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Show - t n?iji"r'"-"-- f Otpy m On AX6US . . Ta thirty popnlxxtlon all the great harbors of New York ii?t month only one thip was building. A New Xprk milliner baa built bon- net - . : II II 11 I - . - .i I I I I i - 1 e I . 7 r : - - V Pioneer Paper of the Rocky Mountain Region l. TP II II I W . f I DESEBET NEWS, 1 Seini-WeeU- y, (PabUshed every Tuesday and Saturday.) IfEZXS ' ; - REMOVAL tow btotjt; at Lawi Counsollor & ! r T . ........ - I : machine has been invented "which Attorney at the rate of a bushel per dltf OFFICE minute. IT ALL. No. 8, CITY - , . :): j R. It. RoUr1mi offlce hoars to attend to the dntiei of Darin 5 the Iwt twentyfiT8 years the 9. F. &rtcklan!. Odd Fellowi have educated 45.000 chil- - . BTSICKLaMD & E0BEETS0N, dren In this country. , ot Law & Solicitors Auditor of Public Accounts, In rTwo dlocesea In France have given at torneys Recorder or2XarIcs rtrllrmida, CUM, Utah Territory. ttttt La Chancery, the Popesix twelve-to- n a and quanguns 41U ' Public Xotary tity of ammunition, t for Salt Italic County, DAVIS, Pittsburg sends to Philadelphia three or Deed's for And Commissioner tons of grapes a day. The crop west of f i the States or California ' AMD the AUeghanies is enormous. M nmlNcTnda. : FBOV1MIOX DEALEB, of Oxford University Collections made in the States and all parts are now free to any student who pays WEST SIDE OF EAST TEMP1XHTREET. of Europe, South Africa and Australia, by sa entrance fee of 5, and an annual fee ' FAMILY GROCJJB ib'jpijwjkfr,',' IMMENSE ? - 2 uo , Express Forwarders 1,- ot THE ' OVERLAID TJIAIL. to all others who wish to be benefitted. As the --Railroad la rapidly approaching place, and, as In oonsequeneeof this the rate of freight this Summer and Fall will be :o:- Rednoed, and as wears always anxious Greatly to benefit our Customers and the Community at iarce In possible, but TrUcnlarly in furnlahlnc &em fee VERY BEST GOODS AILY STAGES to and from the TERM IN--w . at the LOWEST PRICES, we will, from this USoxtno uriiuw A.uir kaiubuu date. Sell UMAHA, and the CENTRAL PACIFIC KAIL ROAD of California, passenrers ucaeit from OMAR A to DENVER. SALT LAKE CITY AUSTIN, VIRGIN IA,JNevada3ACRAllENTO' 1 MMI'S NTJ D Brown Sugar, CaL, and Intermediate points. Clarlfleol Sugar, i Cruslietl Sugar, Fine Y. II. Tea, HAnni.F.RV ASSORTMENT SALT 'LAKE CITY dally for K- - RtffM Imt on alternate days for Vl G INI A CITY, and HELENA, Montana; BOISE city. Idaho, and other points in those TetTi tones. -r THE COJIPAKT BUN AS; hm.nAinti CofTee, - ; Boots - Kimball s andare their Stace Line In connection withPABCELSTb AN K. NOTEH. etc cteM carry Brepared toGOLD and SILVER COIN and EXPRESS FREIGHT, to all parts of the world, at AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES rreauy redueea rates. COMMISSIONS BOOTS AIID SH0:ES, HATS, Jtc, SSioes ; , : . ranicu prompuy attended u EXPRESS of lar attention nald to the delivery LETTERS at ail points 09 our routes. 4 . V will hare In by FIRST TRAINS from For parUeulars apply at offlce. East Templeth a EAST. naantiUea of GOODS, which will Street, f Salt Lake City. , make our Assortment Complete in all KINDS . i t ; I ! r . and other J Fine 3. pj Tea, " HllllIWAKE, Soda ami Saleratns, EXPRESS Dallas OVERLAND Coal Oil, or I ....j.f5S oo . . , . u v. . S 00 AND BARE ATT, - & . , "I am astonished, my deaf young laJjTt at your sentiments; you make me Anctlon!!! Auction! Anetlon!! start." V Well, 81r. I've been wanting! By J. K. TRUMBO. jou to start for the last hour." UUUDU at Tourown Price, every Uay. ezcenl, Good humor is the clear sky of the Sunday, ooe dour North of &ll Luke 1 louse, a.m. soul, in which every star of talent will W ociucK shine more clearly, and the sun of genius IKOVIJIOf STORE, encounter np vapors In his passage. r By It. W. MCALLISTER, Stat Road, Square. At a ball at a German watering place, UaU a Blocs: .Notth of Emigration lroKikiM avid Urain limtyid and Hold. a stylish young fellow recently appeared A Quantity ol Keroclne Lamps Very cnesp. in a dull suit of light brown, deep blue diuxtf " shlrt, scarlet necktie, green gloves and Robert. C. ; 00 5 00 .18 TOLLS, FARGO & Co. . A. this IJRY GO ODS ' t LY six monthw,....... three months,-...,- .. " ; Salt Lake City, Sept. 29, 180S. amii Temple Street. No. 281 G ! I A General Assortment or d2631m SEMI-WEEK- one year.... One Copy i General ROSS v r The-privilege- . TERMS FOR THE i i- - TERMS FOR THE WEEKLY! - , o;-- - : of 3 103. '".;.;'.:'. A California paper speaks of a murdeMATCH AND INK MANUFACTURER, rer as having "a wonderful talent for And Dealer In PROVISIONS, FRUITS and r VEGETABLES. bereaving any family he does not hapi S doors north of Kimball A Lawrence. East pen to like." (Pabllahed erery Wednesday.)- particular Notice to the Customers of A EJOU, & ...-- . j ' ' a i AT I . 1 . . iAnd for Sale Cheap, .... y j. HAVE remoaed to theofltaeof Kid r edge A Oawsan, on East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, where I can be fonnd hereafter during . j ' ' i j On Copy on year,, It mnnlha three monUuCZ . !.i ' ' : i rah mnxn on cash i HO S E A ;.. ; , BABHBB, . tended ; , ........ at-d26- 1tr f . : TRUTH AND JjIBERTY. CUTZfZSZS and Ol Second South Street, Opposite Faust'a B tables After an absesee of three years In Europe, aaln Stores and CuUery Repaired on short notice. dl02Jkal31f tenders to the PubUc his professional senrioea. Prodnoe taken. bis residence, 21 Bontb Street, Bait Omci atUUH. v ; Collections LAkedty, PA-fore- ign and Domestic . . W'.ll M .L m A. MI If Hit, ATTOnriCY & COUNSELOR, A - - 1 - ' SALT LAKE CITY, rMONDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1868. wrta potatoes - t i III II. Z la a marvel of cheapness at which ' ir. II 11.11 Vol. I. lDBETITXES., of Joe claims a St. II II 1 1 I BOOK & thousand. I " r . JOS PRINTING OFFICE ron tbm nxcvnos or au rkciurun rrtvoR OOl AXO JOB rUXTUO. fliui v r 1 8 50 -.- - i. CAN MOM, Gntnl EatLmt AgtnU THE NEWS l.l I ' ' Tfce;DESEBET HEWS, WEEKLY, e 00 monthi r 1 ' EtmU, T"r- - tbr ws , II Eut Tmpl mw of 8mt& ' 1 i I Of & Xawrenee. STAPLES - ' dl5itf May20.1SC8. dlS&ly THE0. P. TRACY, Agent d57'tf .. , yellow tohocs.' Two Scotch wtt, It. - GREAT WESTERM iiASMirrr koberts, bachelors, Alexander 1)UY OuUiW, OROCEltlEa aud lu lelrs and David McLaughlin Patullo, lately 11 KN ERA L M LUCllAM 11SE, W toleue suit died in Sew York, each worth 5500,000. Retail, East Temple Street. Hath came to New York poor. One dlMtWetiue' made his fortune by brewing, the other C. M. DONELSON, hy retailing Scotch whisky. j . A little Swedish girl was walking j?i:oisi3E:it keeps TelegraphonOfflce, with her father, under the starry sky, OppositeonPacino teason-- . the tor sale hand. intently meditating on the glories of abie lirma, a good supply of COOPER WAKKi the heavens. At last, looking up to the of the best quality ana evtry variety. di.uu sky, sho said: "Father, I Lave been r if the wrong side of heaven thinking M. !.. W. ANDERSON, I. is so beautiful, what will the right side i 170 0 D 4 II S 6 EE 0R0 union Of San Francisco, California. CASH CAPITAL fnlly paid In 8730,000 Gold - ! BespatcSi ! coopkr; cou-aiiuil- int . be?" A cockney baronet sat near a man at a civic dinner, who alluded to the excellence of the knives, cast-stethat articles manufactured fromadding were of a very superior quality, such as razors, forks, etc "Ay," replied the cockney baronet, "and soap, too there's no soap like the Castile ;;, 4 soap!" Pious and but ladies, are not always success-- 1 ful in their attempts to give spiritual consolation to the poor. Ah, Betsey," said a sick woman to a wealthy sister other day, "it's of some use to be ,the well-oi- l) you won't be obliged when to die have a district lady worretlng you a with you chapter.', 13 It claimed by the Palmyra Courier that Colonel James 8. Btoddard, reald-- 1 ing in that place. Is the oldest printer in the United States. He is In his 85th year, and it Is 73 years since he began his apprenticeship with Samuel Green, in Hew London, Connecticut. He ia still in the enjoyment of remarkable mental and physical strength. The will of Edwin A. Stevens was opened on Thursday, September 17. - ilia entire property is estimated at of which is in $5,000,000 r,000,000, Hoboken and Jersey City. He be-- r ipeaths $150,000 for the erection of an educational institution, and an endowment of $500,000 for its support. He further bequeaths $1,000,000 for the completion of the Stevens' Battery. at Residence, 13lh Wsnl. el !' , well-meanin- :, , ., g, ill-judgi- Just Received! New Yorlc and Itosf 011 Wllcl in oflerel to tbeTrsde mt greatly RedneedTPrleea. at " -- j j kept by Ormshy . nrrrrv At trnDrue Store,lh.tMlA.tiMn Iim , bad Wholesale and RttialL ... I . ng Insure against Loss by Fire on terms . b favorI able as any other First Class Company. J9- - Losses promptly and eqaita'ily adj anted and paid. 'J I ' 1 ww TKaa m w aa CASH PAI mt thmr f General Agent for Utah Territory. 3 2d south Street. Bait Lake City. Profession si a9tf AdYico Free of Charge. CASH, raonucK; anil Railroad I.Inea. STOCK. 49 Mark Frefgbt for Colorado and New Mexico, GREAT WESTERN DESPATCH," Care otJfegeath dt Co., Cheyenne. For Utah and Montana, Care ol Megeath ir Co., lCn; of U. J. R. R. s CROlf Tlf FERRIS, Agents t bait Luke. Will MEGEATH A Co., Cheyenne. fiqd It to their advantage to give us a call. M. H. BOVET.ew York. . FOB : - FOR Oar Tariff from (tie East to the end of the IT 1. It. B. Is the same as ehnrred by all th principal m da08-l- y VALUER Salt lAk BKU'iJ, ty, - i M MID LTfB PIlErBBY! Country Dealers L MILLINERY -- PERSONALLY LIABLE. and Per Drugs, Medicines SB. j.at ReducedofPrices. Corner of Main and GREATLY REDUCED PRICES i: HOOPER A Co., Jd South ttreet, . Boots and shoes Cheap for Cah, rroduceaxid a(U Xlida. JSXCJIJUYOE, JSE11CJIJYT8 cAMni4 Rnnth, Street. WAGENER A 'ENQLEBRECHT, Proprietors. tan tly, onkinds of Liquors con Tha choicest -nawEU BREW I CALIFORNIA hand. ' IER BEER UXkXrMi f .o.- GBEAT WESTERN DISPATCH Fast Freight Una established by the United States Express YorS: Co., for transportlnK Mareliandlae from rfaw and Boston west ,, that will not bear Express charges. DUNF0RD & SONS dl24-l- y J. STOCKHOLDERS DRUG STORE. CITY CLINTON offers a full and oomplele Rnlted to this Market, at &C MONTANA, COLORADO, UTAH, Merchandise Staple TO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - AU the Varieties of FROM t Ir. OKMSBY, j FAST FREIGHT LINE WHOLESALE & RETAIL, j U2H:tf Coin, .. SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, Keep Constantly for 8AI.E I Of Erry IWierlptiou. iT COMPANY I tISURAtlCE AND' EO. . dl2ly J. DOCKET, Boston. , i ; r . Berezowskl, who fired on the Czar when the latter was in Paris, has reached Kouvelle Caledonia. He was the people looked cordially greeted, and upon him rather as a martyr than a criminal. He was offered clerkships in merchants offices, but he soon proved himself too stupid to fulfil any but the merest mechanical duties, and he was necessarily abandoned to them. Abbe.Lizt Is again at Rome. When he Informed the Pope of his return to the Eternal City, Pius IX. exclaimed. "Ah, my dear son, I have often longed for you. No .one plays as you do; no one knows how to exhilarate me by sweet music as you!" Xdszt now spends two hours every day In the Pope's rooms and plays to His Holiness. A country editor thus silences the tongue of scandal: "There are rumors going about to the eJTect that one of our highly respectable citizens has lately left to n in company with a young lady twenty-tw- o years of age. It is said that they Vent to Boston. There has; been quite a considerable amount of gossip about the affair, which we deem entire ly out of place, as we learn rretn an tic source that the gentleman was an undertaker, and the young lady was dltftly MRS. SMITH'S. 'y - The : t- ',' BOOT AND &HOS MAKER. a o . tt Street. Corner of veetaenuu, South Second -.La vina Roots. Gaiters and rnads to order, of rench and Arnertcan Sh a ft tim 1 first locomotive on the Western was run by Major Horatio Hemisphere Allen-th- e engineer of the New York and Brie Railroad, in 1823, on the banks the Juackawazen, in, Pennsylvania. The structure was of hemlock timber and the rails of largo dimensions, notched, on cans placed far apart. As there was much doubt regarding the ex perimental trio. Major Allen made it alone, and to the satisfaction of all. A promising young student recently last hij life through carelessness in one of the hospitals of Paris. One of the patients died of a most infectious disease, and in the dissecting room special orders were given to the students to use ail ne precautions. The young ta fsary Jn question had a slight eruption on the bp, and the operation, happened to touch during with his hand. Perceiving it i consequences, he quietly retired to v nU room and died without utterin-ocWOfd of regret, or telling any one of his inadTertence. l J.G. Megeath; 1 i . i AT CAMP DOUGLAS, - HI 2 CORN" FEW TOWS OF HAY! A I Wells, Stage Office, ;.. ' ' j , . ".Wlllflnd ; Charges . TliKIllXUlt Purchasing Otl Commission. j: FERAMORZ LITTLE, Proprietor. dlttly Xo......117, i " - :' AND ! - ' r 2 fi j of n4.Mth ,, i.y.wii all kinds Ifaebin err. im, 11... sad XXa tenau Ua will guarantee satisfaction to all who will . . -' . . enabrush nun wnu will ua uiiutcvu nnir .m.ii Mnmmiumn CXVVOV and JCSKFH GEO. M - Stk Gurf and lKcli3aiItli, ; 'j ORHSTEIN & POPPER YBI KUU u.i. w m w mm 1 li fi- - - OFFER THEIR j --:oc- a t SOAPS, j MARK FREIGHT . iV I IYE, OII?, and "-- of Megeath A Colorado and New Mexico-Ca- re O. Rjitareneea to omana. Ana iw Laket Co Cheyenne, via Bttxx. Esqs Deseret News Offlce, Salt on d2fJSm and Montana Care of Megeath CltyTVj.T. . R P. U. . J. of End Track, At the Sign 0 the V.; I To theMerUarBanker. ofOmsia, Den. I r. ? references! ; ""l EW JotaandSW Forward with Prompt- - Purchase XTTILL , JAT.1ES HAGUE, : warding at reasonable rates. To ilio INRABITAITSlL zof UTAH ESXOEIaSIOEl ACCoraiaoDATioNS. pihst-cias- s D E , GEORGE GODDAn : HOGE-PRODUC- MERCIIA30ISE or CASH trill CHEYENNE, uo'palcl, ecelve and Forward Goods to the Territories UTAH, MONTANA. C UANSOHOFF A Co. of COLORADO, N. S. for d231:tf Advancing, Storage and For--f EAST SIDE EAST.TEtlPLE ST. .TraTelers and Peimanent Boarders MHMj ..Jh.t. c, Choice Apples, Fargo & Co'a A D D MERCHANTS, For Which Kcarttt House to & D. Megeath. W.D.Thomas, MEGEATH & CO., SHORTS, ready Reasonable Terms. Large supply of hand. mad Boots ana Shoes constantly on d77U Guaranteed. Fit v-- -- - ? . it' - CUT, Ik Pistols. Ammunition, d2G3tf East Temple Street, Salt, for Bale Guns. ahJXarneaa, t Saddle. Bridles, and lll4lwix rl WllIPS. Afkti PREMIUM it ifmiy' fc skSMt -- ' Prodaeo taken 1st J. JD, H. C3tOC3WEUL, 51. . and Eclectlo Pbymije-UHOMCETATmC -- i na u rn ua imw was ol fcf""u"c. TT Vnrt the lemoval WORMS. TAPE the poisonous jjseoi .Vr.rtfr'ted and deprecate prepare wju-rrriitBaral Medicines, as lwill aeenrd be in Tne ntinnL charge . wtn the Umea, ta aa Council wu ui ard. Salt street; or, dSawn LakeUtX. rli : m w . S TO AND FROM THE Kxetiaasje. im ir-- ' ST0E ? STOEE. Ci Co. ZL2.sOZsZs nays Just recelTed their liAKGE.or STOC5K ... HE ATI 17 Ct i , BAIOTX ncCAEXOTT & Co., ., 413 a .T U North nrJVT-- r. Seeondt and liTPOItTEEa W4 - PAHLOH COOLTIHQ, aK0 ' disir :a:oTnccT,i .i f I WARG SPRING BATHS. ' ; r: CT csnino xxacs House " - ; .." TeTmI?nf at EIGHT o'clock, and at every .HOUR Will leave the Bait Lake the day, calling at au wpnncip H. ABSOW , Proprietor. ; dSlitf f;;:;;,;y.;t ! I70TZCC TO THE com- -' At the following terms, which they wish with the Cost at which the A. HEHSHAX7, spared vo 3 Tl T111a j articles can be delivered here: X U1UU JU IU1UW f raS3 X 0UUXLBX tUlU. .Ti.... No. 2, North Third Sk. between Olive and Locust. ST. LOUIS. Mo, kWm eonxtantlT on hand a general assort- Z7 to2D eta nors. acmu. uuu m.nt 25 to27 ) "; Valves, I Palm Boap. ood JMraTso, Braas Faucetts, Globeana rl ; "i Steam Cockrj mil kinds Brass Castings jstos. etc. OxMeSoap. 50 ..40 to MamK lahed work for Muls, Factories,. trom t5 Castile Soap. terns and Weila, 35eta.u Also Pumps for Clsfor .03 to 75 f -from VariesatedSoap. PI Pomps, and upwards; Good i .fl75tof2fidor. 60cts. per ioow large pjjey perfumed Boap. J. o:- -,- to STRAW SPLITTERS, for Bidei.rnadethe ' rder. lu articles all and atachines, Sealng abore line re paired. a : -- . J RRAN, m en i of ' J0HIT S WESSON, " ...dead. 1 !. ; au-th- TJITiiHITBD 1 iPVIltJLC. IT dx77tf , o.. nerfooU reference Far ssjnple.and 'Cannon appvto.?.Hr ana r. igeeju 500 tw&.t.i..fi.i. untDW- -- . Oil. rrd Neata Foot OIL ; i .tSUlftgaW .to 00 t. - -- I j, c. Little. a-- i anu-ireexingj- t i ,& t1?' - 5 - nrL . . -- , v 1 T1 Discount tnaae to me iraae. 2 to purchase HAT, PESSON3 wUhln BasraOll can do o by making ,d2si-t- fIJberal qnanUUea. )" apnUcaUoa to either or us, or byJearinr their orders with our clerkTlay ' ' fromthe at nlnr Persons brlnsiBT In KECOrXKSJ or JOUniJAXG, l OFFICE-- Va direction of the ahops, wUl report the same and be Informed e1?1e"Te' ar-- SUITABLE ior'. vtnoruma, huu, xieuei o lTCe, out 7.1. must be , . illy? which are and ctitr CchooH, Tm frnm 2 to 5 nulrex. Of CSSd OC'iiiT CI rzsr rarrtaeati such' thrtwe f.fn ; .. jTW. HARDY; dlSMm'. " ',i rm m tuie oj fT' mTttt.. . ..." , . '";. . ;" - . Mi i empi r ' . ..; ; - . ' |