blue flea price I 1 suppose 0 1 1 50 there was waa no boawn why it ie be ISO 0 except capt that they tre are imported froni from puns parie 1 Sp caling of those the dolly ejna NJ na ilis ilia only just to as say they are rc the fashion now they are arc a furore favors in the principal cities but it at caa only last a month or two it lj LI too glar ington oure for permanency if I 1 had bad my grandmothers old bea curtains cr lin composed principally of yearks odd and Flin flowers I 1 might possibly pos siLly have a dolly varden made up for my sweetness sweet nesa I 1 sl choum notor never buy her one but ir if young ladies want ant one they alto see that it is made mada in a tho life neat old ft atle in long pointed waist ve very roach much beached up skirt i straight raight Bt to the ea elbow w with deep ruffles to he wacht this with short lir t r some fomo contrasting color ghigli shoes and a crown list i a dolly N arden costume 31 my idea is they would make rather a pretty prett t 6 atalig uwe or still more ampro fo for a garden n on or I 1 tho a fielda of tho the country for or the city streets they are rl ridiculous on 0 if a young lady hu has money e boug enough to buy uy such a cos lostumo and throw bro row it ib away air y ill in a month or t two w I 1 let e t her have hare it by all means B but 1 old 1 aal aol women me and a fat women a bad better let it alone and an a my advice to most women a bout about to bu buy y a dolly varden i 19 doia doa L t we are not going to tell who S Is ia lie ile is tho the young maa in to ion n teats all ml and STRAW leisla cocat aruty at t the 00 STO mavit m art if papers no 3 2 BARB it at city noat N cat market in to ro tailing ty pays 1 t katto to uio the trade awas bea az a r to t forn i ph train from on are to fifty almost bullocks boIlo with inchan a 21 houn board notice lor for to all my part of ILA alo citi ll COM JH IL II clark Clarl clarelli li the be general manager of the maxim gas co company pany who has ha been i ia a the city for SOMO days dayn past attending to the introduction or of this gm gas into salt ulo city started to san francisco yesterday before leaving mr dark clark retracted contracted to supply too the theatre and private residences of mr young with tho the GM gas we are arc pleased to learn lean ita t the energy and aid perseverance of the 1116 gentlemanly manager is 3 likely to result in in al light to the city coro co ot oate barley in sofa lo 10 bosait colt for sale kilo ta by gordon A murray one balf block black aou south or anait AND STORE STOKE for tho the I 1 lowest ow ft r ic ts an 1 t best t n a ll 11 t y of all T toola 1 I a t h ing G m x tm an V i n u d li idan ors call on inteer d 4 alta all city atlo letlo deeo of olic ahoe in tho the mine bamo building tri if on saturday Pro promotes pr oes to bo be a brilliant Irilli ant an affair art and wo we understand egand the tickets aro are nearly oil au sold every preparation for tho the comfort and enjoyment of the ilia is being ma made do and tho the trip on saturday next w will 1 l in au all probability afford moro more plow urs ur than tho the preceding one strangers visiting the city krould not neglect this rare opportunity of a trip on the of CA till aalt water ia tho world success to the projectors they deserve it so no rancy fancy main street relt DURHAM it jtb ib cair rc totT 83 SOUTH sr anya A largo IBM of appen very atzl b by tho 0 box Califor alft annn 17 itou F froutz ZIA bananas adery a still fall I 1 no of fruits the bt bert cigan in ia the marll B S maltbi TRE THE gocr reet levri tho the ore in the ummi umma mine at t this depth lit is of great value A which we love have been will we believe assay in the the quantity in IQ eight is said to he be great aich is ui indicated in the file sudden rim io in tho the i alue of the charca on the london market mar lct other mines mines in that vicinity aro are ean ban guino of finking the file game came rein at a corresponding depth jup jew aea mh bilna bai rod farm wagons waird Dl an um BUIA to ama the nao naoke kt fur ur sale bid 1 at I 1 co malk daw MOW can kanso tor for the old alo ww mined miam sufficiently to in pillon put oo 00 ajo ujo for mich h huici fulani kro are mulo made to mo me from the Eng lAah get ocr uil an AT markets WILZA WELLS offitt over lot lit national Nit lont euk bank f sem WES les the rev kev rather burtard Barla nl the well kno n and celebrated preacher or if california will eom commence mence a mission in the ho catholic church next sunday lit at 11 II 06 a m at mass ante abdat 30 p m W every evening during the week closing I 1 each evening evealue with bore dictions of the like blessed anic PRICE i fidlon coal beet in inari Ink ri sta W s per ton at utah fuel co coil all shea near ncr U C 11 it ahmat two tiro prospectors aro are klamt to 0 a o heath booth to star DARLe act and would like to go in the of moneyed men the boat bat of defren oon IR lj given gicca j it at man in 9 ff I dolly DIABY hudeas us fire maltin mil 9 their Appe appearance aranco in MIL silt ae lake ten tea miles or the uta ut A northera Nor thero aro are dow completed aich alc tlc it so ac eress crosa boi ua x elder aale the S or gioello baillon through this city to lo mcw As hertt as ihan reported the BROADWAY 61 illk HAT ceribi italo at t lt ib CALU friia bibee raz fiul a frat frnell I 1 I 1 r furill I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 9 7 6 merchant far merand cit ui othen ft a ROI bal nl iilo map mk of utah tern tory shout fm bay Frois hinr uns mining bud i socialist mp map for mil age pl alij t b all 11 boak LM TUB THE VALLEY eoa con ver bentler to the depot and ad main street ii by dihl dahl D ihl 1 sorensen Sorens tn in life alie idoft 00 t approved manner the etor ore bra very popular with their boarders riece bod at t COLLAT batore one of UNDE malt A ylla laux located concur cart sair lot met TS fees by bt ika house ol of af are aronou good wll vu and al frail lre from for 1 ru cader ap wa la M aln EWING one OM bloc aock wet of al r I 1 stol tho the weather is u I 1 gain most du after the tand nj the uty city yesterday presented an n animated ital picture ic tore irow I 1 rr warm ue aLbur I 1 tho the middle of aty lay bring ft a lot lol sun bun LOCA LOCATION TInN NOTICES kons tot for 8 gilt go fit t TRI BUNI lik pier i rm ero bae MENS is BAU BALL the following noto note was forwarded fw warded to us last night when the alio bill v was as at its ila height by our representative and nl a participant th war dacca is going on many elegant chiefs and nj sachems nrc a to going goine through the mazes mails of the ha danoe as I 1 write with illi elegantly attired addred and handsome ladies and tho the ball as a whole il i it a auche sad aad dou does credit to the Order liko those of th the e and odd oad rei lows it ii quite kloct lacking nono none or of th ho social docial element clo peculiar to first clag success to tho the whits white depre go n dative 3 of the alio D oble boblo r red ca man 1 a to twe mi ban AM jast ft a very wry tine noo stock block of millinery bonds gonds can elating of e trimmed and adil unta held 44 Q done donnett Don neti C grobi grain ebbons Rih Rb honn bons 1 in mt fart tiriolo Tiri lety oly al ladies sad IDA cuda still aits nits no 0 o 85 atall IA oran thero there will lo be sn an exhibition hibi tion nt at the institute on saturday next of genuine paintings raint inRa or of evening the tattles t ICS of the latt late war between franco france and germany and much european scenery besides the paintings aro am very large ond and by maans or of nn an exceedingly brilliant bolint light which irlich is u thrown upon them are arc undo indo to appear lift cilc see in this issue dows sus buz conits to dinco rt 25 ornta and everything antho in abo line of alet in an pro proportion rAC fORY bealh aaret L HIT thom 45 IT 8 iton ilon thom thomas 23 ritch hall returned from washington without getting utah admitted ila iio was vaa sanguine or of admission when le be left for the capital in company om pany with cardinal cannon and se secretary cretaro ruller what haj brought mr 1 itch homo home at t this early date while the cardinal has found it necessary to remain are wo to have some new phases of litigation vs tom genuine genthe DURHAM 14 lb ib it at a 23 wait cents at 1 3 cigar factory AS sodd second south street dij mya THE th the 43 convention which mot a of at corinne yesterday for tho the purpose of electing delegates to the re kv publican puL lican national convention chose 0 J hollister and A S gould for delegates and D J find and 0 G sawyer y or AS aa the run rm wagon for fee sale at F bc beet A at chown the alwn aagon depot south of clio theater ml bilu JUDGE strickland we aro arc pleased to state has so BO far recovered as to to bo ablo able to attend to his judicial duties at chambers yesterday ho heard the application for nn an anju injunction n ebion in toe the ring stiff staff mine tax in the city for W ulo f a apply to E L T hanison a a S SUE bif OF there was a large salo sale of military stores tit at CAUP camp douglas on off wednesday the goods it nero ore mainly articles of clothing and went lent very cheap A reaper brought only 32 GENTS deckand DUCK na LINEN LEN t the ibo C store mya ti lt a WE WERE pleased to yesterday mr ir II if C park of Detroit I 1 michigan Iichi gan who calls on 00 his big way to california mr park lit is interested iche in tho mines mines of if nevada and may yet be I 1 in those M no daw L X as AND ay nn NOTICES cea for we at the falank j filce ja tf WELLS co received cs ca cerday from raymond sn ely seven bars bara of bullion iu in trancita traD tran bitu bita to NOW york os ON TO hont dont except on SOO tho the lt bet for public Lector eo OR apply to in mr E L T per KT z adice ja tt t a of course everybody will see tho file rejoinder to the Ale definition fink ion lea lc sion this morning mor humana ito tho the bent ben llado ill da from tho the world mannar nt tho the molt established the fact that this won grouff win the sad final mp 09 when applied to tho the human that it does in cama cuc of foun finin den off ri g poll cil A wech a gail sol and other of t ho bom which out 1 I treatment I 1 t is in ID fact tho the moat meet ot of all fairest antilles for Arbe rhodin tum gout stillness of tho the neck nack al pow ore le cut cuts mil and broiled ot of RU kinds mylo ladaw NOID bool boal surN wilam tho the reach of every folus lit nuna none need bo be d I 1 ono trial will provo prein tho value of tr the or female a friend which liy by ith action on the iho rg TO stores bri Vilies to tit alio oyo eye bloom to the iho faded that chok braid to the wy body and ARMY dd d or D periods of A I 1 ai ir 1 liy tona etc bolbat fl 00 i tr r bottle by the cilo I 1 chamlyn lacot cw sold by gobbo 0 C co |