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Show vs.imm: mjwsy notks Thu following Interesting proginm was carried out July 4th. Hoisting tho flag at day light; Marshal of the day Mayor llenjnmln Rates; Chaplain Chap-lain F. C. Clark; Patriotic sonss by tho choir and congregation; Selections Selec-tions by tho band boys; Oration Wm II. Smith; Duct Allco Hates and Lit-olla Lit-olla Strong; Patriotic Speech Dar-nall Dar-nall Vance; Reading Mrs. R. C. Rowlands; Row-lands; Toasts nnd Sentiments T, F. Cailysle; Our Ood Illshop J. W Vance; Our Countiy howls Cameron; Camer-on; Our City Jnmes II. Smith; Our llnnd-Don C. Strong. Sr.; Singing by choir; Hcncdlctlon by Chaplain. Tho children wcro also entertained at a children's danco ln tho afternoon. Grand ball In evening, continuous dancing. Mrs. John Dover, Jr., and chlldicn of Cedar Foit spent tho Fourth visiting visit-ing with her mother, Mrs. Sarah C Muish. Misses Alta and Olive Uramblo are spending a fow days visiting their mint. Mrs. A. J. Dovoy. o . |