Show VOICE OF THE PEOPLE By Telegram Readers Proposed Capitol Capital Buildings Held Congestion Menace Tel Telegram Tel gram It Is very easy euy to be be- critical however criticism often without knowledge knowledge knowledge knowl knowl- edge of all aU facts is harmful I lived f for 0 r approximately 15 years on Capitol hill and thought Pat fat that time it was the most beautiful section of Salt Lake We h have ve read reada a a great deal about Death Strip in Davis county on ithe th state stat highway system als also a great deal about the parking cong congestion stion in well- well planned Salt Lake City The st state tc of Utah n now w apparently apparently ap apparently ap apI I plans without much consideration to add further to the congestion of S Salt lt Lake and Increase e the tr traffic problem We are going to build a Daughters Daughters Daugh Daugh- tens of the Pioneers Pioneers' memorial building and a a state office buildIng buildIng building build build- ing on a narrow street with no parking fac facilities and this street is also one of the most colorful entrances to the city day or night Picture the he problem three years from now now Ten tourist buses trying to sho show a group of tourists museum while horns are blowing and fenders are being dented within 20 feet teet by smiling courteous state cm- cm approximately to from th new state office e building alone alonet and not fn including ludIng- ludIng to already working In the main building building- 1 I plus Salt Lako Lake citizens citizens' and others t try trying r yi I n g to get going takes Makes a a nice parallel to S State atc street at 0 9 am am a.m. and 5 pm p.m. particularly particularly par particularly from North Temple to 2nd North Now lets let consider another nother possibility Why not m move ve the Daughters of the thc Pioneers and the new state office buildings to the area to the rear and northeast northeast northeast north north- east of ot the capitol The area there is bounded by a four tone concrete highway which would allow parallel parking on both sides ides plus parking areas in the rear and a view of Memorial park and Salt Lake City The area is' is two or three times as sa large as 88 both the thc proposed sites sies l fes and two buildings could ea easily ily be combined in one without crowding anyone Another thought Why move the Daughters of ot the e Pioneers at all aU Let them and the museum mu mu- seum stay in the prese present t capitol Certainly the new state office b building could easily be enlarged to Include all offices on the present capitoL capitolo The capitol is the center center of of attraction and will continue to draw the tourists If we we must show relics to them l leave ave the relics relies where the tour- tour ca can get to to them without building building building build build- I going to a shanty type ing on a very crowded street J. J O. O CITIZEN Salt Lake City |