Show THEIR thele R STOCK IN tirade RADE Tj mormonism and the mor mons tho the imagined sylb of 0 the one and vices of odthe the others is the one inexhaustible subject with some people at all times and with many others when all ati other subjects fail fall in 14 every of topics mormonism i nil never nover neier fails falls it esthe la the one perennial subject for discussion and declamation it lives forever and remains perpetually fresh and artl fertile I 1 1 e it is the of big bonanzas to the T penny onny a liner a mino mine of inexhaustible to ne hunter of new sensations it is a I 1 tact fact that i there is squi ething in n it and the indications are strong that it will be found that lil til theres er dl mil mio mions eions ns in it ita attacks t tacks upon mormonism have aeri been the great stock in trade of telegraph and mail reporters of pr preachers eichers of vallous valious various ilous lious se sects 1 ets I 1 lil iii 11 their sunday sermons pious correspondence and begging 0 lectures of oy mone yand notoriety not notoriety orlet oriet y sedi seeking ing lecturers aers of writers of books of coveri governors I 1 and secretaries of judges and juries of attorneys arid marshals of generals and statesmen of politicians and would be thought patriots in fact what would all these people do if it lt for fon mormonism their occupation would be gone they would have nothing to talk and and declaim and fulminate against it is abuse of mormonism that has brought them what notor notoriety loty they have aade if nion mormonism Alor monism were to die they would uie aie for if not abusive to the mormons cormons Mor mons they are nothing they are not known in thela theia th elarid lia iia anything they may sia hia say y that is not base dupon abuse of til the 0 mormons cormons Mor mons falls as flat asa aga aa A pan cake perfectly spiritless inert life ilfe less not a few newspapers have lived and moved and had llad their thein being in abuse of the mormons cormons Mor mons 11 they have fed and flourished and fattened upon it it has been beon their friend ana their fame and their fortune when it has had failed they h have ave failed and they have become poor and despised and wretched with none so poor arld and low aa as to do thom thod reverence the more moro we ye think of or it tho the more are we i s 1 all ati gried d that it would never pay for mormonism and the K lorra ons ous to be squelched that cal cas ab would become of the political uricial and executive wolves who wilo prey upon them what could b substituted as the ultimate ultIma tB and un lan failing resource for newspaper pul pit platform and aAd bench matlow ke nothing mormonism id is good a thing think too rich a resource all kinds of sensation mongers bongers any ol 01 them lo 10 to really w wish ish it ut ter terly y abolished I 1 |