Show How Wind If Is Measured the ne velocity of the wind Is u meas u u. cu u uj- uj an un Instrument called canea an nn nae It consists of ot three or four tour hollow hemispheres on the ends of equal rods rod at right angles to each other and designed to rotate roiate In a horl boil plane phine about the point of ot In of the rods The Instrument may tie he seen turning in the wind at any weather lIther bureau station How to Repaint Shades In order to repaint window shades stretch them on a frame frama of ot the proper size Silt dust and Iud wash with soapsuds and water Dry carefully To paint whit white n lI use e pure white lend lead tad for tor tints use Phone for tor solid effects In green or yellow ellow use pure oil color so 80 that a avery very thin paint or stain will cover over toone In to one Gout coot Turpentine Is better than benzene for tor good Hutting flatting The Illy lily U is the symbol of Easter because because be cause It signifies purity and because e It Is II one of ot the earliest spring flowers typifying the rebirth of ot nature after utter th the long winter sleep |