Show PIONEER WHO llO CAME CAM CAMETO TO SUIT SAl I LIE LAKE Uli CM CITY IN 1847 1841 PASSES AWAY AYAY 0 Claudius V. V Spencer Played x Important Part in Early History of City Claudius V. V Spencer a pioneer r of ISH s ded at his home Social avenue a a 0 aV V- V t few fw minutes after 5 o'clock this morn- morn v t I. ing mg The end came though Sir ir Spencer had been een In good health b and active until he retired last night Sir Mr Ir Spencer was born at West Bridgeport Bridge Bridge- p port rt Mass Mus April 2 2 ISZ-I. ISZ being the son EOn of or Daniel and Sophia Elizabeth Pomeroy Pom- Pom eroy Spencer t In the spring n of 1847 Mr r Spencer c left t for Salt lt Li Lake City I 1 in corn com any with his parents Young Toung eO Spencer S r i I drove rove the first wagon of f t the second o company corn com 1 pany of oC immigrants to enter r this thi valley 1 I at arriving here e 21 l 1847 f 4 The family a af eg once located o on the e west wet Bide of State street Just north of ot Third South fouth where they built what was as then tho finest house in the city Later the e was as rented to Governor Shaffer ShatTer 1 who iho used it as the executive mansion until his death It was later used by a number number of or of the territorial officers Mr Sir Spencer resided here hore until a few years I ago when he sold the tho property and moved to the the home home where ho he died t Spencer P During gt took his al an long active life part In tr this In s st t the city buildIng build build- Mn Mr f ing up up-of up of oC the city and state He lIoI Ici was a a. member of the legislature in 1856 later a member of the Salt Lake City council i of ot the at v and later street supervisor city 1 a time when hen the city did not paY par a s salary sal sal- 1 erg ary to the supervisor In addition to his civil cl offices oerle-es Mr l Spencer was an I active e member of the Mormon l church up t to at the time of his death Ho lie filled fined a number of missions to Europe and tho the eastern states There are surviving two widows Laura I 7 K arid and Matilda a P. P five sons n D. D GS S. S E. E w r C C. V. V I Jr r p Pomeroy er ern and n George r Sterling one daughter Mario lario Antoinette Antol- Antol nette neUe three brothers J. J D. D H. H W W. and Samuel 1 T. T a number of ot sisters and several sev sev- rat eral grandchildren and great The arrangements for the funeral fun have bave t e not been completed |