Show Pioneer Ladies Enjoy Afternoon A happy group was assembled at th the e home of Mrs Alice B. B Bulloch by in In- In Wednesday afternoon for areal a areal real old tin visit bit the only regret be beIng being beIng be- be Ing the absence of those unable to be present Mrs Bulloch's daughter Mrs Marybelle Mackelprang had the affair in hand which was conducted mos most t pleasingly everyone's comfort bein being g considered The e table service for th the e three course luncheon was exquisite Alice Mackelprang and Delma Bulloch Bulloc assisted In serving with all aU consideration tion for those of many birthdays After Alte r the friendly greetings were over anc and old age infirmities disposed of story storytelling storytelling telling led the program Grandma Pryor's was spooky suitable for Hal Hal- lowen Jennie Corry who is acknowledged acknowledged acknowledged ledged the life of the party has al always allays al- al ways lays a stock of stories in store fitting every occasion that she sandwiches In with charming tact Elizabeth Leigh Agnes Macfarlane and Alice Bulloch revived a real pioneer stop The Old OldFort OldFort OldFort Fort Wool Factory according to their recollection was a two story building In n one corner of the Old Fort run bywater by bywater bywater water power the machinery consisted pf of wool picker carding machine and a spinning machine It was in the girlhood girlhood girl- girl hood days of the story telling matrons that Alice Bladen spliced rolls in this thU factory and each of them attended the dancing parties on the second floor of the quaint structure An outstanding outstanding ing event there was the wedding party part of Wm Win Walker and Janet Corry Mrs Bullock reports the couple as tall taIl and stately and how ho charming they looked as they entered the hall haU all present admired them as they gracefully glided gilded gIlded gIld gIld- ed down the center when dancing the seven even nations There is much more of ot interest connected connected con con con- with this history but we must await the publication of the Palmer Southern Utah-Cedar Utah manuscript Those present at this afternoon social octal were Mesdames Elizabeth EIlzabeth Leigh Agnes Macfarlane Melissa Julia Cox Stena Brown Drown Elizabeth Haight Height Bengta Adams Margaret Pryor Pry- Pry Pryor or r Jennie A. A Corry Lucile Luclle and E. E Crane Watson Arch is in Cedar after several several several sever sever- al months absence in Colorado looking after his sheep interests Mr expects to spend a couple of weeks in Cedar before returning |