Show i I For or his n l In Salt Lake Jake 1 ill in th Eighth al and ana The Th M l t of I Loul outs Louts James will have 1111 th the lI anfe of a supporting f s say v eral members ber of ot which wilch ha have b ben been aE asO- asO O. O elated l with him for tin tho past foum out phi Tans Tames Tam s. s an au Actress cLr Sl of i cid d' d attaInments lit ads th thA com coin R nr and will r th th Important nil lo loo lof o of K qu Cn n of England at t th the SUt Lake JAk theatre tomorrow evening Kr Fri ari flay day night as Sh Shylock lo k and Portia Mr an anti and James ar will l portray the leading e char char- ar- ar J fc Loters r in The TIie I of Venice Two Wp k of the year al' al aJ are looked foi forward for for- ward Y to with far f and trembling 1 bv I Itlie th the th mana manager el The They ar art are the time for fOrr th the Chi holl holidays a aS a'S S 'S an anil th the week following people a are re th former r Q period to bu buy Christas Christ Christ- as and th they y are alE not s spendin non v during during- the thc latter h because ause In ins inn 1 it os cs c's thc v have ha ahead already spent whit what wha y nave have l Despite the money v p to the week weel bl big audiences ar arC c resent recent at all alj Orph Orpheum um performances his week I The Thc program during durins an another other oth r Wt wt-fk wt I of the year car would pack th the house ouse and Sunshine is being preat pre pie at th the Grand Giand theatre this x eR 1 n. e h h play f Is a drama dramatization of Mary y J J. J noil popular novel no The Time company 1 is ise P e of ci t time the le man many mans owned by t W. W I F. F Menu fAnn o of Mr Mi- Mann Mamma has engaged a n cas cast ast such w well known actresses esses I 11 Miss JI MarIe Mario and nd Miss u Bess supported b by Carl Cail red r. r Renn Bennett tt n bert P Perrin Karl Earls RC os B limner Elmer and ani others rill Iii be a matinee matinee S Saturday t l dar I C C Billy Clifford fOlt j in A Gill Gui at time tile helm I h mor more popular ovary y v r night Mr MI ras laa a a. sU supporting Porting company that Include good singing chorus Sunday a at 30 th time tho ColoniAl Salt 1411 it r lacer Inkers lers iII jO Ce p the 1 La lle b. b nn of O Own Owen Irs novel no The Tic Tic- IlIj n FrOm Om the first t to the last sc 5 e nehe ne h he pl piny y with ith that breezy Z ranch It t ph r. r that obtained in thO the W Wyo yo- yo oIn o In rig cattle att country A quarter of a a. eCu en lury ur ago William m I T GIbson pIA plAys s 's the Blameless 1 ri cos co's Marshal Farnum br her of Dustin F Farnum will be seen as s rampas Musson Bennet-Musson will be seen n as The stock company which was was was' Zeil ed to pl pla ilay vacant time time-at time at the tha Shuber t heRtI C closed I s d with a performance o oThe of The Tue Bells lust night to a A. I large au audi audi- lUN l- l fl UN Alfred Alfred- Swen on will take time the com coin pany any on n th road cad for fol foma a a. reason An n fl e. EX hp production of When h n Vas BYs in jim Flower had bad lic bean n ang an-ang ari d for week l but Mr Mm- fl S SI could n no not notte t tte te his wa way clear cliar to put it on for fOt p pait l t of ofa a week He Hp will ill return in jn a few Cew w weeks e s sP sa sf sn sr sr land a id give gi- the P play In n l J Jf he slid and Miss u-is u Palmer r v r re rC f featured f for 1 forty forty- ht weeks eeLS In the tha east Co on oil the th Salt Ial Lake a route put putt it t t th tM the lights at UK tile Mission theatre for night a at they c compelled the tha teams e- e that thai t at p to open t to feo go around u by way o Of pF f L an F Francisco from o Los This h t tw w th m out one on day so o th that t the lIe op g of the th- n new W bill will j h be he on Thursday i nina hJ instead t d of or t tonight This is the th 11 1st t time tile the th theatre different ha b Cen 11 dark since e the tha op an and I cO company in th a a. la I little mayler la Th The Pantaloon Skirt trill I per per- r aps pI be he voted the headliner r of th the bill hill billat hat at Q opens ns tomorrow with the theno nto no fO ri regular gular p performances rt at and 13 rhe M entire bill is js stron A A pupi I ft cf 1 that Uial sifted gifted artist ti Carreno J Ii W ho has lust t returned from t abroad tells f. f e foll nf A few weeks ago t o C carrero rr n Ad d thC thA con concerto in London n. n Irid played ra rad d It well wall sh she rayed played it in fl su uh auh h a It ii lann m r that at t t th the iii ol of the p perform perform- jc i the a audience 11 r refused fus d to calm A 1 m down ind n rid 1 among ng th m most st excited l ms i as 3 S on OI oat Old Oldan nan nan- an Jl who h J railed d V Br rara rava brava a I have haxe never heard it ita a better arrn sno gra graciously acknowledged d this and whim u-nn u she h was called gaIn again b before Core the footlights again he lie ailed n lied d. d No ever eyer played that concerto I Cr titan than J you have played It now now I she she responded s gl and l after t H it r 1 had 1 nd lapPo pp ne j or r four foOr times timE's eh M hp b bean AI Pi n. n low ins ji of or annoyance an at his Ills peril per per- I nt hl ten il compliments when whOn he railed al d out ut T r ought to know I wrote it m myself GripS GripS' it was wal himself h lf This was as no nor r l' a nt It- It was It-was was a n tribute tributo tati IS 11 lT none could bo ho gr greater t r orOr or Or lr Ton spontaneous ta ladam Carreno may b be h heard ard at tb the thet I t i 1 h- h atre Monday January |