Show flYS flY'S WING UPS flAVOR ORANGE i era CUR The Thi state d dairy iry and food department nt is in ill the tue midst f of f a campaign against mislabeled mislabeled mis mis- labeled d goods that may result in a number of prosecutions against wholesalers a anil retailers If the Investigations now nos in progress pro mess ress bring brine to light rot as many surprises and evidences of indifference to the tIme pure pur food fOo laws las in the th future as the they have havo in th the past few days dayI V Inspectors front from the state 1 derailment tm n t called aIled at Murray the first of or the wc week an and obtained many ta samples V of cit mislabeled lE tl goods Among the samples was wall a a. bottle botOe of Imitation oran orange orans tide T. T which mild lid not bean ar the name tiame of the manufacturer Tide This bottle hoUk turned upside down dorn and held to the thc light lIht re al revealed d not only much mud sediment nl hut hilt a larg large flys fly's wing slug which had be been n In Inside Inside In- In side sid of the glass glas i ever pl since th the package left the thc bottling works Other samples amples of extracts and anel beverages showed that the th products contained d many Impure and unhealthy un un- healthy Ingredients V This campaign will m be continued sa says s Willard Hansen Hanser tate state and food COO commIssIoner until every every- dealer in the sta state e has been visited and Cbs tha contents Of t the shelves itt ir his establishment carefully carefully care eare- fully Cully Inspected |