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Show funnel Driving I Record Established Ihe miller hill exploration tunnel is being pushed at rate of ten feet per day, besides being well timbered. I A record for fast tunnel driving in American Fork Canyon lehi,' established by Emil Nelson, who has the contract to la 500 feet on the tunnel which the Millerrllill Exploration ompany is driving on the Scotchman No. .'J claim, to catch the acific fissure on its suppossed southward trend into Dutchman rritory. Hne RdlUs being mislicd luto-tho li! it tbo rate of over ten feet per ftr end it Is no small tunnel cither. ei'erday was the sixteenth day slnco e contract was started und tho fnco B.' the tunnel Is now In about 1C0 feet nil the portal It is 7 by t feet In tho ar, timbered every foot of tho wny, ill a ditch to take enro of tho wntcr Bil plenty of room to put In an nlr w'tf which will bo necessary in n Kort time. Manager Karl gives us m reisoa for making ono of tho best luuls in tho Canyon, that ho ex-IkU ex-IkU to have n mlno In nix months iiants to bo icndy to hhlp soon ns W ore Is encountered. I The ground being gono through Is Ji!i!e or llmo fdialo. It Is nearly nil Picking" ground, only a small nmount 'hooting bcInK necessary. Eleven fca nl a cook are employed. Going Jlthe rato of 300 feet per month, tho Bwnt contract of 500 feet will soon bo completed, whcn.U,ls tho lnanngo- iriolrrBfWfci tract. It Is puro conjecture as to when tho fissure will bo cut. It Is continues to fault to tho south of the Pacific tunnel as It does to tho north, tho man mny break into it any time nf-tor nf-tor tho tunnol is In COO feet, b" tho Uutchmnn and Pacific workings about ono mllo npart aro on tho san fissure, then It la not probable that tho object will bo reached in less than 1.G0O feet. Mr. Karl hopes tho latter to bo tho enso as It will then glvo him douhlo tho nmount of ground to work on. Some excitement was caused Saturday Satur-day by tho announcement thnt a ful' breast of ore was encountered at a dls tanco of 100 feet from tho mouth. Messrs. C. W. Karl, J. C. Jensen, K. O Jensen and others mndo an auto trip up tho canyon, but found it to bo only thrco foot of shale carrying a llttlo copper. |