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Show news. EFBNING . except Sunday. very evening, -- is. TTvvnv - riiiiA. i.3il Hast month, three montns. CAOM, ,GL'S General Business The DESEEET HEWS, WEEKLY, (Published every Wednesday.) TRUTH AND LIBERTY. Arent 4 J08 PRINTING OFFICE mmM ton THifucrrroi or ill a Ju rawiixt. 1'Z II 11 t SALT LAKE CITY, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1868. ' . rli ri Cki f 1i vl r er In Ta 13 no better Y. iules oyer aen Victoria l.juc subjects. I'Vokera n,rrla2r G. J5. fHcAmd. 1 200.000,000 ise la Pari rwv E0QE J ' fW. flot.i I ? : I rnovisiox sealer, j " :3LESTIIEET. Til AN LANJ, Uanegro convention in Arkansas, COOPOR SZZOP. the brothers said, "LntTme your Blocu and half of on Can?t do urn loss keep fctocjc nsouth kniff." hand toTheatre, excbanKe lor producS.' CUper than la to be found ebmwhere. dhctf iderdartey.-u cfi Dubuque Proprietor. -- A General Assortment of 'SlUP? . DRY GOODS , Brown Sugar, I Groceries, Clarified Sugar, J?OOr AND SHOE MAKER, Crushed Sngar, fkmrut South Hfrret. Cbrnrr 0 frflt HADDLERV Lake CUy. T. Gent'a and Ladles' Fine lioota, Oaitem and Fine T. II. i?P..maJo to onler. of French and American niitl other torles. Fine O. P. Tea. TPAXT KUX AX COlu THE IfAHDWARE, Soda and Haleratus, Kails, OVERLAND EXPRESS! VVMiMWrsWAIUEi MILLAND Coal Oil. etc.. etc. INERT ge Line and are BANK NOTES, In connection with their 8. to 'JOIN and PARCELS. carry Srepared GOLD and SILVER h world, at STKAW AT GOOD IBOO.TS AND SHOES AT GREATLY REDUCED RATE31 PRESS FREIGHT, ONS and to all parts of COMMISSIONS promptly attended to. RESS HIRS. SMITH'S. a f from Paid to the delivery of EX. " . I TilAIs f i iaJJuon ' on our routes. dl50:ly M"wut5s 01 ksksuuo, wnicn will ku JOKE SWENS0N, ' I -- . oy-ri,- 1' , Kimball & Iawrencc. Mrs. HWKilj. S. Private Koora for Cuttlnir and Cbamooo- d!36:ly in LatUes und Children's fiord, three ttocrt East of Union Academy,) Hair. ur shoddy people, renting a ul--ciatf i,f Teaches the Art of Cutting every Article of ;j4 uc Kais, recently sent out invita- wwnui Ap iii4 to a soirte. W SHOWELL & BRfl If. FimVllLaw all the Including BOIaK AQE2iTiX)R UTAH. Models. MATCH AND INK MANUFACTURER, vximl hfU in the place, not excent-- 1 f And Dvulcr lu PROVISION'S. FftlTlTa .n,i :'K:ug William. roesbeeli'n Corner, ' dl79:U ! i A rel a eccentric friend of painters 3 uor II lit 1VHUKTAliLEa. .i ' jvimoau A. Lawrence, Eat I "VV1?.10 tho In habitant of Salt Lake : j !(tver! of pictures in Paris, is WELLS A EiBUER, Street.: 0117 a,nd vidnity, and the lvmpie dliiu trying ; ' traveling Pub- ; I lie In general, that we have promote me cause 01 nlgn art by CUTZZLS and GUNSMITHS. 9 jjinar ami Limine. the worst danb.4 - he ;, Auni....' Anetlou:: ,.,i'. , m bssssssjssA ! 1k I Auction!!! .v. pBntS" Hy J. K. TRUMBO. TLs womtu will soon GOODS at youroru Price, every da -vote Kuirin , . . Similar a viae .1i f..w.. u .kvftuuajr oaxe. at wj, iifui irt.-tu- i appearances. Tue dljitf wter; of 4 tfaiford have A placed 1,20S . 1... ....n'... viueu ua ma register 01 electors lor IMIOV1MOX MOUK, j! boroujh. Above 5.000 women v. A. Stat kuilJ i'JHViTER. isuiilt KxulratlonRoad, ipiyers have sent in claims to vote rue city or Manchester. At Alton. :?tiiTi)rdshiref the overseers have put '.f nsnH or the lemala ratnnvra a 01 I & XIOTJTZ, PAXTOT Fire Proof Sale and Feed Stables, j. nooriiii a w, oUiratioa to jUdtico does force a J. 8. HOUTZ Halt HrAAT' and Chains, 1'u"ir 13 r3r GENERAL CCD XEC XE3 . i $750,000 STOCKHOLDERS f.uuesu seuience, are as certainly Juuty, aud a owinir to everv nemnn are "yE eonsUmtlyjreceWlnc cash, Uoveity in photographs Is promised visible only in the dark. waits that must be taken into the m edlar to be admired. There are sjaja compounds of phosphorous a, after a short exposure to light, ascertain amount of luminosity aj and even weeks afterward, imaze from the Dhotocrranhor'. Mlowed to fall linon n tIo - 1 C. If. jjasstU. or WALKER BRO'S, Salt Lake City, SOAP t Hubert Hale. J04.J. Eurntwood. UALU d!24ly Which we offer at South Temple SU, Iilocx and a half West of labernaci. da-t- ALL KINDS OF GRAIN ON HAND. C. II, DONLLSOA, the surface to phos' wherever it falls ; the an effect. Sn7hthfe.im.age Proiuce fmm rmnvl and brought to the terms, a good supply of COOPKIt light noth-Tw- miable mo uet ana FAST FREIGHT Ws if tint, dirkness the picture develona 7iI ,au unearthly glow, as if it been drawn with the point' of a "0.tr match. ordinary smoker of the cheapest ' eo consumes daily the vpr aat of three cents worth 00 cents uQUX or ou days, or 510.83 In the jvaroroi 000 uays. lie will use matches at a cent a niece. wjts &: y t quauiy evtry variety. .T! WAKJS cLxjoU JAMES HAGUE, Uun ana JLocUjsmitli, Jl1 "ucnn yonr Produce and aaraet Arle, In Goods at the Lowest Hate. w1 IIQUOB! iwroxjpaixjB AT ' LI MT0HY! s mjbtjiz, THE HOWABD DISTlXLXirr, On Big Cottonwood. Addmss JOSEPH HORNK. SALT LAKE Despatch j f ; An ! ! von GREAT WESTERN Our usual JLOJVJFMGUIZES. : aiiup. dl29:ly PKODUCE AND CASH! XtUlt&SWOOJD. CATvRlAUK, WAGON and BLACKSMITH f Country Dealers Cheap for B.JioberU. IIASSJETT llOUKUTM. ' PKY GOODS. QROCKUIES f?tiJ?,i? Ut.Mil.Ub MKliCH A.N DUSK. WhOleili Zn.i i west aide liaat Temple Street. ifceiau, UliAo-- tf .'aorewMee If General Agents for Utah Territory. And, In rct, almost everything, which we will WUl find It to their advantage to give us a call. Sell s udom ' STOCK.! Provisions, Tinware, Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, uu uuo 01 iae8 preparations; ;JV'w-xciterVT IABLE. PRODUCE, and New Supplies PAINTING. GRAINING AND MARBLING, 13th ward Assembly Rooms. Oneooriuestof aa dia7:U S;ii Lake City. ! -L- and Assortment of Drugs, Medicines complete and Perfumes, at Reduced Prices. Corner of Main and 2d eouth Street. Salt Lake City. Professional Advice Free of Charge. d90tf FOR i V4 V PERS0NALLY Insnre against Loss by Fire on terms as favor-abl- e as any other First Class Company. Losses nromntlv" and ennitahiv sriimttA.i and paid. I -- mSURANC E COMPANY - Jvh rw'Wyr. JoAn jcAtx)y. j suffering, and fair interpretaaal excusing our brother, a and J .ti'Ujdoe jxcAvot.Uic? ia the best sense, and passing Are prepared to execute, in the finest style of pt does not offend and can reoent. tanj to account can be owing to the axe nrsi 10 be paid; and he ilOr4 nn tin Is a very unjust ,s ius ?o 130 a. office, East Tempu CITY DRUG STORE. J. CLINTON offers a fall i Including Staple and Fancy .0." ; MERCHANDISE fl Of San Francisco, California. CAm CAPITAI.. fully pnia In CJoId Coin, . d208-i- y GREATLY REDUCED PRICES a Tpo.F. TRACT, Agent UN ON Hnltel to this Market, at As well as a Complete Assortment of then, rt W dsrtx BOO., Keep Constantly for HALS IURXESS, dlSl-S- m . 9t. VAN. wise, ue Knows mere is a A. J. I'OIILrroA, ot tnercy and compassion due to j BIACKSMITHS, nmrmiuw 01 man's nature: and t bOUTU and he is Cruel 8TREET. adjoining Deseretl that vttUVald,id uu;nthf to a sinning person, and fOXD Y.ri?!r.b atieuuon paid 16 llorse-- l dlttU:U i him, dlrs in his debt, ;u u unjut. Pity, and forbearance, zd l.flif - & Staple Merchandise are prepared to accommodate the Publie Livery and Feed, in all its Slock SaJes promptly attended to. branches KuoUttiMlNuiei fheaD'or Cash. lrnliiM tue wont to II00DL1MISEE poinu iiiiosi For particulars apply at Co., jh to bo cruel or to use the shamcst II Klt). utoee. A just man does Justice to ry tuau aaU to everything:; nd uaiio 0: if Good Pasturage for Stock WHOLESALE & RETAIL, within the City, All the Varieties of Second South St., 8. L. City. II. J. FAUST. oaati of votes, on all the church make our Assortment Complete In all KINDS of STAPLES. May 20. 188& nijuff l04 A j i AHTIST ,;ppmui,utt uu esiaitr buuuuiv, anil ,3'la leJ hU eccentricittie9 by eloping 'v tfiaaothtr man'd wife. i .'. OVERLAND MAIL . Second South Street, WAGENER A ENOLEURECllT, Proprietors. The CholrMt klntfa nf T.lnnnn onntfantlv nn CALIFORNIA BREWERY and LA UEK BEKR 1EPQT. dm.tr TUB i JOHN SQUIRES, i T TV TT' A T x ' Two doors north of Post Offlce. youth whipied or benefitted. all othw who wish to AND tothe PPr5l4S5 RalirCl mpldir this place, and. as in consequence FaU rate of Tnrare alwavs anxious Ra?n this , 8nm Grestiv freight to beneflt our cSstomeVaV :o:UOODS in furnlshlne them th VERY BEfcJTflroxa uus to and from the prices; Vh. DAILY STAGES data. the UNION PACIFIC KAILROD of OMAHA, and the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAIL ROAD of CALIFORNIA. Passengers ticketed from OMAHA to DENVER, SALT LAKE CITY, AUSTIN, VIRGINIA, NevadaACRAMENTO, U &nd intermediate poinis. C. j a ieave SALT LAKE CITY dally for' SUkv "tuts, and on alternate days for VIR-- , and HELENA. Montana, BOISE Coffee, above and other points in those Terrl-- ; GINIACl. U Tea, CITY, Idaho, ! of i BARRATT, & S3 00 S 00 2 00 AND CBtonwrf i A . j ay- A 5 00 .. 3 00 , ... General Express Forwarders, " ! ; EST HIDE OP EAST ROSS ACCOMMODATIONS. nKnCJTJtAT'S EXCII.'t.VGE, AND . AT dlO:ly CEO. W.'DATIS, Indian Chief iu Washing- "ia naicnet; ,, Xrfitry uaa t"rieu of a trapper. ;( if wad in the head temlnole chief has an uupro-)intfat)- Ie name, which, when trans- - ....f8 06 WELLS, FARGO & Co. j. Parileulair Notice tV t FERAMORZ LITTLE. Vtnh Trrritory. slt ! fiiuous run J0HH80N f G FOR GRAIN OR GASH! and Permanent Boarders FIRST-CLAS- S K.M;r AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ANI SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. ' Lake City, Utah. U177-3- ui 'ft. i, I P. Johnvm. Collootlnig OFFICE t the Occidental k uoio-me-uevu-anu-si- & . , Alf 01 VJ? aS,JLMyT A Acentu. noml ; ,,, One Copy one year,, six mon UlntiMi.,t. three onths,..., 250.1 c : And for Salo Cheap, Will And D- - No. ' Arrived! CoU EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE ST. ditf ! tL list Boston ,,, directory. iu (U io.e nvo per cent, a ji , Mit y liu" exPed to the weather. Nrtion;of the Cathedral ofj .... ;UI,ett Paris ii at length com- - j .Wiowins forward or back- I did Ti ve, and evil diil I jet. JtoberUon, ntLow fe Holloltom Attornoya in Chancery, Travelers 6irt Cfy. Utah Territory. j. 1010 Smiths and 800 Join- - i jj. STRICKLAND & BOBEETSOB", 1 -- Nearest House to Wells, Fargo & Stage Office, No. 8, CITY HALL. than looking-clas- s fltftrue friend. SAM JhATHTlR, MOUSE Sust SEA. 8 TOUT, fc Counsellor at Xaw Attorney Ultf OFFICE HO j 'eballon horseback Is a Michigan n alx months three months, j Y TERMS FOR THE WEEKLY Vol. I. I T I 13 H. V SEMI-WEEKI- One Copy one year - ... . TERMS FOR THE ft BOOK UlEWS Semi-W6ek- ly, (PubUahod every TaesdAj and Batnrday.) m rw 8 00 .... S 50 . w DESEEET NEWS, Tenuis Strata. i5 v Pioneer Piper of the Rocky Mountiin Region i CITY. DUNF0RD & SONS LINE I I re- - HOriE-PIlODUCEJTROit Are constantly receiving Xcir York and Boston Stayner & Cunnington. dlCtly AND Xew TO additions to their present Stock or well-select- ed EsXCHIjiSIOR UTAH, COLORADO, D &C MONTANA, HOIVIE-IVZilD- t ES j ; -- At the Sign of the -- , T".E - I I 4 WESTERN DISPATCH established by the Freight United States ExpressLine Co., Merchandlse from New York for and transportlng Boston west wai. wii iiui. oear impress cnarges. per month, or IktSt TvUihla Klrl. Bull T . ri . worth more. Hence seven AuunonlUon, fer I:out. or cents per annum. iias lur Sale Guns, Pistols, ana XI UcKl- xiriaies, cxtuui, PlUiUlUAi WHIPS. Su"s without counting STRAW SPLITTERS, for Braiders, made to r I?T', l in-69- . clothtoc- - nnt! wasted .wri. otiu Mtkcuuies, ana au aruciea m the time. aouv ue rep.ureo. " frttniiv comunAeri be 7 a of . .. . ; . ' -. un I n iid lro1nre inkru la who are smokers, Exehana;. u aa iwoBons, annual $35.37 in of expense . .. Ul Bum ipimiM K .vrMI" 3,f.fi.:rr: ea a ai lwo au a 1.hair cents. iXJUatL nr full.. J. D. M. CltOCUWEIX, M. D. JiTnidren. When lalKrinir mn JL at tht Prospect of the poor HOMCKPAT1IIC and KclecUe 1'hyslelan Haw given I years to tne cure1 ;' least, three pipes 1 cents .ft Onr 4.- 'iiy I P4"s & V'U wjstrrv oi AtegeatA s Co., we Cheyenne. & uuuuma, ware 01 luo equau came. iw uttcnin? ana ""'ui. Chi?.?. Into wnue tne wavesdropped broke over itctini iK trementla3 uproar, and n destruction one of the .lntanton nU kneea aQd com- .ppef With a virn to the 4enayi? .UcJr-an HaDnenlocr to onen " - wusctveu , , h! v.. "r in.. vt ,i,uq uis no? In prayer, but P'C0"' of p0le ,Q the wat by the side F, ji. sn i .Kr ex-ie- "I1 - -- ji ged j itesiaence, 9th Ward, Salt LU5m SAMUEL McCABTSEY & Co., i.suenlj 413 dTT-l- GROCERS, and IMPORTERS oi WINiis,Lig.uORs7aadTKAS ft 417 North Second 6tret. Saint LomU. Ma. y rr MegcatA STOVE STORE. J. n. di Co. Have Jnst received their LARGE STOCK ITiTiTTTT OF COO KING, PARLOR aim HEATING' And PRpilUil HORSE 8H0ERS. EAOT TEMPLE ROATX half block south of Theatre, AU diaatiT T doinJ Mlker said STATE m na a iuoi lasexi. call. uiva iigance knees for How, d.Yuwnonyour dSlOlm x 'v rt (,cu uj nuu O. II. ELLIOTT Wfc C., Adjotona WeUi, fttrffo Co'., Uy ?t," said the other, al he ' WHERE TOU OAN GET Wholesale A Be tall T UllTf prayln1 usof BOOKSELLERS AND OTATIOMBRsjrOTJnXbrtriato YonrsclT can Wg?t bottom with 1 ' s tretu Cast corner, Temple cooper's a2m7S3 mnPCT : -- or dCelttf MISSES' and CHIT--1 OFFER 17, Also a Large Assortment of! p. jj. J Fb. DOCKET, Boston. Lake City, Sept. Salt dl-l- Salt Lake Cltv. witn wna .iioHZf jljl lor working Gold or Silver Ores, with two borM glne Knly'to . ?AK.1IAtI' A CARTER, Salt Lake City d233lm y Pr. Kcn Inyn nsnin CIGARS! OIU3, and WASHING SOBA At LOW FIGURES. Quartz Mill For. Sale. . LYE, "I HATS, of every Style, 4 THUS SOAPS, MEN'SIAND BOYS1 BOOTS AND SHOES, FOB Nevada. f : At the following terms, which they wish com- pared with the Cost at which the Eastern articles can be delivered berer 8, '68. 2 -- :o:- Extra Family Soap-Pal- TO AND FROM THE ciGARa i WARP SPRING BATHS. ! JZl to 29 eta. v m 25to27 Soap...... Oxide Soap Castile Soai Variegated Soap 25 to 27 ... 7 M40toS3 .60 to 75 .Si 75 to f2 00 V dos -- . mv fnmmn rtArrr Fancy Perfumed Soap. A500 Will leave the Salt Laka Hodss rverr moraine I Concentrated Lye. at EIGHT o'clock, and at every HOUR through I Washing Soda 23 eta. lb TTAVINQ purchased from W. II. HOOPER the day, calling all at Hotels, the principal ' .ttQOHgaU A-- thatChol-- e XI. AlUIUaOf, ' now offer them for sale atLot of CIGARS, we d214tf as sas iiw w Proprietor. Neats Foot OIL Bear's .1800 ' 1XATO: ' ' 'f STZtATF-EASTEBN COSTX TSf It. lOREPn FIATTON eInvitee attention lift.' to his Stock of Home-madSTRAW Parties wishing a fins agar would benefit I HATS and BONNETS. Also a Full Assort- OFFICE East 'tide of East Temple themselves by giving us a call before pnrchas I rnent of Feathers, u uiDsens and la elsewhere, at VBBrwvr at Goads, Sail Tstle Wry, Faney Oail and examine for vorjrselfPHiCES.i: the 9 fjlTY I ' BONNET AND B rRAW FAnTORr East TtrspZt Ctrttt. Aurv ouS21AT WeS V ii ASM las v;ns , I : . ; ' , -- T!'Uh of . T1IOS. A GEO. NAYLOR, feaw'j" IiADIES For Utah and JSVtd Co., JI. M. MO VET. Au, 1 raftsmen were caught recently poisonous blow on the ;big Mississippi: ancs with the times, in &ii sir .fany Tere swampVd and .V?.nc" wm t111. my Office, 1st Sooth T'' ORNSTEIN & POPPER e- aiiunon of CANCERS. and the iemoral ol UWiaEa, .W0?MS-JKarantee all I promise to ullclea HUcl deprecate use of the piai fr-VM- TJ. Mark Freight for Colorado and New Mexico. "UBEat o Wi ? V, i 1 from the East to the end of P. it. It. la the aama rs ehnrgetl by all the principal Itnllrond Line. TarlflT Boots & SSioes. j w . V,BEAT the 11 CP .o.- -4 no' I , -- Tnn; Oll; - . - ' i . 4 -- f ) I J Ibr - i I I wwsi''v1.,i. ;t 1 trg. 'ID?- - s- .t ' - - |