Show Many World Old-World Firms Firm Centuries in Business Budne Although h the United States may lay claim t to having more Industrial concerns con con- on cerns than any other count country It certainly certainly cw cannot annot compete compels in to length laneth of life Ufa of manufacturing companies with the Old world Any firm hers here which ii la 80 SO or 40 years rears old Is considered t on- on I usually tong long established and of longer life are ant few says lars lars' the Wall Walt WallStreet WallStreet Street Journal In Germany however there are two hardware firms which made horseshoes for tor George Georee Washington's Continental army and have bare been In 10 existence more than years yean There Is a large larre chain manufacturing concern concern- In to Germany which has carried on under the tb same name for tor more than yean years But the granddaddy of ot them all alt Is the copper copper copper cop cop- per producing business of ot Kupfer A. A G. G which has borne that title for about years |