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Show v r " i " .. i - . ' - - ; - . . j. DESRET EVENING NEWS. Oetober Monday, IMS. Xtastyearwe which the roads in Bt. rapidity withwere James1 Park being formed by the aid of a powerful, steam roller. Oar readers have now an opportunity of an seeing the process in operation uponand improved plan In the same place, some of the metropolitan .parochial .authorities may study the system with advantage. The road la first prepared by being loosened with pickaxes, then covered with the ordinary broken granite; above this a dressing of sand Is laid;, the whole is then well watered. At four o'clock each morning an Immense roller, propelled by steam, Is moved slowly over the prepared surface. a pressure of twenty-eigIt exerts result is that in an unand the tons, a firm and compact short time usually macadamized road is formed so smooth-l- y that the lightest vehicles may be Immediately driven over it without fear of injuring the springs. The engine works almost without noise, and appears to consume all Its own smoke.' It has the appearance of a large railway break van; The work Is continued daily from four a.m. to four p.m., and excites consider able Interest. It Is a pity that somethe footthing is not done to improve are in a dispaths in this park.. They graceful condition, especially that portion between Buckingham and Marlborough gates. The slightest storm turns it into a muddy fewamp, and in the rough stones are very dry weather to trying pedestrians. . The Future op Science. Sir J. Y. his great fame, as the head of the progressive school of surgery and' medicine inx great Britain, a touch of poetical genius and a decided bent towards universal knowledge in his studies, indulges In tho following anticipations of the future progress of the healing art: f'Bat that day of revolution will not probably be fully realized till those distant days when physicians a century hence shall be familiar with the chemdiseases; when they shall istry of mostexact know the organic poisons that all their exact antiwith them, produce dotes and ellminatories; when they shall look upon the cure of some mala dies as simply a scries of chemical problems and formula?; when ibey shall melt down alt calculi, necrosed bones, them etc., chemically, and not remove bleedthe when by surgical operations; ing In amputations and other wounds shall bo stemmed, and cot by septic ligatures or stupid needles, but by the simple application of hemostatic gases or washes; when the few won n da then required in surgery shall all be swift.1 and immediately healed by the first Intention; when medical men shall be able to stay the ravages of tubercle, blot out fevers and Inflammations, avert and melt down morbid growths, cure cancers, destroy all morbific organic germs and ferments, annul the deadly influence of malaria and contagions, and by these and various other means markedly lengthen out the average duration of human life; when our hygienic condition and laws shall have been changed by State legislation, so as to forbid all communicable diseases from being communicated, and 'remove all causes of sickness that are removeable; when the increasing length of human life shall begin to fulfil that ancient prophecy: 'The child shall die an hundred years old;' when there shall have been achieved, too, advances In other walks of life, far beyond our present statebf progress; when houses shall be built and other Have now received Fall Stock, (Corner of Michigan Aventxe,) ROOTS AND SHOES, Constantly or Superior Quality, i'l "1 T " " " r.' 011 " hand. - r ? 00 )5U ', 1 A. HOPPER, MIIXS,' 4LLINOIS. STAJSIP ORE CRUSKERS. ' BOCK TTTTVnTBREAKERS, TrTArjirnvTRirY- Mlninpr & Steam PUMPS, LATHES. PLANERS. -- I 1 and St Lake Street. Cor. Wabasb Avenue, J d2093m PETER SC11L1TIXR, . , WAG O N- MANUFACTURER, In iroI Planlna rder. fZH-NT- Orclcm flllccl Promptly ami at ' lioircot JinrKct liates. d222;6m. Manufactarem and Wm. O. nibbard. F.F.Bpaocer. II I HOARD JL 8PE5CEB, ImporUrs of SvGSRJ! 5dD HABDWAEE AND TIN PLATE, Michigan Ave., CHICAGO. i W A 01 Highest wages paid i ' COMPAXV. In Cnali, Monthly. i Tow6r Millard & Decker, - I ' lithographers, Printers, Blank Book Manufacture. Stone WHITING and - ' 1 , ConOictloolley&Co 52 Lake St., to alllos Xo. 57 Xd2l!fc8m None tint Good Ulcn.iiced apply. - .... ! e a, lettn IIOVEY A NICHOLS, Proprietors. - CMiia, Glass & 2fo; 48 k. o. tniiT. )J ! St., i Ktate Road, Half Bloek Kartli or Kml aratlon Kqnare, CHICAGO. ' V ASSORTED PACKAGES ALWAYS OK IXAI7IX i I d21&6m i I ItE prepared to Contract for BUILDING and 10 me beat and Koaranieo me wore aa cheap ax Ihe cheapest. equal Having l I & 'v - i . .... . ffflaSt- IJY - i eest j f Crackers, house In East Side, East Temple St.; HOME MAnUFACTDRED GOODS I ! f . SALT LAKECITY. ' ' -- ii: '" f highest price paid for all ' of Produce. - e t&-Th- - AT THE SIGN OF THF kinds " 'i ' COUNCIL BLUFFS TRADE. : -- i j . ' . r . - - , ) r - tlI YJ ' vlu flnd the largest Stock of Dealers In" 113 And S: ' CniCAGO. HTOirczir i xxoM ; 70 Mlcbipan Arcnnc, czioaqo, ixiu ... .....;. l'e pay Cash to oar Workmen, WJIOLBSALK DEALJSRS IN CLASS, PAINTS, OIL, 5f g. . . PhilipVad sivorihaCo. ADD AGRICttTURU mPLEHEXTS Careful attention elven to Ordera front J. r. r Abroad d239 -.- Goods e-- 3ra rio. sea . TII7XT. UAUDOITII, P. A. ehoadtav. from - Utah carefully filled Order azaf tm itaiea. at ft. Robert Z. Aluloril. and' Caah FOB SAIJE CIIEAP. Cortland A. ffprague. WjU0f liri! dans. Nails. 4tc, and 67 Ueade street, - ilAIN . pentera Implements, Salt Lake 8TR1SET. Opposite .i - nj " : . da)4-4n- Orders promptly attended tn sktmt t iiifiTT ne mQm9 Hifli1 fllUtlt ra ri Iloase; , T. "-n- OP ETE3T KUfI. mOW, GTEEX, T1TI PIRATE, Rtovea. Ulaers and' Arriealtsrrml -Tools Also XUaeSxasii tU'a and Car.v wj 8 PXXOTOGZlAPli CABDS CAIJLA1T AN, Proprietor Tca'er In i; i , ;. . Deaiera It! Hard, XUTOItTEIW and Wholesale Ho. 5 - - HU TU 7 Edge STATIONERY y IIAI.E,J IHJXT.irKW YORK. Chambers Street, . : (near YORK. liroadway.) JN1SW A on Brown band; Bprague's Always Miners' Bhovels, Scythes, Axesa and Ionla Celebrated Tools. , BROADWAY, Oppoalte Paclflo Iloaae, Connell Ringa, I01 CHICAGO. V i HARDWARE STORE, "I IU W. . B. A.'i IIEGEATII' ct: CO.. ThcIeiale and IUUH Dealer In - f 419 CHICAGO. Ccnerallf. . Ud. SLM G GO.. t . j - it And - j ; - 5' 03! Cheaper than any other house .Irin BOOKS on ApTieultore, FUJtS'laa- Beientine, Medical. f"2fJ. lroTcJlt by inspect In c Oooda Prlcea. orrapby, ScbooLBooba, Slater XlUtory of tbe Great BebeUle" HIDES WAiXEI.J;f Tife of General JOobert JS. Ier .Ufe oC General Stonewall JaekBt of Abraham llaeoln.History oi w lift IVoa Tno Cstue, (Southern 4ll22-l. v: i , War. by PoUard.j ; Dream Xloolus,Fortnnejret nook.f Sons lkjsTXetter SUefaette. Also a Splendid VGVnnino Tnrbey afoioeeo r v.x" p v" . s, Job-bcr- s" VERY FINE STOCK OF A evrihtng we nseinthe business; oonso qaently, we can sell for Cast or Produce at Utah. Lin-enof Irc3 Gootl, Impbriern und Vblto Gootla and o r American Cottons, Wool-enFlannels, I loslcrx,: Gloves and Motions. . f for Connell UlnCa, Iowa on every II 5ME MA r i Cash rates) v-- STORE. -- t and of better Quality ots. Inatbetter LowerStyles; lriee tbsn Eastern 1. LOWER BROADWAY, J. Jrirter, COUCII. BX.UFFS, IOWA. 75, 77 5?. j1. A JL.L 3t5 A 7 LAIiE STREET, . V &17 llnndolph St., ' j rTOBOOK &:sifflOES,:: Dry Goods Jobbers, BOOTS In thoTeriltory.r Uj IJ , ' fOIJTFITTIIfG GOODS, etc, etc., "; -- . ! s akt Pies, X2oopera sr. HAKT TTBET- d2H)tf, s t i i croc e ri ESj And sells as REASONABLE as any " the City! GIVE HIM A. CALLi. ' No. w. z&znml ! BUYING MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY, WHOLESALE . ; '. ST,1P1VE AXD FAXCY ' 5 j. ? j , ; burchea. a. ' CHICAGO. - dUUMy - r WAMwoara. Keeps consiantly en band a general assortment of . 8amU II. Nlckernon, President, 1 f K.D, Gray, Vice President, J. Gage, Cashier, I. Chaa. J.Schmltt, Assistant Cashier. d213 6m i i- Ss-i- i I,iglit Broad, HOME ZTational Sank of Chicago, - 9 HI mill HUH III1 Wm. Itabuner - DODnUtir;! n tlta vuureo " fiv vur hi every vein ooo baiissrr. ?oo sSoii,0' uuQieraDie ch of GcntlcrionVEtofcliinff' iw rKSr:u ffi?S? pJpiofw nrA..pmifl and; 63,006 I U Lion's The Encourage' INDUSTRY! United SUlea Depository . V - TERMS to 8UIT CCSTOUERB. llfllllfllflll' usiiiHiii 1 .r Persons nnrrhot m.ii.i n.i..J: Work done, will Hnd the RAILROAD SHOPS mj utfsb, eueapti unu ni ok i reliable tstabiUh" ment In Utah. , OATS and BARLEY tnken Jn F.r.hn-- 6. r.i . t Work or Material. '; or- - . .a d25CAt66:Im (UP 8TAIXS,) - KkW Orders will rewire Special and Pronpt Ittentioa. PAID IX CAPITAI 81,000,000. ' I Wax:. ? Straw Goods, Umbrella, B:ahiia Gocos, Etc. III. i '. , r- - . We keep oonat&utly on hand and Make to der, at the 8bortest Notice, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULt)IN08,EtelvEtc '"(til; I HATS, GAPS, FURS I : a Sqecessors to WEBEB, WTTiTiTAVB & 1TTCH; and Axle Grease, .... u iinrt: and boeniaker lorrau; inens, ;dr., dr. Bees MANTJFACTUBEES OP K. O. WXIXIAICS. i I i 7F 52 & 5 WABASH ATE., CHICAGO,! IT.TS. ' '. . 5m. First OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. ; crJ FITCH, WILLIAMS &C0. South Water Street, CHICAGO, . I 4243 3ST 33 JLeaa - . tout XaII.rile."ad-Ra..Wriptioiis Ilnrnm nntl Carrimcr Patent RiWiaeft tiOllaiS. Banisl in - Lake St., CHICAGO. wnue - I SOLE OILS, PAINTS, WINDOW CLASS, 170 ft ....... 1IIIF HIM FoIIam. t.- - . wi&hiuff tin - Water i and Jobbers of THE ' rak -- LEATHER CO BELTING CHASE, nAXrORD fc Co., Headquarters fori x L Ill .mmw i rmnraniM f I i i I I i ) uiim ! . Paints and Tarnishes of tho lMf...i V Ity; Uarness, Bridle, Unlnar. Patent -- Eartlen Ware Oak.' Ash.' II LrrJ c IVe keep the OXLY fitoek of Jllnlncr and Tools in thin Market, adapted to ottier the wanta of the TerrItorlen,.haTtnc: for y - iaa nnppuea in em largely, nna weins; iniauinr wun ineir wants. I OTITIS It & , found. L of nil Iim ( JiWrl t. ZaL--e 1 51 ENTER S P O A ;R BURLEY & TYRRELL, I Hnrtlwnre and Cutlery, e i f t- ' DEPARTMENT evrnw-am- t I Tlmoer; Spokes and FF1 I Steel e Dealer In all kinds of LUAF. lf.VcTanl CUT TOBACCO, Un. 157, fcOUTII Oooda sold at New Yorlc Wholesale Prices. IVo. 140, ' Shops, . ,,!-- BRO'S. Imb .-a? , i STJIITH 7 d S!LTf -o- IT.Schubart E.:frankenthal,' CSSs JI.lYiedmanSAe 1 ' I teao. E. FttAXKEXTIIAlii & Co., I11PORTER3 and Manufacturers or Choice U. KCniTBART ftCo Apply itumed lately at the Month street, mew iuuh. from be Street, Ter. MANUFACTURERS of ArrfaUeetnral te.. Win. Vetu Uoir and Soor Cap, Bracket and Jf odll-llon- ntablatnrea,etr.'U Hook. Hend for Wilt CsaS Klrcet ClIICAfSO. State I , TERRA 57 COTTA WORKS, CHICAGO. Office Btate laportert aaJ TTif O UJI CHICAGO. above-name- THE MATERIAL! ' lyiATtTTTnir, aTiTiTtjo st Co.. dUS-S-m Otihe , w acoaa9v a u a bo. v i uwv ca u v u v ioa te and Uioplionic Maiera', Oooda, Deralcom on ArundAi Frnits ana vezetabie, Anatomical Pieparatlonii. Send for Catalosoe. ' . : 64 T.AKK ST., CHICAGO. orders" Iff aMons THE RAILROAD! JPJJPJZItS, BIS2AECS LEAD PSNCHi CO, DOUGLAS SLATE CO., Particular attention It. :o i , DEPARTMENTS CIRCTJIL.AIXS IIOVEY NICIIOLK, I" M PORTERS and Dealers In all manner of JL orkslnthe Fine Arts, Oil Paintings, uronzee. ranan ware, o asa rtuaaes rorciocis. to woni:N n jirnmE-iiA'i&- L JotllaxTrads. plesale Dealers In Opposite City Hotel, anl Ialorer, ; : AGENTS FOR THE . 1 With BMtnMI anl HTT .Ufr n Reasonable Terms! TWINES and PAPJEIl BAGS, Nos.' 4.3 Ss 14 tato Street, OTrJO-A,Cd2373m AXD . JlTalntlllg Olid Harries , STATIONERS, ' f r J' W. L. CHASE & Co., Agen f s. 79 TJhertv Rfr.f. Vpw Ynrlr . Of E?ery.DescrJption, Qiinrry-mc- n, MAXTTACTmOG . -- Coarse and Fine Papers, . . Accessor to KIDDEK! . ? BUTLER & Co., L API-IN- , , cniCAOO: daa.3m 1 I d275&s73-l- y - Office, Randolph 8U, cor. of Franklin, FOR y v WAIUTED . . v- At f the CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. iHVnjacrn Orders carefully attended to. ; ri ! HAY PRESSES: FIOVR MIKiTJK. dllfftf dllS-l- r Proprietor. ; FACTORY AND SALESROOMS: . i , 29 fhv ; Offiee, Xo. 4 SoutU Canal Street, ' ticjation. Steam Engines and Boilers, - . Magnitude of Ikjndox. its houses S50.000.t-and-number more than 1 to We niAke Trice Regular and Cheap streets. If i - - r!ncl in iin nvumwKUU t,t we tell. arucie irom i4verpooi to New rYork, and are at lighted night by SCO.000 gas lamps. i uiubuuuuc in erorv tunnfo.rnn. ,wu,wu cubic feet of pas.. Of ,5S3.32S gallons BUPPJ7 sus! .The travelng public lain 6,000 cba and 1,500 besides all other sort r Cki"" JOMUERS OJP human need can require nnallyaru rmrm"lrrfg2g Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary And keep on hand the Largest Block of Goods in their line to be.fonnd in the West. tf-- linden, which R - CHICAGO. f GATES, 'President, aK-lill- use--Jc- 33 7111 j i'. i Cu.Hlom Had c : S.-1- :. , RAILROAD SHOPS -i FOUNDED OYER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY, Nos. 1 & 3 BANDOLPH ST., r j VPay. i? .- c ! ' .,f - .... 1 KH-legant- OIL GLASS DEAIiERS, ; a AfJUFACTURinGCO., t - kinds of work be performed by machin- rvf litf rw vaavw oils Ktaw?ai .MUUC ap0 otouvo J nmftr aaoaj j when the crops in these Islands snail bo increased five or ten iold,and abundance of human food be provided for our increased population by our fields beine Irrigated by that waste organic refuse of our towns which we now recklessly run oil into tmr rivers and seas; when men shall have invented means of call ing down rain at will; when he shall have gained cheaper and better motive powers than steanipvhen he shall tra vel from continent to continent by submarine railways, or. by ilying and bal looning throughthe air." jj Adjective SmasiiixS. A word about the adjective smashers. It was only a few days since, as I was eating my dinner at my restauraut, two young ladies Hew in, in a billowy Grecian-bendish sort of way, and lit at a table next to me. Creams were ordered and the twain commenced eating. The silence was shortly interrupted by one, who exclaimed: "Thplendid, . ithnt It?" After and apTjause parently with some eilbrt caino the reIf these young ply: Avomen really believe that ithethrkream U splendid and elegant, what in the name of all miserable, abused adjectives Bus-s- a would be their word3 for Charlotte and strawberry short cakes, not to sneak of tho thousand of beautiful In" thl3 great world, of which Nthlng their dear little brains probably have no comprehension? Why must a bonnet always be a love of a bonnet; a dres superb; a bit of laceasulorable; a poodle dog, divine; a daub, magulflcent, Angelina's-noae, tremendous; audiso on, and so on? You exhaust your vocabularies on nothing. You apply the adjective to your bonnet which you give your dearest friend. Perhaps they are of equal valno in your estimation, however. The adjective for your dress leaves you nothing to say for Michael Angelo, while that for your lace puts you In the same plight with regard to Baphael. The adjective for your miserable, little bsast of a places him in the same categorypoodle, thinira with bp. ' venly, while your adjective for Angelina's no3e places it In the 'scale of And;' i.-- tbey offer to the Trade at LOWEST 1Tfnicn MARKET PRICES. i 1 Wholesale inuefi;PAmT, BOOTS Am3BI0E, Mannfactare in Chicago EnTERPniSEQ ; f. t Mann tact arcrs and Jobbers of Tiieir New TH EIIEVT. BMIHAnS&YAlISCHAAK ANNOUNCES to hit rations that he ha ht f. TRADE. CHICAGO TRADE (DKiC&AG Road Making bv Steam. A London paptr says: called attention to the r W' I i t -- ! 1 J |