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Show KingS Knmantlc Can or. The Kiug of Dahomey is n man of education and accomplishments. He Wis reared in Paris, and much m ney was srw-nt and careful attention atten-tion was lavished upon his instruction. instruc-tion. Hut in an evil hour he fell in love with a lrislan beauty, and because she would not have him the yeum man made up his mind that 1 the Ufo of a barbarian was prefer ' able to that of a civilized and enlightened en-lightened being. He lade eternal adieu, therefore, to the clfl.slcs, the arts, and thu sciences, and zealously Isvt himself to tho pursuit of a barbarian bar-barian career. His most remark-oblo remark-oblo reform as KIngof Dahomey was to surround bimwlf with a boJy-guard boJy-guard of strapping women, regular Amazons, who rode horseback man fashion; used the bow and spear, and wielded the battle axe wilh singular dexterity. His majesty baa a theory that these women ore better bet-ter fighters than men, anJ are more likely to be loyal to his interests. A contingent of these Amazon Is to be brought to Iondon soon and sbowu to tho public In the French exhibition now In course of preparation prep-aration in that city. Paris Letter. |