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Show HOKE AWARDS. Additional I.Kt of SurctHsrnl Kxliiljl-tors Kxliiljl-tors of Stock at the Fair. Subjoined are the additional official awards in the classes mentioned men-tioned below, made to exhibitors of stock at the recent fair: niil.lon l-IIolsleln. H. J. FAUst & Son, city, lt bull 3 years old, diploma and $23. F. A. Milchell, city, best bull 1 year old, diploma and $0. II. J. Faust t Son, city, best bull calf, silver medal aud $o. F. A. Mitchell, city, best cow 3 years old, diploma and $25. H. J. Faust & Son, city, best heifer 2 vears old. Diploma and SIO. John tt. Winder, city, best heifer 1 year old. Silver medal and $5. F. A. Mitchell, city, lest heifer calf. Silver medal and S3. Itsspectfully, J. W. Sanborn, KmriN I). Woolley, Samuel McIntyke, Awarding Committee. UisUIon 3. ;!IowBy. L. G. Hardy, city, !x-st bull 3 years old. Diploma and $25. L. O. Hardy, city, best bull calf. Silver medal and 5. L. G. Hardy, city, bet cow, three years old. diploma and 52o. L. G. Hardy, city, best heifer,onc year old, silver medal and Si. L. G. Hardy, city, best heifer calf, silver medal and S3. L. G. Hardy, city (sweepstakes), best herd of five head, gold medal and Sin Itespecifully, William White, Saviuei. McIntyke, Awarding Committee. IHtliion 7-Ited PoIIetl. James P. Fretze, city, lest bull three years old. Diploma and 25. James I. Freeze, city, be3t 111 three years old. Diploma and S3. James P. Freeze, city, best bull call. Silver medal and $5. James P. Freez", city, best cow three years old. Diploma aud $25. James P. Freeze, city, best heifer two years old. Diploma and S 10. James P. Freeze, city, best heifer one year old. Sliver medal aid $5. James P. Freeze, city, best heiler calf. Sliver rnedal and So. James P. Freeze, city, (sweep, stakes) best herd of 11 ve bead. Gold medal nnd $5. Respectfully, Ben R. El.DIlEIXiE, William White, W. D. Wahkex, Awardiog Committee. nirlMon fc-IIerefbrd.. White & Sons, ciiy, best bull three years old. Diploma and $25. Ill, I. Ion 9-rnt Collie. White A Sons, city, best fat steer one year old; silver medal and SIO. White & isons, city, best fat cow, one year old. diploma and S-5. Itcpettfully, W. C. RviMLCir. It E. Rex, Awarding Committee. Carnnd Sweepstake. Arthur Brown, city, best bull, beef breed, with three of his get; gold medal and $25. F. A. Mitchell, city, best bull, milk breed, with three of his get; gold medal and $25. Respectfully, William White, W. C. Rydalch, ILE-Bex, Awarding committee. |