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Show 301 v S j ;r A- y 3 rust 'A ) Irom'Skillets SelrEIsewher. For;$l-57!K:', . :ASJ ' A m anufaftturer v fceasiontThat Is "wby these-; V double - Hoped skillets cosV ao.. S. little. They're- ; gronna a . if. a polished, aYid hold hve,a t. .. TheyVoBy 1 scorch f Jod L1 ' iv-rA- Persona AlNtfOneHas K X-t T CI U11C1CU 1U1 $1 aHatValiue - Equal to This!" T. (H. Coopei' . , "A V millinery; 1 o f f e r ' , y " o u ! Can't V Equal 'Anywhere ! ,yalues - a old elsewhcre t-for: to $195! ' fifao. quality Felts Rafter 1 the latest Paris J styles! Newest - 'Fall ihs p.e s, a n.d. tlm; mlngs',7 Hiick.Towels ; ;:Xike Thesef e ;; ; Never oldt ; uniy zi ujozimi 1 7." VirO C.'B-' Freeman, ' I1A A "A 41.15; value! '. h e . - mamivfa.tnrPT '" actually aoldr .'. ' tbsm to us at a 'y. loss,-,- in r appre- : elation -of the big towel busi xi e a 8-:..iwavV .'.glveu . theroJ Jfuck Towel. 18x34 ?n., fast .-. eoldr borders.? i "Men Caps N6: V Better Sell m r Xeadirig:, Stores : : at $2 and Moire!? r-r-B Griebel- - "A-man's cap! Genuine V all . wool - S h a w, -fabrics! Vl 1 wool. Fall. pat ; teris, satin lin- Mng,-r . leather sweatband, unbreakable un-breakable tud- .r'ber' visor- A "'" ' " w : ' " '-' -: . "Biirgest Value in -Work Shirts; for Men Since Pre-WarDays" -E. JR. Larigan 'AT- TYes, sIr,s;for - . similar quality others ja.sk. 79c to 89c . Teach Fine cham-brpy, cham-brpy, ,,full cut. - double back and shoulders, - coat style." !1 U .--?i? ffTO J atration of Value Givijiq, y M 1 H, . fl . T r i r--. -gi J-- - . VTT W V? IT , p-- . , .. . . . t t " f - j 4 t " 1 ' - - - r . K5 in LI I TV I Thmkoflt! r xin uuanty, Electric baffle Vv- Til '' ivi V iron ior m.uua ;Kv;; AvxC a I AX AAT.MaleiA CKd Set ''Same quality as .'rons;to " $6.00, fMakes C-inchAnraffle C-inchAnraffle instead in-stead of 7-ineh. Element jpjar anteed 5 years. - Nickel plated J gerie, Firm. last' -,25c. quuts. Xrd .vY- J liA America's Fastest Selling PurC Silk" Hosiery Ix :VOtKerl)Ask$I35 f brthelSameJ . v r ChiffoQnd Seryice V" . FU LL S H--A ;i;0 N E DHo3e- . "vfashionablY : sheer: Cs pemanentiy dull; : French heels, cradles .SUitrs; piCUL U)ps. -.;lcngths!Sizos . 10. a:7.A'-X5 a" Finest Materials rand Work mcutsliiiy ' nnfnnhp.rp. -Louis; : , 1B9-195 Vcst Center-; ,.f!! .'-tJ -.- v. "Chicken Eryer A Vould Cost You $1.95 andUp Elsewhere!!' A ' '-TP h fanln make thisar-gain thisar-gain possible. XJrounda'n d polished cast - ' IroV With a I f,- toasting' COvef. ft fries fevcrythinvg de-IlfciousryJ de-IlfciousryJ "-For "waterless cook- inir. Loo!"' - Crepe, ue yu.,' PCet ana u.r4 -' shades, f orf all frocks jm g ' 7 Washable, , Yd:: : . . Pure Dye Flat Crepe-ifor lin-A- dresses, linings- N g ' Yard ll i-epperrei irlnts r Guarantee colors. Inil920 was gS t X 7-yds, ...O . S'EtA - JMowerca Satins beautiful for . - 4 tf- :...-....' A ZPV , Outing Flan neixr- Warm a'nd -fleecy 27 . and 36 in, wide: 10 yds.V '1 ' A - -7 A - ; A . V- . A' v ' . N I - Finer quality;-smarter style than r. eisewnere at; J5iacK . ueue v;a Tie, calf trmiminv. . .brown ring A lizard Tie-brown calftrimming- 1 Cuban heels V.N black patent Pump Y our PJoicbor I "Think o f It! $1:75. Moi. and.-. Pint Johnson's Wax for $1!' P. Boglcy f You can't beat i this) dust get- ter at any . p r i c e! It's thick, fluffy head sr extra large arid re versible, v Has - sheepskin covered cov-ered sclampt to protect furnf-: furnf-: ture. Complete -with pint r of wax," " 1 , New New 7-Tube Airline Radio with Mighty XXENTODK Tubes v ' ;-'$46V9'5-'A-. ":-A 1 A - , A Complete with Airline Tubes i ' - 1 andXInsUlJed-- Fully licensed by NR , C. A. J and Ilazeitino N . , . - x" V Superheterodyne for distance 1 'gcttirig power 'and interfer- 1 'erice ; preventing - selectivity. M v -Mighty PENTODE " Super A Powder- Tubes--Screen , Gird k Tvbes--continuous tone, "con- ' ' r : troit latest type super r dy-;X-'namic'- speaker. $5.00 ; down. A ; $k60 1 Monthly Small CaTYfjfir' Fine ehclr . A Bench of This Quality wasC- 02.GO . Walnut flrflsh. ; Upholstered In-" rapestry " or Jacquard Ve- " 3 Iour.: Bargain! ' Savoo lVloney USA'- mm v Kadio B &3 LOOK, Boy's Sweater Waist; . .Pants!- AHf6r$t.OO" .w. ' 'J. H. Arrhr "C o-ni p 1 t e v warm'putfit!" A-1 i w o'o I s"A.-c vej g s sweater full-linad full-linad cassimere 'pahts,7 broad- Xclotriwaist. Plain - a n 1 . fancy colors .yearsj.". ' PCS. in those. Ve ill M H It x:. Fabrics Patterns New Styles Extra Trousers $4 00, Jorapare With ANY Suit Priced DOLLARS MORE .Values like 20 years agol Values never surpassed . even by Ward's ! Extraor dinary tailoring, that m-sures m-sures splendid - fit. New " Fall fabrics f rorn Amer- tea's leading woolen mills;- famous, for fine suitings.; You won t find this tailors ing"; with. these fine, , dur. able materials . in any - otner suit" a n y wnere "priced so low- Correct "style patterns aiid TcolorsUhat you'd see ohFiftfr AVgnud. Single , and vd6UbTc' b i Ca s t e d ;. JrindeLs. Reular, s i s? es, sjAh shorts lah(fstoutsstfDAnlt: I in today--and SA VE I -At' - 13-PJate Battery " . ' $10 Battery Value! uU of . Quick-Starting PeplS-PIate 06.75 Less 50c with ; 01d UAttery ' Winter .King j sp'jis your motor mo-tor qu I ckly! Guaranteed , 18 months. Superhetrodvn hm at-Ward'o-Why Don't Yoii? "Value! 81x90 ; Longwear Set 7 Sheet ahfiTwou Cases to, Match!9? CTI Leonard E. Slack Set "Cotten-at its lowest; ,v,..v a mill about to close . :. the slack season here you have1: vth storyv of this amazing offer !Our best -selling Long-Wer Long-Wer Sheet , and two 42x36 in. Cases," 52.45 3crewiDi-iver ThU Medium Size Usually Sells' for v $2.43 A Bargain! Improved right or. left hand l action 1 large ' ; and ,.'1--. small " screw' driver. Toaster with Cord , Same Quality Sells Elsewhere at .$1:65. See what you Save! ' :.!.-- ;' .... Polished, nick. . . el finish. Guar- anteed ;e .l je Anient. D an ML s"', miss i ' ; ;' A mmmiwiiMimmm - . '. ' -'' t " .', S 1. is-a $10.oa gun! '''ffever couia you ouy its equal at this low price. Another . Ward- buying scoop makes it possible now. Compare these ; ' -fpahnat -v v-:j ' ; :. ' The blued forged steer barrel is stand the heaviest loads! New hammen. Positive Automatic Shell Rtnri x. vanadiurn steel working parts. stock. Safety lock X. J . - X X; eveBef ore Has a . T '-' Axeiiunie xtiversiae lr"-. - ' -w-k " - iseen rricea o Low l- Made by one- of the largest tire 1 limit as to TIma-jir Mijeagei r-7 Mate Prices X- B-Plv Prices X 29x4.40 . -M4.4o i S t. ' -r. A ' V X " ' y' !A:a W5rth$L5 f pt Anybody's S -Money!" H- E. Lohrber ,v "Same ; quality V i m p o ise d 1 i n en; finish r ticking" as used on' 'our most c x p en s i v e Pillow! Manufacture!", Manu-facture!", ' with overstock'', priced it VOiV 20x27 in., 'duck and w curled hen feather's!" $1.75 Steel Hatchet r Think pf , Getting, a $1.75 , , Steel Hatchet at This Priced - i i ' " i " . Vandium steel hcad-.has ebony 'ft rust, resisting "finish".. Made like the best. -rGalvahized Pails Ip-Quart Capacity! Save Npw" & pn the Lowest Price Ever i !p. 1 ' - V .. .' V They're' made te stand years 'Of. haii every; aty - .service. ;. ,, l Tijt handles. A;: t',agy before f-v orobf tested ;W , design rehonnr?inr Walnut finished - - ' , .-' X .V, x i J v kf2 r S;. I . Iff ' ' ; T ' . This Vin Most - , 4J V, G JlorrisJu . $2 rrri- yji r n s ;; w e bought for our higher -priced jweslers.' Boys' all - wool r. pull-SoveV pull-SoveV v. s n u g ottffandy. bot- rtorn, solid . cl- ors-with knit-rin knit-rin ' p a 1 1 e rns. "Compare with ; Girdles ssia-; . "4. Elsewhere at A a I $1.98: to 52.95BA -H. W. Brown , ' 'Hook t Side and Step - In Girdles, .made p at B&re cot xfe materials a n d. labor! , M a nufacturer' ; eljnvina.to'd profit entirely,, iiFne .brocaded ayon Freinch , .faiiJe. ?an ,d ' ayon elastic A - .v -v "-i - "V x f. x. ' : -RaoningeriiA -' Sells for 79j -EachElsewh6rev f , x; - ; -w iv L.fX-.V - 2 A:V :AiAp - "Ordiirarilv w J Tc6uldri't e. I. rt ihis Ruh-rsist "7ant rayOA. I4n y gfrie, fondles:' ihan 49c each But..a huge order or-der placed durr; ;j: ng . the slack i2tseason did the -trick! SteplnsT " ests, panlfes, bloomers!" n "First Time This' tAQuality ParityS - Dress Ever Sold ; ' - .k mo x nee; f . H. W: Brown V i- "Others1 1 a s 1 59a to 69c, fo i-8 u c h quality' Generously cut --ofi- fast,,- color APrints hi light and'- dark .shades. 'Set-in ;"... sleeves, con-i con-i frasting cuffs. collars, and TX e m b r o 1 i rv - $1.79 .fohSucli: rv. rrLbvelyAHSilkf: . Lingene! ot the ordU 5ary SI Linse- ;irie."but the -best pure Silk Lingerie v fve v-eyer seen any- nere . near this price ! CX-ace trimmed! iSteprlns,"?- pan- i:rrties fchemises, dance sets in Wit ' C -T. K Thid f Ayj9p 1 xx Ai " xi xs . - mm - V -vve ' -f i 2 ' - A mA |