Show Benefit Association n to Install Officers Monday Monday- Installation tion of of officers officerS for the coming year will take place Mond Monday y cven evening ng for for members members' of the Woman's Womans ns n's B Benefit Benner Review No 11 with Mrs Violet Hite Kite Hite ms installed as an president Mrs Ethel l Jones is s vice president and other officers who Iwho will take o over new duties duties' are are Mrs Nora Sawyer tr treasurer Mrs Florence Gre Greenig nig financial secretary Mrs R Ruby b H Hor- Hor r- r 10 rocks reco recording secretary Mrs Mattie MatUe Warner Varner Mrs Lorena Flandro Mrs Carrie McClister Mrs rL Minnie Barrett Barrett Chaplin Mrs Ann Spencer pen er Mrs Hattie Hattic attie 1 Leea and Mrs Mable rable Shuck past president Mrs Isabelle Murphy as state deputy installing officer will officer will also alao Install Mrs Mar Mary Erickson as as' as pioneer club president Mrs Nora Sawyer awyer as Westway club lub president nt and Mr Mrs Clara Beaty as Guard club president C Ceremonies will follow a pot potlUck lUck supper which begins at 7 pm p.m. in the 1 IO 0 0 O F ha hall hail l Postoffice Postoffice Post- Post office pi Service Star Legion to meet Monday for a book review at the public library Claire Flandro will review w Party Line at 1030 am a.m. Nomads of ot El EI Ute Uta Santha No 83 to meet Monda Monday 8 8 pm isn I 0 00 0 F hall hail for installation of officers Mrs Ernest Shaffer will install officers Mrs Oscar Swanson is retiring Rani and A. A J. J West is r retiring Rajah Mrs Claude Ash Asher r is is' in charge p J 4 4 r 7 4 r r P I 9 t I f L I jI r L r j- j I w wL L I Pt H Hi i- i V H L. hoto-L. TAKE PART IN INSTALLATION TION CEREMONIES MONDAY Newly elected officers of ot the Womans Woman's Benefit Banner Review No 11 will be installed I Monday They include back row left to right a I Mrs Mary Erickson Mrs Clara Beaty and arid Mrs r Nora Sawyer Front row left to right are Mr Mrs Isabelle Murphy and M Mrs Violet P. P Hite president |