Show what an acre oan can do the following remarks by J bf smith a market gardener of green bay furnish some interesting statements of his experience in high culture he has found the rule ln invariable var lAble labie not a single exception to it that thab the more he has spent in cultivating and tw inurIng the greater have been beell the net profits per acre last beason season he cultivated loursteen lour teen acre acres and began with a more thorough and aud expensive cultivation ti than oven over before the result was that alth aith although bugh there was a terrific I 1 fic drouth drow th 11 one of the drnest seasons eyer ever known in irk that region regon afir cx pending expending gsg or per e acre lie be had bad a better bala baia balance lice ilce t than hp i dorany he appe sope appears ahi Abi to regard tOi const constant int cultivation especially esi I 1 peel aily ally through drow thin connect asail import ardt arit stable manure is the standard with such buch h lase use of super phosphates plaster tir fir lime ashes aches and defier other bin min re as sig epperle experience neb and phd good sene rene ont out out after you have iea ica learned r lied how low to spend ido irio lne iv 1 to the best advantage J he hb re remarks marki a larger profit may a be ladeby made by laying out per acre than with less after year yearl if af y your ur land does not pay all ail its expenses es taxes and ten pen per centon centen lood 1009 per acre there is something wrong somewhere I 1 have soma cres cres of land that did not pay J ata tj expenses nor for but lay or r a number of years past hare have pot failed fallad to pay ten per pen cent on at least 2000 per acre I 1 expect my ny whole garden kardent to do more jhan than that fi in a d short time timey he adds adda that he is biow now aiming at sv pt bus bushels heid helg of onions per acre flare then acro a crop of carrots ar or pr turp turnips jp pr bushels of early pota potatoes toes tops ari or if strawberries 1200 quarts or lius ilus bushels heis hels per acre this amount of is is not wholly 1 impossible as lwe iwo have knowli known under our dur own observation this rate on two thirds of an all ww acre griscom fr iscom in paper |