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Show -1 V 1 ItOVOfaJxTAH) EVENING 'HERALjy, FRIDAY, S E PT EM B Bf R'2;5, 4 1 9 3 1. PAGE THREE t. . : vf V j -B.Y.U; Women! To. J Enjoy titX , liThe B. YSU. Womep'a organiza-tion organiza-tion wiiria)14. 'hne again" social tfatinlayrat 4 oelock at Glengarry. iVJaWttgy'games -and luncheon -will bf tlie - diversions, AH menjbera kfe . urgetJto attend." Transp'orW 'tlon will be provided for those wlthi i" , west idoor of tfie 5ducatIon build- ing. ' V . ' !VIrs.jRosetta Pratt , TJostesa To Women. ;'; 'An e,yening of games .and music -was enjoyed bV-thrAurora..Thlmble . jjclub TOemberftAat 'the. party tender-ed tender-ed them Thursday' evening at the -Ihomfi- of, Mrs. Fosetta Pratt. . . reading 'vas glven by Velma Denhalter and a-Vlericlous luncheon - Vas seryed. J I v , 1. The pleasing evint was attended! . v thA..Yn11niirlniRM'ta'-SuilaAh...Tnhn i son, xprsi Keyayvagnjei', ; xars. Mary i, Hitchcock, Mess Hattie Herring! ; strs, . Helen f t Bell, VMrs.'Maudd trong'MNMildreNt-'Benhalfer, jVfrs. CoraT'Shields'. Mrs. Eva ,MJ1-denhall. ,MJ1-denhall. Mrs. Millie CourtUre. Mia. ,Mrs. Veta Persons, Mrs. Stella -TMolyneau- and Mrs. Mar jorie Boden, "1 2-' -"t ' " r rnoon X? -w - -t ;- H La Conda club- members spent a . V Dleasant time -sewing, at the . home ol l Mrs. ; waiter .-;.; wniteneaa Thursday afternoon. .'' JThe foliowlnv were Berved a de- IcJou8 lunqbeqn: Mrs.. Bliss Chll(s, rtt..; ' .nr... s.i..&' - ...u.' garter, xars. WKoy1 j. ujsen, 'Irs. T. X,. Calllster.-Mrs; J. Clvda flatter being a guest. ; r z AA1 'i1 Serve - v f.ir. 1 V ' A- ,: I . Bxe ak as t: Is Sponsors, 7' i Officers tOfth A, W. S.of the B. Y. 4Uf gave a delicious ivatfle breakfast Jn the dining roomat the ichool this. morn.ing in honor of - the senior girlswho hay beeA selected(;to act- as sponsors to- th f reshroenj girls this year. r"' v I Covers were laid for -Miss Max ine 'Clay ton Miss Ora Haws, . Miss nuthVHolbrook, Miss Gertrude Sauer, MissCKuth I. jQhnso'n, the hostesses, and the ' following -honor guests :J ' ' Mias Berth -.ktorrs, Miss Pauline Bennett Miss JLoya Nielsen, Miss Helen-Allmah, Miss , Voja Johnson; Mrs. Beiiiand h Harrison ana Mrs.JSeUie Nefl Sniai t, dean of women. - ' 7 ... V f WaffieSupper FollowsMeetiiig A meeUpgof the Suftday school officers and teachers of the Piorieer wardwas.held at the Jjome of . Miss Emily 'Normari Wednesday evening. Remarks w$re made by Superintendent Superin-tendent 'vGrovervMlller, ; and Nile WaShbtirn, and a farewell talk was Made by And reyr, Hartley who is leaving to make" his .home Jo the Fjfttt.ward.' Mrr Hartley has y beep vTns true tor . of the ' gospel 'doctrjne class of - the Pioneer ward ssunaay school fofv several years.-. Musical numbers were, enjoyed. A "delicious waffle supper was served to the following: . 7" : Grover Miller, Horace Peay, Ieort Newreri, William xNprman, Kile VrrWashburn, Don Washburn, Mr and Mrs., Andrew Hartley, MrsMabel Tanner. "Mrs Winnifred . Cochran, Miss -Thelma -Nelson, ,Mlss Kate Peters, iMiss - Elsie Morris, Ml'ssJ Miss Helen Browne Mrs, ' Fay Johln -son. . Gfedrke "Norman, Mrs. Lena Crow and Miss 'tienevieve water- L" "V !' if. m Ajit fS; 1y the latteir three being' guests: Ath:,ect his , . I' WhitebtaCIUriarSKes its own maescnodoiy nayorous appeal to : this good 6 Jd -f a sji ion ed h earty cish. ylake;4it thcplece d.c jc- C Msistanoe of itomorrovs, dinner. .Dozens or other intriguing reci- pes. WhteStar Turtaisafways. econpmicalriio waste. Rich in 'ipdine thi foe of goitre. Fori 8 y' years the preferred braxid ie cause o n ly the best is packed. Immh ) -WHITE $TAILTUNA CHOWDEJl Chop mtdium' ized onion, bacon, pork, fry. All light brown in tp ounce of butter. Have ready throe alpt of looked diced pota-toes, pota-toes, season with salt and pepper: Mix alt with one can of White Star Brand Tana. Heat on auart of .rich milk, -add crackers .and butter. hot, , - -K " , T ' - CHICKEN OPTHE s 1 i week: r 1. MLS 1 SHE JUST TIRED OF What with new frock fashions, hit ting" toyirile very 10 minutes, Anita Louise couidat KeP J.racK.iinaiy she get- disgstedranddoTjnedpttir aiiracvive saufJHM iuwn, wfrjfw to hard times. .Here us. OPEN-FACED SANDWICHES c-It makes hie furious to -"be'cf fered limp, ppen-facer sandwiches , at, a tea and be expepted to carry on m- u.uu sume my. food like , a lady. Jt can't be done; I mean, vthe foodncon-sumptlon foodncon-sumptlon part,neither can the "in teresting conversation" do much sparkling-, when you are longing to throttle yourhostess 1 had Justsuch an experience re-oeatiyt3e re-oeatiyt3e saniwiclies were dainty enough and good lobking, but. they couldjiot Vbe pieced . ui vin '-one's Ifingersi and the were the kind that were, mean tto be,.. One, kind had slices of ripe tomato, spread with niayonnaise, the'other had slices of cucumber with mayonnaise. Now, Ull rne how can anyone be expected to eaVsuch stuff gracefully. i ' . I know that I felt and looked like BOolum did, when I caught, him with a pot of chives draped, out of cither side of his puppy-face. All the ingredients used in the sandwiches I am telling you'vabout, could still be- ued and one'sgtlests kept happy. hap-py. -These sanuwicnes should have . been made with two slices of brfxad, and ' the ingredients should have been thoroughly chilled : and Vdp sandwiches mde Just at tea-time. . Open-faced sandwiches should be spt eald with pastes or chopped mixtures, mix-tures, then they should be-, well Chilled so that they .wi)l tove body. V. TODAY'S RECIPE' , . xx, OYSTER. LOAF , tlndivldnal Servings) r 8 large round rolls or . ' English muffins , 4. quart large oysters ' '; 1 quart, rich milk :' Cornstarch to thicken . Va poundvtutter : " 7 Salt "and pepper r ' Ordinarily, one is siipposed to use a sandwich loa,well toasted, and buttered inside and out, but did yoa jever fryio do this successfully? Jfake nSy word for it and don't try. This'. s what happened to mine; - X was having a supper party, with oyster loaf as the hot dish. I prepared pre-pared the loaf - sb, carefully, toasted buttered itrami slipped It into a slow oven to keep warm' untjlv the oyster; filling waj1 f eady. jt Wheji IT bpened the oven'? door, the loaf fell into a do2en pieqes, and supper was ajj ready to serve!; rnagie my embarrassment em-barrassment k " 'sl Y Veir use those Marge bun si" sold beaches." "Cut a -lid ;off - the top, scoop-out the cjumba carefully and toast each-bunand its lid.. Butter t hern and keep warm," but not too warm as I did. ' -, ; "' f t 4: irst,' well plumb" 'the oysters; . s a: jlfe!'' 'i-:v OUd Fellows Jhvited To Banqufetr Members of Provo I. O. O. F. lodge Ko, 14, and their partners, have been Invited to attend a banquet ban-quet io be eiven by the Lehi I. .O. .OCF. lodge No.26 Saturday eve- ung ai 5 ociock in me i. u. r; tall in that cityj-The cityj-The affair is a be in the form of a ' housewarming, since this is :he, first affair to be held in the lew- hall of the Lehi lodge.' Dinner Party Proves Delightful Mrs. U. Lynn Miller, who has left tor her home iri New York Cit after spending the - summer hefie with hers?arents, . Mr. and'MrsW. Lester Mangum, ' entertained at dinner at the Jilangum home Wednesday Wed-nesday eveningt "! y . J . The v season's -flowers, were' -en-: ployed as a table 'decoration Covers were laid for Mr. .and Mrs. Charles' Cox of Provo, Mr. and Mrs, Da Costa Clark pi. Portland, Ore and Mr. and Mrs; Joseph Cartwrlght of Draper. : - ' M. L A. Workers Ehjoy Soaal "' The opening party of the season of the t . Vineyard,-ward - Y. Luund , Y.M. M. 1 A. officers and teaehefj; and thefr partners, was "held at the home of , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holda way Thursday evening, After"" the regular business ses-Blongamej ses-Blongamej jvere; enjoyed and a de- "licious JunQbeon 'was served to 211 ' examine each oyster for bits .of ihell, thenJ put Into a' colander artd 1-ins.e under cold water. Haveva cupful of boiling water in a sauce- pan. put the oysters in this water and 6tir until the edees lust.beeln .tp show signs of nf fling. : Take crd4 the fire and stralnsaving the broth to use later. ' Set tfie oysters aside for the moment. Now coitfes the sauce: inilk in a double boiler,. add butter; d make a very, thick auce, as thick as- cornstarch i' pudding fs when cold, ' usin cornstarch to thicken. ' Stir'until smooth, then cook for 15 minutes. Season nicely, add the oyster broth (a cupful) and the plumbed oysters.- Let stand for "five minutes , in the double boiler, 1l'yfn I'll ti..4.n'lV'.t:''XA .and serve. ",, v -v- Individual servings' of -the oyster loaf have' a good round 500 cal pries- to their credit. ' Butter, bread and milk all belong in the energy at classVin case you've forgotten,. -Gas. Electric strated. tiew . J"fvnew in cooking: 4aMAm4Aj1 M .AliM :4 :' . ; - every day. -Your presence entailsnoohligatipn ' ; V . - , "Y'f , Girls Are Entertoned 'An enjpya.ble social - affair was given b'yrs. Nettie Neff ; Smart, dean of women at the B.' Y. Thursday evening at; her home, v in honor of the officers of tue Associated Asso-ciated Wornen Students, end the senior girls 'Who have been ' selected to act as sponsors to the freshmen girls thisyear. , A business session 'was held, with Miss f axine CJaytop; president of the A.;MB..)n ,jcharge. A tasty J luncheon wasserved. v in attendance, were, tne following A. W. jofcers; Miss Maxine Claytctrfrrptestdent: .Mfsa;Ora' Haws, lceireeati .tositluth Holbrook, recreation director i "Miss Ruth Johnson?' reporter, and the following follow-ing -sponsors: Miss" Vola Johnson; Miss t Loya Nielsen, , Miss Patfli$ Bennett Miss Helen-Allman, Mis? I.Wilmttt Hansen, Miss Zelma Wln- tertpn, Mtss uertruae uouney, anc JJrs. -Bertrand F. Harrison. "Mrs. BerTha" Roberts and . Mrs. E H. Eastmond o the faculty, were also in aijciiuaute. Afternoon Of BridgeBnjoyed f Mrs. John - Beesley was hostess at a delightful bridge party at ' her home Thursday afternoon, when she entertained for. members oftbe Aiternoon Bridee club" ... i xirt;5 vayis me . ciu u , game were played, after which a dainty luncheon was .served. Pall, flowers were tasteully. arranged "through- out the. entertaining rooms ; Mrs. Shl'ri Wilson won. -the club- high score prize, Mtsr. Httgo Price received the club low score favor, Mrs. Jack Booth was' presented the guest high, scope prize and Mrs Leonard Chipman was given the guest low score award. jnembers : Mrs. R. A. Mooref ield. - JVJraj Ed.- Firmage, Mrs. Arnold Rawlings, Mrs... Hugo. Price,; Mrs. Shirl Wilson, Mrs. Abe Turner, Mrs. T. L. Schofield, and guests: Mrs. Heatthe-fLeonard Chipman and; Mrs. W1I K l)ajn Chipmftn of American Fork, 'Mrs Frank Branagan, Mrs. Alm Van i' Wagenen 'and Mrs. Jack Booth. . ' M.BH.Club To Be Mr. and Mrs. Al Hansen will be hosts to embersSof the M. B. H. club Saturday evening ' at their .h.6mfe. ' ; ' jr"r" ' -----'- Progressive "500" will be- played, prizes awarded and luncheon served. serv-ed. All members are cordially invited. in-vited. . At ni '. : - ' . To Be Hed Friday, Saturday, ; Mony and Tuesday ' Experienced toioie Economist and Dietician of the MalleabWEahger Co', wpl cphduct; the school. ';. :ps:Pk0 ; .-' - Each day Mrs. pbnnelly vyil demonstrate . " , ; n(ew mens and, pe -most modern metnoas -';; ' of food preparation, i The latest devices in cookery ad etfepte4 y the world's largest ' exclusive-, range" Manufacturers5 will. Je z demonstrated r7- ' l - . ' ; " - ' and Coal Ranerea of the most modern types will: be demon - modeli : showing. many -novelj features and innovations, equipment, will he demonstrated-v . ;.v . . f"-, . 1 Al. J.1 . TTTU Milt AM M..3 cordially invitedvto attend' these 'demonstrations Plan now o Attend ATTENDANCE PRIZESt n'.-; .r - ' WW MMM M.m m m. 1 f ff If SX FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES FOR MOlfARCH R ANGUS , J.-rv - JiViwuTfc m v '1'.' . m mm 11m .. jt m m an vim ofaw ' w'. r ',--V Forecasting . The Fashions By LlLYAN TASIIMAN If voucan find metal cloth that is as supple and clinging as chiffon, J you may wear it and consmer your costume chic. Cloth of gold and cloth of silver have returned with an avalanche of aDoroval this winter, but not the heavy, stiff metal cloth we knew several years, ago- ; The new material must be mouloV ed to the figure as it is in the gown Worn by Juliette Compton. -Miss ComP ton's frock is covered inv eoldAikd is cut biasover the, hip-line, falling. intflKa full skirt r wrtn a aouuie ti am, The only ornaments are jeweled clips at the shoulders. PUFFS REPLACE SLEEVES Gay puffs and flower bands take the place of sleeves on many of the ne wevenihg "frocks. - -1 A- - i M il mill kllrivt m lfiinwinmini.it ii. . r in . , . To Be Our Guests muidl Fall .AW. A MM A A, MM A A ' GIYEN :DAILY ' - .v - s -v... .- 4 i' . EI RANGES v -. ' ly P.H.S. 'Women To -Meet ) The opening social of the winter season .of the Provo. High School Women's organization, will be held J Saturday at 3 p. m. at the residence of- Ms- Ernest Rasmuson-. 161 North Second East-street. "" ' ?It is desired that there be-a full j iit ts ',sLi: Fine Arts . Club lVJenbers EntertaineH Mrs. "George -S. ' Beckstead was hostess tb' members of the Fine- Arts club at. her home Thursday afternoon. - Mrs. LeRoy J. Robertson. presK dent, made a few remarks, afteV Which a variety of amusing group I games were played. Prizes were awarded. ' v . . Tasty refreshments . were served : to the following: Mi. John S. Van Cott, MTSvC Lynn Hayward"7Mrs L. -DeVere George, Mrs. .Rulofr-C Van Wageneh, Mrs. Seymovr..IX Gray,' Mrs. Walter ; D.. Tueller, .Mrs. Alonzo i Morley, Mrs. GeraJLdsi Heatoh NMrs. C LaVoir Jensen, Mrs., Carl Swenson, Mrs. LeRojr J. Robertson, Mrs. Frank uarMirs Stanley Bonnets Mrs. Paul, Stew art and Mrs. Oliver Dalton. -( AutOviGiven Away: At Fair Each Day - E. J. " Trover, of Provo, . was Awarded the" used car given .at the Utah .county .fair -Thureday. 1 7 Another fine used car . will ,bt given' away at the ' fair ' today and-Saturday, and-Saturday, . . according to - axis- ah riouncement ' made , by' those - in L charge. , Those interested maynregr isier n.i uie auiomooue lent at toe. . LAW VIOLATED ..r MOSCOW, Idaho,-Sept 25iME International law was violated when the Japanese goveriuhajai; cent troops into Manchuria, Sena- j tor William E. Borah charged:" to day. 'Bprfeh said the "four wfhrVj leading jX nations - were more inters- ested In enforcing peace on smaller nations' than' in -maintaining themselves., i . . Ji-H- IESTERS JlnH - - - - - I fUla U Urn x U(J box. BMled with B1VA ri Hmt. Cliwt. KHmbl. BVv Maw I I0UT1T ETXXTaTUU THe Loveliest Legs -in the WvHd.py1 Deserve the Loveliest Stockings I - 1 r .f'Adjiistables are fittine stockings indeed for ' the famed beaxxtiful womanl Tliey adjngt to every leg length r making them the most-comf ortable.- the most beautiful, and best 01-95 JENKINS" KNIT COODSCO;: r a i . - v .. - 1 - ? . - ; r 1 . . . r. . . .. r- 1 I KATHRYN -BASSETT, .PARDOE . ! ' a - Announces -the Opening" V'rf.vV'i' 1 " - ' - h- - i 1 - - t I U: , v- -r ir.v - OfHer Studio ot . .' -X-. lii','- 1 ' ' , . " k - I " - j. . I J Phone. .1397 4 " A, rV6& E. 5rd.No.tV , Wearing six, 'matching t'rings three ontffingeris Paris' latest ; t jewelry whim. The rings are "usi - iuiy ski wiin urigncyvBCiru-'premuu j ; stones oi three or m6r" color? A-1 . -"g . WELCORIEH A - it- v. -. - b.y.o;v students!': Snappy, Gra.ceul'1- lines; in your vroyiwrv acid? rn,uch," toi -your aptf peerance. $495 505l MEN HERI&fTHP DIAMOND BRAND Al Style, Pep'and EfiduHnc Othera'at: '"A Shoe FiUmgvSpecialjste? ' ':' ' ' -it. f;4'r :'AT,:'ift-Vr?-Y: 3 16 West Center ' '. 1 f t . ) legs of the AmericazsVv J earjng stockings made( t G1.35 Adjustable -r'.: .V.- J HOME St: (TherBTosi6rj Store) " - ' j ' - i ..'-1.1 . ..--5' i if i . r MmmMMMMMMMWMMBMMMMm |