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Show f -- ;E'SRET EVENING NEWS. ' eom-nitlor- -s. '0icc-o- reliability. XlItATKicAU There should be a crowded an Immense house tbH evening, tor the bill Is S after to-da- y .;.." with tLe V. P. R. K. at Blac intir iroru Salt Lake City. SB Buttes stauon, ' fam to the termlnns of the Railroad six ty- - u'lrf. Ure I 3ITJIE SHOES, "1 XAILS, PICKS and HANDLES, RURRER :REITIXG, , ' I L,ya's Btsarrr. The following corrtspon-,kuc- e will explain the steps that have been tuHen ; Salt L.4KK cut, Hpt. 0,1 scs, ;u tbelt Stationery. ! D. STUART s'p-.!tu- . & SON, Large Stoek or i TEA, j 'rt, mt enter-vi:n;ntr- -- Knyon. SHARP & 70UNG. d201tf Also Opened. :i r Which we offer to the Public WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At Greatly Reduced Prices. BOOTS & SHOES, AM-ALGA- THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY request the Wholesale and Retail Trade to give us a call. Wo TEETH Inserted in GOLD, SILVER, and RUBBER PLATES, at Prices from S10O down to 8 IO, per SET. Central Pacific Railroad, Where you will fine a first class Stock of a SHOES, BOOTS WEST OF THE PROMONTORY, On tbe NORTH SIDE OF SALT IAUE. .'0. or the Beat Quality. BARLEY, Ovfrlasd BBAX, Fran-''Huan- September number of this magazine Is to hand, ana is in keeping with the character of it predecessor!!. Its opening article is a sensible and paper on Indians In general and the Apaches In particular, by one wuo must have given tbe tiihtftct candid and Intelligent conaLJerattoa, the eight yeara' b luring 'alU2s to bave bad among xperieBcewhich tuem. It lstblioweU b n very readable article. In humorous style, wit a the title "A Cali'ornlan Abroad. Three ItalisuiCities;" in which a very hackneyed subject ia presented In a new and pleading drea. Kducatlon" is Instructive; "The "University x Chtneae Companies" rebuts some fallacious Me concerning organizations of theMexico"" in California; "The French in ctrrlfs tbe reader on a pleasant excursion to the cnpl'Hi of that republic, and introduces him t t characters who are more mft with In tbe pages of a magazineagreeably than on or solitary road of life; while "Our njr Friends" Is a kindly plea lor the pchless lower creation, especially domestic animals. Vm ing the remaining articles on tbe Pact do Slope" should command the attention of young men who are of a proxeasional career; and parent 'Making who hve youth springing Into manhood; and "TV-.tropica! Fruits of California" Is wellworih the attention of onr hortIcultnrists.esPTiail.r thoe of Southern Utah. holr tilacca:" "Thn hunnt.! vnliif "Japanese miwm.. on the Steppe;" Home facts B.lht aU.ot llrr;" "Ktc.;" and "Current Uteratnre." make up the ret nt ih Ph. mnilcal littla tnipla, fSZZSZr of,t Pi'CTL'i hlTta Rnd "In Clover." The Overland deserves moat extensive, patronage, which we hope it wtu receive. Snbscrlpf tons are taken for It, at the RaUroad wj wjui, i ot um, in mis city. Drjxz.TrxB3. Montana times must be gettlnz dull, if we take the aecompanlng picture clipped frdm the Post of the 5th: s orae of our citizens are complalalrg of doll times and that, to say nothing about business It n dtmcult to find amusement. Fights are' .e Is being hung, noo scarce, and even the murders ar becoming scarce in this Particular locality. And so they call f some-inlo- g new, no matter what, in tbe way of amusements." well-writt- i. Skins. Ilpthe Good Fit and best of irork naranteel. Ccle-tia;- Utr-rn- "Over-crowde- d s -- t EZRA T. BENSON will be on the around to let Contracts on and after tho 10th Inst. Men mtut be prepared to go to work forthwith if my wun contracts. d242Jks63tf JAS. L. BDIITIIIG. lv LORINFARR. Ogden, Weber County. OPERATION CONSTANT Open Ilnffgles, A-e-., 131?,") CHICAGO, irxs. Japannedr and Stamped Tin ware. wms auu iiiacuiHCI) Sheet Iron,Sheet ZincASheet Copper Wire, Rivets, Ac, also I" . Shelf Hardware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Axes, Nails, Chains, Ac, Ac. m.m.mm.m diietr m. ' EMPORIUM! PEOPLE'S THE ELEVEN COMMANDMENTS! t W. B. Co. have the Largest Stock West New of York, and guarantee prices L. Thou shalt not make use of any kind of at slowest Market Rates. jf are ai. a Aueroacu unless iney Dougat foods,Store. Orders by Mail filled promptly; 2. Thou shalt not use gloves, hose, handker! j d237 lm:s59 3m chiefs and fancy goods, unless they come from Aner bach A Bro'a Store. THE 3. Thou shalt not allow thy wife or daughter unless they are to buy dress goods or domestics, bought at Auerbach A Bro'e Store. 4. Thou shalt not walk the streets, unless thy boots and shoes are bought at Auerbach A Bro'a Store.: SEWIA'G MAC1XIATEI 5. Thou shalt not be allowed to visit ladles OTANDS at the present perfpetly Unrivalled unless thy clothing comes from Auerbach A O for simplicity, and for Its durability Store. Bro's Great - sutchln . . Range .of Work, t. i. 6. Thou shalt have no covering for thy head r en j mix inn tncift.eTi or unesi iiiaierin i. A Bro's unless thy hats are bought at Auerbach NEW. it combines all Being desirable the Store. polnu of tbe OLD Lock Sticb. Macb lues, wltli 7. Thou shalt not walk into thy house, unless many valuable .improvements not. on any carpets, rugs and mattings are bought at other. thy be seen at this office. of Work Auerbach & Bro's Store. Samples Sold at Clilcaeo pricesmay by 8. Tnou shalt not allow thy female household ROBERT G. SLEATER, nnless their shawls, cloth or silk to ; j ? j NEW WEE D j I - 1 j j- t go walking, Utah. cloaks, sacks, basque., furs, parasols, fans.baJ. ALDEX, THOMAS & Co., Agent for i moral skirts, embroidery and all sorts of trim- Oeneral Is'orthwefern Aeeijfs, j ' mings are purchased at Auerbach A Bro's Store. 'CUicAGo.iius.. 9. Thou shalt not go to bed at night, unless . d237 Im:s59 3m are covered wall line walls with bedroom thy and border, and thy bed covered with Saper blankets, purchased at Auerbach Co., rvxAHTTTiSy, iUsTazna & Bro's Store. 10. Thou shalt not make thy toilet In the thy soap, perfumery, tooth and morning, unless Importers and Jobbers of hair brashes are bought at Auerbach A Bro's. Store. 11. Thou shalt not buy goods of any that imitates Auerbach A Bro's. To the IX1TAI1ITAXTS ofUTAII TKltKITOItYI Purchasing on Commission. T. & W. TAYLOR Hardware and Cutlery, & BRO'S, 51 Lake St., CHICAGO. GEORGE GODDAKD. ; attention paid to the Whole- ar sale Trade, at the lowest figures. Come and see dl&l-3for yourself. j SMITH BRO'S. aud DAE WESTLAO&CflVERT. CARPENTERS f: the ONLY Stock of We Tools in this Market, Mining therkeep adanted to the wants of the Territories, for having ana tnem largely, years pass supplied iamiuar wun ineir want. oeing dzu-e- BY dll2:ly Manufacturers of Plain, Stamped, Japarmed and KB PLANISHED TINWARE, Wr.i. SLOAN & CO.. i W, EC TVTTT.ES, Xo. 117, John St., XE1V YORK, TTAVEjost AJL or recelred an excellent Assortment Deseret Hewn Office, Bait Lake d2f7 3m MECHANICAL DENTISTRY t Consisting ol entrust him with their orders. A small commission only will be charged. Ite'ereneea to Gro. Q. Caskoh and Jenxra Kho?., Bau City, U.T. AT THE SIGN OF THF BSCS- and Forward with Prompt ",TriLIjIurchae y ness and Dispatch all kinds of SXaehin Meebanles Tools, ery, Merchandise. Stock and Material. lie will guarantee satisfaction to all who will 3D GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES for Full Set,. .. Stato Road, Half Block North of Eml r gratlon Square, i to Contract for BUILDING and ARE prepared the work equal to the best and as cheap as the cheapest. Having AND .LEATHER, . x :kt:ei on hand a iJtnce Stock of Leather and from late S'AVINO own are prepared to weTanning: OF THE LATEST WestlaJkc's Patent Xanfern:-- IM MOVEMENTS. (WHh Loosa Globe & Detachable Guafds,) FURXISn CITY AND COUNTRY DEltERS CHLOTIEOrO A. I OX RUnUIlR, BOtfT! ; xy Ooodo, X1EAI3Y-3IAI-E - Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers end Dealers In i TMwg BY SUPERIOR ARTICLE or 873,00. OX GOLD PLATES, Low Ins; aeeord. Prices, fc material. to style of workmanship ondExtract Irregular Cleaning, Filling 7a have received the 'Annual Report of the Baperlntendent of Pub- ing Teeth, Arranging lic Schools," of the City and county of Ban Teeth. raoe!seo. for tbe year ending Oct. J3th. 1SJ7. SCO pages, and All work: made of the best maUrtaTln use contains a and Ill . boo,c of of nearly warranted to give satisfaction. Information concerning ed 7onnt with many valuabln Francisco, aestions relative to tbe beat course to adopt Watches and Clocks repalrod. .. Jewelry vitiU3Jvar!,D It is embellished knowledge. to order. of tbe Tehama Bt. Primary made west FIFTF.XT1X WAltD, Four Bloeka . Un ;1.0"1 man rammer School, and the or the Market Xlottso. . " v ..' r. vdrlm ' Rr SchoM1' j Importers afid Dealers in TIN PLATE AND METALS We keep constantly on band and Make to or- -: der, at the Bhortest Notice, DOOBS, SASH, BLINTJS, MOULDINGS, Eta,Eto. Wbleh wo wUI sell Tory FOR CASH OR GRAIN. r-- - .? - SIsfl. j:.-- ' MAKE, ... r. 1. iriTO i Htnniiicd satisfaction ttoth in. PRICE and We vmm OUT Goods StuOl in-:, . : , dlOfclyV - -- ' Z . FttOIH CAIF BOOT . ZXade to xxeeusoro. dl23-l- y l ' - are! YF-- Tr .". No. 95 Michigan Avenue, '. ,- .'''? ; i;.; c."-- , Agents ' Dlarrhceaj Cholera, - V mux..Jiysentcpy ; and - (J237 "v i for the Celebrated HOME COMFORT STOVES. r. liJiii"'' Hucai TENTH WARD, SALT LAKE Mane, CITY. en furnish a cure for the above, tor lm:s59 6m CTJASE, r , j; IIA5FOSD ; A: '- Co.,' 'J i? ' -. ;T' Cents, ; Adults, 50 of nine years she has OILSv PAIMTS, WINDOW CLASS, With an experience SHOES never failed to 3ect a cure wu& thl Medicine, white Lead and Axle Grease, In bonis, sent to aU ?;:r,t Medicine 170 South Water Street, CTXXCAOO. Tile. parts of the Doctors and Druggists supplied. , - dWlm d24SSBS for Children, 25 Cents. OENTS 0ALL Alf OYYN And in any quantity, at Tery Low Rates. i 4 . 1 OF OUR ft- I CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. t3m-- TERMS to SUIT CUSTOMERS. t7- Hollo Stoves - t Wholesale Dealers In f be-oml- Rcnooi4 KiroKTw, TEX CKOEKE, j PAf-Partlcnl- Choico Apples, &c, Ogden, Weber County. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, 12- -l fc . and 18r Randolph Street. Opposite Wells, Fargo A Go's Bank and Express Office, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. CORN CHATJNCEY TV. WEST, :o: en i tri;'-Von- German Calf and tA - i COAX 170 F. AUERBACH SHORTO, ui MosTHLT.-T- ue City. Wm. BLAIR 6l Co.,i t i Tits F.URNIT u re j . CUSTOM-MAD- E ope-"u.)- a Tta and give aUf act lou plvn to Order from VXoJt ayxcent Territories. Wo refer to th leading STertharUs of SiU Xsvfce Bp6iaZ eUlentian mnd - I to-da- con-nc!- ,&c. Warrnntel to Rive satisfaction. 300 Teams, can have Parties) wlsnlns Contracts iu the Sacramento Reporter of the 31st nit: at the rate of S3 toto 37 Cents them And at the Lowest Ch Prices, suitable to enble natureper of tbe steeortllns; yard, "California will rejoice y in the establish llallroad and Kanyon hand. and the dlsnrtnjrto Work to b measured In? of a new tine of telegraph in "ppoaillon to ten per be made payments t;e !d and exacting monopoly; Tue Atlantic :o:- to b reservedMonthly, tho entire rent, nntll ul Pacific Tele rapa Company goes Into only Contract Is fully accepted. to d retwtn city and ban ly to ciTcii by the first ot January next will Applications must bo made to attention Particular with the Atlantic States. Tbe line so far tho manufacture of BOOTS of EZRA T. RENSON, f cmtructet in a far better manner than hiut an it in an opposition wtu of course the finest quality of French nnd Eogan, Cache County. " rtOuce tt MNWOODEY'S I BOOTS AND SHOES Mori TixroaAPUY. We find tbe following Wooden Ware, 3I. 1 Benton to Bitter Creek, SS the running d tratn miles from Omaha. rejnlar Uaruwnt'a train carry trie material from that potut to the end of tbe tracb. Cigars, Tobacco, TEETH plugged with GOLD, PURE II. U. SHARP'S SILVER, and WM. - ui? frm V for Utah. Aft-en-ts :o:- - i trains dally General d2113m W. H. H. SHARP, Dentist nut-cla- ss mile west of Benton, making 7 LIQUORS, WALKER BROTHERS, gbt Work, Top S. to.NsTuccTiON Tkais. Fromlast Monday the l I. It. U. were to run three construction HUNT. PreruJxnt Secretary. CEslablished in DRESS GOODS & NOTIONS, &c.,&c&c. j tt for-wardi- ai Fancy Groceries, Staple Those wlshlnc; their Teeth preserved shonld call oa And Fnll Assortment of Fine TOBACCO, n J. RAX8TON, A. Apply Immediately at tli Month TEETH Extracted with Nitrous Oxide- Gas, wlthont pain. Also Electricity, Chloroform nnd Etherlal Spray, or Freezing Process nscd. Rnt I recom PfllCES TIE LOWEST III THE CITY! mend Nitrons Oxide as the most plea are nnd Merehanta sant and surest way of having; Teeth Ex City Canntry Upturned. Brother A. C. Iyper, who especially lnvllel to rail and examine tracted WITHOUT PAIN! l.as been on a trip to the east, arrived homo our Stock. KAHN BRO last evening. Ho i well, ami has cnjo3-ct- i W. H. H. SHARP, S.D., EAST TE3IM.E ft STREET, while which himself away, during he rcnderetl con?iderablo assistance in Xcxt Door to the- IVeafern Union Tele- - 4244 Im Surgeon A. Mechanical Xcntlst. late Dnle btore." vran the immi.ratiou. Ho passed Capoffice, Office One Door East of "Deseret Evening Newt," d2W2ui tain tilllespio's train yesterday morning in d222;2m Kcha kanyon ; it will likely bo in oa Mon-da- v WAHTED IMMEDIATELY! evening or Tuesday morning. Capt. Mumford's train about ten dava out; but will hardly bo likely to reach hero much UTAH MANUFACTURE! within a fortnight, through being detained !r lncjage left behind. There was some sL'knes in tho train, and belntr verv heavil v foaled too, Uro. Pyper tlmks it would bo a idea for any here who may have WITH frionda in that train to go and meet them, and help them in. Protection from Snows. We learn AT CASH PAIR FOR that men are busy at work on the the line of the Central Pacific Road, this side of Grass II. B. TRIPP'S Old Stand, flrat door north To WORK on the GRADING of tho or uimball fc Lawrence's Store, Valley, building sheds to protect tho road East Temple Street, from "tho heavy snows of Winter, Forty mile of the lino is to be thus covered. dj-se- RlsKs and Dwellings at Mills. Merchandise, ueaueea Hates. PEAL LAJtGELT IX ' ; COFFEE, MUG Alt, SPICES, tii-fe- frsiAfeae Oea- - CAmGEMMACTURIN&Co. ESTABLISHMENT, PRINTS, DOHESTICS, FAMILY CARRIAGES, inCUORY, TICKING, EAST TEMPLE STREET, OENI9IS, Bretts, Coacbes, Plifctons, all kinds of FLANNELS LOOK TO YOUR TEETH! Lf SALT LAKE CITY. and Jfc . at the All losses adjusted and paid i 6 & 8 River Street, CHICAGO, j lOOO Pieces of i t A T 4 i i INSURANCE COMPANY n weU-know- $ IIAHinS fflSHRADEE! AT1D - FANCY GROCERIES! JUST OPENED FIRE ROSS' ak-i- COFFEE, and Xaborcrs, SPICES, TO WORK ON BICE, CANDLES, THE RAILROAD! SOAP, EYE. None but Good Men need apply. of Weber f WHOLESALE established a General Agency in Bait t 1 ntT fnr tha Tarrl torv of TJtall. Gold PoUeles Issued, payable either In i currency as may do aesxreo. Stoiio Masons And Complete Assortment or ELDREDGE& CLAVSOII. d2l) 2w the nnderittned, together with roauy Bwtroosi of tt Drauaa, respectfully request that ft apart n eveniug for Air. T. A. Lyne, itimt we may gttehlm a testimonial on tile oc Lake appearance at suilo'i of hi 1 Ills merlU as an actor and hlncbar rrv'rn f ittien fairly entitle him to ibis conuHr . i. !! ' ion. Very rrspcta!ly. your rif i'oritee. Inule IT. W ell. Oeorze Godbe A MUohell, K. H. .. Hopkins. T ...... I .. . . V tV '. Mil Jt lwrence, Woodniansee A Bro., K. V. i;u.X: , Jobn Meefcs, T. K II. Htentaouse, btAy-- i er tT'intoKton. I. V.'. lldnoou. i'nu U. 8. A.. W. U Foulk. IJeut. U. s. A . 1. 11. Klskad- C awson, ti, tirxe ltfxleuburg, KldreU-j!C:i!i:i Urm., Win. Kloau, rV H. Walker, M. H, WilKtr. iU Hteln, Aaron Htetu. Theo. F. Tm-- . , f rren liussey. Anthony Godbe. A. W. U'Hife. J u Clark, Marshall & Crter, K. II. IV wriw-nJ. liauman & Co., A. Watttr. 1 r.iuu A Co.. DunforU A Hon!, U.A. Alder,Thomaa Hieael, Hsrimr,A Jhn ChUlelt, A. Jan, H. IUikho-!i Itoberts, It. A.ABurton, N. rr Co., t Ausrbach Bros., C. II. liarratt, ami many others. ,, y. Salt Lake City, Sept., 10, 1SSS. 'uoveksor DcRKti, Mayor Weuls.A others: ir utTjr Js ur mnfch p. t asure to meet the wishes f tue Patrons of the Drama. In extending a IVstiinnQtul Benefit to the veteran actor. Mr. T. A. l.ynnand we besf to name Tuesday evening, lieu mst as the suitable occasion, when v hitrt to 'be able ti ?reaent such an ;vs sUull be worthy of the patronage of .. public. tlptng tbat this testimonial may be as sub siar.u.-V- l as tue friend of Mr. Lyne deslrt, v.'e are, gcntl;tuen, respectiulrj-- , yourn, Clawsom A Cainc. L i ld U t night at 6 o'clock, of a complication f rorders whooping cough," tery, Ac, Lutviv S4xt of Lucas and Harriett ttoaglaud. Hit'tl nbout 13 months. The funeral took place tin mornln at 11 o'clock. Remarks were made y K:dr.4 Gto. Q. Cannon and J, C. Little. V Cutlcryj Tuesday night has been set apsrtforit. tbe euterUilnmeat, we understand, will bean riet!frt one; and we wish the gentleman a umt .Lua.:'1"-- e ! with regard to Mr. Lyne's Benefit, and Of San Francisco, Ca ifornia. Tum - G LASS, Va insunancEcor,iPAUY, TAYLOR & miGHT Oapitalds Assets, Gold, $1,433,037.81 en , m GUGAIt, Cross Cut nnd Pit SAW0. Hast. H. W. West, Esq., started by morning for his home in Chicago. tlil tag Islted north as far a Ogden aT h Durtnu hi ' lroTo, enjoying himself very oi oiu a,ub. li "peaks highly of what he has sen wct.'e ia Utah; ana materially extended the i.iinu connections of his firm Burn bams A Quarry-- PACIFIC ii I- - MEDIATELY! Comprising . CHOICE TEAS, riceJ ? sur coaches will connect I PEPPER. i 8noaTCJfKD. Theou F.Tracy, Tue Weltvrargo, .fcCo's gentlemanly agent, HeftjrutsLed ns with the following Interesting fcM - 1 I dutascb : t HIGHEST WAGES PAID! In Cash, Monthly. OYSTERS, ' j 5(Q RftSRTr A LARGE STOCK OF, 1 ld ecjoy yourselves. Item : ,..)Q q, - YEASTPOWDERfl, sensational point, beautiful patbtic and conMHiy. and roaring faice. to everybody - X . j f CAXDLES, V a beautiful drama abounding combining " oP t I1VZ COFFEE, Iff T E D I A....... uTT TAt for publication are ' ..KrKoDT3 writing of the paper only. side one to write on of ube taken anonymous can notice must In correspondents' names accompany their communlca- '.instance - !nt wart!y for pobUcation, bnt a a, ,tl ; f STJGAK, "Tcal anp ornrn kxatttiis. - '. JUST OPENED - --..- i , Headquarters for - j 1 i. f |