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Show I TMlg2MA trade. omahatrade; g"18 rif - ' j x, UkCXS, rt - " Xi - ; ; 'I Skirts, de. - 3TO. , , Hard to . ; , - . 8ol Manufacturers and Froprletora of .: . HI i i IT..Wetrmem. Tl'ESTEIMf A5fX A MEIER, Importers of A iMatera Jn . - Clilun, Cm tlass & QnNMinirare9' Table loU fa n Cm1Ifry, Oil Xanip,. ',,JR,-,B- 1D A ron w- DEWEY, TRIMBI.E A Co.. Dealers In ! I Wm. Stephens. CHICAGO, 1S9 T8EU ai d2CD IT. T. ASTIIONT 4k Co., Broadway, New York, Manufacturers'of Photraphlc Materials, Albums, Btereoscopes and Views. 2m ILLINOIS. . trt. dC2i3ra W"'JI-GSS' No. iil . IDhristiaai's STREET, nnd nt Rocking Horses, Propellers, Meighs, I "JL!'Ti:; J- -' :! !A' Ll- L AFLTJNT, BUTLER J..L " Co., WA REROOMS, C5 MAIDEN.LANE, (Cor. William St..) Manufactory: 87, K.911;93 MA STREET, ' Man nfftctnrertj and Wholesale Dealers In , Reference, Messrs. Cronyn k Perrls, 19&ly. Salt Lake City. BLANK-BOO- j ditfly STEREOTYPE . Jy AND ELECTROTYPE Tnd ALL, OS and Dealers In all manner of IMPQRTEIIS the Fine Arts, OU Paintings. Hronzea, Parian Ware, u aa Huaden Figures, etc., Swiss, Chinese and forClocas, Japanese CKkhK JJecalcoraonlcand Diophonic Materials, Artlflclal Fruits and Vegetable. Anatomical Pieparationn. for Catalogue. Xo. .17 Stntc Street CHICAGO. bro., AND FOUNDRY, A XICIIOESj IIOl-E- Y isa. Tsjesr Are ;a Home; Institution! ! :ac . j lTcw -York. Chicago. E. FKAXKEJfTIIAL Jtc Co., of Cbolce IMPORTERS and Manufacturers In all kinds of Gtiicrailj. rpi'TH S. A. 3IEGE.1TIX B. LYONS. & LEAF, FULTON STREET, N. Y. kinds Of AH VEATLY KXECCTEO. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, ETC. Lithograpli (l in Fsirt-Clas- s Style. a A3 TIIE ' . f IvictI5cst cMlosi Uniform andConstruct llak-- ! 4)ulckest Jug Store iu the market. eSfnlV the rhen I liiclmsi Cflipaiy, EiceMcr uU " urwa iipci ana xituna u.Kia WEW YORK r. chuhcuxli.. ifo. 2S3 Kl Importers and Jobbers of I DOUOLAlj STREET, OMAHA, NEB. ., ' Oiii, j. .rautom. p. Well.! Kodney 1 ; inaaOrr. (Od AU 53.) , Ul-b- j!i a McAllister, milis Wholesale and Iletall In D.'jLXU.Iry; MEN'S & BOY'S I SHOES, Anu , M AUT STREET, 8T. LOUIS. dlDw Jmers Wholesale Dealers In CVoornl W.QiMecke, PAINTS, rma --. ..vx,,u, Tu7.t .... WM. SPEAK, JAS.ll.roaBIS. Wiu. SI'JEAR ft cov, f .H:0 na Dealers in HUd rlv, " . f v-- , 00 ts aInx shoes, re?r N.H. miion epencer, Mass. T LJ-C-r a BRUSHES, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Articles used by I . - & CO., ' B08fONf MASS., n: f ; MANUFACTURERS OP CalL Kip, anil Tnlck. Roota, . Flno - , IPorter. and Deafr, in'-.- L Brosrana ft Plooh Shoes, We Intend to keep the beat of Goods and a xao KerthKatn AIKT LOUT 3. ttra mt v (Vinwv. nw lamAnf 01 our wora. a specimen RA.lt T 13 ai&om STTCCataoa to C HULIN & CORNWEiIl, m are invited m te J A. IIESLER Jk Co., J Wrt Rae,and " aum, vuanx'u ffJWwid 99 Psarl fetrset, Boston. lias Indies' & Cuildren'ii fclioe. 1 SCHOOL BOOHS, THOMAS OARNAR, Book, IMPORTER and Dealer IniPoeket A BOOK. Comprising r Snapender Rnssla Leatber, Chamois, Ac, No. 180 WILLIAM STBEET. Comer nfSprvce, j. New York. ' " . " aiv,-tn- x LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, fDealers In alt kinds .u rilOCKERV. miVA. nf.lCB wavv No. BARCLAY BTREET, . Attor HoHseSJfEW YORK. Britannia AVare and Plated Ware, Kero. ana r lxinrea, Kn .....Munpi iABternsu ai lm:s61 6m ? door 13, Ac. 1 WILSON'S READERS AND SPELLERS, Elementary Spellers, f10 1 Geo. JP. J3radbrd; Jao. E. Cowles, GEO. P. BRADFORD A Co., Mannfactnrers of and Whoiwale Dealers In Men's and boys' Clothlnsr, 41 and i Warren Bt.. between Chnrch fit. and West, limadwav. New ' Yor , r .,;(, diS&Iy BilRBOURi: 3 UUJZTI9 A JFREJTCIT, IMPORTERS. 'and DEALERS In Albums, dc, 4c, Ilesler's Negative Collodion. All Chemicals warranter! nn All tMHiM at New York Prices. I i21.J .P f BOW, j 3TATIONER, I SlEX'ti, D. ano5-i- y :of fcbjcayo, MoxteithV Geographies, Ploneo's Orannars, 1 TIIE ELOQUENCE OF 1. Dry Goods Jobbers, 6 2 , Lithographer and Engraver dU3-t- f t 7 LAKE STREET, - 34 F2SJLBL fTEXET, HSWTOEX. ?a fc 70 Sllchlgan ATonuc. CXXXCAOO, M. B. CALL AIT AX. Proprietor, : 4) "'," jT":' Dealer la-- " r ' HAEDWRE, tt.t.. ofDrcMf!AA;t. Importers ana IVliilo r3wwi ens, ben of iT UUU JOD s r AmitfiiinnUUUUS SALT LAJXE CXXir. Otofoznptljrattandad w. . ; s A TrftatliA"nri TUafwa. tlon. Cancer and nri - - P1 1 . a. ncKTTkEwroBn. w " K 3 a -- j- - . -- zi0! n?PPineir Pia- n.Araenio i t: F. 1IUKT, Piv J' T- - COIftTATIOII i X. RAY'S ARITHMETICS hpercepuble. and usad., rDr. STILWELL, j and MAIK STREET. Opposite Bait Lake Hons; in, Mr NO CD RK Nft IX203T, - rUAhle"'no' eAn HARDWARE STORE. ' FELL DEAD Dr. StUwell's Patent OrganioVibrator. And 73, 77; HEIIRY WARD BEECHER did net nse I STEEL, TEff PLATTE, ws 0tore. Klaera and Arrlealtnral Tools. Rlvr which .Also Blacksmith Calr. naran. f.? utt.tlllSZC la CEmuL nutm. Ui . iff" im UV& FlrslClxu3 jobblzicr JStocJi, tb omillWFwll0' fL Eoweei M Zlanlc CHICAGO, ILLS. 11, - Xlners Boota aad Brosmju, and E4tfe lllasea, aad CkUdrosfa Sewed am : First national ( f X- .- ManuXacturera United' StitM'&faitoSp;' , T - RE-BOUN- Befer, by Permission, to Mr. GEORGE Q. 0ANNOX, and Mr. JOSEPH DULL, gait Lake City. .W. n. MILES, Esq. IU John St., N. Y. PAID IN CAPlTAtVl,O0O,Ocio. f QRAVERJi AMU UttAXK MANUFACTURING or all kinds, COAL OIL In Barrels and Safety Cans. IT BRIDGE, BEACH Th rl BOOT & auu wnoieaalcrs in J STOCK', Rosewood nnd Gilt FRAMES, CO I &i sm;2awd A 11 Naasan St., New York. PRINTERS, UTHOORAPH- - nOOKSJtUMDE TO if Jill EMPLE MUUrCAL,0LrEED,S HAY, Co., SS0E STOBE. EXCLUSIVELY: 7 3 ' 0 . W H p E S A. X. E BRANCH OF ALEXANDER 8TE0NQ A BOUND AND ! PHOTOGRAPHIC ROSIN, TAR, Etc., Which we offer to the Trade at New York and Chicago Prices, Freight addod. 22 FAR Nil A 31 ST OMAHA, NEB. d233m " C SICK sfc Co., frV o.2UortU3IainSt., -- & REFERENCES: II. It. Clawson, W. C. Staines, Esq. Esq. OIXS OREEN A Co., Mannfaetorers and Dealers in ujuxiuLi CX.IfiJJBATED PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS 5S2uiiS2 VW' Mercnin. 3i. " I Dealers In WOLOOTT u - Gentlemen's ZumishlBg' roodsc uutuias r4. UJlAJlA, A EC d2G3Sm DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS No. MAIN S3TREET. New York. tbr.cWre. MAGAZINES, MUSIC, ETC. 8aml. Xf. Nlrkerson, President. And every Description and Style of K. P. Gray, Vico President, , and Printing-- EngravingLithography Chan. J. 8chmitt, Assistant Cashier. Promptly Executed. azij bin CLOTHING, - II EL LULUS Jt VOOUHIS, Wholesale 1XERT, O jUJU7JYf Dealers VINT LARO EST PIANO ESTABLTaiT. Western States, FC. Lnd. ib L1?. if . v,",u m Snceeswrs to J. R. Lionberser & Co, OOP No. EBS- - SL LOUIS. 1! .V '. 1P&LlK&&tJl0nKBA. W'.bnTloiU'OOUIMctirectarMuitiruttir.n o. 211 NOltTII MAIN ST11EET. em ikl T"1?. !M.h STATIONERS, FULTON 8T. HKW YORK. . 0. SEYMOUR, KENNARD OJfAUA, NEBRASKA. GENERAL SHELF HARDWARE, At Wholeaie and Retail. f Short Notice. No. 47 DEAEBOEN ST., CHICAGO. Jonathan Janes. Pattern, at Blank iJooks made to any pattern. We k11 at tho K iMr nvu. rL Checks, tf . Notes. I )raf!. rrtlflmtfAa nr with-uo """FV1 ew York and Satisaction Guaranteed in Every Depart lithographed and printed to order. General V;;, ' wicumn ana L.tst rrice sent free to ment. m rui 01 wince ciauonery. j Oiilrom all persons Heading us their namesi ST. tOUIS, MO. TIELD. SAA'roRD A WELLS, Or Made to any Desired SLOTH it J.tm'E8, BARDWARE AND CLTLF.BT. ON HAND. BLANK-BOOK- S, TRADE Henry L. Slote,' ALL THE NEW KINDH OP COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. i j con "Great Xprtliwest Stove Stored flrst-clas- s 1 1m tJi iivu, ' ' GROCERIES. O SOS t. .17. ancir 3rintin0 -- ;A?GOODS. NOTIONS AND and PIPE. Foartecnth St.', OWAIIA, Nebraska. 119 BROADWAY, Opposite Pacific llou.se. OXE 1IUXIKEI TUOCSaA'D Public Ralldinc-- Phnrclm. fWoiiln,.. Council BluBs. Iowa re In dalir nne. and we offer every stove as Order from Utah carefully filled at 8 1. Lou wherever It may be found. When in the very best manner. Bath Tubs. Water reference, our new patterns were romlc. all recent nanwer "tins, aiarDie i were unttetl, and we Wash Basins. Boilers. Lilt and isForce 1 uropa coufldenuy with the varlnun slaw r Lead. Wrouichtand ) j and ghin CO., Wholenala and Retail Dealers In Steam nnd Gas Fitter, Plumber, noiesaie Dealer in PUMPS 1 Manufacturing Stationers, " lm-emen- Ji K Frhnkenfhal. j NUMBER SdLD DAILY than auy 8;.ve in the mttrKrnvMI t "till neater Impel n, Twin now be J,!'. to .ae -- ENTERPRISE a Cno- l- Md well .elUMocW CUT NoJ 157. feOUTli Careful attention given to Ontcrs from !Ll'rHiil WATER KTREKT, TOBACCO, tJ 6, im tilths 116 Goods sold at Hew York Wholesale Prices, Abroad. WMrn ST?fciall3r adaP to tho wanu of tc ir. KCIT1TUART JTo. lie, Water No. 332 BROADWAY. of Wasrona and Wagon Ma. NEW YORK. Co., tothe Manufacturers Kin Street, bit SSiJ.01 wSht, distributed 14, fo. and lUBStl HTRECT, 0239 Sm per. icrim, will JAvwfc,,ewlutyofUealgi . of manufacture. ""-OiwoiCJ UMAUA, ih.U. d4 Charter Ouk Cooldnff GREATER The Demand for TiiL. PREMISES. d21S:3m ! AuRICLLTCRIL WWIMOTS o the pobltd 75r.?er,?V ltrKlQ year Kt once took ttoe lead, ln,ce grown lu f iVor, uulll tnre and are now" V CLASS, PAINTS, OIL, j AND Htovcs In the K, Printing Establishment, CHICAGO. d2373m PROGRESSING. NEW YORK. Coarse and Fine Papers, BLUFFS. IOWA. - AO. fl" i .IIROX, XAIIS, STEKI, Co., !& Of Every DescrlptloJ, i 1 t'oontll Bluld, Ion a, WH0LH8ALK DEALERS Y j F. P. COOPER - CABS j CO., t. 7. nunroRD OMAHA, V Enterprise" Patent Spring Horses, PERAMBULATORS,! CARRIAGES, I Order tnicti LOWER BROADWAY, 415 WINDOW GLASS, LAMPS, Ac. NEBRASKA. Eujrticatc .JVcw.JforA, Chicago or CHRISTIAN, Manufacturer of. j i C. Brcwtcr. WARE, J. V. Brewster, Uadollet. 237 FARXIIAM ! WHOLESALE GROCERS, TWIXES and PAPER BAGS, BINDERY, Dealers In 4.3 fc 4,4. Htnto Street, Nos.j OUTFITTIXQ GOOJ3S, etc. etc., Opposite City Hotel, CHIXA, CLASS AND PLATED Hvc'y. m A.. ISalcs. Iiotvc si Jlsirkct rromiuiy 10WA. BREWCTan & ' CEOGKEEY,, r. r. Rockwell, i :4 sec and Trcas. J. TXIITCTTArvI fc BTJTlia'S, ' v ni.tit-'z-'- s 1U Cory, fcC03mti2o91m BLEACHED The Products of this Establishment are guar anteed equal in quality to the beit manufae-tared In the country. OrriCK and Wok k Cor. Main and Lombard Commercial 501 .i....XEnilASJCA. IMl Importers and Dealers in yiLLIAM ST., Importers of French, English German Chromes. WOOTJEX Farnbam St., OMAHA, XED. GRIST Special Attention an! General laeMnery. ghvn to Ordcn from ' Utah. 6m '.. E. Jfo. 239 sGO "Grand New York. dl73-6- ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW Mill, BUFFALO RODES, & B1H Manufacturer of Also all kinds of FURS ;r i011 "Wrfes, Fancy DRY GOODS, NOTIONS & INDIAN GOODS, 1,4 M T tJUUUil 01 . d2C&i7 rn run m Street, croirxcir. ; s TiH nnrmn iiiiir ,ua Fhoto-graph- lo COUNCIL BLUFFS TRADE. W. P. Wilcox. J STEPIIEXS & 1VII.COX, Staple -- - v orcj&c. & 17 BEDDING, d250 6m Wholesale Dealers In C0L0R nnd 1S7 OMAHA drugs; ; BADOLPJ? ST., Nos. 1 & 3 I Schieffclin & Co.. . - r GliASS DEAIiERS, f .3Ia, fT. LOUI.1. BIO, S011HEM TOTB HAD " (Corner of Michigan Avenue,) Machines ! . xrv. urricK jno. 137 DO U OF. AS wtrt. (between Olb and lOihj OM All A; NEBRASKA. of Rf Plr constantly on hand. f5". o1 ,?'oc lm62 3ui II. C. ADDIS. fnir.1 3IorlI Main And ? ? t I; c; i . Chemicals, Dye! Stuffs, nges 2 FancyiGoods, Perfumery, i" "a attention rtren to ORDERS Wpeclal ' DRUG, PAIMT OH, CORDAGE, Ac. - . I Importers and Jobbers of fVi I'll u. r 1 ri. W. Wholesale 1 ROCEBtCS, EtpJlJOBS, ...... ClOABS, TOBACCO, PRO VISIOXS. WOODEJf rjlBE, UFE-BITTER- Q, " ft I nMpRfflCrs Eeapinf & Mowin TflSlKSSa lf O i -- l I BUBNHAHS ERS, OMAHA. XEBBASKA, 233 Fornam St OMAJIA.Xeb. Old Bourbon and Kentucky "eKa;vy.btok of on hand. T, , always d20m Importers A Wbolsal Dealers la DRUGS. MEDICINES. PERFUMERY. ? I bllrera Dealers In t4& 3m Bonded Wareboa AMERICAN 7Tf Nronl fit.. : Fide. lilt.lineOJtteEAi C ROC l. r ' ' - " CORNER DOUOIAS and 11th STREETS, $ Ownen, nr Import en and MAnnutDrrt lilQUOISS, "IVEfES at CIGAHS, DULLLIers, " A o. 81 0 X. & i . r (Bet. fit. Ctxarles and Locust.) ; WEB. FINE CUT. CHEWXNO and ? fiout AOK3TTS ThomM TT TlrSTlnl BmoklnroB a Tobacco. :.. i . bat - lsi i - WHOLESALE 't33acE3SOS, iStb Str OMAHA, ana W O RSTEDS, FANCY CObbs" AND NOTIONS, 413 X rOIJIlTlI STREET, V1 ! ABBOTT, Manufacturers of EMBIIOIDEIHE3, YR . ' BEMUS DEESS AND CLOAK TBIMMINQS, ; j. - - Importer and Jobber pf . ", - ; . II. GTOIERSELLYSrV, i - 1 wz ; rHEw torbtJ ..." 1uWjrd, MBLFORB . CALL '' - Cortfand.crtvu. fe . SPRAOUI. ' Wh'eaale Dealer, hx Mart- - S8Vj?2.5d- im SEE TIIEH i.'j'i' V"' - Btteit f2eS A Bprasne'a rJSUi2f7oaliand Itotrs Shora.Brown Srt&es, AJteaSd DIG - -v- i-.v I I 'I ' UllDIOGS t , |