OCR Text |
Show A . vAtU i yfTxxi rA- Ac A - M aAw AAh. , .,y' ... rscx- v,, ... ..'-;i4 t- ?:y1' x 7 ' J -via rn7 . laj a -'H $ 11 :. 1.1 HERALD PHONES DOULARS SPENT WTr " s j- '- ' -: ' . ,, . - . .. . ; , . . '-..- . -r-v- - - " ,T ' ;vVa .. -V- -A A-- 1 1 . J. ' x , - , V - - . A A ... r. . . FORTY-FIfTH YEAR, No. 277 TODAY Arthtirx Brisbane Miv Shapiro's Dread in India-and In Iowa, Shall the IdW Hlfcer--jiatet - V Stalwart Canada HOOTIISfG, of gangsters by gangsters continues,-and would make - an Interesting added vv, chapter for Kropotkin's "Mu VMutual - deatrucUon tntns the j ; uigticr mans, uuv inc ciui. 5 places are soon filled. it X--3enjtmin Meyerson of the Shapiro gang boasted (hat he wad jnhe best C dressed , racketeer in Brownsville V His next costume '. nft fashionable, will be supplied by . an undertaker! . - f M A . Joseph . Orottall - another g&ngH - was VIllArl Afar th inot on ' which; Meyersottvwaa placed. Both 5 ct-cohvicts yhad been a released or . letout joa . bail after ' crimes ,nhat V should have made t Impossible for them.to do.anyharm for '20 years, ai least. . " A . ' Tho chief of thelrgang, Shapiro, recently' killed. chad peculiarities. lie was not afraid of bullets, andJ proved It. "But heVwouldxrun sob--bing. Jf anybody pulled a knife on -; Our imagination and antecedenJU Nrale us. -Our-ancestors have- eeen 1 ktrt ve and! their work f orso many hundreds vpt : generations-, that ; wc all dread them., Bullets are new and - we hardly 'Taelieve ln themJ ' . v ".f -v " 1 ; " v V """' iNDIA'S -natives, : under, British law. - must submit . to v modern mthAd: of fizhtlnJE .'the plasrue ; 1 rhey ? do not v like this and fight ..against It;, Insisting on their right to swim in the '"Holy Ganges", river, ' although corpses of those dead; of r : the Plague n,ay b floaung upon u. Iowa's state .law, corhpela- testing cattle to make sure that they are not tubercular, aegood aea, pjca V children ieet consumption f rom the milk . nf tubercular ' cows. But it seems-a badtldei to some Iowa farmers and it has been necesaaty to call out w& mintia to project thOJC that have beeneent ,out to . test the cattle. A ' . ; ; , . DISCO VEHY of inauiU-. jjarvel--oua remedy tar diabetes, be- comes more Important and marvelous marvel-ous 4n view ofrecent scientific aug? ' Editorial ' Society Business ' V t- r : V- ! f:J':.'C.'f.. . f'''.', " .V.'V'..1. rrT- :-.v, , . r- i ? ' ; i r ! rV- ..n',. . 5i. ;f, ;, ' .-, , T n , ' ,? , - , . . f . ,'tr x r- x rt ttt . s- im - Tl'- ' tx K-.r '.AAA:-:x::. ::-;:a. ,.vv.iu:-' A-x'i l-W.. - A'learnedo Briton says that ln-1 ln-1 . sulin would enable the reemployed to hibernate as the groundhog, bear . ahd other animals, do InXwinter, curling, up, takiiig In barely enough - oxygen to' keep the heart going and. V; eating nothing, ' Interesting jjplu- Mon ' the. unemploymenttnd dole 'problems,' perhaps. ' A ' . v But- the thought of five: ox six. . rhlllion workers apd their. f ani.l - cyrled. lip jn the dirk, all winter; is I ' unpleasant w A ' " Englaid vVithdrhws temporarily - f rom the gpld ndrd and ,Can ?Aada, het sUlwart soru announce a Canadian dollar backed .with., gold the- same aa the UnitedyJStates doK lar. ;jYou wonder how xsoon Ung- land'a hild'rnv Canada and oiherai may be taking care of , their ancient C' mother - , j, .A-4-" "' ' i i-J- -"TNot veryoon. probrMy, for ;the power of intellect . te in - Britain. A the mdst lmportan ai all wealth ana inaesirucuoie. .PAGEANT ItEltEABSAI H. ,The pageant - of children, seven and eight years of age, who fcaye - been asked to take part in the 'i show "West of, .Broadway; spon- sored by the Provo city .band, will r meet at the-high .school auditorium , Saturday at 4 p. m. v , - Tlie "Weathei- US ttah fair io- night slnd-- Satuiv day; allrhtiy rarmer wet por-ttohut por-ttohut n I g ltj frost southeast portion., v v , tlstxlmnxn temp, j Thursday . . .70 ZljjtlszstixL tetatpC Xhursday , , ...,496 ,. . . f a PR OVP, First ofriear of 'Markers of Histbrical PotAW is Pre sentcikTo the PublfcCH. Ii. Notables Attend Rites. Markmcr ani)r5ximatelv the same sp"t whre Father Esca-lanf Esca-lanf e a stoiwi and preached ChristianityXlto western Inr dianr 15&-years ago, a 'crowd ot overt 1000 school children public yt f icialsu an residents gathered; this morning at; 11 &'cloek to dedicate . a ironoment markefto1 the courageous mission ry. X- - - - V s Viu Vxi The BtriRing monument, staffdmg on th"outhwest corner of the city ahdkCOtthty buUdlng bJtock, is, a six- foot granite slawith.- a; bronze plate.It isrthe first of a sehea of monuments marking important historical his-torical spots on' Utah trails to be erected by the Utah Pioneer Trails 'iThdv impressive ceremonies, inu charge orHpnorabie-George Aioen. Smith, opened by 'the; congregation pinging 4'AmerlcaL!L led by Miss Melba ; ' pastrUp, and accompanied by. Ethel Jlogan at the piano. Rev N. CS. Wallr bt theProvo Com- muniiy, enure n ojisrea iue invoca tion, . - t ' , ; Elder Smith "sUted7 thatx father Escalante'a missionVwas -"to do all the good ho could with all the"Hgbt he had" ViP3 hrief . remarks coh- cen.inic jscaianie ana me purpusa ol th$ monument In his name' were terminated .by saying that Provo as the end! of the trail In the journey jour-ney : of i the '"missionary. Compli. mentin the schools children upon giving; their pennies' , to iContribute the stone, he said that -it was true that, "the j6eartgvor: the fathers are being '.tu'rned to the "children and the hearts of -the children are being turned f their fathers." r A ITwo; vocal numbers; were suhT be, male quartet directed o (Continued Orf Pa;e Seven) Hovti Goes To f - , - -i '.jf i - I INVE " A. u Vitoj f Pion .team again; -captured the hon-;,;Dr. hon-;,;Dr. ft.'.V.Hoyt dean , ot orsv!n thV horseulling contest at lege of commerce of ;th Brhanj Uoiintftir, Thursday. ySl 'Outpulling Vll CorSpetitor in the received .an appototment as dean peavywelghtV clM8r th. oVerlade o? the. School o pommerc at Ore- team omy Captured ftrst place, gon-Wec6llege, acordrng to an d m 8pecia wn the announcement rom I - Dr.' Koyt sucqeedsl. A. Bexelf, who v retired recenuya ,eanr emeritus, after, t3syeara ofjsontln-uous ofjsontln-uous Service as th head of ijtebldv est school of business on tho west coast 7 '-'f ''"AA " - A y , Dean Hoyt was born -An " Tephl Where the . attended the pubUc 4tChoqls,Iaterk entering the Brlgham? Young university aftd the Tellurlde rpstltute. ; : Ha received hla.B. S er, jjree from JPurdue university;' Iiv dlanar Jn 1313 and hls TM."B. A-,from A-,from Harvard in 1917 V ' ' Splendid Tfalnlng A ' I'A y,.. V. From 1&13 tn. "-Ifllll, h&wflB aibiLst- rani engineer of ,: the Idaho" Power ompanyy and froTrt IsltO 1821 he aa; Industrial..' englneer New If ori Cltyr coming to the B. U. professor of buamesir? administration admin-istration 6 deatt of 4he'. college of commerce' that year.lHe spent hlavsabbatical leave in 1928 and 1923 studying ' aid Stanford Uhlverslty California, -' receiving his Ph. D. Jiere v. In t the. graduate' school of business," being, the flrtt and,to idatcr, only graduate in business ad- J ministration. - "'X - v He has been .very active la L. D & affairs here- and also took great interest Jn-all civic movements.' UTAH "COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1931. Dancing Gains VPopiilarity A- X-" v X'sx & , v , X vX ' rr5 -; - X V if ?.. N 1 l " k . - - va f'xW -: V-: : f,A .V-.i I A v-A, -5s; Aix P Ail A ;- , r a; - - ,VA - r '' -. 1" '' '". 1 - ' "'' .V . 1 1 - , i - ' Ufah State . Trainiriq School OfficiaHy Opened Thursday HORSE PULLING EVENT STAGED Urban E. Overlaae's State hampion Team Supreme At County Fain , Urban E. Overlade'a atate cham- f j &wr 0f pullljD more thau Its own weight. ?m S.lzS Pounds x The team, which "weighs 3,120 poinds pulled ,S,000Apounds tq win-first win-first and '.then pulle 3,125 pounds to'copthe4 extra I10. -V A Second rnlace ' ' In this v d Ivlsion wthVio the team of Walter Bush-nelj. Bush-nelj. of Oremvho pulled 8.000 pound 23 feet three Inches. The I regulation distance 'Is . 27; feet; six third place,: his" .teampulling, 2,900 pounds a 'distance of 25wjfeet-W '.Joseph W. .Wiscombe's team from Mapleton won the , middleweight honors by pulling -2,t50 pounds the iull distance.;" .Roy Park's team placed second pulling the same Weight 25 feet - sc inches. Third place was won by,D. W Patten of Orem.with a team that puller 2,609 pounds a distance, cf 26 feet -six inches, AA T7 Ar " r titeley eam llns-- ' V- A k ,Thek winning' team In vther ifght-wetght ifght-wetght division belonged to O. A.' WhiteleofAmerican Fork., Weigh zz 2,623 pounds, the team succeeded succeed-ed In pulling 200. pounds the full distance;' Second place was award ed la Shirley Ferre of Provo,whose. .(ConUnutd. ..ageClsWi-! Uttle Anaabelle Tichy is typical of thousands ; of western children Avho are .learning intricate intri-cate dance steps, as a o p p t n g , stones to health. Dancing holds a aeiinite place as a recreational activity and health builder. Banquet, spection rogram and In- Buildings t'ea- tureti At American Pork. V ' V Utah State "Trainine school was officlal- ry epenea. -xnursaay Ahignt wnen the, Lions club of Jthis. city, was host o s banquet. f program ' ' and' . inspection of - the w . . . i rt . n a w .. .m. . m . - - - - - r- of the,evenlng.-, v , liartquet Tor 120 . , : , Cpmmencing at 8 o'clock the banquet ban-quet was served tc42tf persons. JThe tables )are spread In the basement of theservice building. Lions' club resident, Clarence Grant, , introduced intro-duced the master of ceremonies pf the evening, District Goyemor Guy. 3. Richards, who took charge. Dignitaries of t5e state who were present were. Governor v George H. Dern, D. A. Skeen, chairman of the state, trainine school v board; Dr. 1 Frederick Dunn of ihe. UUh state hospital at Provo, and Utah'County Commissioner J. W.: GUlman, also included among, the guests were the presidents of Hiealt Lake. Murray, Mur-ray, - Lehi, Pieasah Grove and Heber Lions' clubs, representatives of ,'the Utah Power and Light company com-pany and the Mountain States Telephone Tele-phone company,' . t c f , . Dr. P.Q. Wittenf . Sduth Carolina, Car-olina, head of a slmjtar, Instltutlori In t that staf e, and , the temporary head o'f the trtah State Training school, outlined the future policies of the choV explained briefly, the plan under which it shall be oper-ated; oper-ated; and declared the school would be ready td open within, four or five 'days. He reported that the present unit of the School, if flfled to capacity, capac-ity, would accommodate about 200, including : the farm dormitory, and the staff of employes. He pointed out also that due 16 Insufficient nousing, the, staff personnel of the to state and county officials, and t members of other i lions . club tfct ough ut ther ute, r A X X. NEWS WIRES y UNITED PRESS ATTACKS IGIONNAIBES KANSAStJITY, Mo., Sept. 25. OLE) The American Legion convention altitude 6tt nltrdr was bitterly con4 demned today by Dr. Clarenc True" Wilson., secrettfry " of the Board of Temperance, . Prohibition and Pub tie Morals ca the Methddlst Episco-pal Episco-pal church. A A. , " 1The ' convention are planned ahead of time as drunken orgies in defiance of the laws the men as soldiers sol-diers have taken-, an oath of, alle glance tA support," said Dr. Wilsott on his arrival here., to address a, Methodist conference. CONTINUE DEATH PROBE HTTNTlNGTotf, JU L; .Sept. 25. (UJR-The coroner's inquest ihto the mysterious death of Benjamin P. ColHngs, waa continued today after a week's recess. 7mW. Oclllngs, wife of the mnrdered man, appeared to i - . ..." ACVIEE jvt PdBTLASri PORTLAKD. Ore., Sept. 25'(UJ AlnM SmnU SfcPherson' Was to - i , .f - . u . juagea ana piacea .xnursaay. uiue leavotor Los Angeles tonight aXterU iDDOn aniwhtte.rib-deSlcfiUng aniwhtte.rib-deSlcfiUng the . new Pour SquareTi; iul.tj - Gospel temple here. SLOT MACHINESIjnHELD SALT LAKE Cltf, Sept M.'d'J?) Slot-machine operators were jubilant jubi-lant tcday after a court Victory in which a'.crlminar complaint against 16 of their number was dismissed. t : . WONT JOIJ DIL PLEA SAi.T LAJS EClTY, Sept. 57 lXB)'i Governor George; H. Dern had today to-day refused i to. participate in the campahtrCof ,.oil producing states for ah oil tariff oroil. embargo, s . - GIVE .WOOD TO HEED Y . RIGBY, Idano," Sept. 25. OXRW-Wood OXRW-Wood which has been cut. and piled itV grubbing and clearing for an ,18 mile highway section on the Warm River-Yellowstone highway north, of Ashtoni will be given to the public pub-lic free of charge. . TTBW PEACE SUGGESTIOX MOSCOW. Idahe'pt. ?5. Ub-Ne Ub-Ne w, peajeejrfeatles.drawn now that the bitter feelings ongehdered by wars have had years in which to cool, are ; Sator William ,E. Bor-ah Bor-ah sugeatf6n as an aiti to the out- lawrj of "war. . . 7'- - ' - . vLEAGITJhJ OFFER REFUSED bNRVA. Sept 25. ULPW-ISfforts of the' League of Nations, to settle Japan and China were dealt a se vere blow today when Japan reject ed the council's offer to promote meditation. Todays Scores - : i AMEBIC A LEAGUE Washington 020 100 0 , New, York'., 001 001 , V Boston.. . Philadelphia 000 100.0001 1-4 Z 00O.031-03X 7 11 1 -, Registration At 1 :Witli:Mny . , Registration matntnery at: Brlg - -'. . .-vi.i4 . . , a.. . A ham Younfir : university was found to be in better Condition thai aver before when students-began arriving arriv-ing at an early hour Friday, according ac-cording , to Dr. F. SV Harris, ' president presi-dent vof, the school.' v 1 The removal of the president's offices- -ts lu. the Maesersi Memorial -building on University r hill, mado necessary a complete change In the registration systom necessary. ? The students first wentnto the Maeser "btiiJlng where th.ey received their cards after which they wera direct- I ed to the Heber J.' Grant ' library. whera -they- met irtth-.taeir,- Aeaca TWENTY PAGES Mm i i liiiiie School Children Enjoy Visit At Fair ; Grounds Friday . Governor .DernA Attends During Afternoon." Fncfay, he- second day pt) the Utah county, fair, began bright and clear, warmer tnan.the previous day, and a perfect daior such an event, after one of the best opening sessions Thursday in . . :' 'x . - i -: tne nistory 01 ma orKaniza-V0n orKaniza-V0n according to officials. Friday's crov;ds- began arriving early a Friday had been designate i W Governor day: and children's vday. Goverribe Xeprge . perrr or. hlapersoftal representative waa expected ex-pected 1y the throngs wno gathered to make- a day,' it. ; - " v i; , - . ' Considerable interest was shown in the exhibits which had 'all been judeed and placed .Thursday. Blue b0ii fti&rked the various classes Cvmmnnity Exhibits--. " s PractieaUly every' . community in jLreat dal of attention and proved that the-valley. is choice above most lane 3 asr aplace "for the. growing of fruits and vegetables. " . - The afternoon program Thursday met with, the, hearty approval of the crowds. The pulling matches aije such as -can be seen in few places outside of JJteh valley. These matches wefe intersperaed with acts by' tL-: cow"boy clown Ed Hender-shpt, Hender-shpt, and - his . trick .mules. Home Brew and Midnight, by trick and fancy riding by Ed Bowman and trick roping .by Tiilie Bowman. The Hollywood baby stars, Valene arid Thora: Stewart In dance numbers, num-bers, x cohtortlons, arid acrobatics plus tight wire walking. Miss Eva Cox, of Fairview, with her bell-like yodeling voice, were all of unusually, unusual-ly, high entertaining quality. ' v Horse Bacea Start : V , Ac few horse "races were run off LTfiursday, but the main-race card (Continued On Page Five) 3 NEW YORK, sSept.-25. (tlR)-A series of moves to curb bear raiding raid-ing tactics on the New York stock exchange today brought a - swift change In sentiment and-prices' pushed up 1 to 5 points' in active turnover, i v - - The session was marked by a serUa of rapid changes. At one time prices crashed "through their low If or the; bear market., Then they turned and moved up as swift ly as they had declined. Throughout the tbty U.; S. Steel commanded what appeared to 'be organized .banking support. It was carried tip4, froin 75 to above 79. I against a previous close of 75 H.1 It held most of the gain. YOpens Hand and filled . out : their ards.This J . Vm.mh4.iI thii MiMrlMi system prevented the congestion that has " some times occurred in past years; yA .v . Lee Van Wagoner arrived on the ground shortly before 10 o'clock to make films of the "registration. students from the outlying towh were , much - in evidence . Friday morning. . J t . A 'eri Registration win continue Satur day and Monday;: Instruction ,wiU beglnt Tuesday, but of course those who find it impossible to register earlier may do so later, fin the weelf?7byUmaktog apacial appoint- rnenta witaJha deinsu s STOCKS . lit , Utah dounlylMean ' Utah County TODAY erne- Mayor Olson of PrifyeUrges Abolitidnq: Partv Desiirnalibri-AtItihkibal 'Elec- v lions; AnriiialiBanquet Tonigfit; a "Millions of dollarava;lieen ---aviD-:tHei6pIe''of:X gan through the operation of; jts municipally owned power, planty' declared Mayor A,. G.r:Lundstrornr i. aa fntfresting,. address on "Municipal Ownersihip of Utilities," delhVredtat the opening session of the Utah JState Municipal league;, this morning. ' .. - - AA--- ; ' i - ..A . -. The address 6i the Logan city Official, the highirghtwo tha morning session, foUowed the," president's annual address -by Mayor W F. Olson of'Erice. - f . . A- Pfoct rlc V fViPf ' "A I f League Sessions A 7.. MAYOR W- F, OLSON, Pric MAYORI A. j F. V LUNDSTROM Logad - s PROVO GIRtlS WHGOUEEN f Zelma Adamson, -cpopu xBvtoyo beauty, was crowned ejueenj'he- aueena ' of TRah valley during'' the. evening exercises .theflrst day t Tt-. -4-W.. I !-tT"...-.-.' 'Four judges, all from fealt Lake City and ; entirely linacquainted with. the seven qt:eaa o.the valley, decided' that -,MIss Prdvo,l"Zelm Adamsony should reign over; Utah valley tor the coming rearjThe Judges were Burl ArmstrongV Ham ilton Park Ray Btady andsJ &rfi .V Thavjother ,-. six.i''beauties..of the county, Mlss LehLv represented' by Audrey DavJs; Miss ; AmeIcah Fqrkv ; MWs i Afton, .Stroiuitj-Mlsa Champions Uty r j Utmtj Ownership A I I 4 -rrr - - PRICE (NT$, 0f:bgcin Aore wan aiv ciiy .oiiicmiarepre-. - "li-tl'''.-..i.lt(k-.A-. T a- . f- Str Gjprge had registered and , re- Ceive'd;?their badges before Voon to-n' day v - Otherarwere5 arriving hourly - indicating a sti greater attendance for the Fric ay ftarnoon and Sat urday's sessiOnsvAv. A . v ' -Presldenfft Adlrese C. , ; ! After the raeeting.had been called :" io order, jat r the Provd. First ward recreation hall.' PresMent JT.i WU- . tiam'Knlght Vf ered ,tle Invocatlon-In Invocatlon-In ' behalf of the people of -Prvo. " Mayor Jesse N. J&Ierfeon extended a3hearty welcome to Che delegates and- their wives. : Mayor i'Harrv Beagley of Nf hl iuada a fittinrf re- sponse in behalf Qf vtbyisltors .s- In. the absence of Mayor John F. Bowman "of ' Salt Lake who i waJ scheduled, to give id address thla nilClt1 nil' . Plnat' . vi Rotary rMeeti Visiting UUh V'executi vesenoyf , ea: a aeugntrurnour a-guests or. Provo Rotariana at the cuVs week- ly luncheon meeting UtHotel. Rob-; m ejts Friday. The group .whfchi fill-.. fd the dining room oft the hotel ' were greeted by Paul'.? Vincent. president of. the xrginizaU0nand' also, by Mayor Jesse EHrtson.'- Mayor W.-F. Olson bt x Price. president of the ITtahr State Munici pal league, vras introduced, and in tuirri ' asked o introduce, the visit- teg executives. In d'eing ed he re-; ferrtd to f hem as the'iehockt ab sorbers of Utah." JMr. piaon spoke- optimistically of the economic, ottt- fook He expressed tb belief.' how-s cyci, uiai uictc io . w , , gicov ii . . . IV... - Ui. ' ' "...l ' centralization of wealth, " too - much ' lust" for power and ' for 'gold ? for I-drftbe wdrld good. " -, .; --'"i..;- Clare, N. Stannard, pasifpreident of. the, Denver1 "Rotary ;fclubr spoke briefly. ;lHe drew a pictureof eco nomic 'conditions " In the west as conrpared.with those-in thi. .larger centers of the 'ea6t and declared .that the west is prosperous JivconA .. s . .x. T. x . pr? I ..f V V i . The entertainers were ' a!v string "trio "composed of LucUe i Merrilb SIna Brtmhali, andVo'y 'Batehelor; Melba; Dastrup. who sang, a solo;' little Johnny Leavit who sang .and, read, and: Mrs,- Fred Dixon, who gave a jreadlng : Legion Chief U f- i p Denies CJiarge fbfDrWUsqn ; . DioiTUiciu sepfcr&s: (HElU-Henry L. Stevens, 'War- flaw, ; iNC-r' 'newty 'elected 'commander' of the American . Legion," today refuted, atate-' atate-' ments ojtDrtCIarence Trua WUson and' " asserted Cjiat. , there "were fewer, drunks ; at m thfes-eonvention than at any .convention.-, ' is ' . " v: ' !fA minion df us haye'ttotxl v f or ' the ' constitution and, jitin Ado-stand for Itr Stevens said- ?'Thls is atCSsted !by the fact "that : 50,000 ; haVi ' lth"er died f or ara how Bfferlng af. living ueain vn ccunv oi n.eir tove itfortha cdnstlttttloa an4taiir ' ;:?country:f A ?$fcr?l AA A "Id war dayf prcpaandtsts ' actfuse'd tis of being rnilltarts-1 rnilltarts-1 tic Ii tce.e days .they 'Jnis-.. construe nour stand7 for f ree-, ree-, , dotn of' preti and epeecV ... .TLi i-. . Is V ...m -,.rfr r - v : .,fci.. - |