Show local and other matters FRIDAY fridays 3 DAILY 1 6 assault and abuso to 1 bill woolsey was find had indulging in an assault and of law lawyer keithley ethley an Indulge indulgence nee hee zhe the fine was paid J lie lle dirt from Nati national ondi bank of deseret cellar now in process of excavation being conveyed to west street and laid from the T 0 house southward as that th thoroughfare brou h is to td be graded up and smooth to be pros prosecuted eluted pa parties arties in habit of using water vater for when it is not within their time to do so should read the of or hyde from they will learn they will be prosecuted if it they do not desist the shooting scrape this afternoon the trial of sullivan charged with assaulting and shooting at john johh goddard with intent to do him bodily injury was to come oil oft before justice and a jury abury theeart the part of the charge including ban yan au intent to kill hlll had bad been previously withdrawn the matter the following telegram was received this af ter terno teruo boon tm ardd arid is deserving the attention of the postal authorities there is something evidently about mail matter in the mentioned I 1 ephraim ephraim july 9 1875 editor deseret jets Y ems cus has the rall rail railroad rodd bust or uncle violam sam pam collapsed with daily stage all sanpete is 19 without news the tho entire week more machinery this morning mitchell james jaines opened another batch of ran rah chinery machinery just juat received with they will ma manufacture nu facture the tops and hid fid bottoms of self sealing fruit canse ans thus creating a little more labor for abr the home mechanic and heip heir helping heiring ing to ste ate stem in the tide of importation por Vor tation last season beason the tho demand fo for nor that class of cans exceeded the supply jap no fear of that co contingency antin this year as the firm named can turn out as many as maybe needed the editorial excursionists the following is a portion of the pro gramme ot of the visit of the company p ny of altora editors who are expected to arrive heie here tomorrow to morrow marrow july 10 saturday arrive at ogden at pm and at this city at 8 0 pm 8 stay tay at townsend and walker cpr houses it 11 attend the tabernacle 12 visit american fork canyon 13 leave leate this city at pm and ogden at for the west I 1 not so A report lately became current to the effect that work on the utah southern bouthern railroad extension nam NaV was about to be pushed forward by means of a combination said to have been entered into by the comp company any with eastern railroad a d men inci inel including g 3 jay ay 0 gould gouid ouid sidney dillon and others the late visit of mr Mry pillon to this city apparently ad added ed strength to the rumor but we are informed that the matter t e r a alluded I 1 I 1 eded to was not the object of his visit aad neit nelt neither bier fier basany has bas any such combinations the one mentioned been formed bad zad boy boys last night a couple of boys boyi one orie probably about nine and nd the other about six years of age were taken to the city hall by some ladies ladles who believed the lttie ittle fellows to be diminutive vagrants the elder eider of the two told a cunningly woven story to the effect that they lived in ogden alid and that he was in s earch search of work they were werd kept overnight at the city hall and it was discovered this morning that their parents resided in the northeastern north eastern part of the City and that the elder had been arrested a short time bince since for breaking street lamps when questioned about a blanket he had with him liim he stated that a boy named gon wilson son the same who was caught stealing t a 1 inan i in n a room in ill the valley 11 house 0 u not ot long unco since had stolen the article from a wagon on the market square and had given it to him if those little fellows are arc not properly looked after and do chanow I 1 heir course their future not I 1 likely to be a bright one V 1 fire soon after one morning fire was discovered in northeast north east corner of the coal shed on the opposite side south temple street from depot the railroad alarm was soon sounded and the of the railroad rall Bail road fire brigade slice speedily dily dlly on the spot and did bervice service bringing a stream of to bear on the flames names from the large water t ank tank at depot 1 jy A light breeze vas ras blowing the southeast south east evist and the flames names soon spread communicating from the robinson to the hebeker shed which together three flat cars belonging to the railroad company which were alon aion alongside side the burning buildings were in danger of being consumed but were finally got clear after considerable sid erable difficulty owing to flames sweeping over them the fire soon caught the of the rocky mountain coal company immediately west of pa parallel liel with the others named antall and all ali of them were entirely destroyed dost st pt including a quantity of coal the bl members embers of the city fire brigade being aroused by the ringing of the bells at the tho city hali hafi hall hali and the wasatch engino engine house also repaired to tor the spot with their apparatus and did what they could to bring the tire under it is almost a wonder that some houses situated a few rods west of the mountain premises did not fire so far as we can learn the thol damage will amount to in the vicinity cl anity of probably about of the loss falling upon the mountain afountain company Coin pany and the balance between robinson and salmon and the railroad company the flames cast a bright glare lover loven over ovel the greater portion of the city when en the fire was at its greatest height and dense volumes of or smoke were sent up into the air ah from the burning coal the fir firo fire was either started by an incendiary or else accidentally y by some vagrants who manhave may have gone into the shed to sleep but tho the probabilities appear in in favor of the supposition of as no ordinary cause can be assigned the chalmen who are burned burne dout out are not killed in a business point view but are still in the coal trade FROM SATUR SATURDAYS dars DAILY dally JULY 10 more ore coal we are informed that h a very good deposit of coal has been discovered about ten miles form heber city in wasatch county acquitted W B sullivan tried before justice and a jury yesterday afternoon on a charge of shooting at john goddard with intent to do bodily injury was acquitted y ready for the shingles the new now meeting house of the seventh ward is so far advanced that the roof is now ready for shingling the way in which the work on the structure has pro bro progressed lately late y is creditable to the people pepie of that ward who have in manifested ani tested co considerable n sid erable public spirit in the matter more mutton althof although agh mutton is already somewhat plentiful in the mark market acet there will be more of it tomorrow to morrow when a flack of about two thousand head will arrive from idaho purchased there recently by mr charles popper tills this arrival will have a tendency to cheapen meat hereabout body found the body of the son of the late D R allen alles recently drowned in the river Jordan was found yesterday by mr hanks in the vicinity of the church farm about six miles below where he fell into the water the remains were in an advanced stage of decomposition the f funeral took place today to day the rehearsal we are requested to state that the south gate of the temple block will be open on sunday morning for the schools to enter the new tabernacle it is suggested that teachers should visit the families on each block this eve ning or early in the morning and notify the children to be at their schools houses early enough to reach the tabernacle and be seated feared by bi 10 choir excursion all xii desirous of obtaining tickets for the tabernacle choir excursion to lake laue side must be sharp as there is little timo timy remaining ma ining all who intend going should be at the depot on monday morning at sharp ath as no flats will be put on the road to aid those who may be a bar behind the party will be likely to have a fine time as all aie are expected to B I 1 natural and not put on airs but keep on the even fenor tenor of their ways not running counter to the instructions 0 of f the conductor those boys the two boys who stole the blanket from a wagon oil on tho the market square were taken before justice tills morning they confessed to the stealing and acknowledged to having got the blanket that they might be able to camp out fashion having concluded to conduct ilfe life in their own way they were remanded to td jail until their parents shall take charge of them the owner of the blanket can have the article on applying at the city hall suppression of gaming gaining this morning the police visited all of the saloons in town and notified the proprietors that in future they would be prosecuted if they allowed card playing or dice diee chrowl throwing ng on their premises the practice has been common for a long time and is contrary to municipal law jaw these gaming operations tend to induce boys to enter these drinking places leading them into dangerous and what ought to be forbidden ground utah educational journal vol 1 no 1 for july this is a ne new monthly of 16 pages devoted to educational licati onal matters edited by J M U coyner and published by the utah educational journal company compan y among the articles in the present number are historical sketch of compulsory education ll 11 61 methods in orthography duty of the government to aid education in the territories indianapolis to san francisco P cl history of education in ut utah I teaching as ps a profession salt lako lake city and its surroundings in jail again the notorious noto nolo rions ben bon tasker masker is again in 3 ail fill for a a wonder wader this time it ia Is not on a charge of ot catt cattle eattle leor ledr or horse harse stealing he is charged on this occasion mith with aiding and abetting an attempted escape ef of prisoners from the county jail the offense was committed a week or two since we dundei understand stand ahat that ien ben had stated recently thau thai he ho would hot P permit ermit himself to be pe ai rested arrested a any UY more but he was mistaken T and deau deputy ay iy F florida ohl ohi oil started out to find him last eve evo evee ning nine reaching the cotton ranche about four this morning mornin e where they found their dhein man arriving in tow town n with him this forenoon j the offense with which he he f is charged is a penal one an immense coal eleia it Is is asserted that the finest coal lands lauds between here and the missouri river kiver are situated Castle in valley alley NT on the sevier river and include about eighty quarter sections being belog impressed with the importance and richness of these lands a large number of gentlemen not nota a few of them mer meu of large capital reil regi residing ding in various parts of the territory have partially organized with a view to incorporating for fop the purpose of developing and utilizing this important coal discovery about eighty or more gentle gentie gentlemen morl maxi are directly interested and among them are W EL hooper john sharp william jennings jennin Jennia gs attorney Mars marshalla ballA haila 0 smoot I 1 J nuttall bozelle james miller A preliminary meeting was heid held last night when a board of eleven diree directors fors were elected and the interested parties were to meet again today to day for the purpose of bf signing the articles of agreement preparatory to 0 incorporating I 1 this is certainly a cott coti country of or great te sources resources ve we understand tand the name of the new incorporation will be the castle valley coal and ond mining company 5 FROM lio llo MONDAYS jda TS nally JULY aj 12 1 l t tabernacle meetings eldeir elder orson oraon pratt preached yesterday afternoon phoenix like robinson Bo binson and salmon and george geoge hebeker will begin in a day or two the erection of new coal sheds tOi tol take the place i i of those burned down ithe other night the singing tho rehearsal for the approaching jubilee at the tabernacle acle aclo yesterday morning was attended by abbat four thousand children and the singing under the direction of prof thomas was very excellent A number of strangers including some of the editorial excursion party highly delighted with it as well with the novel sight of go so large gathering of children 1 41 no waste water there is scarcely any water from city running in tho the stone culvert on jordan street or rather north tempie temple street it having been all turned into the water sects since the water has been turned off small boys have been traversing the culvert catching fish in the pools and have occasionally caught trout weighing as high as a pound apiece ben tasker rasker out again ben tasker is at large again he was taken before justice crismon on saturday on a charge of aiding and abetting an escape of prisoners from the county jail when he waived an examination the justice placing the bonds at the rather small figure of mr brown liveryman w ft and mr parlan pa i lan ian stage man became his sureties and he was released pending the action of the grand jury supposed effect of heat last evening the train from cliftons Clin tons had to be stopped twice on its way to this city to allow of the straightening of the rails which had been forced out of place supposed to be by the expansion of the iron caused by heat the delay was but of short duration the same thing occurred on the outgoing trip in the afternoon sudden death john mortimer a well known colored man a first south street barber died at his place of business between one and ten tea yesterday morning he had been ailing for some time but was not thought to bo dangerously ill ili his partner left him in bed about one and a gentleman happening to call about ten yesterday morning found him dead an inquest was held over the remains yesterday by coroner tayler taylor tay ler lor and a jury i death of martin harris harnis A dispatch from logan today to day brings the intelligence of the death of martin harris on saturday july 10 in his ninety third year he came to this territory six or seven years ce which time he resided at smithfield he was oneff one of the three witnesses to the divine dogin of the book of mormon and from that time he continued a a firm belli believer ever even in the principles of the gospel and thaworn of god in this generation although he held incorrect views concerning some of the prophecies another violent death afew A few days since james whayland whay land saloon keeper of park city parleys park and col nelson quarrelled quarrel led at that place in the fight whayland was knocked down and beaten over the head by nelson with a six shooter next day whayland did not show any dangerous symptoms from the beating being able to go about but subsequently he no was stricken down with congestion of the brain caused by his injuries and died the other day an inquest was held heid at park city and a verdict returned in accordance cor dance with the facts that deceased came to his death from congestion of the brain super induced by being beaten upon the head with a pistol in the hands of col nelson the body of whayland was brought to this city last evening and left at the office of sexton taylor the funeral took tool place this afternoon under the auspices of the society of odd fellows of which association he was a member col nelson is under arrest deseret silk association at a meeting of the deseret silk association held in the city hall july 7 among interesting remarks made pertaining to the cult culture ure uro of silk and obtaining machinery for the manufacture mann facture of the same it was suggested that in order to obtain a correct |