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Show PfSERETEVEHIflG HEVS.i CHICAGO TRADE. MILLS & IIcAIIilSTEU, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in , r.icri'8 a coy'o writing tor publication are o.sroKTa on. side of the. paper only. on Luea to write J CorresTjondeuts uou mwr v "- - " a fBEATRiCAi evening Mr. take his will and he has Benefit, jXcKenzio a and selected capital comedy thrilling1, tirriflg drama for the occasion, 'with Mr. J. , 1 ' - ' d2S98m' ' KTM ' - clothing, Cleaning, Filling and ExtractArranging Irregular ing Teeth, Teeth. AH work made of the best material In nse aignmentof McKenzle appears in the role of the wan i F. D. COOPED UMIEDIATELY. fc BUILDERS BRIDGE One UTAH srO Waron Bfa JHCiiiiclrcfl H. LYOXS, - - Steam and Gas Plumber, Wholesale Dealer tn PTJMP8 aod Fitter, P1PK. 30 Fourteenth tit OMAHA, Kebraaba. Public Balldings. Churches, Dwellings, Ktoret, etc., lilted np with Gas, Steam and Water Pipe, In the very best manner. Bath Tabs, Water Closets. Hot and Cold Shower Baths, Marble Wash Ba&lns. BoUers, Lilt and Force Tumps with the various alzes of Lead. Wrought and Cast Iron, aod Drain Pipes andPlttlnirs con d21x3m stantly on hand. IK. ALL CIZTJTXCTEZJXXu r. THE MEW KINDS OF business nature to a Telegrams of aassure COOKING AND HEATING 8TOVES, ut of the fact tnatTir-imtbe la this city , TL1, efluT 1103 ui COPPEaWiEE, l, LaugrUbe troupe will remain a week. In before departing to faint a professional IIARDTfARE AND CUTLERY, wlUx our saintly bretorn of Utah. u(aemcnt VA DOUG LAB STREKT, ONfAHA, NEB. No. Let every one, iarandnear.be on nana to giro A Fine Block of Heavy d209 6m Monuua's favorites a corulal reception upon their first appearance, alter tbe lapse of many lUOMliS." J ! The Helena Gazette &t the ltin, contains a cor-- , AHA, KEBKASUA, respoadence tendering Madame Scbeiler a GENERAL SHELF HARDWARE, AT Benefit, and her aooeptance of it At Wholesale and lie tall, from tbat city. She se prior to ber departure nt CHICAGO or NEW YORK tbe "HI of an Actress' fer tbe occasion, E. B. TRIPP'S Old Ktsnd, first door north Will Sell jcted FUICES, with Freight added. f Kimball A Lawrenee'sHtorr, and last Thursday evening was. the appointed We Ymf all our GOODS direct of Manufacturers East Temple Ntreet, time. When the company started for Virginia C239 3m and Importers. she was en row for this city; bavlng played a i most successful eogagement in Helena. Where yon will fine a first class Stock or DKWIJY, TRIJinLK A-- Co., Fixa Concur, and stirring drama, wiUi ermnastle act between, for Mr. MeKenale' a Dealers In CUSTOMOIADK . gentle-ma- n Bust Received! FRENCH CALF ry : - i KKITII, WOOD ' - fc Co., FANCY Worcester, Jockey Clnb ,snd Pepper Sanees; Tubs, Backets, ' WsNb Breeais, Boards, Axes and ; DRY GOODS, notions, , D. W.Keith, jibijah Keith New York d218-r- a f ' ; Franlilln Klreet. 7 : i i i Vi kd, tbls morning, the 19tb, of Inflammation of the luogs, Mary Catherine, daughter of John 11. and Lucinda Clawsoo, after a sickness of 11 months and IS eight days, aged 2 years, " And FEED from the well-know- Mcr-- rnHIS n INSURANCE COMPANY 1 has established a General Apeney in Halt Cake City, for the Territory of Utah. Policies issued, payable either' in Gold or Currency aa msy be desired. n ' . and jr. or the Best Qualify. 0SIAUA,.- - acr Iosurance effected on Farm Property, Risks and DwelllDKS at i Reduced Kates. A. J. RALSTON, L. HUNT, 3 President Secretary, Mills, Merchandise, OVB MOTTO IS: ' . i QUIOK SALES & SMALL PEOFTTS NEBRASKA. V WALKER BROTHERS, d2U-S- days. d2S9 6m Funeral services will take place Lowest Cash Prices, suitable to at And the a p.m 13th are In Friends Ward. at residence, Hatlrsat mt Hinyon hanl. vited to attend. IIEXItY S. JTACKSOX aV Co., 4 ItiU.Star, please copy. :o:t aWaxokxiso 8 raxx is, or tbe Rose of Kt trick WHOLESALE to Vale: Mr. McKenxle's Benefit, Toesday evenciveii ntteiitlon Pnrilcnlnp LIS FAUNHAM STREKT, between th and HOOTS ing. October awn. the mnnnlHctiire ltth HTUEETj. French nncl NOT so Bad One of our typos tells us that the finest qnallty OMAHA, XEBRASKA, . be has Just gathered two tqusshes from one German Cairnnd ICIp A nncl host Good the of tSU 05 vine In his lot, weighing, respectively, and Dealers In 77 pounds; besides S or 4 smaller ones. Borne of work gnarnntcctl. oar employees are considerably acricnitnrsOJy iiROCEllILS LIQUORS, ' have entered Into anealthy ' lactlneu, andto they CI :o: OARS, TOBACCO, PROVISIONS, raise tbe largest squash, next campeUUon season when it comes. WOODEN WARE, We have heard it stated tbat our squash were CJood Workmen Wanted, Fivebla-heser Fear d egenarateu. and we run out generally t CORDAGE, Ac. M'ages will b paid would liae to see an effort made nexlsnmmer to wlioni tne to raise good ones, and distribute seed of this In C aab. valuable vegetable freely among the commu9- - Special attention fflven to ORDERS , nity. rrom UTAH. d2381y last On "Wednesday Fatal Accidjcit. d2i ly i est to giro ns a can. Fnrnnni Ntreet, ISO well-know- and paid at f be Gen Families. Freighters. Graders. Hotel and All Losses adjusted A renew eral it Restaurant Keepers will find it to their Inter . 1S7 Of San Francisco, California. ehsnt Hills, wnleh we will war- rani First Class, FURNITURE AND BEDDING, BOOTS MD SHOES IfJSURAfJCE COMPAfJY, EXTB1 8. S. FLOIK ; i . PACIFIC ME JDIMMinSllflnQCE! I v. i .' - - We shall also keep fully supplied.wlth JJenry Wood, WJt Gate. Oftlce,-- Xext Door to tho Western Union Tele arrmttomee, pate ltxle more." d2102iu Canitaldc Assets, Gold, $1,433,037.81 No's 04& Cl(l, IMlolxlcrnii Avenue, (Up Stairs,) 7 City and Country Blerehantsj are) especially lnvltel to call anil examine & PAINTS, GOAL OIL HOSIERY AND W0OLEKS. I . Axe-llelre- s, axiArr, jozLDiiri 0f Canned Fmits, Candies, ltaialns, Cnrrants, Fisa, Honey, Maple Sngar, etc., - Importers and Jobbers of . & KIP i OF SAFE S. FIRE-PR-O ascltrtm i i ' oar Stock. EAST TEMPLE STREET, , Spices, Pickles, Oysters, - ( AGENTS FOR BURKE & BARNES "Great lYortlnrcst Stove Store." MANUFACTURE ! Sodn,SaIerntus, Yeust Powders, Pepper, ; ,' ' At Greatly Reduced Prices. . 80, 82 and 84 Michigan Avenue. Hsr.t . Sfignrs, Teas, Coffees, Rice, Starcli, Syrups, Soap, Candles, Tobaeeos, ! " ' . htrket, Checkered btable) OMAHA, NKB. (oppnatte dill Cm , ORICHAM YOUNG. dSTStf Wives.' ;i . We received the bare Madaxb Schkxxjuk. Virginia, Montana, Democrat, of Oct, 13 Lb, the first copy that baa reached Our sanctum for weeks. From It we take the following ;' Mannractarers of of all kind. No. z Waa-os- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Tbe Stock: consists. In part, of ! IRON MERCHANTS, terlal. A.Mi hdi1 com-pilmenta- LABGE AND COMPLETE STOOK. Which we offer to the Public offer Low for Gash, Flour, Grain, AcA WA at WIIOLEgALE sad RETAIL. gir utisfsctlon both la quality and price. Apply at my Office. ber JUb; the beautliul comedy of Sweethearts Which trsds to oar HALL, K1HB ARK & CO. T. W. Ellxru kck, Assistant Adjutant General. Octo- And rtspectfoOr eaQ the attention of the They sre gosrsntesd to . 'iicssrrr of &lr.p. MeKenale, Tuesday, TOBACCO, . f Wells,. (BIEL(DC3SIILE r FOR TII12 TRADE, BITTERS, JTeb. Farnam HU, OSIAIIA, and Ken tacky Heavy stocks of Old Bourbon Whiskies always on hand. ' d2l5 6m . ,s Dunbar also received a warm welcome, II rad Quarters, Nauvoo IjEoiojc, ( Adjutant General's Oftlce, j. i Halt Lake City, Oct. 19, 180. SrECIAL'ORDKK No. 1. , ' 1. The muster ordered in General Orders No. 1, of the 10th ultimo, so fkr as conoerns Silt Lake, Utah, Tooele, Davis, )Veber; t'aiho, Richland tmmit and Wasatch military districts, are hereby postponed until . farther orders., ' order of Lieutenant D. General II. By We bare the exclsslf I wis of the AMERICAN LIFE 233 ; COFFEE, . '".''ILEBACeU rsr. ! TEA j STAPItE and FAXCY avail TT" . . dering maniac. The gentleman deserves a house from the pnblic, which we bumper hope to see him' have. of Saturday night's performance we have, now, only tune to say it was a success. M rs Iloinney was greeted with the heartiest r. and applause on her 1 A LArgo Stoeav of respectfuUy to announce to the People TQ JL9 ox utan tne r irsi Arcivai oi a jsrg wjb Xo. 008, 13tn St., OXAHA, XEB. tv.tt l." T V" TT1 mrpnTIWl X TT a ml 5 s sons d. srannT iv sfwrkmsmhlp :o:I' .1- - JSEHIS e. ABBOTT, Manufacturers of Has. EL I5AM1LOW. ON RTJBTJETl, fer Fall &U. .S73,00. OX UOLD PUiTES, Low Irlee. noro St material. tng to style JTJST OPEEJEDT :o: A. C. PYPER & Co., - Of AHA, JfEB. r 1 . H0USE1 --- 8M0KLN O TOBACCOS. orem in a gymnastic act between. 80LK Aokrts ron Tuosnasr St OUvers one and is the Wives' of .Sweethearts dk'iS Sen neatest comedies In the English language, Virginia Hmolting Tobacco. are characters an.l its admirably distributed. and warranted to aire satisfaction. -- Wanderinjr Steenie" has a rood "' Clocks repaired. Jewelry plot, and Watelae te m and Bonded Warehouse Owners, Import Distillers, i full of Interest, illustrating some of those WARD. Fear Block west craana Aianniactnrers or of strifo and Tiolence that at one orF1FTEEXTU r tne Harket Hens. time were so common on "the Borders" dZ781m LIQUORS, WINES &. CIGARS, between Scotland ard England. Mr. Bole Iranufacturers and Proprietors of C . DOSE BY - . To-morr-ow " 229 DOrOLAK o Otstabf tshed 4 C33.) Ocntlemen's Xhiniishing' Qoods MECHANICAL DENTISTRY "" mast La wnmBniw instance accompany ':J not necessarily for publication, but as a ,ii.,T. ...nnu." isa mm General m Aft-ent- for Ffah. s ,at ll nnU aee ns. at the fine, new Eldredaro Building,- one deer eentli or Tf lerrmpn umee, orerisna epps mt unrreaee. nenrijr sue Mimesu Sa-Cn- - -- or or Fit GROCERS, of WESTERN AGE5T3 FOR ; Salt Lake City, Sept. BTJBBEB AND LEATHER , 22, 1868. d258tf ; 8kln. T. & XV. TAYLOR . I . FREUNB : lajpiifi ani ConinctiiisBoso. , - r, .5 t - HAVE Just receired an excellent Assortment , ; I; BR0.P . j , j Heniy Ericson, of Mill Creek Ward, was starting with a load of cane fron his place WOICOTT 6l Co., to the mill, when he slipped off the 1 ARE Wholesale Dealers In load and fell on the trround. The Iwairona PTflTRimX CITEX TO AUi WnO V TO THE DKSKULT NEWH passeu over mm, cnumag ms Drcast ana OFFICE for Subscriptions. ibat.rayment VARNISHES, BRUSHES, ribs so seriously that he died in two hours of the same after this date cIs, to be made 1o PAINTS, and forty minutes, lie was in his 77th QEOBQiS Q. CANNON, tbe present Editor. . WINDOW CiLASS, NOTICE Guns & Pistols. Xtr Buckets, jyruagUts9 ArUeltfj fipringa, . Jtotto Covert, Cushion, Hurserjf Cloths, Combs, Soots and Overs, Hora6 Cov- r. ers, Cotton Warp, GROCER I ESM ; Ar.ir.1UNITION, HALLO CK & WXlEELEBi CI.OTilIXO READY-HAD- E a. :'; d2i8:3m I ri . I Consisting of Mannfacturers and Importers of RUBBER I CLOTHING JAS. L. BOIITIIIG. - a RUBBER ASD HEEP PAOKIKO, 143 Lako St,, CMcogo. Cntlery & Sporting: Articles, . year. ' April 1.18C8. And all Articles used by BRIGUA3I 1TOTJXG. " Gymnastic Act by Mr. John C. Orem; Bene WZZ23Z3TaX:Zl &. SZZ7ZXOXJ, PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. ritofMr.D. McKenrle. jj iT" Manufacturers of Also, ' Davis Cotjsty. i esterdar Xiocal paid a s OIX COAI OIXS PATENT WACHIXE 31ADK visit to Centervillo and Bountiful in com all of a kinds, Second South Street, Bait Lake City. pany with Elder Edward Stevenson. At the In rinrrcls and Safely Cans. Which we will sell Very T.o wv meetings in those two wards there was a DEWEY A BAILEY, Proprietors. Etc., ROSIN, TAR, feel excellent aa lively spirit manifested, and roK j the Trade at New York and ings prevailed. The harvest has been fully First class accommodations for tbe traveling Which we offer toPrices, PIONEER HOUSE OF UTAH! . added. Chicago Freight Ac. up to expectations. Quite a number of the d259:tf .Public Charges moderate. Grocers, Druggists, linker, FOR CASH OR GRAIN. . are on the railroad. Those i population NEB. FARNHAM 220 OMAHA, ST., - male a to called take mission to our "Dixie" are 'Y d2C9 3tn preparing for the move, and the brethren XT. XXXJOTT Jk Co., OXLY MAXUFACTTTTIF.RS In IheXORTIf O. from Centervillo expect to start this day WESTl Wholesale A Retail - CALL AND SEE. week, Peace, proiperity and progress aie the leading characteristics; and there Is a BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS lSIdaSnllc Street, dl2ly BOOT & strong desiro manifested to labor: for the Street. East Corner, ILL, Hooper's Temple CHICAGO, accomplishment of every desirable object. MAIN STREET, ; d222;6m U21&U EXCLUSIV1CLY Three doors below Salt Lake House, Scan Wh sat. The Dapartment of Agricul ture, at Waaningten, baa forwarded to tbe Fire Proof Sale and Feed. Stables, A CO.J I OVN MATERIAL. i REVERE HOUSE, 3 3 i I PAPER BAGS, 1 ; ! Preund ji SHOE STOBS. ! Agricultural Society some packages of Teppa bannoch or Bougbton Wheat. ' This wheat bears a high reputation aa hardy. ierson wishing to experiment on the same can Dave a package or two by applying to the Bee retary of the Agricultural bocletyatthe Historian's Ofiiee. As the wheat matures from tsn to fifteen days earlier than other varieties, this would certain ly be a fine -variety to plant after a year of i iwarelty. : i Itoco nil I s LUMBER ur to-da- -- ff - w it &: SHINGLES HAULED ON SHARES, at suc-'iee- GIUlS, BROTHER &C0, BOSTON MASS., MANUFACTUTtKRS OF Calf; Kin, and V L ThteU Roots, Fine Shoes, ; : Peaaed Work. L.-- 5 - !' - 'I - ' ' : I . Jobbing Stock, " OQVORt . JJ , TtXXJ nOWAUD DZSTXXXC&Y, On Bis Cottonwood. . Anna ess JOSEPH HORN E, SALT LA KK CITY. dl96:ly - ; . Established 1855. IH 4 Dealer In .'.',' SP : t ' ; MEALS AT ALL JlVrLll:, . 02Cmf . . , FIE3E VW I saT iXXeC7XlV A rents for E. I.w Dnpoat's sr a M7i eeiesrsiea ; and De Ke- - ffADTED IUIIEDIATELY! s MINING POWDER. SPORTING Sole Aaents for the whole west for the celebrated ; I Winchester's Patent BEPEAM6 EfflE ADD; 1,000 EH! GOO MLIH1I ! wrrn Teams, Of New Haven, Conn. The Winchester RJflesat can be fired eighteen times in succession jsith-oTo WORK on the GRADING or the . re-loIng, heDco the name of EIGHTEEN over advantage SHOOTER, and have the great as a also used canoe for ttaey other arm, any breech-loade- r, alncte by inserting eacn18cartridge shots in and : ' '' IOTKi j JKpWUU to be fired In theItbarrel, : 11-can be usedleaving at the rate of two ; the sasgazine. s"-' .i 'j tr it' shots a second. WEST OF THE PBOKOSTOBT, HOlffll SIDE OF HALT IAHK. reeons-On the Tlsese Arms are nartlenlarly ad Central Pacific Railroad, mended for defense agmlnst i .. lUDIACJ ATTAGLIO! ' IIOIXOW WAUE and silt In left ear. marked, 1,4 TIPIVrD 1....V. var tail ws an , wsa sgssji aetsf uusu j U white jIn forehead, white under belly, SIIEETIROX, t white, In fork F Hon left bip, swallow right and crop Copper, Brass, and Japanned Wares, wcihiic Tinners Tinners i osii anaStock. OneJ red roan yearllns 8TEKR, no marks or a ' mnut for tbe Sale of tbe Stewart Cook Stove. Agent One red and white yearling HEIFER, upper 213 Farnham St., cor. 14th. Omaha. Neb. No ear. bit m.m. la left lirrMt mil Ytrmt nrtnrl Rtrtfll t th. lssl mH vMrlln RflM. hranded on rlrht liln. times JIiss west of River, I can. at all the ear. not lealble, upperbit offrleht white face and nil orders to tbe bestppl 278 Jm satisfaction; One red yearling HEIFER, branded tt on right thigh, unwhite on back, ' ear. , left In der bit ou right One red yearling STEaJt, branded left V MONTANA REaTACRANT, ear. B on rtht thigh, nndemtt in and JLrrZ A hlta vMrllnrRTRRR. branded " Second South Street. Brm rtzht hi P. nnderblt in leit ear. HOCTRS. f. TjT Mm thla data. It will be anld to , DO ARD, per Week, t,EX at tbe-- Estrar Poond, Far. SSJi. hestblader n. jnir-to- UI ' OTJLTOIs' t HOGERS, v: FSTXIATN. - N OBS The Ear rest Establishment In the West. . list vj , AVE In soy possession tbe following , Es tray: One Diaca. anu wane uuiu, years oiu, STOVES, ar?-- ' EXCELSIOR STOVE STOITE! f" tt! x " " We Intend to keep tbe beat of Goods and a 142 Lake Stf Chicago. First-Clos- a The best West of tbe Missouri River, which we Agtnlt for National and American Watch and guaran offer Sc at the Very slowest SONS. tee satisfaction N. W. WHIPPLE as to nice Rate, and Quality. Deal-er-a Co'tf and American and French Clocks. d207tf are invited to eatl and examine. 22v Farnasn Store In CENTRA I BLOCK, Street, ur Stairs, OMAHA. Dealers supplied on same Also at 07 and W Tearl 8treet, Boston, Mass. rxas as uy unpozxers ana c239Gm ALEX. STROXO St FOB JLTX.J?, WJTOZJSSJLE mmd MJSTJiJZ, k Manufacturers havlne offl- - LUMBER,PICETSand8HINULK8oubind at tbe Mill and at our Residence, in the 19th Ward. AU klnda of ray Uken. , : Second Sooth 8U, 8. u'clty Fire-arms Public and UTE ere prepared to accommodate the Nov offer Lhe rreateat variety of W with Livery and Feed, in alt Its branches. Ammunition ever opened out In UtahInTerrioar Stock 8aes promptly attended to.; of every description tory. Repairing and In a workmanlike j i. S. HOUTZ lino done promptly to made order. Will trade, bay H. J. FAUST. . manner Guns Guns. hand second and sell The old and best known house In Chicago. Dealers In Watches, Gold Jewelry, Silver and J BUrer Plate Goods, Wholesale and Retail. ' Bro. SALTX1KECITY, ; f GOLD & SILVER SMITHS Cottonwood Kon Rrogans St Plough Shoes, Frem oar Hill In Bis; Halt 33 front miles BooU Iake and City. ninera yon, Brogana, and Iadlea', ' Sewed and Children's and 9Ilae, We will a've one third of the Lumber or Woaxn. O. Ileppeli Hall. Esq., Bhlnalea for Alaaung. the 1st," illuminated y with bis genial countenance ourtanctwn bavins; arrived at the new bab of tbe uni west and. still farther verse from tbe far-oeast, lie passed throuch tbls cKjr early in 1&7, on bis way from ttan r ranclsoo, where be had gune from Kew xora. to sail on tne Cbiorado on ner first trio to Japan. Ctrcamstancea reaoired bis return to tbe east, and on his way be made a short stay here, and lectured on Japan, in tbe 13tn Ward Assembly Roe ma. From this city be went to Tew York, remain-e- d there some two months; sailed fur Liverpool, and arrived In time to eat his Kourtn of July and remained there dinner; wenttoto London, an edition of his long euoogh publish -- "Guide to the CI real West, visited iarU, and did" the great Exposition; crossed to Marseilles; took steamer, sailed up the Mediterranean, passing Malta and Messina, and landed at Alexandria, be "old" Cairo and the pyramids, nola Egypt objects of interest by tbe ting multitudinous way; paid a visit to tbe Burs Canal, and wita photographic apparatus and pen recorded a vivid description of that great and Important work. An opening bavlng offered, he accompanied the Aoysainlan Expedition for a time, and inspected the wonders of Theodore's empire from tbe back of an elephant. From Aden. , on the Ited bea, be went to Horn bay, thence to Calcutta, on to China, then to Yokohoma, in that point to San Francisco, and Jspan.from induce, by Central laclile Kail road and Overland to Halt Lake. twill go east lie nam w n btage aaisrwavjaw a suv -n hi a uaifsr eanv a sjssi. a a sm v . vaae au Mew York In seven days. There, with, other a book of his literary labors, be will publish travels, a popular book, lull ox pictures, inter from its poetry of Illustrations as well as estisg Us prose matter, one tbat wUl treat on subjects treated on be lore, in a manner to throw the sir of novelty an t tuo charm of reality around them, and that wUl too.cn upon, or elaborate, sad illustrate many acenes and Incidents new a, We wlsb Mr. Hail reading boos: )o theand this public. when It Is published the reoaaneratlTe patronage to wbica it will be "Haund-the-world-to- r t i , WHOLESALE., BRANCH OF ALEXANDER STRONG & i :oi - - i f - Parties wlshlnsr Contracts ran have thena nt the rate of 33 to 37 Cents per enhie yam, neenrunsr to tne nature oi to he nseasored and the sUnrtncrto Worn; ho nando Konlhly. ten nor paxaaonta eent. only to ho tesereed nntll; the entire ia fnlly neeepted. i Contract - - , Also Agents for the EnCC3AJT TAILOnS, !Uee Fine Anno company, Woolens for Men's of And Importers Fine Tear. Bpeolal attenUon paid to getting np - milTARY MIXWAUKEIVWIB. ( UNIFOI13IS, for an Offlcert Outfit, from required Second Lieutenant up to a Majorr 'General, aKTerythlns; furnished at reasonable prices. Special attenUon paid to making SIsTnTO la order. Measures taken and nt guaranteed In auo ocaisxa Gents' Fine Furnisliiiig Goods, ait cases, . ' ' -- f All kinds of FIXED AND LOOSE, ' As Pioneers In the Weat,'ln our line, we are -our reputation for determined to maintain ot articles and selling on the to a gentleman's keening the best torma--Whpertains And ererytblng that ol eaale aadT Retail. .... UUUll. f most roasonae . . ; ! CXTICAGO, ; III. AppUcatlonsmastho nsodelo Ix?ssa, Cache : .- Csc3 17ebcr Count j. County. Ccca, T7cber od to -. EZRA T. BENSON 'will no fhegrouud 1st Contracts on and after Uae lZtU Inst. Men most be prepared to go to work forthwith it v tnevtnancontracu. aitunst tf . , . . : j . - |